Mime, 4th Variant (5e Class)


Performing in the center of the town, a Half-elf Mime juggles pins, creating a theatrical spectacle for all to see. Secretly though, they listen in on the conversations happening all around them, gathering information for their mission. An Orc named Grok who has a lisp foolishly brags that he is the captain of the royal guard to a Dwarf named Dhorn. The Mime continues to perform, marking down in their head the path the Orc takes to go home. Later, they silently incapacitate the captain, assuming their personality and mimicking their mannerisms. The mime smiles and thinks to themselves, "Easiest job yet."

Master of Mimicry

Mimes spend most of their life copying the aspects and abilities of others. This gives them the utmost versatility in the battlefield, copying and memorizing the skills of their enemies. While not having many inherent combat abilities of their own, the adaptability of the Mime allows for one to become a serious threat in combat. Their foes can never outmatch them, as Mimes can copy and utilize the strengths of the enemies they face. Mimes prefer to stay unnoticed in combat until the prime opportunity to strike appears, and as such is played similarly to a Rogue.

Creating a Mime

As a Mime your basic mechanics lie within your ability to mimic. Using a Mimic Feature allows you to copy and use certain attributes and abilities from another creature. This uses up the corresponding number of Mimic Charges. When you use a Mimic Feature, you gain the effect of the copied ability for a set duration. However, you can chose to remember certain features you mimic using Memory Reserves. These allow you to store mimicked abilities for later fights. In battles, fight with your opponent's skills and catch your opponents off guard to give them a taste of their own medicine. In society, Mimes do not talk. Instead, they use movements and body language to convey thoughts and ideas. How you choose to communicate should be based on the character you are trying to play and the background chosen for said character.

Quick Build

You can make a Mime quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Intelligence and then Dexterity. Second, choose the Entertainer background. Third, choose light armor, a disguise kit, and two Mime Weapons (elaborated on in the Class Features).

Class Features

As a Mime you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Mime level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Mime level after 1st


Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Mime Weapons
Tools: Disguise kit, Forgery kit, Thieve's tools
Saving Throws: Charisma, Intelligence
Skills: Choose two from the following: Deception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a pair of daggers or (b) two Mime Weapons
  • Leather armor and a Mask
  • (a) Entertainer's pack or (b) Explorer's pack
  • (a) Disguise kit and a Forgery kit or (b) Disguise kit and Thieve's tools

Table: The Mime

FeaturesMimic ChargesMemory ReserveMime Weapon Dice
1st+2Mimic, Mime Weapons21d4
2nd+2Echo, Emulation21d4
3rd+2Art Style, Memory Reserve41+Int1d4
4th+2Ability Score Improvement41+Int1d4
5th+3Expertise, Shapeshifter61+Int1d4
6th+3Art Style Feature61+Int1d6
7th+3Advanced Memory82+Int1d6
8th+3Ability Score Improvement82+Int1d6
9th+4Advanced Deceit102+Int1d6
10th+4Art Style Feature102+Int1d6
12th+4Ability Score Improvement123+Int1d8
14th+5Art Style Feature143+Int1d8
15th+5Eidetic Memory163+Int1d8
16th+5Ability Score Improvement164+Int1d10
17th+6Integrated Mimicry184+Int1d10
19th+6Ability Score Improvement204+Int1d10


Starting at 1st level, your practice in the theatrical arts allows you mimic other creatures. Your access to this talent is represented by a number of Mimic Charges. Your Mime level determines the number of charges you have, as shown in the Mimic Charges column of the Mime table. You can spend these charges to fuel a your Mime features. When you spend a mimic charge, it is unavailable until you finish a long rest, at the end of which you draw all of your expended Mimic Charges back into yourself. After a short rest you regain up to half of your maximum charges. You can use a mask as a Mimic focus for your Mime features. Some of your Mime features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature’s effects, and some features use attack modifiers. The saving throw DC, and attack modifier are calculated as follows:

Mimic Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier Mimic Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

You gain the ability to magically emulate the actions of other creatures. After a creature uses an action, bonus action, or reaction that you do not currently possess and can emulate, you can allocate 1 Mimic Charge to gain the ability to remember the action for the next minute. If you do not perform the action with that minute, you must witness the action again mimic it. Additionally, you must continue to concentrate as if you were concentrating on a spell to remember the action until then. The Mimic Charge is refunded if the concentration is broken before performing the action. If you perform the action within the minute and do not lose concentration, all Mimic Charges allocated to remember the action are exhausted. Any action that requires an attack roll or a save DC uses your Mimic spell save DC and spell attack bonus.

You are also able to use a mimick charge to emulate the ability score of a creature to use it for your ability check or saving throw. For example, Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or Wisdom (Insight).

If you try to emulate a race-specific ability or trait, including obvious passive abilities such as Dark Vision or even an innate flying speed, instead it costs 2 mimic charges to use. When you do this, your body physically changes to accommodate you as you gain the characteristics for 1 minute. This could entail growing appendages, muscular growth, or a handful of other things, though your original race stays the same.

You cannot mimic legendary actions or lair actions with this feature.

If you are literate in a language you can communicate with others using sign language and by doing so you are even able to use it to perform verbal components.

Mime Weapons

Beginning at 1st level, you are able to use certain things as a specialty weapon. When you do, the weapon uses CHA for attacks and damage rolls, and deals 1d4 (scaling up with level as shown in the chart above) in magical bludgeoning damage at minimum.

Examples of Mime Weapons include: Bokken, Blowguns, Slingshots, or any Improvised Weapons that are typically deemed non-lethal. It is up to the DM's discretion for what counts as a Mime Weapon.


At 2nd level, you gain the ability to perfectly mimic the sounds, and movements of another creature. A successful Wisdom (Insight) check contested by your Charisma (Deception) check allows a creature to determine that the effect is faked.


Starting at 2nd level, you have gained the ability to replicate the effects of spells by channeling your Mimic Charges as if they were spell slots. You may now mimic spells that you see at the cost of 1 Mimic Charge per spell level (Cantrips cost 1 Mimic Charge to replicate) as a reaction. On your next turn, you may use your action to cast the spell that you mimicked.

If you want to mimic a spell that is being cast at a higher level, it is your choice to cast it at the higher level or not. However, you cannot mimic a spell leveled higher than half of your Mime level rounded down. If you attempt to do so, you must roll an Intelligence saving throw. The DC for this throw is equal to 10 or double the spell's level, whichever number is higher. On a failed save, you do not mimic the spell and take one level of exhaustion. On a successful save, you mimic the spell and may use it next turn without consequences.

Art Style

At 3rd level, you pursue an art style of your choice that shapes how you use your innate power of mimicry: the Mirror Arts, or the Umbra Arts, both detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level.

Memory Reserve

Starting at 3rd level, after using a Mimic Feature you gain the ability to contain the mimicry in a Memory Reserve. When you use your action to do this, the mimicry is drawn forth from your memory, allowing you to use the ability or spell whenever you like. However, this still uses the same amount of Mimic Charges to cast as it would to copy the action in the first place. Your access to this ability is represented by a number of Memory Reserves. Once you use an ability stored in your Memory Reserve, the slot is exhausted and cannot be used again until you finish a long rest. Your Mime level and Intelligence determines the number of reserves you have, as shown in the Memory Reserve column of the Mime Table. You may dismiss a mimicry from your Memory Reserve as a free action.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.


At 5th level, choose two of your skills in which you are proficient. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies.


At 5th level, after you see a creature or object within your relative size with a flexibility of 1 larger or smaller, by spending 1 mimic charge you can use your reaction to mimic its appearance as if under the disguise self spell for the next hour or until you dismiss it. You can use mimic charges to extend the duration by 1 hour for every mimic charge. To discern that your appearance is fake, a creature can use its action to inspect your appearance and must succeed on a Intelligence (Investigation) check against your mimic save DC.

Advanced Memory

Beginning at 7th level, whenever you mimic a cantrip, it will cost no Mimic Charges to copy or cast. Cantrips now scale to your level. You can also store a number of cantrips in your Memory Reserve equal to your INT modifier (minimum 1) without taking up any slots. Additionally, any spell or ability you have used from your Memory Reserve more than 3 times before will cost 1 Mimic Charge less (minimum 1) to cast, as you have practiced it multiple times and can more easily remember it going forward. (If you remove an ability from your memory reserve, and then add it back later, you will have to start this process over again.)

Advanced Deceit

Beginning at 9th level, before initiative is rolled you may attempt to trick a sentient humanoid into believing that you are an ally. If you do so, the enemy must make a Wisdom (Insight) check against your Mimic Save DC. On a failed save, the enemy thinks of you as an ally and refuses to attack. You may then either enter combat or converse with the enemy. On a successful save, the enemy is enraged and only targets you for 1 minute.

If you are using this feature when multiple targets are present, every target must make a Wisdom (Insight) check against your Mimic Save DC. If any one of them succeeds, all of the targets succeed, even if a target rolled a Nat 1. You may only use this feature once per encounter.


Beginning at 11th level, you gain the ability to magically change colors, allowing you to blend in with your environment. Using your action, you can change colors, causing you and anything on your person to become camouflaged. While camouflaged, Dexterity(Stealth) checks are made with advantage.


Beginning at 13th level, you gain the ability to phase into objects. Using four Mimic Charges, you can meld your being into any solid surface. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it. While assimilated, you cannot see or hear, but you gain Tremor Sense within a 30ft radius around you. Additionally, you can move in any direction, although moving up and down costs one foot of extra movement. You can still be seen if your body leaves the area of the surface in any manner. If you are still in the solid object when the duration expires, you may spend another Mimic Charge to extend the duration by 1 minute or be ejected from the object and take 1d6 force damage per foot ejected. If the surface you are assimilated into is damaged or broken, you take the same amount of damage as the solid and are ejected from the surface.

Eidedic Memory

Beginning at 15th level, you gain the ability to store a number of level 1 spells equal to your INT modifier (minimum of 1) without taking up any slots. Additionally, any spell or ability that you have used 3 times or more from your Memory Reserve costs 2 less Mimic Charges to cast (Minimum 1). (If you remove an ability from your memory reserve, and then add it back later, you will have to start this process over again.)

Integrated Mimicry

Beginning at 17th level, you can now constantly remember certain aspects of past foes. You can choose up to three of the racial features or abilities that you have stored in your Memory Reserve, and integrate them into your physical form. You gain the benefits of passive abilities as if they were your own, and may use active abilities once per long rest.


Beginning at 18th level, you gain the ability to become a different creature. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier. You regain all uses when finishing a long rest. On your turn, you can chose to transform into a creature you have seen with a challenge rating equal to half your Mime level rounded down by spending Mimic Charges equal to the challenge rating of said creature. If they are a leveled humanoid creature, you may transform into them if their level is equal to or under your Mime level by spending one Mimic Charge per level. When you transform, your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the new form, although you retain your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma stats. You also retain your alignment, personality, and Hit Dice. When dropping to 0 hit points, you revert back to your original form and are knocked unconscious. You are limited in the actions you can perform by the nature of your new form, and you can’t speak, cast spells, or take any other action that requires hands or speech unless your new form is capable of such actions. You do not gain access to any legendary or lair actions you new form may possess. During transformation, your gear melds into the new form, and you can’t activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of your equipment. This ability is treated as concentration up to 1 hour. If you lose or drop concentration, you revert to your original form with your current amount of hit points. If your size category increases, other creatures and objects are pushed into the closest unoccupied space. If your size category decreases, you shrink down into a space of your choice that you were already occupying.


Beginning at 20th level, when you roll for initiative and have no mimic charges remaining, you regain 10 mimic charges.

Mirror Arts

A Mime that chooses to pursue the Mirror Arts must train themselves in skills that reflect and create illusions.


At 3rd level, you gain the ability to swap places with a target of your choice that is within 60 ft of you. You can spend 1 Mimic Charge and use your action to pick a target to swap places with. Against an unwilling creature, the creature must pass a Constitution check against your Mimic Save DC. On a failed save, you swap places with the creature. On a successful save, the creature does not swap places with you.

Mirror Armor

At 6th level, you gain the ability to change your skin into a reflective surface. If you are the target of a damaging attack, spell, or other ability, you can use your reaction to spend a number Mimic Charges equal to or below your Charisma modifier. You then gain temporary hit points equal to ten times the amount of Mimic Charges that were spent. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute. At the end of 1 minute, or if the temporary hit points are reduced to 0, your next turn afterwards you may spend an amount Mimic Charges equal to the amount used to apply the temporary hit points. If you chose to do so, you may use your bonus action on your next turn to reflect the mitigated damage back at a target of your choice within 30 ft of you. At which point they must make a DEX saving throw against your Mimic Save DC. On a failed save, the target takes damage equal in amount and type of the damage the temporary hit points mitigated. On a successful saving throw, they take half as much damage. You may only use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier. You regain all expended uses upon finishing a long rest.

Additionally, due to your mastery of reflection, your body has a constant sheen to it, seeming to have blows, magical or physical to bounce or glance off of it occasionally. Your AC, armored or otherwise can be no lower than 10+DEX+CHA. (This is an alternate calculation and will not stack with any armor.)

Mirror Image

At 10th level, once per long rest you can take one turn to manifest an illusory clone of yourself and anything on your person. This clone lives for up to 1 hour and shatters upon death, shooting mirror shards in all directions dealing 5d10 magical piercing damage to all enemies in a 5 foot radius. The clone has half of your hit points, natural armor class, damage rolls, and upon using this feature, the clone takes half of your current Mimic Charges (you must have at least 1 mimic charge to cast). It can not cast spells, or use active features, however it does use your passive abilities and features. You can control it using your bonus action. If a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check is rolled against a Charisma (Deception) check the creatures know which one is the fake and which one is real.

House of Mirrors

At 14th level, once per long rest you manifest mirrored walls spanning the current room or area that you're in. If you're in a single enclosed room, it can cover the entire space if it's no larger than a 100x100x30ft dimension of cubic space. If you're not in a single room or if the room is larger than those dimensions, it will create its own room of that size, with exits on all 4 sides at ground level and a ceiling that is 30 feet high. The maze can have any number of barricades, but they all must fall on the lines between spaces and cannot be completely closed off from the rest of the maze. Within this maze, everything is well lit, being equivalent to bright sunlight. Every wall, and all of the ceiling will act as a normal mirror, as well as having the properties of a Wall of Force. If a surface is disintegrated, it will remove up to a 15x15 foot section of the wall.

At the time of using this ability the user may pick up to six creatures. These chosen creatures as well as the caster can see through these mirrored surfaces as if they were clear glass. It appears to be mostly transparent, but if they focus their eyes they can still see reflections and are aware of the position of mirrored surfaces.

Umbra Arts

A Mime that chooses the Umbra Arts focus on causing chaos and deception in the battlefield.

Shadow Manipulation

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to take control of someone else’s shadow and use it as a conduit for your own attacks. As a bonus action on your turn, you can spend one Mimic Charge to attempt to assert control over another creature’s shadow within 30ft of you. You must stay within 60ft of the shadow you are controlling at all times, or the effect will end. (If there is no light at all in the area to cast shadows, you cannot use this ability.) Control over a shadow lasts for up to 1 minute, concentration. While you are concentrating on maintaining control over a shadow, you can twist and morph it into solid shapes. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can choose instead to have a shadow attack for you. When you do, make a melee spell attack roll against the target. On a hit, you will use your Mime Weapon dice for damage, but will deal the rolled amount in force damage. (Since this is an attack coming from a shadow, you will have advantage on a target that does not rely on sight, but not against a target that has true sight.)


At 6th level, a magical shadow begins to follow your movements at all times allowing for all of your movements to be doubled. In combat whenever you succeed on a melee attack, you gain a second attack from your silhouette. Your silhouette has its own separate attack roll using your weapon stats, and its damage is always equal to the original damage dealt by your attack. This feature is active even if there is no reasonable way for a shadow to be cast.

Dead Ringer

At 10th level, once per long rest when targeted by an attack that would leave you unconscious you may use your reaction to create a lifeless clone that takes your place and takes the hit for you. You then retreat into the shadows becoming invisible as if under the invisibility spell. If a successful Wisdom (Perception) check is rolled against a Charisma (Deception) check the creatures know you are alive. You may also use this feature to prevent the death of a companion by performing this reaction on them.


At 14th level, once per long rest you can use your action to draw on the deepest fears of a group of creatures. In their minds your shadow consumes you and you become their worst nightmare. Any number of creatures you choose in a 30 foot radius around you makes a Wisdom saving throw against your mimic save DC. On a failed save, a creature becomes frightened for up to 1 minute and takes 4d10 psychic damage. At the start of each frightened creature's turn, if either you or their shadow are visible to them, they must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw versus your Mime Save DC or take 4d10 psychic damage. On successful save they take half damage and the effect ends for the creature. Additionally, using your bonus action, you can spend 2 Mimic Charges to impose this effect on a single creature under the effects of Shadow Manipulation. This effect does 2d10 psychic damage each instance it activates. If the creature succeeds on a Wisdom saving throw or enters an area unable to produce a shadow, the effect ends. A creature who succeeds on the saving throw for this effect, or that withstands the effects for the full duration becomes immune to it for the next 24 hours.

Arcane Arts

A Mime that chooses the Arcane Arts focus on enhancing his current abilities with the power of the arcane.

Arcane Skin

At 3rd level, you cover yourself with an invisible skin of Weave resulting in your AC changing to 10 + Dexterity Modifier + Charisma Modifier. You can spend one Mimic charge to add your proficiency bonus to your AC until the end of your next turn. This is an alternate calculation and can not be stacked with any Armor.

Arcane Zone

At 10th level, once per long rest, you can take control over the Weaves in a 60 ft. Radius centered around you, moving along with you.


To qualify for multiclassing into the Mime class, you must meet these prerequisites: Charisma 13

When you multiclass into the Mime class, you gain the following proficiencies: Light armor, Simple weapons, Mime weapons

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gollark: Maybe I should abuse my powers to delete the message to remove the spoiler. Although actually palaiologos and whoever else probably already saw it.
gollark: <@151149148639330304> https://osmarks.tk/eternal-suffering
gollark: SPOILERS!
gollark: Well, first, observe™ the format and see if you can figure it out, firecubez.
gollark: <@!356107472269869058> Do you still want to know about `/eternal-suffering`?
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