Retractable Poison Blade (5e Equipment)

This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: What is fundamentally different between this and adding poison to dagger (which is something you can already do as an item interaction/bonus action)? You can always simply flavor a dagger to be strapped to your arm. The cost also seems a bit outlandish, being twice as expensive as a hand crossbow.

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Hidden Blade

Simple Melee Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Hidden Blade150gp1d4 Piercing + Extra Damage based on what is placed in the Vial3 lb.(Light, Finesse, Ammunition)

(A weapon designed and created by an Artificer by the name of Lomar Pierenn. It sits against the bottom of the wrist strapping down with 2 leather straps, as a bonus action you can add poison or something else from a Vial. A new vial can be loaded after one is used up.)

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