Magical Girl, Variant (5e Class)

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Magical Girl!

Welcome Everyone!

I am pretty down to earth so don't expect this to be crazy official with lore. That takes away at least half of what makes D&D fun! Also taking lots of inspiration from the other magical girl class because it seems like fun to have a party of magical girls! This class is not by any means perfect so please just take it as a template and go wild. I get weird and use Recharge (X-Y). At the start of each of the players turns, roll a d6. If the roll is one of the numbers in the recharge notation, the player regains the use of the ability. The ability also recharges when the player finishes a short or long rest. I am so sorry I use this so much.

Creating a Magical Girl

Making a Magical Girl means that you will have a lot to keep up with. You have to juggle all of your magic and its crazy effects along side being a good team player. It will take a lot of time to learn all of the small things your good at, so you will miss a lot of opportunities as you play. The further you go the more you have to keep up with, so I recommend keeping a note pad with what each Garment form gives you and there draw backs. Your Spell casting will be charisma based!

Class Features

As a Magical Girl you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per Magical Girl level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Magical Girl level after 1st


Armor: Magical Garment
Weapons: Any!
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose 2: Deception, Perception, Persuasion, Athletics, Acrobatics, or Insight.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • a melee weapon or a ranged weapon
  • (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack

Table: The Magical Girl

Spells KnownCantrips KnownFeatures—Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st+200Magical Garments: First Form, Magical Weapon: First Form2
2nd+223Magical Classes, Magical Partner, Magical Mistake3
3rd+233Magical Assist42
4th+233Ability Score Improvement, Extra Magic43
5th+334Magical Friendship432
6th+334Magical Garments: Second Form433
7th+345Magical Weapon: First Form Upgrade4331
8th+345Ability Score Improvement4332
9th+445Magic Boost43331
10th+446Magical Studying!43332
11th+456Magical Garments: Third Form433321
12th+456Ability Score Improvement433321
13th+566Garment magic4333211
14th+566True Magic4333211
16th+576Ability Score Improvement43332111
19th+687Ability Score Improvement433332111

Magical Garment: First Form

Your magical garment is what you will use as your armor. You are bound to your Magical Garments and they can not be unbound by any means. You also can not wear another armor. If you run out of spell slots you can no longer use this form (Your out of magic), so be careful. When you are in your magical garments your AC becomes 10 + Charisma and Dexterity Modifiers. To summon your magical garments takes a bonus action. Wearing your Magical Garments for longer than 30 minutes is taxing and you will have to use one of your highest level spell slots to maintain your garments for 30 more minutes or a lower level spell slot to keep it for 5 min.

Magical weapon: First Form

Your magical weapon works as your arcane focus to cast spells. You are bound to your magical weapons and can not be unbound by any means. You can have up to 1 weapon of your choice. This weapon counts as a magic weapon. If this weapon is broken you must use a spell slot to repair your weapon, or it is repaired after a long rest. You are proficient in your magical weapon. If you find more weapons you can use them, but they do not get the effects of your magical weapons.

Magical Classes

Just make sure your party has what it needs. Pick one of the following. (They will affect you later) Your spell casting modifier is Proficiency + Charisma, and your spell save DC is 10 + Proficiency + Charisma modifier.


Starting at 2nd level with the support style you can get spells off of the Cleric or Bard spell list. And you gain Proficiency in Performance and Medicine.

Spell Sniper

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your bonus action and one spell slot, to give your attacks one of the following properties: Lightning, or Poison for one round. You can use spells off of the Ranger or Sorcerer spell list. You gain the archery style, +2 to attack rolls with a bow.


Starting at 2nd level, you can use your bonus action and one spell slot, to give your attacks one of the following properties: Acid, or Fire for one round. You can use spells off of the Paladin or Wizard spell list. You gain one of the following fighting styles: Dueling: While you are wielding a Melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. Protection: When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose Disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield. Two-Weapon Fighting: When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack. Great Weapon Fighting: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.

Magical Partner

Your Magical Partner will finally appear before you. Cosmetically this creature can look like anything from the monster manual or your imagination, but its size is tiny. Your Magical Partner can float no matter what they look like and has a speed of 30 ft. Your magical partner must be within 30 ft of you at all times or they blink back to your side. Your magical partner can speak and knows one language you know along with common. Your magical partner has the same level as you and gets ability score improvements. If your magical partner is killed then they will enter magical slumber. You can use a spell slot to bring them back immediately, or your partner will come back after a long rest. Your partner's spell casting modifier is 12 + Wisdom + Your proficiency. When your magical partner casts a spell it takes one of your spell slots. When your magical partner makes melee attacks they deal 1d4 + dex Your magical partner has the following stats: Armor class: 13 Hit Dice: 1d4 Hit Points at 1st Level: 4 + Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d4 + 1 per level after 1st Str:5 Int:12 Dex:14 Wis:13 Con:10 Chr:17

Magical Mistake

You try to cast any spell but instead it failed. Every time you cast a spell, roll a D20 if it is 5 or less, your spell fails. A dark cloud of energy consumes the area around you in a 30 ft radius. The dark cloud is magical darkness that disperses after 1 round. Every creature within a 30 ft radius (including you) makes a constitution saving throw. Spell save DC is 13. Every creature that fails the saving throw takes a d4 magic force damage. If the creature succeeds take half damage. If you roll a 1 for Magical Mistake, in addition to the effects of Magical mistake, you will shoot 5 magical beams that must hit as many creatures as possible. The Beam deals 2d6 force damage and stops on the first target hit. "Oops!"

Magical Assist


When a friendly creature would be hit by an attack you can use your reaction and one spell slot to add 1d4 to the friendly creature's armor class. If the creature does not get hit because of this effect you regain the same level spell slot used to cast Magical Assist.

Spell Sniper

When a friendly creature is hit, you can use your reaction and two spell slots to shoot a magical blast at the enemy. The target creature has to make a dexterity saving throw. The save DC is 12 + Charisma mod, if they fail the enemy is knocked prone.


Once per long rest, when a friendly creature would be hit you can use your reaction and one spell slot to blink next to an ally within your movement and take the hit for them. You take half damage.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Magic


You can use a spell slot to give yourself another action. Recharge (6)

Spell Sniper

Your ranged spells gain 100ft range


Why hit once when you can hit twice... *Cough* Magically. You get extra attack.

Magical Friendship

Now that you have had time to get to know your partner, they can help you in all kind of ways.


Once per long rest, Your magical partner will protect you from any fatal attack. If you are protected this way your partner must go into Magical Slumber.

Spell Sniper

Once per long rest your partner can cast a 3rd level or lower spell without using a spell slot, but after they must enter magical slumber.


When you land an attack with a melee weapon your magical partner will give you all of their magic granting you an additional 2d4 damage. After the second time they must enter magical slumber to recharge their magic.

Magical Garments: Second Form

These new magical garments look much lighter than your old ones. It takes two spell slots to equip this garment. If you are in this form for longer than 15 min, it will cost you 1 of your highest level spell slots. If you can not pay this cost your garments disappear. When you use Magical Garments Second Form your armor class becomes 8 + Charisma and Dexterity Modifiers. Your speed becomes 50 and you can now jump three times your normal jump height and you do not provoke opportunity attacks. You take half fall damage while you are in Magical Garments Second Form. Magical Garments Second Form can be used as a free action or a reaction. You can still use Magical Garments First Form.

Magical Weapon: First Form Upgrade

You start to understand the limits of your magical weapon and can push it to its limit.


As a bonus action, you can use one spell slot to give your weapon one of the following properties, 1d4 Fire, 1d4 Cold, 1d4 Necrotic, 1d4 Radiant damage.

Spell Sniper

As a bonus action, you can create two copies of your weapon that float beside you. When you make a weapon attack you can use 1 spell slot to have your weapon copies attack with you. The weapon copies deal 1d4


As a bonus action, you can use two spell slots to throw your weapon. A weapon thrown this way has a 30ft range and deals the same damage as it would to melee the creature. You still add your proficiency to the attack.

Magic Boost

As an action you can use a Fifth level spell slot to boost your partners strength


Your partner gains 50 temporary hit points. Every friendly creature within 10ft of your partner will heal 2d4 per round. For each of your turns you keep the effect active it will take your highest level spell slot. This ability will last until you say so or you run out of spell slots. You can only cast non-concentration spells while this ability is active. Your partner must enter magical slumber when this ability ends.

Spell sniper

Your partner gains 50 temporary hit points. Once per long rest, your partner can cast a 5th level or lower spell form your spell list without using a spell slot. This ability last for 5 min. Your partner must enter magical slumber when this ability ends.


Your partner gains 50 temporary hit points and does an extra 2d6 when it attacks. This ability last 5 min. Your partner must enter magical slumber when this ability ends.

Magical Studying!

There is so much more you can learn about magic. Magic is the only thing holding your life together at this point. You have studied so much magic you have learned something new. If Magical Mistake would activate you can use one spell slot to ignore the effects of Magical Mistake. You also gain the following


You can spend 1 spell slot to blast colorful magic into the air making the shape of anything. This lasts for 3 rounds. All creatures that can see this make a charisma save. The save dc is 11 + cha mod. If fail, the creature must look at the colorful explosion and can not take an action. Attacks against creatures that are looking at the explosion have advantage. At the beginning of each charmed creatures turns they must roll a charisma save. Save dc is 14. If they make this save the creature can take their turn normally.

Spell Sniper

You get extra attack


You get extra attack 2

Magical Garments: Third Form

Normally your magical garments protect you from harm that may come your way, but Magical Garments Third Form is used when you or your party is pined down with no other options. If you are in this form longer than 3 minuets, then it will cost you 2 of your highest level spell slots. If you can not pay this cost your garments will disappear. Magical Garments Third Form must be used as a bonus action or a reaction. Your AC becomes 12 + Charisma Modifier. When this form ends it pushes all creatures 50 ft away from you. If you have three spell slots, you can use three spell slots to push all non-friendly creatures 60 ft away from you.


All friendly creatures within your movement heal 2d4 on their respective turns.

Spell sniper

Your normal ranged attacks become 2d6, and you can make a ranged weapon attack as a bonus action.


Add +5 to your AC and +2 to your attack rolls.

Garment magic

Depending on which garment your wearing you will gain the flowing abilities.

First Form

While you are in your Magical Garment First Form, you can use your action and two spell slots to let out a flash of light. All creatures that can see you are blind for three rounds.

Second Form

While you are in your Magical Garment Second form, You can use a Bonus action and two spell slots to boost your speed and jump height (Your speed becomes 70 and you can now jump 4 times your normal jump height.) Add your dexterity modifier to your armor class (10 + Chr + Dex + Dex), and you do not take fall damage. This last for 2 rounds.

Third Form

While you are in Magical Garment Third form, You can use a Bonus action and two spell slots to:


Boost your heals by 1d8 for 2 rounds.

Spell Sniper

Boost your damage with normal ranged attacks by 1d6 for 2 rounds.


Add +2 to your AC and +2 to hit

True Magic

Your partner tells you about a magic that can make you much stronger. You must choose one or the other, Magical-Aid or Corrupt Magic. This magic will let you give life to others, or forcibly take it away from others.


As a bonus action, you can use two spell slots to give friendly creature Magical-Aid. Using this ability will cause you to gain a level of exhaustion for every Magical-Aid given. Their can be more than one Magical-Aid active at a time. Magical-Aid adds 1d4 to any roll they make including damage. Magical-Aid last for until the character takes a long rest. Magical-Aid can only be used once per turn. You can not use Magical-Aid on yourself.

Corrupt Magic

When you land a weapon attack against an enemy you can choose to regain two of your lowest level spell slots, and if you do the target of your attack can not add their proficiency bonus to rolls they make. If you use this ability you gain a level of exhaustion. You must replace Magical Assist with the following abilities:


When you would be hit by an attack you can use your reaction and one spell slot to add 1d4 to the your armor class. If you do not get hit because of this effect you regain the same level spell slot used to cast Magical Assist.

Spell Sniper

When you are hit by a melee attack, you can use your reaction and two spell slots to shoot a magical blast at the enemy. The target creature has to make a dexterity saving throw. The save DC is 12 + Charisma mod, if they fail they take 1d4 and they are knocked prone.


Once per long rest, when you would be hit you can use your reaction and two spell slots to blink to a place within half your movement to dodge the attack.


In addition to Magical Assist you gain the following abilities:


Once per long rest, you can use your bonus action and a spell slot to give a friendly creature 3d10 temporary hit points.

Spell Sniper

Twice per long rest, when a creature is knocked prone by one of your attacks, You can make an opportunity attack with a ranged weapon.


If you take damage for a friendly creature, Regain 1d8 hit points. If you can not exceed your maximum hit points.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the magical girl class, you must meet these prerequisites: charisma 13, dexterity 11

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the magical girl class, you gain the following proficiencies: proficient with simple weapons and can cast first level spells

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gollark: <:bees:724389994663247974> it, this is a hard problem.
gollark: Ohhhhh, homoglyphs.
gollark: ++delete do not
gollark: ++delete do
gollark: Okay, try now.
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