Pirate Cannon (5e Equipment)

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Pirate cannon

Martial Ranged Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Pirate cannon300 gp2d6 bludgeoning + 2d6 fire40 lbAmmunition (range 150/600), heavy, reload(1), two-handed

A heavy cannon that fires exploding cannonballs.

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This weapon uses small cannonballs as ammunition.


Every creature within 10 feet of the target must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6+6 fire damage. This weapon deals double damage to objects.

Heavy Impact

Add both your strength and your proficiency bonus to the damage roll upon impact with a target creature.

When the target creature is hit, it must make a Strength(Athletics) saving roll with a DC of (10 + your proficiency bonus). On a failed roll, the target creature is:

  • (If Large or Huge) Knocked back 5 feet. On a critical failure, it is also knocked prone.
  • (If Small or Medium) Knocked back 15 feet and knocked prone.


The sheer force of the weapon and its massive backblast makes it awkward to fire. Every time the heavy cannon is fired, make a Strength(Athletics) check with a DC of (13 - your Strength modifier). On a failed save, your character is knocked prone after firing.

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