Kinetic Deviant (5e Class)

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The Kinetic Deviant

Defilers of Unspoken Laws

A nobleman steps out onto the street on a particularly dark evening. He just finished losing a small portion of his families wealth in a game of dice and is proceeding to walk home. He turns down a deserted side road out of habit that he usually takes home only on brighter, safer nights. This however, is not one of those nights. For the first time all night, the noble looks up and see's a man standing in front of him wearing an blue cloak and a mask. The man says, "I've been waiting for you Mr. Lefen" and bows. He bows with his right arm over his chest and his left arm gripping the the edge of his cloak extended out straight. Mr. Lefen notices that on the inside of the strangers cloak hang seven or eight daggers slightly swaying from his bow and all to slightly glinting in the dim night. Without saying a word, Mr. Lefen turns to run in an attempt to escape the man in the alley. From behind him, Mr. Lefen hears the cloaked figure say "Oh, I do hate how they run" as he is in the back by several flying daggers. The daggers then pull themselves from the now deceased Mr. Lefen and return to under the blue cloak.

To Kinetic Deviants forces like gravity are mere suggestions. They lift boulders with their mind, they turn pebbles into fireballs, they spit in the face face of classical physics and bend the rules for their own gain.

Creating a Kinetic Deviant

When deciding to be a kinetic deviant, what made you decide to give Isaac Newton a day off?

Was it that you were tired of walking from place to place on your own two legs? If so then your in for a surprise. Kinetic Deviants aren't lazy like you, in fact they tend to be incredibly strong due to the massive strain using their powers puts on their bodies. Only the best, and I mean the BEST Kinetic Deviants are able to swear off walking for days on end.

If you don't have an issue with using your legs then what else enticed you? Could it be that your excited about defeating you enemies with only your mind? Well, again you have another thing coming. Say your fighting an opponent one on one. Your enemy charges you an in your naivete, you attack by catapulting your sword at him. However, now your unarmed and you have a large sword wielding asshole about to cut you in two. This is why most Kinetic Deviants carry multiple weapons, they're to mitigate the possibility disarming yourself in battle not to pick up chicks, although...

Quick Build

You can make a Kinetic Deviant quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength and Dexterity should be your highest ability scores followed by Intelligence. Strength is important because it directly affects how many weapons you can carry on the battlefield. Unlike other classes, Kinetic Deviants tend to want to carry additional weapons due to their style of 'throwing' their weapons at their opponents leaving them defenseless. Next, Dexterity is important because similar to other ranged fighters, on attack rolls Kinetic Deviants add their Dexterity modifier to hit. And Lastly, Intelligence is important at higher levels for regaining mana point during battle. Next, choose the Outlander background and gain Athletics and Survival skill proficiencies.

Class Features

As a Kinetic Deviant you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Kinetic Deviant level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Kinetic Deviant level after 1st


Armor: Light and Medium Armor
Weapons: Simple, Martial, and Improvised Melee Weapons
Tools: Smith's Tools or Tinker's Tools
Saving Throws: Strength and Dexterity
Skills: Choose either Perception or Performance


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A Longsword or (b) Two Shortswords or (c) Three Daggers
  • (a) Tinker's Tools or (b) Smith's Tools
  • Leather Armor
  • Kinetic Focus

Table: The Kinetic Deviant

1st+2The Lost Way-
2nd+2Levitate, Reduce Little G3
3rd+2A Fork in the Road4
4th+2Ability Score Improvement, Forceful Fist6
5th+3Path Feature, Extra Attack (1)7
6th+3Detect Motion9
7th+3Path Feature10
8th+3Ability Score Improvement12
9th+4Path Feature13
11th+4Path Feature16
12th+4Ability Score Improvement18
14th+5Path Feature21
16th+5Ability Score Improvement24
18th+6Path Feature27
19th+6Ability Score Improvement28

The Lost Way

You are part of a dying breed, there are few left in the world who have access the the powers of the Kinetic Domain such as yourself. For this reason, you have lived your life mostly alone relying only on yourself. For most, you appear to be the only one of your kind, and maybe they're right.

Kinetic Deviants are able to have a number of active weapons. Weapons designated as active are considered weightless to you and float near your person at all times. Each weapon has a corresponding weight value equal to the weight of the weapon in pounds. Your total active weapon weight is equivalent to the sum of all active weapons. Your total active weapon weight must always be less than or equal to your strength modifier plus your proficiency bonus.

You are allowed to carry additional weapons in your backpack, but they are not considered weightless and must fit in your bag or on your person. To transfer a weapon from inactive (in bag) to active (not in bag) takes 1 action. Additionally you have disadvantage on all attacks with hand-held weapons.

  • Daggers (1d4) == 1
  • Short-sword (1d6) == 2
  • Long-sword (1d8) == 3

Below may be unlocked after you choose your path

  • Rock (Medium) == 4
Repair Ability

Thanks to your solitary nature and your proclivity to destroy your own weapons, you have learned how to either forge new weapons or repair destroyed ones (Smith's vs Tinker's Tools).

Smithing Proficiency: With a Smithing proficiency you have mastered the inner working of small to medium sized forges and are able to put them to use for yourself. Once using a forge, any blacksmith will immediately recognize your talent and gladly assist you in crafting your weapons. However, convincing a blacksmith to let a stranger use their forge is not as easy as first assumed. While using a forge, your Smith's tools have 4 uses before they break. While at Blacksmith forge you can craft a new weapon or any other small metal object for 1 durability.

Tinkering Proficiency: With a Tinkering proficiency you have mastered a way of bending cold metal to your will. Unlike Smith's Tools where you need a forge, all you need to use these tools is time. Your Tinker's Tools also have 4 uses before they break. When using your tinkers tools you can polish a blade or object (within reason) for 1 durability, doubling its value while not changing its stats. To fully polish an item takes 1 hour.

--- At the eighth level your ability to smith/tinker has increased granting you following abilities ---

Smithing Proficiency: At the eighth level you've learned the technique of annealing blades to add a +1 bonus. When crafting a weapon at a forge, you have the option to expend an additional 2 durability to anneal the blade. this blade becomes a +1 weapon and must be given a name by the player.

Tinkering Proficiency: At the eight level you've learned to strengthen armor and shields giving a creature +1 to AC while wearing (armor) or wielding (shield) the strengthened item. To strengthen an item you must be out of combat. The process of strengthening takes 1 hour and 2 durability from your tinkers tools. Additionally, this bonus does not stack and cannot be added to magical items.


Casting Time: 1 Attack

Range: 40-feet

Duration: Instant

Projectiles: any

As an action, make a ranged attack (add Dexterity modifier) with a chosen object weighing 1-lb to 3-lb's. The object must be within range of the caster and cannot be being worn or carried. The object flies in a straight line up to 60-feet in a direction you choose before falling to the ground. If the attack hits, roll damage equal to that of the weapon used (maintaining magical bonuses) and change the damage type to piercing. If using a non-pointed weapon (ex. club, axe, or rock) roll 1d4 bludgeoning damage.


Casting Time: 1 Action

Range: 60-feet

Duration: Concentration; 1 min

As and action, you can expend 1 mana point to lift one small object within range. You can expend an additional mana point to lift an object one size up (1small -> 2medium -> 3large -> 4gargantuan). Objects can be lifted up to 30-feet vertically and while in the air they can be manipulated for as long as concentration is held.

Objects lifted by this ability can be manipulated and moved freely for as long as concentration is held. While suspended, objects can be thrown or dropped on opponents as a ranged attack. On a hit the targeted opponent takes xd6 bludgeoning damage where x is equal to the number of mana points spent. An unwilling creature that succeeds on a DC15 Wisdom saving throw is unaffected. When this ability ends, the suspended creature floats gently to the ground.

Reduce Little G

Casting Time: 1 Action

At level 1, you find yourself able to manipulate even the most fundamental of forces. As a bonus action, you can temporarily reduce the gravitational constant in a sphere of 5-foot radius around yourself.

When x is equal to the number of fallen the following is true:

x <= 30ft: You will take 0d6 impact damage

30 < x <= 50: You will take 1d6 impact damage

50 < x <= 60: You will take 2d6 impact damage

60 < x: You will take normal fall damage excluding 4d6

Jump: While this ability is active, when you jump from a solid surface (the ground) you double your jump height.

An additional feature of feather fall is the ability to expend mana points to slow your descent even more. By expending mana points equal to number of times used during free fall (costs 1, then 2, 3, etc), your character can instantly reduce their downward speed and return to the top of the current damage bracket. In this manner, kinetic wizards can reduce a fall distance by 30-feet per mana injection.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. Because you are a Kinetic Deviant, you are able to only increase strength past 20 using this feature, all other abilities cannot be increased past 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Forceful Fist

Casting Time: 1 Action

Starting at the fourth level, your control over the forces of the world has improved to the point that you can impart forces from your hands. When you take the Attack action, you can choose to make a melee attack on a creature in range instead of attacking regularly. You make a opposed Strength check with advantage as you punch the creature to see if you are able to stay standing as you 'throw' them.

If you pass, the creature is pushed 10-feet directly away from your person.

If you fail, you are pushed 5-feet from the creature and are knocked prone.

--- At the tenth level this ability changes from an action to a bonus action ---

Detect Motion

Casting Time: 1 Action

Cost: 2 mana

Duration: 1 minute, or until you move

Starting at the sixth level, you are able to detect any and all motion within a 1-mile radius of your current location for 30 seconds or until you move. Creatures and objects that are moving appear in perfect clarity to your mental sight, while immobile living creatures appear as pulsing heartbeats and flowing blood. You cannot detect immobile undead or other creatures that can remain perfectly still, such as mimics or sentient plants.

A Fork in the Road

You have brazenly walked the path of the Kinetic Domain for as long as you can now remember, every day you grow more powerful and you welcome that new strength with open arms. However, while nothing had layn on the path before, ahead sits an old man in a yellow cloak in the center of a crossroads. Each of the three paths appears to be blocked by a different obstacle but your attention is drawn to the old man. You approach the old man and ask "What is the meaning of this? Why are you here? Is this a test, must I defeat you?" The old man remains seated in the center of your path and chuckles, "In a way, yes, for the path is a challenge itself that you must overcome. But I am only a part of the path, and to continue on you must hope to preserve yourself. Behind me lays a crossroads, to follow the path means to choose the path, and to choose a path you must also be chosen by the path, for this is the test of the path." The old man goes silent and you look at the three paths before you.

The Left Path

Kinetic Deviants who choose the left path develop a spiritual connection to the earth and stone. They tend to be individualistic by nature and while powerful, are more possessed with the world than conflicts.

  • You gain a skill proficiency in either Nature, History, or Arcana.
  • You lose proficiency with Simple and Martial Melee Weapons.
  • You maintain proficiency attacking with Improvised Melee Weapons (rocks and stones).
  • You gain access to Rocks in The Lost Way.

Casting Time: 1 Action

Range: 60-feet

Duration: Instant

Projectiles: Stones and Rocks

As an action, make a ranged attack with one stone object weighing 10-lb to 60-lb's. The object must be within range of the caster and cannot be being worn or carried. The object flies in a straight line up to 90 feet in a direction you choose before falling to the ground. If the attack hits, roll damage equal to 3d6 bludgeoning damage, and the stone drops to the ground at the creatures feet.

Forceful Impact

Starting at the fifth level, you have learned how to impart enough force into your projectiles (stone) that you guarantee that they will explode on impact. When using this ability you must expend 2 mana before you make an attack roll. If your attack misses, you lose the mana but your projectile does not explode.

  • The projectile explodes on impact.
  • Area of Effect is 5-feet
  • Affected creatures take 4d6 bludgeoning damage.

--- At the tenth level you are able to increase the number of mana points released. For every two additional mana expended, you gain the following increases ---

  • Radius of damage increases by 5-feet.
  • Damage increases by 1d6.
Shattered Earth

Starting at the seventh level you are able to impart enough force into the ground to alter the very terrain of a specific area.

Casting Time: 1 Action

Range: Line of Sight

Area of Affect: 20-foot radius

Duration: Permanent

  • By expending 2 mana points you can make the terrain of a given area completely flat and smooth. This removes any speed reductions caused by difficult terrain.
  • By expending 3 mana points you can make the terrain of a given area impossible. Creatures in impossible terrain have their movement speed quartered while walking.
  • By expending 4 mana points you can make the terrain of a given area treacherous. Creatures in treacherous terrain have their movement speed halved and take 2d4 piercing damage for every 5-feet traveled in the affected area.
  • By expending 4 mana points you can collapse a portion of the ceiling/cave dealing 3d12 bludgeoning damage.
Terminal Velocity

Starting at the ninth level, you have mastered your control and accuracy of stone projectiles and realized a new way to defeat you enemies.

Casting Time: 1 Bonus-Action + 1 Action

Range: 150-feet

Cost: 4 mana

  • Turn 1: During your first turn, using a bonus action you tear a large stone object from the ground and launch it 120-feet into the air.
  • Turn 2: During you second turn, you take a full action to guide the stone down onto a creature of your choice. The designated creature makes a DC15 Dexterity saving throw.

On a fail, creatures take 12d6 bludgeoning damage from the falling stone, otherwise creatures takes 6d6 bludgeoning damage.

Shifting Traditions

At the eleventh level you gain the ability to manipulate the tiny particles of stone inside metals, on creatures' body, and suspended in the air around you. The following traditions do not stack. At your DM's behest, you may choose an alternative effect, but it should be no more powerful than those described below. The DM has final say on any such effect.

Casting Time: Bonus Action

Cost: 1 mana

  • Hone - You strengthen the stone inside a weapon or metal object of your choice, making it impervious to damage and increasing its damage by 1 dice.
  • Crack - You move the stone particles inside a piece of metal in such a way that it causes the object to crack, reducing the damage dealt by half or dispelling the magical ability of an object.
  • Strengthen - You accumulate and harden the stone particles on a creatures body increasing its AC by 1.
  • Irritate - You form the stone particles on a creatures body into tiny burs which irritate the host creature dealing a guaranteed 2d4 damage every time the creature moves.
  • Suspend - You lighten the accumulated stone particles on a creatures body increasing its movement speed by 10.
  • Drag - You increase the weight of the stone particles on a creature reducing its movement speed by 10.
  • Haze - You maneuver the suspended stone particles in the air to create a sort of haze giving creatures advantage on stealth roles.
Fault Shift

***Can only be performed once per day max***

Casting Time: 1 Action

Range: 500-feet

Cost: 14 mana

Duration: 1 Minute

At the fourteenth level you are able to sense the location, direction, and orientation of fault lines on the surface of the planet. By expending 16 mana, you are able to induce a magnitude 6 earthquake over the surrounding area. For the duration, an intense tremor rips through the ground in a 500-feet-radius circle centered on your player and shakes creatures and structures in contact with the ground in that area. The ground in the area becomes difficult terrain. Each creature on the ground that is concentrating must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature's concentration is broken. Each creature on the ground in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is knocked prone.

Fissures - Fissures open throughout the affected area at the start of your next turn after you perform this action. A total of 1d6 such fissures open in locations chosen by the DM. Each is 1d10 * 10 feet deep, 10-feet wide, and extends from one edge of the area to the opposite side. A creature standing on a spot where a fissure opens must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall in. A creature that successfully saves moves with the fissure's edge as it opens.

A fissure that opens beneath a structure causes it to automatically collapse (see below).

Structures - The tremor deals 50 bludgeoning damage to any structure in contact with the ground in the area when you cast the spell and at the start of each of your turns until the spell ends. If a structure drops to 0 hit points, it collapses and potentially damages nearby creatures. A creature within half the distance of a structure's height must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 5d6 bludgeoning damage, is knocked prone, and is buried in the rubble, requiring a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check as an action to escape. The DM can adjust the DC higher or lower, depending on the nature of the rubble. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and doesn't fall prone or become buried.

Continental Shift

***Can only be performed once per day max***

Casting time: 1 action

Range: 100-feet

Duration: Concentration

Cost: 18 mana

Starting at the eighteenth level, you are able to crack the earth under your feet and force open a fissure at any location in range. Immediately after the ability ends or concentration is broken, the crack slams shut entombing any affected creatures in stone. The fissure is 30-feet long, 10-feet wide, and 140-feet deep. The creature(s) or object(s) directly above the fissure must make a Dexterity saving throw immediately after the ability is used. Creatures directly above the fissure feel a strong force pulling them down and take 20d6 fall damage from hitting the bottom of the fissure, additional, once the fissure closes creatures take 14d6 bludgeoning damage from the fissure closing around them. On a passed Dexterity save, creatures cling to the walls of the chasm and do not take fall damage, they do however take the 14d6 bludgeoning damage.

Creatures that can fly or that are flying have advantage on the Dexterity saving throw. Spectral creatures like ghosts are unaffected by the ability.

The Right Path

Kinetic Deviants who choose the right path develop a spiritual connection to weaponry and the art of combat. They tend to be energetic and belligerent by nature and are always itching for a fight.

  • You gain two skill proficiencies in Stealth, Investigation, Persuasion, or Deception.
  • You lose proficiency with Improvised Melee Weapons.
  • You maintain proficiency attacking with Simple and Martial Melee Weapons (pointed).

Casting Time: 1 Attack

Range: 60-feet

Duration: Instant

Projectiles: Daggers, Swords, and Spears

As an action, make a Ranged Attack (add Dexterity modifier) with one chosen weapon weighing 1-lb to 6-lb's. The weapon must be within range of the caster and cannot be being worn or carried. The weapon flies in a straight line up to 90-feet in a direction you choose before falling to the ground. If the attack hits, roll damage equal to that of the weapon used plus 1d4 (maintaining magical bonuses) and change the damage type to piercing. If your attacks hits your blade sticks into the creature being targeted, however, if using a non-pointed weapon (ex. club or axe) roll 1d4 bludgeoning damage and the weapon does not stick.

As a bonus actions, you can half impulse one chosen weapon weighting 1-lb to 6-lb's. The weapon moves in a straight line up to 20-feet in a direction you choose before falling to the ground. If the weapon impacts an opponent it immediately falls to the ground and does not damage.

Critical Strike

Starting at the fifth level, you gain the following crit chances for the following weapons.

  • Daggers - crit on a [18, 20]
  • Short Sword - crit on a [19, 20]
  • Long Sword - crit on a [20]
Ranged Controller

Starting at the seventh level, when a blade sticks in an creature you gain the ability to impart a number of forces into the blade in the affected creature. At your DM's behest, you may choose an alternative effect, but it should be no more powerful than those described below. The DM has final say on any such effect. Opponents can attempt to pull out the weapon with an opposed Strength check. If successful, the weapon drops to the ground where the creature is standing, otherwise the weapon remains in the opponent.

Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action

Cost: 2 mana

  • Twist (dagger) - You twist the blade in the opponent dealing 2d4 piercing damage (unblockable).
  • Move (short-sword) - You impart a great force into the blade and creature that pushes your opponent 20-feet in a direction of your choice.
  • Weight (long-sword) - You cause the blade to weigh 100 pounds, knocking your opponent prone before the blade is torn from their body to the ground.

Controls above must be made using the indicated weapon type

level 9 ability

Starting at the ninth level,

Bleed Effect

Starting at the eleventh level, if you land a critical hit you gain the ability to induce a bleed effect on your opponent (given that have blood or some fluid). After you critically hit a creature they must make a DC14 Constitution saving throw. If the creature passes the saving throw nothing additional happens, otherwise, the creature is moved to bleeding stage 1. At the end of a bleeding creatures turn, their bleeding stage increases by 1. The stages of bleeding are as follows.

  • Stage 1 - Blood starts coming out of the wound, causing you blood loss and dizziness. Your movement speed is reduced by 5.
  • Stage 2 - Blood continues pouring out of the wound, causing you a high amount of pain. You have disadvantage on concentration saves.
  • Stage 3 - Blood loss blurs your vision, clouding your sight. You have disadvantage on all Perception checks.
  • Stage 4 - Enough blood is lost to make you fall unconscious.
  • Stage 5 - You bleed out die (or go down).


Stage 1 requires you take an action to bandage your wound.

Stage 2-3 requires a lesser restoration spell to stop your bleeding.

Stage 4 requires a greater restoration spell to stop your bleeding.

You can take an action to bandage your wounds, reducing bleeding by 1 stage

Treatment only stops your bleeding, debuffs remain active until the next rest (long or short)

Shattering Strike

Duration: Instant

Range 60-feet

Cost: 5 mana

Starting at the fourteenth level, you are able to propel your blades past the speed of sound, subsequently tearing your blades apart shortly after release. During any attack, by spending 4 mana you propel your blade faster than the speed of sound resulting in a sonic boom. Regardless of a hit, every creature not wearing hearing protection within 50-feet takes 1d12 sonic damage. After the sonic boom, the blade falls apart midair into a number of razor sharp shards. Any creature within 60-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. Creatures take 4d12 piercing damage (remove magical bonuses) on a failed throw and half damage on a pass.

Blades broken in this manner are not repairable

Living Pincushion

Casting Time: 1 Action

Range: 60-feet

Cost: 1 mana per weapon used

Projectiles: Daggers, Swords, and Spears

Starting at the eighteenth level, you gain the ability to project all your weapons that are not stuck in opponents or otherwise 'unavailable' at a single creature. The creature targeted must make a DC18 Dexterity saving throw immediately after the ability is used. The creature takes damage equal to the sum of each weapons damage rolls (maintaining magical bonuses) plus 1d4 per projectile as piercing damage.

Shatter Effect does not activate for this attack.

For example, using 5 short-swords: cost 5 mana and deal 5d6 + 5d4 piercing damage

As the caster you can choose how many of your weapons to use however, you cannot use weapons twice and you cannot use inactive weapons


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:

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gollark: The original PotatOS - not PotatOS Tau - was made around 13/08/2018 CE.
gollark: I don't know.
gollark: But the branding has always consistently been (some capitalization of) PotatOS.
gollark: Oh, you said TuberOS.
gollark: Like SpuDOS and TuberOS.
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