Palutena Bow (5e Equipment)
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Weapon (shortbow), very rare (major) (requires attunement by a good-aligned creature) This golden bow was created by Palutena, the goddess of light. It’s unique in its ability to fire arrows of light that curve to their target, and its ability to split into two smaller blades for close-combat encounters. While attuned to this weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with it. The bow normally functions as a shortbow, except it deals radiant damage instead of piercing and doesn’t require ammunition. Additionally, attacks made with this weapon ignore half and three-quarters cover. While attuned, you can use your bonus action to split the bow in half. The two halves of the bow function as two scimitars. Like the shortbow, you have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with the scimitars. You can use your bonus action again to fuse the two parts back together, reforming the shortbow. An evil-aligned creature that takes damage from this weapon takes an additional 1d4 radiant damage.