Monk's Bow (5e Equipment)

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This page is of questionable balance. Reason: Magical items have their own power source and magical items shouldn't be able to gain additional effects based on your level or class/subclass chosen. Besides that, monks are not normally proficient with longbows so how do they go about using and attuning to this item?

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This page needs grammatical help. Reason: This weapon has numerous instances of improper grammar with many capitalization and punctuation problems as well as several instances of terms being improperly worded(use 3rd level instead of level 3, Dexterity instead of dex, ect.). See Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize as well.

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Weapon(longbow), Artifact (requires attunement by a monk that has proficiency in longbows)

At first glance it is nothing more than a rusted metal bow starting out in a Dormant State. This bow can't be drawn by any other class, the attempt takes a DC 18 Dexterity Check. Once a monk holds the bow, the bow will slowly show them images and whispers, (making them disoriented -2 to Wisdom and Dexterity) of a being who once meditated for a whole night. Until the monk attunes to the item with long rest the penalty stays. Upon attunement the bow will no longer be rusted and will show an ornate bow with a glow of Ki becoming the Awakened State. You feel as though the bow seems unfinished; upon your adventures other monks (Upon DMs discretion) will notice your bow and will notice as well that it is in fact incomplete. One elder will tell you of a set of robes that shift when night becomes day and day becomes night. Upon retrieving the Ying-Yang Robes, the bow glows a slight white and the bow string turns into pure white energy.

This bow evolves between each state, you gain a +1 to attack and damage roll in the Dormant State, +2 at the Awakened State, and +3 at the Exalted State.

Ki Quiver Upon Reaching the Awakened State, during a long or short rest your can spend 20 minutes creating Ki arrows = your monk level, the arrows you store in this manner last as long as you want.

Upon Reaching the Exalted State, during a long or short rest your can spend 20 minutes creating Ki arrows = double your monk level rounded up, the arrows you store in this manner last as long as you want.

Range This bow's range is increased by your unarmed movement bonus.

Damage This bow's damage scales with your level depending on the State of the weapon;

In its Dormant State this bow deals 1d8 piercing damage

In its Awakened State this bow deals 1d10 upon reaching level 10

In its Exalted State this bow deals 2d8 upon reaching level 15 and at level 20 the damage increases to 2d10

Awakened State

Upon attunement to the Monk's Bow you can feel some of your Ki flowing into the bow

Level 1 You can add your marital arts die to the damage of the bow, but you do not add your Dexterity bonus to this damage.

Level 2 In combat you can spend Ki points to create Ki arrows, one ki arrow is one point of Ki. It takes a bonus action to make a Ki arrow. Ki arrows can only be fired out of the Monk's Bow.

Ki arrows disappear 1 minutes after they are fired, they last 10 minutes after 3rd level and 1 hour after 5th level.

Level 5 As bonus action when you fire a ki arrow you can have it split into two arrows, roll two separate hit and damage rolls

You can use stunning strikes with a ki arrow

level 6 All your Ki arrows have the benefits of the Ki-Empowered Strikes

Exalted State

Upon becoming attuned to the Monk's Bow and the Ying-Yang Robes this bow taps into your innate growth

Level 3 The Bow gets abilities according to your Monastic Traditions, with a maximum of 3 charges, you regain all charges per long rest;

Way of the Open Hand: you can use the abilities of the Open Hand Technique on your arrows.

Way of Shadow: You can teleport to where a ki arrow landed

Way of the Four Elements: you can enpower your ki arrows with a extra 1d12 of Fire, Cold, force, or lightning damage.

When you use Deflect missiles you can fire the caught arrow along with a ki arrow from your bow adding your monk level to hit and damage to both.

level 13 You can leave a ki arrow in an area and listen in on anything with in 120ft of the arrow as long as you are no farther than your bows range and while listening through the arrow you gain the benefits of the Tongue of the Sun and Moon.

level 14 Your ki arrows now count as adamantine

level 15 All arrows fired out of the bow never rot or disappear.

level 20 It takes no ki points to create ki arrows and you can absorb fired ki arrows within fifty feet of you to regain 1 Ki point.

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