Judge (5e Class)

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This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: Like other equipment-as-class-feature you need to explain how the lawgiver can be replaced if it is lost. Since this seems to be for a specific setting, would the lawgiver not be a piece of equipment for that setting?

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A Judge stands infront of a megablock holding his lawgiver ready to enter he bellows "Stop in the name of the law" he then enters and procceds to blow a hole in a wall and clears out a room of criminals and says "crime: attempted murder of a Judge, Sentence: Death"

Creating a Judge

Judge Dredd, 2000ad comic


when creating your judge you must consider all the factors like why you became a judge and how they dispense justice, they may be a strict no nonsense judge who will sentence anyone he sees even if it is a minor crime or a judge who deems all life as a crime and want to kill everyone

Class Features

As a Judge you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Judge level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Judge level after 1st


Armor: Light, Medium
Weapons: Simple, Martial, Lawgivers
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Intimidation and choose 2 from Athletics, Stealth, History, Insight, Perception, and Medicine


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Lawgiver Mk I Range: (60/180), Reloading(10), 2d8 Piercing
  • Judge armour (breastplate)
  • 4 Magazines
  • Explorer's Pack

Table: The Judge

1st+2Med Pack, Lawgiver Mk I, Theft Prevention
2nd+2Smoke Grenade, Night Vision
3rd+2Judge Type, Quick Draw
4th+2Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement
5th+3Extra Shot
6th+3Judge Type Feature
7th+3Thermal Vision
8th+3Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement
9th+4Lawgiver Mk II
10th+4Extra Shot 2
11th+4Judge Type Feature
12th+4Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement
15th+5Extra Shot 3
16th+5Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement
17th+6Judge Type Feature
19th+6Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement
20th+6Extra Shot 4

Med Pack

You can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your judge level. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.

Lawgiver Mk I

You are specially trained in the use of your lawgiver. A lawgiver's magazine includes 10 bullets and 3 each of incendiary rounds, armor piercing rounds, grenades, and stun rounds. You expend a bullet when you make a normal attack with a lawgiver, and you expend a special round when you wish to make a special ranged attack. When you reload a lawgiver by inserting a new magazine, you reload 10 bullets and 3 of each special round. Any bullets or special rounds remaining in the previous magazine are wasted.

The special rounds have the following effects:

Incendiary rounds. You deal 2d12 points of fire damage instead of your normal piercing damage.

Armour Piercing rounds. You gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls against creatures wearing armor or with a natural armor AC, and you deal double damage against objects.

Grenade. You fire an explosive grenade instead of a bullet. Make a single ranged attack roll and apply the results against every creature in a 10 foot cube within range. On a hit, you deal 1d12 points of bludgeoning damage and 1d12 points of piercing damage.

Stun rounds. You deal bludgeoning damage instead of piercing damage, and a creature you hit must make a DC 15 Constitution save or be stunned until the end of your next turn.

Theft Prevention

Whenever a creature who has no levels in the judge class touches your lawgiver, they take 2d6 points of lightning damage. If the creature doesn't drop the lawgiver, it takes 2d6 additional points of lightning damage at the end of each of its turns. The lightning damage dealt by this feature increases by 2d6 when you reach 6th level (4d6), 11th level (6d6), and 16th level (8d6).

Night vision

Starting at 2nd level you gain dark vision to a range of 60 ft. if you don't have darkvision already. If you already have darkvision, the range of your dark vision increases by 60 ft.

Smoke Grenade

Starting at 2nd level, you can spend 10 minutes and 2.5 gp of materials to craft a smoke grenade. As an action, you can throw a smoke grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. The smoke grenade creates a cloud of smoke that heavily obscured a 20-foot radius centered on the point. Smoke lasts for 1 minute or until dispersed. You can see normally in the smoke created by a smoke grenade.

Quick Draw

Whenever a creature enters a space within 15 feet of you, you may use your reaction to attack the creature.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Shot

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action with a lawgiver. The number of attacks increases by 1 once you reach 10th level (three attacks), 15th level (four attacks), and 20th level (five attacks)

Thermal Vision

Once you reach 7th level, your vision extends into the thermal spectrum. You can now see invisible creatures and objects as if they were visible, and you can tell the temperature of an object at a glance correct to the nearest tenth of a degree.

Lawgiver Mk II

Starting at 9th level, attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on attack rolls you make with your lawgiver. Your lawgiver now uses the following special rounds:

Incendiary rounds. You deal 3d12 points of fire damage instead of your normal piercing damage.

Armour Piercing rounds. You gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls against creatures wearing armor or with a natural armor AC, and you deal double damage against objects.

Burst Rounds. You may make a single attack roll and apply the results against two creatures within 5 feet of each other. Each creature you hit takes 3d8 points of piercing damage.

High Explosive rounds. You fire an explosive grenade instead of a bullet. Make a single ranged attack roll and apply the results against every creature in a 15 foot cube within range. On a hit, you deal 2d8 points of bludgeoning damage and 2d8 points of piercing damage.

Heat Seeking rounds. You automatically hit a creature within range for 1d8 points of piercing damage.

Stun rounds. You deal bludgeoning damage instead of piercing damage, and a creature you hit must make a DC 18 Constitution save or be stunned until the end of your next turn.


At 13th level you become adept at using and overcoming cover. Whenever you would gain the benefits of half cover, you gain the benefits of three-quarters cover instead. Additionally, your attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.

Street Judge

You have decided to spend you time roaming the streets looking for criminals and performing your primary role as judge, jury, and executioner.


When you first choose to be a street judge, you become better at fighting crime by virtue of your sheer anger against criminals. Whenever you see a creature commit a crime, you gain bonuses depending on the severity of the crime as decided by the DM. All of the following bonuses last for 24 hours or until you administer punishment to the criminal, whichever comes first.

  • Low Level Crime: You gain advantage on intimidate checks against the criminal.
  • Medium Level Crime: You gain the benefits of the low level crime bonus, and you also gain advantage on survival and perception checks you make to track or otherwise find the criminal.
  • High Level Crime: You deal 1d8 points of extra damage whenever you attack the criminal and hit.


At level 6 you gain access to your lawmaster, a bike that all street judges use. A lawmaster is a Large object with 80 hit points and an AC of 16. While you are mounted on your lawmaster, your speed increases to 100 feet, and you may use your action to attack with the lawmaster's widowmakers as a ranged weapon attack. The widowmakers have a normal range of 60 feet, a maximum range of 180 feet, and deal 2d8 points of piercing damage on a hit.

Flash Bang

At level 11 you gain access to flash grenade which everyone within 15ft around the grenade makes a cons save of 15 or higher or is stunned for 1 round

Tear Gas

At level 17 you gain access to tear gas which everyone in a 20ft radius makes a DC 16 Constitution save or be slowed to ¼ their movement and take 1d10 points of poison damage every time they start a turn in the gas. The gas lasts for 1 minute or until it is dispersed.


When you choose Medic at level 3 you gain mastery in the art of medicine and spend your days healing injured judges and civilians

Medical Training

when you pick Medic you can use your med pack to heal others which lets you heal other people for 2D10+judge level

Advanced Medicine

At level 6 you gain access to an advanced medicine kit which 3 times per long or short rest you can heal any target as a bonus action for 1D12+Medicine bonus


At level 11 you gain access to Defibrillator which once per long or short rest allows you to put a creature that is making death saving throws get 3 successes and be at 1 hp but unconscious for 1 hour

Healing Gas

At level 17 you gain access to healing gas which heals up to 6 creatures of your choice for 1D8 every round they are in the gas, the gas lasts for 3 rounds

Psi Division

You have awoken the potential of your natural psychic powers, and now you use them to dispense justice.

Psi Powers

When you choose Psi Division at level 3 you gain access to psi powers. Your reservoir of psionic power is represented by a number of psi points. You have a number of psi points equal to your judge level plus your Wisdom modifier, with a minimum of 3. When you spend a psi point, it is unavailable until you finish a short or long rest, at the end of which your psi power builds back up. You can use your action to spend a psi point and use a psi power from the below list:

  • Memory Transference: You touch an object, and you receive a vision of where the object has been and what is been used for in the last 24 hours.
  • Telekinesis: You can lift any object within 30 feet of you which weighs no more than 50 pounds and isn't being worn or carried by a creature. You can move the object you lift up to 30 feet, but not outside the range of this power.
  • Mind Snap: You assault the mind of a creature within 120 feet of you. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw with a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier. On a failed save, the target takes 4d8 points of psychic damage and is stunned until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, the target takes half damage and isn't stunned.

Mind Probe

At level 6 you gain access to Memory Probe which makes your target make a wisdom saving throw against your wisdom dc (DC=8+prof+Wis) if they fail you learn of everything they did for the past 24 hours

Psi Pulse

Starting at 11th level, as a bonus action you may spend a psi point to gain blindsight to a range of 60 feet until the start of your next turn.

Psi Drain

At level 17 you can your mind snap power is replaced by the more powerful psi drain power. Psi drain works the same as mind snap does, except it deals 6d8 points of psychic damage rather than 4d8, and on a failed save the target is paralyzed for 1 minute rather than stunned. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the target is no longer paralyzed.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Judge class, you must meet these prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Constitution 13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Judge class, you gain the following proficiencies: Intimidation, Lawgiver

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