Ioun Coral (3.5e Equipment)

Ioun Coral: Ioun Coral is just a convenient name, it is actually a form of focusing stone and not an Ioun Stone though they have similar functions. The Ioun Coral attaches itself to its owners skull, bonding with the skin and bone in a relatively painless process (some have described it as a gentle heat, others a quick pinch). It can appear as a regal mineral plumage or a small ridged plate, a rare few have designs. These stony outcrops vary in shape but the coloring is mostly uniform so while you may have a Green Plated Ioun Coral someone could have a Green Webbing Ioun Coral that functions in the exact same way, one things for certain they are hard to hide, most would cover 40% of the average human head and do take a head slot.

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Campaign Setting

The Ioun Coral give bonuses like Ioun Stones, just in higher measure

Ioun Coral that burns out can be removed but it leaves a scar across where the Ioun Coral was attached, while this scar is cosmetic and there are no lasting effects of the scarring the process to remove the coral is painful, requiring a heal check DC:20 from someone other than the wearer, DC:30 for the wearer to self remove. Success deals 1d6+4 non-leathal damage and the scar mentioned above, however a failed check results in the previous damage plus 1d4 charisma damage, this damage is semi-permanent as it does not heal on its own however a restoration, heal or regenerate spell will restore the damage and remove the scar.

Moderate (DC 25) Enchantment;CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Items, Varied; Cost See text.; Activation: -; Weight: 3 lb.; Market Price: See Text

ColorEffectMarket Price
ClearSustains creature without food, water, and no longer takes negative effects from ageing or dies from old age.94,000 gp
Dusty rose+3 insight bonus to AC15,000 gp
Deep red+4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity16,000 gp
Incandescent blue+4 enhancement bonus to Wisdom16,000 gp
Pale blue+4 enhancement bonus to Strength16,000 gp
Pink+4 enhancement bonus to Constitution16,000 gp
Pink and green+4 enhancement bonus to Charisma16,000 gp
Scarlet and blue+4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence16,000 gp
Dark blueAlertness & Tremorsense(as the feat)18,000 gp
Vibrant purpleStores seven levels of spells, as a ring of spell storing48,000 gp
IridescentSustains creature without air & Grants pressure immunity up to 1500 ft. in depth45,000 gp
Pale lavenderAbsorbs spells of 5th level or lower135,000 gp
Pearly whiteRegenerate 1 point of damage per round50,000 gp
Pale green+2 competence bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks, and ability checks45,000 gp
Orange+2 caster level45,000 gp
Lavender and greenAbsorbs spells of 8th level or lower265,000 gp
1 After absorbing forty spell levels, the stone burns out and turns to dull gray, forever useless.
2 After absorbing seventy spell levels, the stone burns out and turns dull gray, forever useless.

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