Jack-of-all-classes (5e Class)

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Each class is specialized in something. Wizards are masters of magic. Rouge are masters of skills. Monks are masters of unarmed fighting. Pladins are masters of smiting. What happens if there was a way to change your own class at will? There is a mythical magical item that makes this dream come true. A Prism has the ability to hold knowledge of any class. With this priceless artifact, a normal person can experence any class that they can imagine.

Creating a Jack-of-all-classes

What drives your character to spend effort and time to learn all of the classes? What stops your character's desire to be focused in a single class?

Quick Build

You can make a Jack-of-all-classes quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the sage background.

Class Features

As a Jack-of-all-classes you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Jack-of-all-classes level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Jack-of-all-classes level after 1st


Armor: light armor
Weapons: simple weapon
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Intelligence and Constitution


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • simple weapon
  • (a) dagger or (b) sling shot
  • Prism
  • Spellbook

Table: The Jack-of-all-classes

FeaturesClass modes knownMode levelCantrips knownSpells prepared—Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st+2 Spellcasting, Prism magic01002
2nd+2 Class mode11113
3rd+2 Prism storage, Mode change, Class mode first feature211242
4th+2Ability Score Improvement211343
5th+3 Extra attack3214432
6th+3 Prism dress up3215433
7th+3 Class mode second feature42164331
8th+3Ability Score Improvement42174332
10th+4 Gear training5321043332
11th+4 Class mode third feature63212433321
12th+4Ability Score Improvement63213433321
14th+5 Prism and Spellbook link743164333211
16th+5Ability Score Improvement8431943332111
17th+6 Armor expert95321433321111
18th+6 Class mode fourth feature95322433331111
19th+6Ability Score Improvement105324433332111
20th+6 Muliti-mode form105325433332211

Novice spellcaster

At 1st level, you connection with your prism gives you small magical ability. You learn one wizard cantrip and one 1st level spell wizard level. Unlike normal spellcaster that learn new cantrips and spells as they level up, you gain new cantrips and spells from your future class feature Class mode.


As a beginner of Arcane Magic, you have a Spellbook containing Spells to help you remember your spells.


At 1st level, you have a Spellbook containing both the 1st level spell and cantrip that you learned from Novice spellcaster. Your Spellbook is the repository of all the Spells you know, including your Cantrips.

Casting Spells

The Jack-of-all-classes table shows how many Spell Slots you have to cast your Spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these Spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended Spell Slots when you finish a Long Rest.

Ritual Casting

You can cast a Jack-of-all-classes spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have prepared the spell from your Spellbook.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use your prism as a Spellcasting Focus for your Jack-of-all-class' spells.

Preparing Spells

You prepare the list of Jack-of-all-classes Spells that are available for you to cast. To do so, choose a number of Jack-of-all-classes Spells from your Spellbook up to the Prepared spells column in Jack-of-all-classes table.

The spells that you have chosen to learn from Novice spellcaster is always prepared and does not count towards the number of prepared spells.

You can change your list of prepared Spells when you finish a Long Rest. Preparing a new list of spells requires time spent studying your Spellbook and memorizing the incantations and gestures you must make to cast the spell: at least 1 minute per Spell Level for each spell on your list.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your Spellcasting Ability for your Jack-of-all-classes Spells, since you learn your Spells through dedicated study and memorization. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your Spellcasting Ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Jack-of-all-classes spell you cast and when Making an Attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Spell Attack modifier = your Proficiency Bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Prism magic

At 1st level, you begin to understand your Prism better. As an action, you can summon your Prism regardless the current location it is in. After a short rest, you can fully repair your Prism. After a long rest, you can create a new Prism. Upon creation of a new Prism, the old crumbles into ash.

Class mode

At 2nd level, you learn your first class mode. After a long rest, you can replace one of your class modes. When you remove a class mode that adds spells to your spellbook, those spells disappear. Choose one of the class modes options below.

Click here to alternative layout of all class mode. Instead grouped by levels, its grouped by class mode. They are the same thing.

Click here to skip to next feature.

FormProficiency gainedPrimary statExtra attackExtra healthMex spell levelNew spells
BarbarianMedium armor, shield, and martial weaponsStrengthYesYesNoneNone
BardMusical instrument, and PersuasionCharismaNoNo9Bard
ClericMedium armor, shields , martial weaponsWisdomNoNo9Cleric
DruidMedium armor and shieldsWisdomNoNo9Druid
FighterAll armors, shields, and martial weaponsStrengthYesYesNoneNone
MonkShort swordsDexterityYesNoNoneNone
PaladinAll armors, shields, and martial weaponsCharismaYesYes5Paladin
RangerMedium armor, shields, martial weapons and NatureDexterityYesYes5Ranger
RogueThieves' tools, Stealth and Slight of handDexterityNoNoNoneNone

Barbarian mode

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency with medium armor, shield, and Martial Weapons.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your your Strength modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Strength modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up


At 2nd level, your spellcasting becomes limited. You can only cast cantrip that you learn from Novice spellcaster.

Barbarian's health

At 2nd level, you gain temporary hit points equal to Jack-of-all-classes level times 2. This only can be restored after long rest.

Next time you change into Barbarian you gain temporary hit points equal to temporary hit points to you last had last time you were a Barbarian. not your starting temporary hit point.

Bard mode

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency in persuasion and one music instrument. If you already have proficiency in those skills, double them instead.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your your Charisma modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Charisma modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up


While in this mode, you can cast bard cantrips. Additionally, you can bard spells that you have prepared. These cantrip and spells don't need to be the cantrips or spells that you learn from this mode. You can cast cantrip and spells that you learn from Novice spellcaster.


At 2nd level, you know one Cantrip of your choice from the Bard spell list. You learn additional Bard Cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Jack-of-all-trades table.

New spells

At 2nd level, you write one bard spell into your spellbook. You learn one new bard spell every time you level up. Each of these spells must be the lower that your maximum spell slot for that level (minimal 1). These spells count has Jack-of-all-classes spells. Example: At level 7, you have 4th level spell slot and learn one 1st, 2nd or 3rd level spell.

Cleric mode

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency in medium armor and shield.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your your Wisdom modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Wisdom modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up


While in this mode, you can cast cleric cantrips. Additionally, you can cleric spells that you have prepared. These cantrip and spells don't need to be the cantrips or spells that you learn from this mode. You can cast cantrip and spells that you learn from Novice spellcaster.


At 2nd level, you know one Cantrip of your choice from the Cleric spell list. You learn additional Cleric Cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Jack-of-all-trades table.

New spells

At 2nd level, you write one Cleric spell into your spellbook. You learn one new Cleric spell every time you level up. Each of these spells must be the lower that your maximum spell slot for that level (minimal 1). These spells count has Jack-of-all-classes spells. Example: At level 7, you have 4th level spell slot and learn one 1st, 2nd or 3rd level spell.

Druid mode

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency with medium armor and shield.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your your Wisdom modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Wisdom modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up


While in this mode, you can cast Druid cantrips. Additionally, you can Druid spells that you have prepared. These cantrip and spells don't need to be the cantrips or spells that you learn from this mode. You can cast cantrip and spells that you learn from Novice spellcaster.


At 2nd level, you know one Cantrip of your choice from the Druid spell list. You learn additional Druid Cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Jack-of-all-trades table.

New spells

At 2nd level, you write one Druid spell into your spellbook. You learn one new Druid spell every time you level up. Each of these spells must be the lower that your maximum spell slot for that level (minimal 1). These spells count has Jack-of-all-classes spells. Example: At level 7, you have 4th level spell slot and learn one 1st, 2nd or 3rd level spell.

Fighter mode

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency in medium armor, shield, heavy armor and marshal weapons.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your your Strength modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Charisma modifier with Strength modifier /2 rounded up


At 2nd level, your spellcasting becomes limited. You can only cast cantrip that you learn from Novice spellcaster.

Monk mode

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency with short sword.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your your Dexterity modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Dexterity modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up


At 2nd level, your spellcasting becomes limited. You can only cast cantrip that you learn from Novice spellcaster.

Paladin mode

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency with medium armor, shield, heavy armor and marshal weapons.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your your Charisma modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Charisma modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up


While in this mode, you can not use spell slots that is more than Mode level from Jack-of-all-classes table. You can Paladin spells that you have prepared. These spells don't need to be the spells that you learn from this mode. You can cast cantrip and spells that you learn from Novice spellcaster.

New spells

At 2nd level, you write one Paladin spell into your spellbook. You learn one new Paladin spell every time you level up. Each of these spells must be the lower than Mode level (minimal 1). These spells count has Jack-of-all-classes spells. Example: At level 7, you have 4th level spell slot and learn one 1st, 2nd or 3rd level spell.

Ranger mode

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency Marshal weapon, Medium Armor, Shields and nature. If proficient in nature, double it.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your your Wisdom modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Wisdom modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up


While in this mode, you can not use spell slots that is more than Mode level from Jack-of-all-classes table. You can Ranger spells that you have prepared. These spells don't need to be the spells that you learn from this mode. You can cast cantrip and spells that you learn from Novice spellcaster.

New spells

At 2nd level, you write down one Ranger spell into your spellbook. You learn one new Ranger spell every time you level up.Each of these spells must be the lower than Mode level (minimal 1). These spells count has Jack-of-all-classes spells. Example: At level 7, you have 4th level spell slot and learn one 1st, 2nd or 3rd level spell.

Rogue mode

At 2nd level, you proficiency in hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords, thieves' tool, stealth and sleight of hand.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your Dexterity modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Dexterity modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up


At 2nd level, your spellcasting becomes limited. You can only cast cantrip that you learn from Novice spellcaster.

Sorcerer mode

At 2nd level, if your Charisma modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Charisma modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up


While in this mode, you can cast Sorcerer cantrips. Additionally, you can Sorcerer spells that you have prepared. These cantrip and spells don't need to be the cantrips or spells that you learn from this mode. You can cast cantrip and spells that you learn from Novice spellcaster.


At 2nd level, you know one Cantrip of your choice from the Sorcerer spell list. You learn additional Sorcerer Cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Jack-of-all-trades table.

New spells

At 2nd level, you write one Sorcerer spell into your spellbook. You learn one new Sorcerer spell every time you level up. Each of these spells must be the lower that your maximum spell slot for that level (minimal 1). These spells count has Jack-of-all-classes spells. Example: At level 7, you have 4th level spell slot and learn one 1st, 2nd or 3rd level spell.

Warlock mode

At 2nd level, if your Charisma modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Charisma modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up


While in this mode, you can cast Warlock cantrips. Additionally, you can cast Warlock spells that you have prepared. These cantrip and spells don't need to be the cantrips or spells that you learn from this mode. You can cast cantrip and spells that you learn from Novice spellcaster.


At 2nd level, you know one Cantrip of your choice from the Warlock spell list. You learn additional Warlock Cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Jack-of-all-trades table.

New spells

At 2nd level, you write one Warlock spell into your spellbook. You learn one new Warlock spell every time you level up. Each of these spells must be the lower that your maximum spell slot for that level (minimal 1). These spells count has Jack-of-all-classes spells. Example: At level 7, you have 4th level spell slot and learn one 1st, 2nd or 3rd level spell.

Wizard mode


While in this mode, you can cast Wizard cantrips. Additionally, you can cast Wizard spells that you have prepared. These cantrip and spells don't need to be the cantrips or spells that you learn from this mode. You can cast cantrip and spells that you learn from Novice spellcaster.


At 2nd level, you know one Cantrip of your choice from the Wizard spell list. You learn additional Wizard Cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Jack-of-all-trades table.

New spells

At 2nd level, you write one Wizard spell into your spellbook. You learn one new Wizard spell every time you level up. Each of these spells must be the lower that your maximum spell slot for that level (minimal 1). These spells count has Jack-of-all-classes spells. Example: At level 7, you have 4th level spell slot and learn one 1st, 2nd or 3rd level spell.

Optional modes

Some class modes require approval from your GM to be able to be used. They are located at bottom of this class. Quick link here.

Extra health

At level 2, the following class mode is effect by Extra health feature; fighter, paladin, ranger, and barbarian.

You gain Jack-of-all-classes worth of temporary hit points when you are in one of the class modes that have extra health. This is universally shared across all class modes that have extra health. You only restore these temporary hit points after long rest.

When you change out of one of the class mode that has extra health, you lose all temporary hit points. When you change into of one of the class mode that has extra health, you gain temporary hit points equal to remaining extra health from the last class mode. not your starting temporary hit point.

Mode change

At 3rd level, you learn to store memories into your Prism. By transferring memories about class modes from and into the prism. you can effectively change your current Class mode. You learn one more class mode and learn more as shown in Jack-of-all-classes table. You can only have one class mode active at a time.

As an action, you can change your class mode to a different class mode that you have prepared. You lose all features and abilities from your old class mode. During the change, you lose on any concentration spells or abilities. You gain all features of your new mode.

When you switch back to a class mode that you have used, expended resources like lost in temporary hit points and spent bardic inspiration, does not get restored. When you switch back, previously activated effects like concentration spell and rage does not resume.

When you switch your class mode, you may cause your prism change color, create harmless sound or harmless flash of light.

All class mode can benefit from short or long rest, regardless if it is your active or not active class mode.

You cannot mode change if you do not have your prism within 5 ft of you.

Prism storage

At 3rd level, you discover a method to store items in your Prism. Your prism can magically store up to 500 pounds of items. You can only store weapons, armors, clothes, tools, quiver, and ammo. No other type of item may be put inside. You can take out or put in any of these items as you would a normal item interaction from your bags. The Prism with have the same weight regardless what is inside. If the Prism is destroyed, the items comes out and lands on the ground.

In the same action of that you use your Class mode, you can have your Prism give you anything in its storage. In the same turn as your mode change, you can use a bonus action to retrieve any item inside the Prism.

Class mode 1st feature

At 3rd level, you have become more familiar with Class mode. You gain addition features depending on your active Class mode.


You gain unarmored defense and rage from Barbarian class. For the rage feature, treat Mode level from Jack-of-all-classes table as barbarian level.


You gain bardic inspiration from Bard class. For bardic inspiration, treat Mode level from Jack-of-all-classes table as bard level.


You gain Disciple of Life from life domain cleric.


You gain wild shape from Druid. For wild shape, treat Mode level from Jack-of-all-classes table as druid level.


You gain fighting style.


You gain unarmored defense and martial arts from monk class. For unarmed strike damage, treat Jack-of-all-classes' level as monk level.


You gain divine sense.


You gain favorite enemy and natural explorer. For both features, they do not get improved in later levels.


You gain expertise with stealth and sleight of hand. You also gain sneak attack from rouge class. Your sneak attack deals have your Jack-of-all-classes level divided by 3 (rounded up) of sneak attack dice (d6).


You gain tempest magic from storm sorcerer.


You learn to ability called Dark magic.

Dark magic

As an action, use up 3 spell slots to create Pact magic spell slot. Pact magic spell slot's level is equal to the lowest spell slot used to create this. Pact magic maximum spell level slot is 5th level. You can use Pact magic spell slot just like a normal spell slot. Unlike normal spell slots, Pact spell slots are restored after short rest. Pact magic spell slot ONLY disappear after long rest or after 36 hours. It does not disappear when switching Class mode.


You learn arcane recovery from wizard class. At 3rd level, you can recover one 1st level spell slot. At 12th level, you can recover two 1st level spell slots or one 2nd level spell slot.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra attack

At 5th level, you can gain an extra attack depending on what Class mode you are in. Barbarian, fighter, monk, ranger, and paladin modes gain extra attack.

Prism dress up

At 6th level, you connection with the prism grows. Whenever you give or take items from your Prism storage, you can instead replace the clothes or light armor that you are currently wearing for another clothes or light armor in the Prism, equip more clothes or light armor from inside the Prism, or remove equipped clothes or light armor into the Prism.

At 10th level, this can effect medium armor. At 17th level, this can effect heavy armor

Class mode 2nd feature

At 7th level, you have become more familiar with Class mode. You gain addition features depending on your active Class mode.


You gain danger sense from barbarian class.


You gain Jack-of-all-trades from bard class.


You gain channel divinity and channel divinity: turn undead. You can only have 1 use of channel divinity per rest.


You gain combat wild shape. You can wild shape up to CR 1/2.


You gain second wind from fighter class. For second wind, treat Mode level from Jack-of-all-classes table as fighter level.


You gain Ki from monk class. Your Ki points is equal to Mode level.


You gain healing hand from paladin class. For healing hand, treat Mode level from Jack-of-all-classes table as Paladin level.


You gain fighting style from ranger class.


You gain cunning action from rogue class.


You gain Font of magic and 1 metamagic option from sorcerer class. Your sorcerery points is equal to mode level.


You learn eldritch invocation from warlock. For eldritch invocation, treat Mode level from Jack-of-all-class's table as warlock level.


You learn wizardly quill from order of the quill wizard class.

You can spend money and time to copy a new wizard spell into your spellbook just like any other order of the quill wizard.

Gear training

At 10th level, you have gotten use to most gears that you learn in Class mode. You have proficiency in medium armor, shield, and marshal weapons.

Class mode 3rd feature

At 11th level, you have become more familiar with Class mode. You gain addition features depending on your active Class mode.


You gain reckless attack from barbarian class.


You gain song of rest and expertise from bard class. Treat Mode level as your bard level for song of rest ability.


You gain Channel Divinity: Preserve Life from life domain cleric. Treat Mode level as your cleric level for this ability.


You can wild shape up to CR 1.


You gain action surge from fighter class. You can only have 1 use of action surge per rest.


You gain unarmored movement and deflect missiles from monk class. Treat Mode level as your monk level for these ability.


You gain Divine smite from paladin class.


You gain primal awareness from ranger class.


You gain fast hands from thief rouge,


You gain 1 metamagic option.


You learn pact boon from warlock class.


You learn manifest mind from Order of scribe wizard. You use a normal spellbook instead of an awakened spellbook.

At 14th level, you figure out how to use Prism and the Spellbook at the same time. When holding to both your Prism and Spellbook, you can cast ritual spell in your spell book without preparing the spell. This ignores subclass's spell casting limitation. This ignores any class or subclass requirement to cast the spell. Example, as long a barbarian subclass is holding the Prism and Spellbook, they can cast the ritual Find familiar spell from the wizard spell list.

Armor expert

At 17th level, you learn to move in heavy armor. You have proficiency with heavy armor.

Class mode 4th feature

At 18th level, you have become more familiar with Class mode. You gain addition features depending on your active Class mode.


You gain fast movement from barbarian class.


You gain counter charm from bard class.


You gain destroy undead from cleric class. It remains at 1/2 CR undead.


You gain primal strike from moon druid.


You can Attack three times, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on Your Turn.


You gain slow fall and stunning strike from monk. Treat Mode level as monk level for slow fall.


You gain fighting style and divine health from paladin class.


You gain fleet footed from ranger class.


You gain uncanny dodge from rouge class.


You gain shadow walk from shadow sorcerer class.


You learn misty escape from Archfey warlock class.


You learn durable magic from war wizard.

Muliti-mode form

At 20th level, you become a master of all of your prepared class modes. When you use mode change, you can choose to keep the old class mode and use your new class mode at the same time. In this form, you gain benefits from both class modes. In this state, you keep your access to all your spell slots, ignoring any spell casting restriction of both class modes. After an hour or ending it prematurely with an action, you lose your first class mode and gain one level of exhaustion. Falling unconscious or falling below 1 hp does not end this prematurely.

Existing class mode

Below is a list of all class modes. Instead of grouping by level, these are group by class mode. This is just an alternative way to view all the class modes.

FormProficiency gainedPrimary statExtra attackExtra healthMax spell levelNew spells
BarbarianMedium armor, shield, and martial weaponsStrengthYesYesNoneNone
BardMusical instrument, and PersuasionCharismaNoNo9Bard
ClericMedium armor, shields , martial weaponsWisdomNoNo9Cleric
DruidMedium armor and shieldsWisdomNoNo9Druid
FighterAll armors, shields, and martial weaponsStrengthYesYesNoneNone
MonkShort swordsDexterityYesNoNoneNone
PaladinAll armors, shields, and martial weaponsCharismaYesYes5Paladin
RangerMedium armor, shields, martial weapons and NatureDexterityYesYes5Ranger
RogueThieves' tools, Stealth and Slight of handDexterityNoNoNoneNone

Barbarian mode

You begin to feel the power of anger.

Barbarian wannabe

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency with medium armor, shield, and Martial Weapons.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your your Strength modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Strength modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up


At 2nd level, your spellcasting becomes limited. You can only cast cantrip that you learn from Novice spellcaster.

Barbarian's health

At 2nd level, you have Extra health feature

Barbarian 1st feature

At 3rd level, you gain unarmored defense and rage from Barbarian class. For the rage feature, treat Mode level from Jack-of-all-classes table as barbarian level.

At 5th level, you gain extra attack.

Barbarian 2nd feature

At level 7, you gain danger sense from barbarian class.

Barbarian 3rd feature

At level 11, you gain reckless attack from barbarian class.

Barbarian 4th feature

At level 18, you gain fast movement from barbarian class.

Bard mode

You have discover to channel music through music.

Bard wannabe

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency in persuasion and one music instrument. If you already have proficiency in those skills, double them instead.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your your Charisma modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Charisma modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up


While in this mode, you can cast bard cantrips. Additionally, you can bard spells that you have prepared. These cantrip and spells don't need to be the cantrips or spells that you learn from this mode. You can cast cantrip and spells that you learn from Novice spellcaster.


At 2nd level, you know one Cantrip of your choice from the Bard spell list. You learn additional Bard Cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Jack-of-all-trades table.

New spells

At 2nd level, you write one bard spell into your spellbook. You learn one new bard spell every time you level up. Each of these spells must be the lower that your maximum spell slot for that level (minimal 1). These spells count has Jack-of-all-classes spells. Example: At level 7, you have 4th level spell slot and learn one 1st, 2nd or 3rd level spell.

Bard 1st feature

At 3rd level, you gain bardic inspiration from Bard class. For bardic inspiration, treat Mode level from Jack-of-all-classes table as bard level.

Bard 2nd feature

At level 7, you gain Jack-of-all-trades from bard class.

Bard 3rd feature

At level 11, you gain song of rest and expertise from bard class. Treat Mode level as your bard level for song of rest ability.

Bard 4th feature

At level 18, you gain counter charm from bard class.

Cleric mode

Gods exist in this world for a long time. Sometimes they grow old and desire for something to be different. With your constantly changing subclasses, these bored Gods grant you a tiny part of their power.

Cleric wannabe

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency in medium armor and shield.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your your Wisdom modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Wisdom modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up


While in this mode, you can cast cleric cantrips. Additionally, you can cleric spells that you have prepared. These cantrip and spells don't need to be the cantrips or spells that you learn from this mode. You can cast cantrip and spells that you learn from Novice spellcaster.


At 2nd level, you know one Cantrip of your choice from the Cleric spell list. You learn additional Cleric Cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Jack-of-all-trades table.

New spells

At 2nd level, you write one Cleric spell into your spellbook. You learn one new Cleric spell every time you level up. Each of these spells must be the lower that your maximum spell slot for that level (minimal 1). These spells count has Jack-of-all-classes spells. Example: At level 7, you have 4th level spell slot and learn one 1st, 2nd or 3rd level spell.

Cleric 1st feature

At 3rd level, you gain Disciple of Life from life domain cleric.

Cleric 2nd feature

At level 7, you gain channel divinity and channel divinity: turn undead. You can only have 1 use of channel divinity per rest.

Cleric 3rd feature

At level 11, you gain Channel Divinity: Preserve Life from life domain cleric. Treat Mode level as your cleric level for this ability.

Cleric 4th feature

At level 18, you gain destroy undead from cleric class. It remains at 1/2 CR undead.

Druid mode

You learn to connect to nature.

Druid Wannabe

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency with medium armor and shield.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your your Wisdom modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Wisdom modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up


While in this mode, you can cast Druid cantrips. Additionally, you can Druid spells that you have prepared. These cantrip and spells don't need to be the cantrips or spells that you learn from this mode. You can cast cantrip and spells that you learn from Novice spellcaster.


At 2nd level, you know one Cantrip of your choice from the Druid spell list. You learn additional Druid Cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Jack-of-all-trades table.

New spells

At 2nd level, you write one Druid spell into your spellbook. You learn one new Druid spell every time you level up. Each of these spells must be the lower that your maximum spell slot for that level (minimal 1). These spells count has Jack-of-all-classes spells. Example: At level 7, you have 4th level spell slot and learn one 1st, 2nd or 3rd level spell.

Druid 1st feature

At 3rd level, you gain wild shape from Druid. For wild shape, treat Mode level from Jack-of-all-classes table as druid level.

Druid 2nd feature

At level 7, you gain combat wild shape. You can wild shape up to CR 1/2.

Druid 3rd feature

At level 11, you can wild shape up to CR 1.

Druid 4th feature

At level 18, you gain primal strike from moon druid.

Fighter mode

You learn the art of the blade.

Fighter wannabe

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency in medium armor, shield, heavy armor and marshal weapons.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your your Strength modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Charisma modifier with Strength modifier /2 rounded up


At 2nd level, your spellcasting becomes limited. You can only cast cantrip that you learn from Novice spellcaster.

Fighter's fitness

At 2nd level, you have Extra health feature.

Fighter 1st feature

At 3rd level, you gain fighting style,

Fighter 2nd feature

At level 7, you gain second wind from fighter class. For second wind, treat Mode level from Jack-of-all-classes table as fighter level.

Fighter 3rd feature

At level 11, you gain action surge from fighter class. You can only have 1 use of action surge per rest.

Fighter 4th feature

At level 18, you can Attack three times, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on Your Turn.

Monk mode

You discover to channel your inner energy

Monk wannabe

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency with short sword.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your your Dexterity modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Charisma modifier with Dexterity modifier /2 rounded up


At 2nd level, your spellcasting becomes limited. You can only cast cantrip that you learn from Novice spellcaster.

Monk 1st feature

At 3rd level, you gain unarmored defense and martial arts from monk class. For unarmed strike damage, treat Jack-of-all-classes' level as monk level.

Monk 2nd feature

At level 7, you gain Ki from monk class. Your Ki points is equal to Mode level.

Monk 3rd feature

At level 11, you gain unarmored movement and deflect missiles from monk class. Treat Mode level as your monk level for these ability.

Monk 4th feature

At level 18, you gain slow fall and stunning strike from monk. Treat Mode level as monk level for slow fall.

Paladin mode

You learn some tricks from the nearby holy warriors.

Paladin Wannabe

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency with medium armor, shield, heavy armor and marshal weapons.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your your Charisma modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Charisma modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up

Paladin's blessed health

At 2nd level, you have Extra health feature.


While in this mode, you can not use spell slots that is more than Mode level from Jack-of-all-classes table. You can Paladin spells that you have prepared. These spells don't need to be the spells that you learn from this mode. You can cast cantrip and spells that you learn from Novice spellcaster.

New spells

At 2nd level, you write one Paladin spell into your spellbook. You learn one new Paladin spell every time you level up. Each of these spells must be the lower than Mode level (minimal 1). These spells count has Jack-of-all-classes spells. Example: At level 7, you have 4th level spell slot and learn one 1st, 2nd or 3rd level spell.

Paladin 1st feature

At 3rd level, you gain divine sense.

Paladin 2nd feature

At level 7, you gain healing hand from paladin class. For healing hand, treat Mode level from Jack-of-all-classes table as cleric level.

Paladin 3rd feature

At level 11, you gain Divine smite from paladin class.

Paladin 4th feature

At level 18, you gain fighting style and divine health from paladin class.

Ranger mode

You learn how to hide in the nature.

Ranger wannabe

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency Marshal weapon, Medium Armor, Shields and nature. If proficient in nature, double it.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your your Wisdom modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Wisdom modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up

Ranger's body

At 2nd level, you have Extra health feature.


While in this mode, you can not use spell slots that is more than Mode level from Jack-of-all-classes table. You can Ranger spells that you have prepared. These spells don't need to be the spells that you learn from this mode. You can cast cantrip and spells that you learn from Novice spellcaster.

New spells

At 2nd level, you write down one Ranger spell into your spellbook. You learn one new Ranger spell every time you level up. Each of these spells must be the lower than Mode level (minimal 1). These spells count has Jack-of-all-classes spells. Example: At level 7, you have 4th level spell slot and learn one 1st, 2nd or 3rd level spell.

Ranger 1st feature

At 3rd level, you gain favorite enemy and natural explorer. For both features, they do not get improved in later levels.

Ranger 2nd feature

At level 7, you gain fighting style from ranger class.

Ranger 3rd feature

At level 11, you gain primal awareness from ranger class.

Ranger 4th feature

At level 18, you gain fleet footed from ranger class.

Rogue mode

You learn how to be more nimble and taking advantage of distracted enemies.

Rogue wannabe

At 2nd level, you proficiency in hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords, thieves' tool, stealth and sleight of hand.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your Dexterity modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Dexterity modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up


At 2nd level, your spellcasting becomes limited. You can only cast cantrip that you learn from Novice spellcaster.

Rouge 1st feature

At 3rd level, you gain expertise with stealth and sleight of hand. You also gain sneak attack from rouge class. Your sneak attack deals have your Jack-of-all-classes level divided by 3 (rounded up) of sneak attack dice (d6).

Rouge 2nd feature

At level 7, you gain cunning action from rogue class.

Rouge 3rd feature

At level 11, you gain fast hands from thief rouge,

Rouge 4th feature

At level 18, you gain uncanny dodge from rouge class.

Sorcerer mode

Your ancestors have done great things for one of the divine beings. As a reward, they blessed the descendants a blessing. You are one of those descendants.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your Charisma modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Charisma modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up


While in this mode, you can cast Sorcerer cantrips. Additionally, you can Sorcerer spells that you have prepared. These cantrip and spells don't need to be the cantrips or spells that you learn from this mode. You can cast cantrip and spells that you learn from Novice spellcaster.


At 2nd level, you know one Cantrip of your choice from the Sorcerer spell list. You learn additional Sorcerer Cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Jack-of-all-trades table.

New spells

At 2nd level, you write one Sorcerer spell into your spellbook. You learn one new Sorcerer spell every time you level up. Each of these spells must be the lower that your maximum spell slot for that level (minimal 1). These spells count has Jack-of-all-classes spells. Example: At level 7, you have 4th level spell slot and learn one 1st, 2nd or 3rd level spell.

Sorcerer 1st feature

At 3rd level, you gain tempest magic from storm sorcerer.

Sorcerer 2nd feature

At level 7, you gain Font of magic and 1 metamagic option from sorcerer class. Your sorcerery points is equal to mode level.

Sorcerer 3rd feature

At level 11, you gain 1 metamagic option.

Sorcerer 4th feature

At level 18, you gain shadow walk from shadow sorcerer class.

Warlock mode

Great power comes at great price.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your Charisma modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your Charisma modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up


While in this mode, you can cast Warlock cantrips. Additionally, you can cast Warlock spells that you have prepared. These cantrip and spells don't need to be the cantrips or spells that you learn from this mode. You can cast cantrip and spells that you learn from Novice spellcaster.


At 2nd level, you know one Cantrip of your choice from the Warlock spell list. You learn additional Warlock Cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Jack-of-all-trades table.

New spells

At 2nd level, you write one Warlock spell into your spellbook. You learn one new Warlock spell every time you level up. Each of these spells must be the lower that your maximum spell slot for that level (minimal 1). These spells count has Jack-of-all-classes spells. Example: At level 7, you have 4th level spell slot and learn one 1st, 2nd or 3rd level spell.

Warlock 1st feature

At 3rd level, you learn to ability called Dark magic.

Dark magic

As an action, use up 3 spell slots to create Pact magic spell slot. Pact magic spell slot's level is equal to the lowest spell slot used to create this. Pact magic maximum spell level slot is 5th level. You can use Pact magic spell slot just like a normal spell slot. Unlike normal spell slots, Pact spell slots are restored after short rest. Pact magic spell slot ONLY disappear after long rest or after 36 hours. It does not disappear when switching Class mode.

Warlock 2nd feature

At level 7, you learn eldritch invocation from warlock. For eldritch invocation, treat Mode level from Jack-of-all-class's table as warlock level.

Warlock 3rd feature

At level 11, you learn pact boon from warlock class.

Warlock 4th feature

At level 18, you learn misty escape from Archfey warlock class.

Wizard mode

You farther your knowledge into the arcane magic


While in this mode, you can cast Wizard cantrips. Additionally, you can cast Wizard spells that you have prepared. These cantrip and spells don't need to be the cantrips or spells that you learn from this mode. You can cast cantrip and spells that you learn from Novice spellcaster.


At 2nd level, you know one Cantrip of your choice from the Wizard spell list. You learn additional Wizard Cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Jack-of-all-trades table.

New spells

At 2nd level, you write one Wizard spell into your spellbook. You learn one new Wizard spell every time you level up. Each of these spells must be the lower that your maximum spell slot for that level (minimal 1). These spells count has Jack-of-all-classes spells. Example: At level 7, you have 4th level spell slot and learn one 1st, 2nd or 3rd level spell.

Wizard 1st feature

At 3rd level, you learn arcane recovery from wizard class. At 3rd level, you can recover one 1st level spell slot. At 12th level, you can recover two 1st level spell slots or one 2nd level spell slot.

Wizard 2nd feature

At level 7, you learn wizardly quill from order of the quill wizard class.

Wizard 3rd feature

At level 11, you learn manifest mind from Order of scribe wizard. You use a normal spellbook instead of an awakened spellbook.

Wizard 4th feature

At level 18, you learn durable magic from war wizard.

Optional class mode

The below is addition class modes that you can use with GM permission.

Artificer mode

You expand your brain power to the next level.

Artificer Wannabe

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency with medium armor, shields, Thieves’ tools, and tinker’s tools.


At 2nd level, your spell casting is limited. You lose access to spell slots that are more than mode level from Jack-of-all-class table. But on the bright side, you can cast Artificer spells.


At 2nd level, you know one Cantrip of your choice from the Artificer spell list. You learn additional Artificer Cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Jack-of-all-trades table.


At 2nd level, you learn one artificer spell and learn one more artificer spell each new level. Each of these spells must be the lower that your maximum spell slot for that level (minimal 1). These spells count has Jack-of-all-classes spells. Example: At level 7, you have 4th level spell slot and learn one 1st, 2nd or 3rd level spell.

Magical Tinkering

At 3rd level, you learn magical tinkering from artificer class. When you switch out of artificer mode, objects enchanted by magical tinkering do not end.

Infuse Item

At 7th level, you gained infuse item from artificer. Maximum number of infused item at once is 2. Maximum number of infused known is 4.

Right tool for the job

At 11th level, you learned right tool for the job from artificer class.

Tool expertise

At 18th level, your proficiency bonus is now doubled for any ability check you make that uses your proficiency with a tool.

Blood hunter mode

You figure out how to use blood to your advantage

Blood hunter wannabe

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency Marshal weapon, Medium Armor, Shields, alchemist's kit and survival. If proficient in survival, double it.

Blood hunter's body

At 2nd level, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Jack-of-all-classes level. You only regain this after long rest.

Next time you change into Blood hunter you gain temporary hit points equal to temporary hit points to you last had last time you were a Blood hunter. not your starting temporary hit point.


At 2nd level, your spell casting is limited. You can only cast cantrips from Novice spellcaster.

Hunter's bane

At 3rd level, you gain hunter's bane from blood hunter class.

Blood Maledict

At 3rd level, you gain blood maledict from blood hunter class. Your maximum number of blood curse and uses of blood maledict is 1. Treat your Jack-of-all-classes level as blood hunter level for herocraft dice

Extra attack

At 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Fighting style

At 7th level, you gain fighting style from blood hunter class.

Crimson Rite

At 11th level, you learn crimson rite from blood hunter class. You do not learn any more primal or exotic rite. Treat your Jack-of-all-classes level as blood hunter level for herocraft dice

Brand of Castigation

At 18th level, you learn brand of castigation from blood hunter class. Treat Mode level from Jack-of-all-classes table as blood hunter level for brand of castigation.


A guide on adding new subclasses

Custom wannabe

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency with all proficiency that the custom starts with.

If the custom starts with more than two skills, add skill proficiency equal to custom starting skills -2.

Ability modifier replacement

At 2nd level, if your your (the custom's main ability. If it is Intelligence, remove this section) modifier is lower that your Intelligence modifier / 2 rounded up, you can replace your (custom's main ability) modifier with Intelligence modifier /2 rounded up

Custom's blessed health

if the custom's hit dice is D4, add the following section:

At 2nd level, your maximum hit points is decrease equal to your Jack-of-all-classes times D4.

If the custom's hit dice is D6 or D8, remove this section

if the custom's hit dice is D10, add the following section:

At 2nd level, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Jack-of-all-classes. This only restored after long rest.

Next time you change into Custom you gain temporary hit points equal to temporary hit points to you last had last time you were a Custom. not your starting temporary hit point.

if the custom's hit dice is D12, add the following section:

At 2nd level, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Jack-of-all-classes times d4. This only restored after long rest.

Next time you change into Custom you gain temporary hit points equal to temporary hit points to you last had last time you were a Custom. not your starting temporary hit point.

1st level ability

At 3rd level, add 1st level ability from custom. If there is no 1st level ability from custom, pick a 1st level ability from one of custom's subclasses.

If the ability scales with class level, it scales with mode level from Jack-of-all-classes table.

Extra attack

At 5th level, gain extra attack if the class has extra attack.

2nd level ability

At 7th level, add 2nd level ability from custom. If there is no 2nd level ability from custom, pick a 2nd level ability from one of custom's subclasses.

If the ability scales with class level, it scales with mode level from Jack-of-all-classes table.

3rd level ability

At 10th level, add 3rd level ability from custom. If there is no 3rd level ability from custom, pick a 3rd level ability from one of custom's subclasses.

If the ability scales with class level, it scales with mode level from Jack-of-all-classes table.

4th, 5th and 6th level ability

At 18th level, add 4th and 5th level ability from custom class, not including ability increase. If there is no 4th or 5th level ability from custom, pick 6th level from custom class. If still no 6th level ability, pick a 4th, 5th or 6th level ability from one of custom's subclasses.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Jack-of-all-trades class, you must meet these prerequisites: 22 Intelligence

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Jack-of-all-trades class, you gain the following proficiencies: light armor

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