Improved Harden Air (3.5e Spell)

This is as the name implies, an improved version of the lower level spell of the same name. With this spell, the Matter Shifter can harden the air around a single subject or himself, creating a very protective barrier against damaging forces. This barrier of air has a radius of 1 foot plus an additional foot for each caster level, centered upon the target. Projectile weapons are unable to pierce this wall of air, and just like before, flames are instantly doused by the humidity trapped within the solidified barrier. For every foot of thickness, this barrier provides a +2/level bonus to the target's Armor Class. The target of this spell can move and breathe normally, so this spell cannot be used to pin an enemy to the ground.

Improved Harden Air
Transmutation [Air]
Level: Shifter Master/Wizard 5
Components: V,S,F
Casting time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Close (50feet + 5ft/level)
Target, or Effect: Single Subject
Duration: 1d4 rounds/level

Focus: A steel ball dropped into a glass jar of mountain air.

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