Poisonous Swordsman (5e Class)

Poisonous Swordsman

The Poisonous Swordsman

"I may be the only swordsman among the pillars who can't cut a demon's head off. But anyone who creates poison that can kill demons can be quite awesome." -Shinobu Kocho Insect Pillar

Creating a Poisonous Swordsman

A Poisonous Swordsman is someone that instead of brute forcing there way through a hoard of enemies they gave them self a little secret advantage. They use deadly poisons to bring down there targets along with there speed to fight apposing enemies. Very experienced people in this art use acids with there swordsman ship. They may not be strong but they certainly are fast.

Quick Build

You can make a Poisonous Swordsman quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Wisdom

Class Features

As a Poisonous Swordsman you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Poisonous Swordsman level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Poisonous Swordsman level after 1st


Armor: Light armor and Medium armor
Weapons: Finesse weapons, martial weapons
Tools: Alchemist's Supplies, poisoner's kit
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose three Arcana, Acrobatics, Investigation, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Slight of Hand, Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A Rapier or or (b) A Dagger
  • (a) A Dugeoneer's Pack or or (b) A Explorer's Pack

Table: The Poisonous Swordsman

FeaturesPoisons knownMedicine ModifierUnarmored Movement
1st+2Creating Poison, Unarmored Defense100
2nd+2Unarmored Movement10+10 ft
3rd+2Poison Shifting, Specific Method10+10 ft
4th+2Ability Score Improvement, Medicine Modifier11+10 ft
5th+3Extra Attack, Lethal Poison21+10 ft
6th+3Increase Poison Dose22+15 ft
7th+3Extreme Poison, Evasion22+15 ft
8th+3Ability Score Improvement, Charge Stab23+15 ft
9th+4Float Like A Butterfly, Improved Lethal poison, Method Ability33+15 ft
10th+4Poisonous Body, Poisonous Resistance34+20 ft
11th+4Deep Pierce, Unique Weapon34+20 ft
12th+4Ability Score Improvement, Acidic Surprise35+20 ft
13th+5(2x) Extra Attack, Method Ability45+20 ft
14th+5Sting Like a Bee46+25 ft
15th+5Unearthly Poison, Improved Lethal poison, Improved Poisonous Body46+25 ft
16th+5Ability Score Improvement, Poisonous Combination47+25 ft
17th+6Acidic resistance, Method Ability57+25 ft
18th+6Acid Rain, Elusive, Petrify Poison58+30 ft
19th+6Ability Score Improvement, Poisonous Oils58+30 ft
20th+6Poison Master59+30 ft

Creating Poison

You have learned to craft dangerous poisons to most creatures. Starting at 1st level you can craft the amount of poisonous listed on the Poisons known chart. You can chose from any poison listed at the bottom of the class. All poisons must be applied to your sword by either sheathing and unsheathing it or by applying it by hand. You can apply poisons found while adventuring as well. Your sword can only hold 25 milligrams of poison at once making it a lethal amount of poison for most. At 6th level the dose of poison grows to 50 milligrams of poison causing creatures to have disadvantage against your poison saving throws but does increase the amount of poison spent. To make poison your must spend 50 GP to make 500 milligrams worth of poison for a normal poison. To make a the poison you must spend a hour making them with a DC 15 for a normal poison. When making a poison you also make a antidote to the poison you made which gets rid of the poison in 3 rounds and nullifies it while it is working.

Unarmored Defense

Beginning at 1st Level, while you are wearing no armor and not wielding a Shield, your AC equals 12 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier.

Unarmored Movement

Starting at 2nd Level, your speed increases by 10 feet while you are not wearing armor or wielding a Shield. This bonus increases when you reach certain Poisonous Swordsman levels, as shown in the Poisonous Swordsman table.

Poison Shifting

You have designed your sheath to hold and swap between your different poisons. Starting at 3rd level you can sheath and unsheathe your sword to reapply your poisons on your blade by taking a bonus action and you can swap between your poisons as a bonus action as well. Your sheath can hold 250 milligrams of poisons all together. At 12th level you can hold up to 250 milligrams of at most two different poisons and also gain a entire different container for holding your acid as well that holds 250 milligrams.

Specific Method

Starting at 3rd level you begin to master one of the ways of the multiple ways to kill a target. You can chose from: Method of Speed, Method of Accuracy, or Method of Poison. Your archetype choice grants you features at 3rd level and then again at 9th, 13th, and 17th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Medicine Modifier

You have become better then most people at making medicine and poisons. Starting at 4th level you can add a modifier to your Medicine check, Poison DC's, and Poison damage. the modifier is listed on the Poisonous Swordsman table.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 13th level.

Lethal Poison

You have made a poison that if injected correctly could kill anything in a matter of seconds. Starting at 5th level you can make a lethal poison. To make this poison you must spend 150 gp on materials to make 250 milligrams worth of it and you must succeed a DC 20 medicine check. When injected into a target they must make a DC 4 + medicine or die in 8 rounds with out death saves. At 9th level they die in six rounds and at 15th level they will die in four rounds. When the target is hit by the effect the poison they feel nothing for the first round, starting on the second round they start to have there skin break out, on round three they begin to have purple go over there body, round four they begin to have trouble breathing, round six they begin to feel Nashua and see things that are not there actually there, round eight they die. This effects are decreased as you level up.

Extreme Poison

You have modified your poisons to a degree that can effect almost anything. Starting at 7th level your poisons bypass creatures resistance to poison damage. This does not count for constructs.


At 7th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area Effects, such as a blue dragon's lightning breath or a Fireball spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Charge Stab

You have learned to use your extreme speed against targets. Starting at 8th level when you take the dash action you can dash a dash attack with your weapon doing normal damage letting you critical on a 19-20. If you use a poison along with this ability the target has disadvantage on your poison saving throw as the poison was injected much deeper then it normal would.

Float Like a butterfly

You have learned to stay light on your feet and get up quicker then normal. Starting at 9th level you can take the dash action as a bonus action and you gain advantage on dexterity saving throws. You also gain the ability to use 5 feet of movement to get up when you are knocked prone. Additionally if you hit a target during your turn then you can exit there attack range with out activating opportunity attack but only against that creature.

Poisonous Body

You have so much experience with poison that there is now Poison flowing through your blood. Starting at 10th level when ever someone uses a melee attack against you and hit there is a chance they got your poisonous blood onto them. When you are hit by a melee attack roll a d100, on a 0-20 the target takes 1d12 poison damage, on a 21-40 the target takes 1d10 poison damage, on a 41-60 the target takes 1d8 poison damage, on a 61-80 the target takes 1d6 poison damage, and on a 81-100 the target takes no poison damage. At 15th level you can also add one of your poison listed below to this bloody poison mix.

Poisonous Resistance

You have been using poisons so much that you can resist it. Starting at 10th level your poison that flows through you makes you resist to poison damage.

Deep Pierce

You have learned to attack the weakest part of the body. Starting at 11th level when ever you roll a critical the target has disadvantage on your poison saving throw and on a fail the effects of the poisons are doubled.

Unique Weapon

You have modified a weapon to be uniquely made for your way of fighting. Starting at 11th level you can spend 6 hours and 300 gp to make a unique sword. This sword does 1d10 Piercing damage and has the Finesse, Versatile, Light, and Reach property. This weapon absorbs the left over amount of poison on it making it do a extra 1d6 poison damage. It is also made of silver making it not be able to corrode from acid.

Poisonous Coat

You have used this weapon so much with poison that there is now a small coat of poison on it. Starting at 11th level your weapon is considered magical for the purposes of over coming resistance.

Acidic Surprise

You have learned not to only use poisons but also acid's as well. Starting at 12th level you can apply a acid to your weapon. On hit your weapon does a extra acid damage equal to your Medicine score and on a hit the acid sticks to the target until taken off doing half of your medicine score every round. This acid if left on your weapon for more then 7 rounds at a time your weapon begins to corrode your blade. If you block a melee weapon attack with your blade then some of the poison can be placed on the weapon causing it corrode. In 5 turns if the target does not take the poison off there weapon then it will be destroyed. If it is a magical item then this will not effect it. To make this acid you must buy 200 gp worth of material and make a DC 18 medicine check to make 500 milligrams worth of acid.

Sting like a bee

You have learned to mimic a bee sting with your blade and poison. Starting at 14th level you can critical on a 19-20 leaving a stinging in the targets limb on hit. Additionally you can take -5 to hit for a +10 in damage. This turns into a 18-20 if you use charge stab.

Unearthly Poison

You have created a poison that nothing can effect anything. Starting at 15th level your poison's can bypass creatures immunity to it. If you attack undead with this then they it only counts for resistance.

Poisonous Combination

You have learned to mix poisons together to make a poison of multiple effects. Starting at 16th level you mix two poisons together into one. When you hit a creature with this poison they make one constitution saving throw of which DC is higher between the poison and on a fail of that save they are effected by both of the poison effects and on a success they are not effect by either.

Acidic resistance

You have used Acids so much that you have gained a resistance to it. Starting at 17th level you gain resistance to acid damage and your weapon does not corrode from your acid when it is being used.

Acid rain

You can spin your blade in a circle to release your acid off of your blade. Starting at 18th level you can take a action to spin your blade and release the left over acid. Everything within 30 feet of you must make a dexterity saving throw equal to your poison saving throw and on a fail they take 1d10 acid damage but the acid is so minor that the acid when sticks does no longer effect the target. This gets rid of all the acid attached to your blade.


Beginning at 18th level, you are so evasive that attackers rarely gain the upper hand against you. No Attack roll has advantage against you while you aren't Incapacitated.

Petrify Poison

You have experimented to make a poison that turns people to stone. Starting at 18th level you can make a Petrifying Poison that costs 250 gp worth of materials fro 500 milligrams worth of it and you must succeed a DC 22 medicine Check. When you apply this poison to your blade and hit the target must make a DC 17 constitution saving throw. At 20th level this raises to DC 18 saving throw.

Poisonous Oils

You Poison in your blood has started to leak out of you as poisonous gas. Starting at 19th level you give off a poisonous gas in a 30 feet radius with anything that walks into it takes poison damage equal to your Medicine score.

Poison Master

You have used poison so many times that its second hand to you. Starting at 20th level you gain immunity to poison damage. Your Dexterity modifier is raised by +4 to a maximum of 24. all your poison DC's to make them are decreased by your Dexterity modifier. All Poison DC's are raised by your Dexterity modifier. You can critical on a 18-20. Charge stab critical on a 17-20

Method of Speed

Blinding Speed

You’ve learned stay light on your feet but also to push your legs to super human levels. Starting at 3rd level your movement speed is doubled. When you take the dash action you can run on top of water. You can chose to move at such high speeds that it seems like teleporting. You can chose to teleport to a Unoccupied space within double your movement speed in which you can use this amount of times equal to your Dexterity + Proficiency modifier. When you use this ability and leave someone’s attack range it does not provoke attack of opportunity.

You won’t see tomorrow

You have mastered striking people when they are the most vulnerable. Starting at 3rd level when you take the held action to attack someone you automatically land a critical hit and you slash off one of the opponent limbs with out even trying as well as getting to use your normal, full action. You additionally get to add 1d6 extra damage to this and increases to a 1d8 at 9th level, 1d10 at 13th level, and 1d w at 17th level. You can use this as many times as your proficiency bonus.

Extreme Speed

You’ve learned to swing your sword faster then the eye can see. Starting at 9th level you gain a extra attack and you can chose to attack again with a light weapon as a bonus action in which you do you can not add your strength or dexterity modifier to damage.

Speed Sense

You’re regular senses can not keep up with your speed. Starting at 13th level you gain Tremorsense equal to your movement speed + 5. With this you gain advantage and proficiency on perception checks as long as you are looking for something on the ground.

Speed Strike

You have learned to use your speed to create a single devastating strike made to constantly gain force by zig zagging with each change in direction cracking or breaking the floor below you. Starting at 17th level you can spend a action zig zagging up to your movement speed at such a high speed that it looks like a bolt of lightning. Roll to hot for a single target and on a hit it counts as a critical doing 4d12 piercing damage and 4d6 poison damage + Dexterity. If you apply poison to your blade the target has double disadvantage on the saving throw. This ability has a range of quadruple your movement speed and launches the target back half your movement speed unless meet with a wall in which they take fall damage for the amount of feet they got knocked back. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your dexterity modifier.


You have learned to maximize your speed for a short period of time. Starting at 17th level you can enter a form where you maximize your speed. While in this form you gain the fallowing benefits:

You gain a Extra attack, Bonus action, and Reaction. Your Movement speed is increased by +50 feet. You increase your damage by a dice while in this form to a maximum of a d20. You can use the ability Blinding speed a extra 6 times. Your tremorsense has increased to your movement speed +5 feet. You can take the dash action as a free action. You can use your speed strike a additional time while in this form. Your Armor class is increased by your Proficiency bonus. You ignore difficult terrain while in this form. You gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws

This ability lasts for up to 2 minutes with concentration and you can only use this once per long rest. After use you gain 1d4 + 1 levels of exhaustion.

Method of Accuracy

Vulnerability Strike.

You have learned to strike an opponent where they are most vulnerable. Starting at 3rd level when you roll a critical hit you multiple the dice by 2 1/2 instead of just by 2. This increases to 3 at 9th level, 3 1/2 at 13 level and 4 at 17th level. You additionally gain a +2 to hit with your weapon of choice. this increase to a +3 at 9th level, +4 at 13th level, and +5 at 17th level.

Disabling strike

You have learned to be so persistence that you can cancel out other's abilities with just your sword and knowledge. Starting at 9th level when you roll a critical hit you can attack a creatures weak points to make it so they can not use there abilities. On a hit the target must make a DC equal to your Poison DC or lose there Ki, Spells, Action Surge, Rage, etc. for 1d4 turns. On a success they are not effected by this effect.

Accuracy of a Snake Strike

You have learned to have such a persistence attack that it mimics a snake bite. Starting at 13th level you can make two attacks at once. When you roll to hit and hit you can roll for 2 attack damages in a single attack. When you roll a critical you roll for 4 instead of 2.

Deadly Accuracy

You have learned to have your sword guide you to where you need to hit. Starting at 17th level your critical chance can be decreased by a d4. This effect starts at the start of combat and stays until you fall unconscious or combat ended. You can only use this ability once per long rest.

Method of Poison

Poison Expert

You have learned to create more poison's then most people can. Starting at 3rd level you gain a extra poison known. This increases to +2 at 9th level, +3 at 13th level, +4 at 17th level. You can also increase the dose by 25 milligrams to give them disadvantage on the saving throw. This can stack.

Deadly Poison

You have increased your poison strength to be harder to with stand. Starting at 9th level your poison DC is increased by +1. This increase by +2 at 13th level, and +3 at 17th level.

Death Virus

You have made a Virus that can spread from person to person and is as deadly as your poison. Starting at 13th level you can apply a Virus to your blade. On a hit and they must make a regular DC saving throw or be attacked by the Virus. On a fail they take 1d6 poison damage every round. When they touch someone the Virus is transmitted to them. You are immune to this virus and if the target hits someone or something then they are effected. This must be trough a melee attack.

Improved Lethal Poison

You have improved your Lethal Poison to a better level. Starting at 17th level your Lethal poison DC is increased by 1 and the time to death has changed to the target dying in 2 rounds instead of 4.

Poisonous Swordsman Poison List

All of your Poisons options are listed below.

Aging Poison

When you inject the poison into the targets blood stream with your sword they must make a DC 4 + Medicine. On a fail they age by 1 year then 2 then 4 then 8 then 16. Every round it accelerate by x2 until it is cured. When cured they do not go back to there original age. On a success they are not effected.

Blinding Poison

When you inject the poison into the targets blood stream with your sword they must make a DC 8 + Medicine. On a fail they eyes begin to turn red as the blood vessel around there eye turn it red causing them to become blind for 2d10 minutes and on a success they are not effected by this effect. This costs 100 gp for 500 milligrams worth of the poison and a DC 17 medicine check to make this poison.

Exhausting Poison

When you inject the poison into the targets blood stream with your sword they must make a DC 6 + Medicine. On a fail they begin to feel fatigued causing them to get 1d4 - 1 levels of exhaustion and on a success they are not effected. This costs 120 gp for 500 milligrams worth of the poison and a DC 19 medicine check to make this poison.

Healing Poison

When you inject the poison into the targets blood stream with your sword the target’s blood begins to double as they regain stamina. When injected the target loses 1 level of exhaustion and also regains 1d4 Ki, Spell slots, action surges, rage, etc. this costs 100 gp for 500 milligrams worth of the poison and a DC 17 Medicine check to make this poison.

Illusion Poison

When you inject the poison into the targets blood stream with your sword they must make a regular DC. On a fail they begin to hallucinate causing the to be either charmed or frighten (Your choose) for 2d12 hours and on a success they are not effected. This costs 50 gp for 500 milligrams worth of the poison and a DC 15 medicine check to make this poison.

Lingering Poison

When you inject the poison into the targets blood stream with your sword they must make a regular DC. On a fail poison flows through there blood until it is removed causing them to take 1d6 poison damage every turn and on a success they are not effect by this effect. This costs 50 gp for 500 milligrams worth of the poison and a DC 15 medicine check to make this poison.

Necrotic Poison

When you inject the poison into the targets blood stream with your sword they must make a regular DC. On a fail they target starts having there skin break out and there blood create a bubbles in there skin. Every turn they take 1d6 necrotic damage and in 1d4 + 1 round they are turned into a challenge rating 1 to 1/2 undead creature. If they die before hand they are automatically turned into undead. On a success they are not effected. Any undead creature are not effected by this. This costs 50 gp for 500 milligrams worth of the poison and a DC 15 medicine check to make this poison.

Numbing Poison

When you inject the poison into the targets blood stream with your sword they must make a regular DC. On a fail they begin to feel no pain in the location you hit making them not be able to use that limb for 2d12 hours. If they succeed they are not effected by this effect. This costs 50 gp for 500 milligrams worth of the poison and a DC 15 medicine check to make this poison.

Stunning Poison

When you inject the poison into the targets blood stream with your sword they must make a regular DC. On a fail they body begin to Lose connection to your nervous system in which they are paralyzed for 2d10 rounds. On a success they are unaffected by this effect. This costs 50 gp for 500 milligrams worth of the poison and a DC 15 medicine check to make this poison.

Selective Blindness Poison

When you inject the poison into the targets blood stream with your sword they must make a regular DC. On a fail they only see what they want to see only what they want to see as if they are in a dream. They don't see any other creatures besides them self and only see what they want to and can chose what they see. This costs 50 gp for 500 milligrams worth of the poison and a DC 15 medicine check to make this poison.

Sleeping Poison

When you inject the poison into the targets blood stream with your sword they must make a regular DC. On a fail they begin to feel tired causing them to be knocked unconscious for 1d4 - 1 minutes. On a success they are not effected by this effect. This costs 50 gp for 500 milligrams worth of the poison and a DC 15 medicine check to make this poison.

Undead Poison

This poison only effects undead. When you inject the poison into the target blood stream with your sword they must make a regular DC. On a fail the undead target begins to turn to dust. Every round the undead takes radiant damage equal to double your medicine score. On a success they are not effected by this effect.

Vulnerability Poison

When you inject the poison into the target blood stream with your sword they must make a DC 8 + Medicine. On a fail they begins to change as they are vulnerable to a type of damage you chose. It the creature is Immune to it they this effect does not work but if they are resistant then it turns to vulnerability. You must spend a short or long rest to change the vulnerability. This costs 100 gp for 500 milligrams worth of the poison and a DC 17 medicine check to make this poison.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Poisonous Swords class, you must meet these prerequisites: Dexterity 14 and Wisdom 12

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Poisonous Swords class, you gain the following proficiencies: Medicine, Nature, and Sleight of hand

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gollark: Why the stupidly high upload and worse download?
gollark: Oh dear.
gollark: An evil terminal editor.
gollark: All of them simultaneously.
gollark: I mean, the adware thing was a bit worse, but fair point.
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