Raesokeran Mustilus (5e Race)

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Physical Description

Copyright of Dark Natasha. The image will be removed upon request.

The mustilus races are all anthropomorphic wild mustelids. They consist of otters, skunks, minks, weasels, and ferrets. Their bodies are covered in fur, matching their feral counterparts. Their hands and feet are as dexterous as a human's, but they're covered in fur and have rough padding on the palms and fingers. Most have non-retractable claws. The padding on their feet makes it difficult to craft boots to fit them properly. Most simply go barefooted since the padding protects them almost as well as a thick leather sole.


Mustilus history is vague and riddled with mostly legends and fables since most other races don't want to get near the foul smelling beasts to study them. Some otters and skunks have kept written accounts, but those are strongly safeguarded from others as heirlooms or sacred texts. What is known, based on footnotes and minor details throughout other races' historical accounts, is that they were mostly left alone during the war, and weren't considered a threat. Those that resisted were individuals with no name who barely made an impact on their own. One notable exception involves the Aquamish Webfoot tribe of river otters. Toward the end of the war, Shahalla sent a small force of elite soldiers to infiltrate the capital city of Wildehaven via the Mahadrune River. The Aquamish otters spotted the invaders early and sent a messenger to the city. Before the king's guard could send reinforcements, the Aquamish eliminated the Shahallan forces on their own with only one casualty. As a reward, King Arturius granted the tribe full ownership of the lands and waters they occupied. They became the first nonhumans to legally own lands and titles.


Most Mustilus races stay within tribes of their own kind or become hermits since their strong "musty" scent, a sensitive subject, is seen as offensive by humanoid and beast races alike. Only otters are immune to this sentiment since their aquatic lifestyle constantly washes the scent away. Still, otters will usually stay in self-sustaining tribes or villages near large bodies of water. They are very friendly folk and generally have a good reputation among other races that don't mind their aloofness.

Skunks have it the worst and often live as hermits, leaving their territory only for supplies or mating. This multi-generational solitary lifestyle has forced the skunks to become self-sufficient both physically and spiritually. Many become warlocks or monks and may seek approval of anyone who can tolerate their presence. Most fail and return to solitary lives with bitter defeated attitudes toward society.

Minks, stoats, weasels, mongooses, and ferrets tend to mingle with the Rodentia. Though they're not nearly as crafty, they have a natural tenacity that can't be matched, often making them phenomenal minions or partners in crime. Those that seek more honest means of living turn toward entertainment. Their do or die attitude can help grant them entry into bardic universities. Others become rangers or druids, fighting to preserve their natural homeland from the humanoids who equally despise them.


The Mustilus language is primitive and simple but oddly robust. The written language began as a simple pictorial script, but it eventually adopted the common language symbols to write down the phonetic interpretations. The language can be difficult to learn since it is filled with anecdotes and slang to communicate ideas through storytelling. If one was to give an order to cross a river, they would give an example of someone who had crossed the river before and was rewarded with wisdom. A single sentence would be enough to tell a simple tale with a specific meaning. Translated directly into common, it would say, "(Your name), Kimbobo seeks wisdom across rapid shifting waters. Follow."

Mustilus Names

At birth, a Mustilus pup is given a name by their parents. When they reach the age of adulthood, they perform a task seeking wisdom and a vision from their patron or matron spirit. Everyone is given a different task to complete. It's never a task of great strength or ability so much as one given to find themselves and their place within the tribe or elsewhere. Once the task is fulfilled, the shaman or priestess who gave the task gives the individual a new nickname representing their achievements, their guide's request, or even a particularly strong quirk that defines them.

Male: Ahusako, Diwali, Len, Naoko, Skahuli, Tasunki, Wachintanka

Female: Amadahy, Desba, Mituna, Meoquanee, Sinopa, Taa, Yenene

Mustilus Traits

Anthropomorphic otters, skunks, weasels, meerkats, minks, mongoose, and ferrets for the campaign setting "Scars of Raesokera."
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom and Dexterity scores each increase by 1
Age. Mustilus mature around the age of 8 and live up to 50 years.
Alignment. Mustilus are usually neutral but will lean toward chaos more often than law.
Size. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Sharp Teeth. You can make an unarmed bite attack for 1d4 Piercing damage.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Mustilus
Subrace. There are several varieties of Mustilus, each adapted to their own environment. Choose one from the following list.


Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Amphibious. You have a swim speed of 40 feet, and can hold your breath for 10 minutes.
Water Child. You have advantage on all Perception checks and gain your proficiency bonus to Passive Perception while submerged in water.


Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Skunk Spray. You have a natural spray attack in a 15-foot cone directly behind you. Any creature hit by this attack must succeed on a Constitution save or become stunned for 1d4 rounds. The DC for this attack equals 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature hit by this attack has disadvantage on all Charisma -based skill checks for 2d4 days or until cured with a special deodorizing bath.
Strong Musk. Your natural odor is strong enough to repel most creatures. Any creature that has a sense of smell, or can otherwise sense gaseous chemicals cannot gain advantage on melee attacks against you except to counter disadvantage. You also have disadvantage on persuasion skill checks against the same creatures.
Poison Resilience. You are resistant to Poison damage.


Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score is increased by 1.
Semi-Aquatic. You have a 30-foot swim speed.
Natural Beauty. You have advantage on Deception and Persuasion skill checks to any creature that is friendly.
Friendly To A Fault. You know the friends cantrip. Charisma is your Spellcasting ability for this spell.


Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score is increased by 1.
Bravado. You have advantage on Wisdom saves against fear effects.
Focused On The Prey. Once per long rest, you may designate one specific creature as your prey. You gain advantage on all checks regarding that creature, but you lose any advantage against all other creatures until your prey is dead, your goal regarding that creature is fulfilled, or you complete another long rest.
Rodent Allies. You have proficiency with Thieves' Tools and you can speak, read, and write Rodentus.


Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1
Burrower. You have a 15-foot burrow speed.
Inquisitive Mind. You are proficient in the Insight skill.
Uncanny Trap Sense. You have advantage on perception skill checks to detect traps.


Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Lookout. While conscious, you cannot be surprised. You have proficiency in Perception. You have advantage on Perception checks to detect an ambush. During any surprise round against you, you may take the dodge action as a reaction.
Agile Escape. When using the disengage action, you may move an extra 5 feet as long as you don't move within 5 feet of another hostile creature.
Burrower. You have a 15-foot burrow speed.


Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Snake Killer. You have advantage on attacks and skill checks against reptilian creatures. You can make one opportunity attack per round against a reptilian creature that uses the disengage action. You have resistance to poisons and venoms originating from reptilian creatures.
Bravery. You have advantage on saving throws to resist fear effects.

Random Height and Weight

2′ 7″+2d1215 lb.× (1d6) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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