King (5e Creature)
Medium fey, lawful good Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)
Saving Throws dex +9 con +8 all features can be used once per day (excluding levitation which king can do at will) DisasterAn innate power granted to the fairy bestowed with the title of the "Fairy King", this ability essentially grants them the authority to rule over the Fairy King's Forest.This ability is like the spell enlarge/reduce. This ability allows King to exercise complete control over life and death by altering and controlling matter at a molecular level. For example, he can turn a shallow scratch into a fatal wound, a minor poison into a lethal toxin and a small benign growth into a cancerous tumor that can devour a body whole. It also gives him complete control over nature, allowing him to manipulate various flora, letting it flourish or perish in moments. King can alter any substance to something else (if a player or NPC is targeted with this effect the must pass a DC- 15 Con saving throw or be effected) Levitation King possesses the ability to levitate and is capable of flight because he is a fairy. He demonstrates great skill in using it and is able to move quickly through the air. He can also utilize this ability to levitate objects and manipulate their trajectory without the need to make any direct contact. Transformation An ability that allows King to change his physical appearance as well as his clothes. In order for King to change appearance, he requires a great amount of concentration. This acts as a alter self spell Heart Reading As a fairy, King can read the true thoughts and feelings of others. A player may make a deception check to stop this effect ACTIONSUnarmed strike Melee Weapon Attack: -1 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: (1d4). Spirit Spear Chastiefol (5e Equipment)
King is able to control Spirit Spear Chastiefol (5e Equipment)
King is the king of the fairy race he left his kingdom to save his best friend upon returning he found the fairy kings forest destroyed |
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