Raw Creation (3.5e Spell)

This spell allows the caster to form a fully functional machine out of absolutely nothing. This item can be something as mundane as a vial of ink, to a trebuchet with adamantine boulders for ammunition. Literally anything can be formed through this spell. Any attack and damage bonus to weapons created from this spell is equal to the Wisdom modifier of the mage that created it. This is on top of any bonuses garnered by the materials used to form the object. The object created may be as large as 5 cubic feet per caster level. Any object created through this spell functions as if it has been built by a master engineer, blacksmith, or architect.

Raw Creation
Conjuration [Creation]
Level: Matter Shifter Arch Mage/Wizard 9
Components: V,S,F
Casting time: 1 Minute
Range: Medium (100ft. + 10ft./level)
Effect: See Below
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Focus: A carpenter's hammer made from diamond.

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