Minor Physical Barrier (3.5e Spell)

The Minor Physical Barrier Acts as an overall shield to either protect a small group of people or hold them in place. No physical attacks or bodies may get through the barrier until it is destroyed or dispelled, though magic energy may enter and leave unhindered. Identifying the barrier is a knowledge (arcana) check of 10 + caster level + key spell modifier. The Minor Physical Barrier may be cast as an immediate action using the immediate defence special ability of the Barrier Mage

Minor Physical Barrier
Level: Barrier Mage 0
Casting time: 1 Standard Action
Range: 15ft +5ft/caster level
Area: 15ft by 15ft by 15ft cube
Duration: 1 hour/lvl or until dispelled or destroyed

Barrier HP 10 Hardness 5 AC 5 + 1/caster level (max +5)

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