Phyrexian (3.5e Template)
3e Summary::A creature corrupted by the glistening oil. The sentient phyrexians refer to the process as Compleation.
Creating a Phyrexian
Phyrexian is an inherited template that can be applied to any Animal, Humanoid, Monstrous Humanoid, Dragon, Magical Beast, Undead, or Construct
Size and Type
Type changes to Aberration, do not recalculate anything. The base creature gains the Augmented subtype.
Hit Dice
Hit Dice do not change.
As typical for base creature
Armor Class
A compleated creature gains a +2 natural armor bonus to AC
A phyrexian gains a claw attack as a secondary natural attack that deals 1d6 damage.
Full Attack
As typical for base creature
Special Attacks
Infection (Su): A creature hit by a Phyrexian's natural attacks must make a Fortitude save or be exposed to the glistening oil. A creature exposed to the oil must make a will save and fortitude save each day until it succeeds on two of each in a row. If it fails two saves of each type in a row, it gains the phyrexian template.
Special Qualities
As typical for base creature
+2 Int, -2 Cha
+4 intimidate, -4 diplomacy
No change
As typical for base creature
As typical for base creature
Challenge Rating
As base creature +1
As typical for base creature
Always Evil (Any type)
As typical for base creature