Ki Fighter, Variant (5e Class)

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Ki Fighter

Creating a Ki Fighter

Quick Build

You can make a ki fighter quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Wisdom then Constitution. Second, choose the outlander or sailor background.

Class Features

As a Ki Fighter you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Ki Fighter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Ki Fighter level after 1st


Armor: none
Weapons: Simple melee weapons, shortswords
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Strength, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Perception, Survival, Medicine, Insight


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A Longsword or (b) A Scimitar
  • (a) 5 javelins or (b) A simple melee weapon
  • (a) An Explorer's pack or (b) A Dungeoneer's pack
  • (a) Training Gi or (b) common clothes
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4 x 10 gp in funds.

Table: The Ki Fighter

Martial ArtsKi PointsFeaturesFlying Speed
1st+21d41Unarmored Defense, Martial Arts, Ki, Ki Blast-
2nd+21d42Fighter's Spirit-
3rd+21d43Ki Fighter Style-
4th+21d44Ability Score Improvement, Energy Detection-
5th+31d65Extra Attack-
6th+31d66Ki Strike, Martial Art School feature-
7th+31d67Evasion, Flight10 Feet
8th+31d68Ability Score Improvement10 Feet
9th+41d69Martial Art School feature10 Feet
10th+41d610Fury of Blasts15 Feet
11th+41d811Martial Art School feature15 Feet
12th+41d812Ability Score Improvement15 Feet
13th+51d813Ki Transfusion20 Feet
14th+51d814Martial Art School feature20 Feet
15th+51d815Ki Conditioning20 Feet
16th+51d816Ability Score Improvement20 Feet
17th+61d1017Martial Art School feature25 Feet
18th+61d101825 Feet
19th+61d1019Ability Score Improvement25 Feet
20th+61d1020Perfect Self30 Feet

Unarmored Defense

At 1st level, while you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + Strength modifier + Wisdom modifier.

Martial Arts

At 1st level, your practice of martial arts gives you mastery of combat styles that use unarmed strikes. You gain the following benefits while you are unarmed and you aren’t wearing armor or wielding a shield:

  • You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike. This die changes as you gain ki fighter levels, as shown in the Martial Arts column of the Ki Fighter table.
  • When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action, assuming you haven’t already taken a bonus action this turn.


Starting at 1st level, your training allows you to harness the mystic energy of ki. Your access to this energy is represented by a number of ki points. Your ki fighter level determines the number of points you have, as shown in the Ki Points column of the Ki Fighter table.

You can spend these points to fuel various ki features and special attacks. You start knowing four such features: Flurry of Blows, Perfect Dodge, Stand Ground, and Ki Blast. You learn more ki features as you gain levels in this class.

When you spend a ki point, it is unavailable until you finish a short or long rest, at the end of which you draw all of your expended ki back into yourself. You must spend at least 30 minutes of the rest meditating to regain your ki points.

Some of your ki features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Ki save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Flurry of Blows

Immediately after you take the Attack action on your turn, you can spend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.

Perfect Dodge

You can spend 1 ki point to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn. Due to your readiness to dodge your enemies have disadvantage on attacking you until your next turn.

Stand Ground

You can spend 1 ki point to guard as a bonus action on your turn. While guarding you receive half damage from all those that hit you, however, you cannot move from that spot until your next turn.

Ki Blast

At 1st level you can manifest a small ball of energy within either hand, striking any single target within a range of 30 feet for 1d4 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage. This die changes alongside your martial arts die (Costs 1 Ki point).

Fighter's Spirit

At 2nd level, You can roll a Wisdom (Insight) check against a target's Charisma(Deception) to gauge their fighting spirit. From this you can learn one of the following: their preferred weapon or means of attacking, their class (i.e. fighter, monk, druid, cannot determine subclass), their armor class, and what would be the best way to convince them to spar with you (i.e. would they do it if money were involved, or if they prefer to the death).

Ki Fighter Style

Upon reaching the 3rd level, the Ki Fighters must enroll in a school of combat: Each school provides features at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 11th, and 17th level. Some of your school features are physical techniques that require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Technique save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. Alternatively, you can gain 4 more ki points instead. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Energy Detection

Beginning at 4th level, before you make a Wisdom (Perception) against a living creature to track them down, you may gain advantage on the roll. You regain use of this feature after you finish a long rest, and you must have seen or met the creature in the past.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. You gain an additional attack at level 8. These attacks can only be made with unarmed strikes, ki blasts and weapons you are proficient in.

Ki Strike

At 6th level, your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage.


At 7th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a blue dragon’s lightning breath or a fireball spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.


At 7th level you gain the ability to use your ki to fly or levitate short distances. As you gain levels 10th, 15th, 17th, and 20th the distance you may travel increases. You can activate this technique as a bonus action. This technique remains active until you either run out of Ki points or choose to deactivate it as another bonus action. You must have at least 1 Ki point to activate this ability

Fury of Blasts

At 10th level, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn, you can fire a ki blast as a bonus action.

Ki Transfusion

Starting at 13th level, as an action you can transfer your ki to another creature. The maximum amount of ki you can transfer is equal to your Wisdom modifier. This can be used for one of the following effects.

  • Add three temporary hit points to the target creature. (Cost 1 ki point. Must be within ki blast range. Cannot be used to revive a target)
  • Restore an expended spell slot. (Cost 2 ki points per spell slot level. Must be within 5ft)
  • Give an unconscious creature hit points equal to your level. (Cost 4 ki points. Must be within 5 ft)
  • Restore the target's ki points. (Cost 1 ki point per ki point. Must be within ki blast range)

You may use this feature once, and you regain use of this feature after you finish a long rest.

Ki Conditioning

At 15th level, you have the ability to control your ki to a point where your techniques for your fighting school cost 1/2 the amount of ki points they normally cost (rounded up). You may use this an amount of times equal to your Wisdom modifier until you must take a short or long rest to regain all uses of this ability.

Perfect Self

At 20th level, when you roll for initiative and have no ki points remaining, you regain 5 ki points.

Playing Opossum

At 3rd level, if you are hit with an attack you can go prone and feign death as a reaction. All creatures, excluding allies who are aware of your technique, that can see you must make an Wisdom (Insight) check against your Charisma (Deception) to notice whether you are still alive. When you stand up, you gain advantage on your attack rolls during that turn against any creature that thought you were dead. This feature cannot work on the same target twice provided they remember you.

Wolf Fang Fist

At 6th level, you gain access to the Wolf Fang Fist. As an action, you attack your target with a fury of rapid strikes that deal slashing instead of bludgeoning damage. You make an amount of unarmed attacks equal to the amount of attacks you would make if you took the Attack action plus one additional unarmed strike. If you hit on any of these strikes, the target must make a Strength saving throw against your Technique save DC. On a success, nothing happens to the target. On a failure one of the following affects can occur (Cost 2 ki points):

- The user moves with the target in the direction they are facing. (up to 5ft times your Strength modifier, minimum 5.)
- The target is stunned until the start of your next turn.

If the user takes the move target option and moves within opportunity range of other enemies they can attack with dissadvantage. Successfull attacks will not interrupt the Wolf Fang Fist unless the user is brought to 0 hitpoints.

Spirit Ball

At 9th level you gain access to the spirit ball. As a bonus action, you may cast the spiritual weapon spell, with the weapon taking the shape of a glowing ball. The damage done is the same as your Ki Blast feature. Spirit Ball can be used again in the same turn by spending 1 ki point (up to your Wisdom modifier) to attack again. If an enemy walks by an active Spirit Ball, they will suffer an opportunity attack. (Cost 3 ki points)

Full Refund

At 11th level, if you have any active Spirit Balls, you can spend an action to dismiss all of them and refund all the ki that was spent (besides the ki spent to attack multiple times in the same turn with it). You must wait one turn before summoning any more Spirit Balls after you use this technique.

Neo Wolf Fang Fist

A 17th level you gain access to the Neo Wolf Fang Fist. As an action you attack your target with the full fury of wolf with double the amount of strikes of the Wolf Fang Fist ((your regular amount of attacks + 1)× 2). If you hit on any of these strikes, the target must make a Strength saving throw against your Technique save DC. On a success, nothing happens to the target. On a failure either one or both of the following affects can occur (Cost 6 ki points):

- The user moves with the target in the direction they are facing. (up to 5ft times your Strength modifier, minimum 5.)
- The target is stunned until the start of your next turn.

If the user takes the move target option and moves within opportunity range of other enemies they can attack with disadvantage. Successful attacks will not interrupt the Wolf Fang Fist unless the user is brought to 0 hitpoints. If any creatures are caught in the path of the move option they are subject to the effects of the normal Wolf Fang Fist. This technique can only be used twice per long rest.

The Turtle's Shell

At 3rd level when you are not wearing armor, you gain a +1 to your AC. This is increased by +1 at level 8 (+2) and level 14 (+3).

Sleepy Boy

At 6th level, you gain access to the Sleepy Boy technique. Using your action you can perform an odd set of hand movements and dancing you can recreate the effects of the sleep spell.(Cost 2 ki points +1 per higher level cast)

Destructo Disc

At 9th level you gain access to the Destructo Disc. Your ki blast is transformed into a wide disc capable of passing through targets. The disc deals an additional roll of your martial arts die in magical slashing damage, gains a range of 60 feet and takes up a 5 ft radius. Can only hit a target once, regardless of creature size. (Cost 4 ki points)

Power Storage

At 11th level You can spend a long rest storing double your wisdom modifier's worth of ki into a well. The ki stored in this well does not take away from your maximum ki. Using a bonus action you can replenish expended ki using ki stored in the well. You cannot exceed your ki point maximum using this technique.

The Final Lesson

At 17th level you gain access to one of the three abilities listed below. These abilities can only be used once per long rest. You cannot learn more than one unless allowed by your DM.


The most powerful technique in the school of the Turtle. You can forego your turn to enter a charging state up to 3 consecutive turns. After 1 turn you can release your charged power in a 30/5 ft. line for 8d10 force damage. After 2 turns you can release your charged power in a 40/5 ft. line for 16d10 force damage. After 3 turns you must release your charged power in a 40/15 ft. line for 24d10 force damage. All targets caught in the blast must make a Dex save against your ki DC for half damage. You have 3 turns worth of use for this attack and must complete a long rest to replenish its usage. This is the only Ki technique that can deal nonlethal damage (Costs 10/15/20 ki)

Last Resort

At half maximum hitpoints, as an action, the user raises their arms skyward and expends all remaining ki in a last ditch attack. A single target within ki blast range is struck by lightning for 12d10 + Ki spent in lightning damage. If the amount ki used in this attack is more than the user's current hitpoints, the user falls unconscious. The ki expended from this attack does not include ki stored in the well.


You are able to perform the Minimus Containment version of the imprisonment spell against a single target within ki blast range by using a small container with the name of a god wirtten on it. Upon success, the user rolls a Constitution save, and on success, they gain a level of exhaustion, on a fail, the gain 2 levels of exhaustion and go unconscious for 1d4 hours. The user can only imprison one creature at a time and any attempt to imprison another creature will release the previous creature regardless of success (Costs 10 ki).

Solar Flare

At 3rd level, you gain access to the Solar Flare technique. As an action, you hold your hands out in front of your face and release a blinding light in a 15 ft. radius. All creatures within this radius must make a Constitution saving throw against your Technique save DC. On a success nothing happens. On a failure the creature is blinded until the end of their next turn. (Cost 3 ki points)

Volleyball Attack

At 6th level, you gain access to the Volleybal Attack technique. By expending ki points When you hit a target with an unarmed strike the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a success the target takes damage as normal. On a failure the target is launched into the air after which you can perform a spike with your 2nd attack dealing an additional martial arts die in damage and knocking the target prone. (Cost 2 ki points)

Dodon Ray

At 9th level you gain access to the Dodon Ray. Your ki blast is transformed into a beam capable of passing through targets and gains a range of 90 feet by 5 feet. The beam can only hit a target once regardless of creature size. (Cost 2 ki points)

To The Last Breath

At 11th level You are able to perform any ki based technique even if you have no ki left. Whenever you use a ki-based technique when at 0 ki points, you recieve either 1/2 the damage the technique deals if it deals damage, or you take double the cost in ki of the technique in damage if it doesn't deal damage. This damage cannot be reduced in any form, excluding the Wish spell.

Neo Tri Beam

At 17th level you gain access to the Neo Tri Beam. It has a range of 60 feet by 20 feet, deals 5d10 radiant damage + your Wisdom modifier, and pushes opponent back 10ft + Wisdom modifier. User takes damage based on half of the damage from Neo Tri Beam. Can be used again by spending 3 ki points for every shot after the 1st to shoot again, this can be done as long as you have Ki and Hp. If your hitpoints drop to 0 with this technique, you must make a DC 13 Con save or be forced to roll a Death Save. If it fails, the user dies.

Ki Fighter Special Attacks and Techniques


As a Ki Fighter, you have learned to tap into the mysterious ki energies flowing throughout your body. Learning to channel this power, you can manifest it in many forms, but only as your selection of Special Attacks and Techniques allows. Each Special Attack has a Ki Point cost that is to be deducted from your Ki Pool every time it is used. All Special Attacks and Techniques require a standard action to activate unless otherwise mentioned.

Ki Casting

Ki Techniques count as spells. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your Special Attacks and Techniques. You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Special Attack you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom Modifier, unless specified.

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

School Techniques

School Techniques count as spells. Strength is your spellcasting ability for your Techniques. You use your Strength whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Strength modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Special Attack you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength Modifier, unless specified.

Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Ki Fighter class, you must meet these prerequisites:13 Strength, 13 Wisdom

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