List of Book Abbreviations (3.5e Other)

Wizards of the Coast uses the following abbreviations for 3rd edition books.

AnFR3 Anauroch:The Empire of Shade
AEArms and Equipment Guide
BFKBarrow of the Forgotten King
BBBastion of Broken Souls
BCBook of Challenges
BEBook of Exalted Deeds
BVBook of Vile Darkness
CRChampions of Ruin
CVChampions of Valor
CiPCity of Peril
CoSCity of Splendors:Waterdeep
CSQCity of the Spider Queen
CAdComplete Adventurer
CArComplete Arcane
CCComplete Champion
CDComplete Divine
CMComplete Mage
CPComplete Psionic
CSComplete Scoundrel
CWComplete Warrior
CoCormyr: The Tearing of the Weave
DGD&D Gazetteer
DHDeep Horizon
DFDefenders of the Faith
DDDeities and Demigods
DMDragon Magic
DCSDragonlance Campaign Setting
DEDragons of Eberron
DrFDragons of Faerûn
DrUDrow of the Underdark
DMGDungeon Master's Guide (3.5)
DMG2Dungeon Master's Guide II
ECSEberron Campaign Setting
ElEElder Evils
EAEnemies and Allies
ELEpic Level Handbook
EEExemplars of Evil
XPHExpanded Psionics Handbook
RavExpedition to Castle Ravenloft
EDPExpedition to the Demonweb Pits
ERGExpedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk
EUExpedition to Undermountain
EHExplorer's Handbook
ELQEyes of the Lich Queen
FPFaiths and Pantheons
FEFaiths of Eberron
FLFDFantastic Locations:Fane of the Drow
FLFRFantastic Locations:Fields of Ruin
FLHPFantastic Locations:Hellspike Prison
FFFiend Folio
FCIFiendish Codex I
FCIIFiendish Codex II
FoThe Forge of Fury
FWThe Forge of War
FRCSForgotten Realms Campaign Setting
FYFortress of the Yuan-Ti
GHRGrand History of the Realms
GCGrasp of the Emerald Claw
HNHeart of Nightfang Spire
HBGHero Builder's Guidebook
HBHeroes of Battle
HHHeroes of Horror
LMLibris Mortis
LGLiving Greyhawk Gazetteer
LFLord of the Iron Fortress
LDLords of Darkness
LoMLords of Madness
LELost Empires of Faerûn
MICMagic Item Compendium
MoEMagic of Eberron
MoFMagic of Faerûn
MoIMagic of Incarnum
MPManual of the Planes
MWMasters of the Wild
MHMiniatures Handbook
MonMonster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
MMMonster Manual
MM2Monster Manual II
MM3Monster Manual III
MM4Monster Manual IV
MM5Monster Manual V
MysMysteries of the Moonsea
OAOriental Adventures
PlHPlanar Handbook
PEPlayer's Guide to Eberron
PGPlayer's Guide to Faerûn
PHPlayer's Handbook
PH2Player's Handbook II
PFPower of Faerûn
RDRaces of Destiny
RERaces of Eberron
RacRaces of Faerûn
RSRaces of Stone
RWRaces of the Wild
RHRed Hand of Doom
RTReturn to the Temple of Elemental Evil
RCRules Compendium
SSSavage Species
SoSSecrets of Sarlona
SXSecrets of Xen’drik
SKSerpent Kingdoms
SSLFR2 Shadowdale:The Scouring of the Land
SLShadows of the Last War
ShSharn:City of Towers
ShGThe Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde
ShSShining South
SMSilver Marches
SiSThe Sinister Spire
SasSong and Silence: A Guidebook to Bards and Rogues
SGSons of Gruumsh
SDThe Speaker in Dreams
StSThe Standing Stone
SBStronghold Builder's Guidebook
SCSpell Compendium
SFSword and Fist: A Guidebook to Monks and Fighters
TBTome and Blood: A Guidebook to Wizards and Sorcerers
ToBTome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords
TMTome of Magic
UnaUnapproachable East
UAUnearthed Arcana
VGDVoyage of the Golden Dragon
WBWhispers of the Vampire's Blade

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