Imhotep (5e Class)


Imhotep once a skilled alchemist thought it just wasn't enough to aid allies on the battle field. Studying the arts of the arcane and other sources of combat to try and learn how to better aid their teammates lead them to discover a more tactical approach to it all. Learning to create a more concentrated version of the their potions and inscribe them onto a projectile. Allowing them to apply their potion affects more easily and in greater amounts.

Creating an Imhotep

Quick Build

You can make a Imhotep quickly by following these suggestions. First, intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by dexterity. Second, choose the Outlander background. Third, choose the bow for quicker output of shots and not having to heavily focus on reloading.

Class Features

As a Imhotep you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Imhotep level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Imhotep level after 1st


Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, shields
Weapons: simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: Alchemist’s supplies, Herbalism Kit
Saving Throws: Int, dex
Skills: Choose three from Arcane, Religion, Medicine, Insight, stealth, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Crossbow, light or (b) Shortbow
  • (a) Leather or (b) Hide
  • crossbow, hand
  • (a) dungeoneer’s pack or (b) explorer’s pack

Table: The Imhotep

1st+2Salaam's Projectile, Harm Inscriptions, Aid Inscriptions
2nd+2Path of Protection, Path of Protection Feature, Fighting Style
3rd+2Salaam's Discovery, Salaam's Control
4th+2Ability Score Improvement
5th+3Salaam's Discovery, Salaam's Radiance, Extra Attack
6th+3Path of Protection Feature
7th+3Salaam's Discovery
8th+3Ability Score Improvement
9th+4Salaam's Discovery, Salaam's Protection
10th+4Path of Protection Feature
11th+4Salaam's Discovery
12th+4Ability Score Improvement
13th+5Salaam's Discovery
14th+5Path of Protection Feature
15th+5Salaam's Discovery
16th+5Ability Score Improvement
17th+6Salaam's Discovery
18th+6Path of Protection Feature
19th+6Ability Score Improvement, Salaam's Discovery
20th+6Alchemic Master

Salaam's Projectile

At level 1, you learn how to inscribe your potion effect onto a piece of ammunition. Each day after a long rest, you may craft a number of Salaam's Projectiles equal to your Intelligence modifier + your class level + Proficiency Bonus (minimum 1). At first level, you can attach 2 inscriptions onto a projectile. The rules for these inscriptions are below. At higher level you learn to augment your inscriptions and create new ones. The requirements to craft a Salaam's Projectile is one ammunition

Which inscription is used is based on whether the ammunition hits a friendly or enemy target.
You can only put one friendly inscription and one enemy inscription on a ammunition. (With a max of 2 per projectile this means you can put 1 friendly and 1 enemy.)
The inscription consumes the ammunition upon activating it.
Any ammunition with inscriptions on it do not do the base damage of the normal ammunition
Each inscription begins with a die value of 1d4 and increases by 1 (2d4, 3d4...) at levels 5,9,13 and 17.

Harm Inscriptions

You can mix together volatile ingredients into harmful effects for your enemies and inscribe them onto your projectiles. If an inscription requires a DC and doesn't specify what it is, it defaults to specifies the save DC is 8 + intelligence modifier + Proficiency bonus. This damages the target for the specified amount in Salaam's Projectile

Aid Inscriptions

You can mix together ingredients into helpful effects for your allies and inscribe them onto your projectiles. This heals the target for the specified amount in Salaam's Projectile

Path of Protection

At 2nd level, you have learned how to perfect one of your inscriptions to the point that it requires no effort on your part to craft them. You choose an oath, either Guardian, Protector or Controller. These archetypes listed below grant or add several feature to your inscriptions at higher levels. In addition they change the die value for one of your inscriptions.

fighting Style


You gain a +2 bonus to Attack rolls you make with Ranged Weapons.


While wearing armor you gain a +1 to AC.

Quick Draw

Ignore loading property on Ranged Weapons.

Salaam's Discovery

By the time you reach 3rd level, your constant practice of alchemy has resulted in new knowledge unknown to you previously, also known as Salaam's discoveries. You gain 1 discovery at 3rd level and you learn additional discoveries every 2 levels after. Unless otherwise stated a discovery is for both Salaam's Control and Salaam's Projectile. These are additions onto the Harm and Aid Inscriptions. If one states to spend a Salaam Projectile it means to add this discovery onto an inscription it will take one of your crafts for that day.

In addition you may use your intelligence modifier for medicine skills checks and other medicine related rolls


AntiMagic inscription

Prerequisite: 7th level

You have discovered inscriptions that are devoid of any magical essence. You can spend a Salaam's Projectile to make an anti-magic inscription that rents the target immune to any magic beneficial or otherwise. This effect lasts for 1 hour.

Concussive Inscriptions

Salaam's Control Only

You have learned to create a inscription capable of disorienting opponents. Any enemies within 30 feet of the projectile's blast radius must succeed on a Constitution saving throw equal to the Salaam's control’s Dexterity saving throw or be deafened for a number of rounds equal to your intelligence modifier (minimum 1). A creature that has advantage on perception checks based on hearing has disadvantage on this saving throw.

Deadly Inscription

Prerequisite: 9th level

You have learned to get the most lethality from Harm Inscriptions. You add your intelligence modifier to the damage dealt by any Harm Inscriptions you use.

Elemental Inscription

Prerequisite: 5th level

You have discovered techniques used to inscribe the essence of the elements. You can use an additional Salaam's Projectile to grant an elemental boost to your projectiles. If applied to a harm or control, the damage type of the concoction becomes fire, cold, or lightning (your choice). If you use it on a aid, all damage from that elemental type is reduced by 5 for 1 minute in addition to the normal healing from an aid

Elemental Immunity

Prerequisite: 17th level, Elemental Inscription

You have perfected the techniques used to inscribe the essence of the elements. You can use 3 additional Salaam's Projectiles to create a inscription of elemental immunity. If applied to a harm or control it deals an additional 2 dice worth of damage of the elemental chosen. If it was an aid, the aid grants immunity to the chosen element for a number of rounds equal to your intelligence modifier.

Elemental Perfection

Prerequisite: 13th level, Elemental Inscription

You have perfected the techniques used to inscribe the essence of the elements. Whenever you create an elemental inscription it gains additional benefits. If it was a harm or control, it deals an additional 2 dice worth of damage of the element chosen. If it was a aid, it increases the dame reduced by 10, to a total of 15 damage reduced, in addition to the normal healing.

Explosive Inscription

Prerequisite: 7th level

Spending a Salaam's Projectile you can increase its radius by 10 feet. This requires there to be a base radius.


Prerequisites: 7th level, Concussive Bombs Salaam's Control Only

You include an addition inscription on your concussive inscription. You spend an additional Salaam's Projectile to make your concussive inscriptions blind enemies if they fail another Constitution save equal to the save. Any creature who has advantage on perception based on sight has disadvantage on this save.

Slumber Inscription

Salaam's Control Only This inscription spends an additional Salaam's Projectile, target hit with this is knock incapacitated and unconscious for 2 rounds

Fragmentation Inscription

Prerequisite: 7th level

You modify your controls inscriptions. When an enemy succeeds the save to resist your control’s damage, they take half the damage instead of no damage.

Irritating Inscription

Prerequisite: 5th level Harm Only

You create an inscription which stimulates the nerves around one’s body to itch uncontrollably. You can spend a Salaam's Projectile to alter an inscription to apply the “Irritating” effect. Spellcasters who are under this effect are so distracted that they must make a Constitution saving throw each turn to be able to cast spells. If they fail, they may only cast cantrips during that turn. The effects lasts for a number of turns equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Magebane Inscription

Prerequisite: 13th level, Irritating Poison Harm only

You discover an irritant that is vastly more powerful than before. You can spend three Salaam's Projectiles to alter a poison and apply the “Magebane” effect. Spellcasters who are under this effect cannot cast any magical spells for a number of turns equal to your intelligence modifier.

Neural Inscription

Prerequisite: 5th level Harm Only

You discover a way to make inscriptions affect the mind rather than the body. Whenever you create an inscription, you can make the save Wisdom based instead of Constitution based, and the damage becomes psychic damage instead of whatever it states.

Vulnerability Inscription

Prerequisite: 11th level, Elemental Concoction Harm Only

Your elemental harms are so powerful that they can cause the enemy’s to become weaker to such elements. You can spend one additional Salaam's Projectile to make a harm inscription augmented by elemental inscription into a vulnerability inscription. In addition to doing damage, if an enemy fails the Constitution save against the inscription, it becomes vulnerable to the elemental damage taken for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. An enemy who has resistance to that damage type instead loses the resistance. An enemy with immunity to the damage type is immune to this inscription.

Curing Inscription

Aid Only

You have discovered a inscription that flushes the body of filth. If you spend one Salaam's Projectile you create a inscription that heals any disease or poison in addition to healing damage.

Enchantment Inscription

Prerequisite: 11th level Aid only

You have learned to enhance a person’s physical or mental prowess with this inscription. You can spend a Salaam's Projectile to create an inscription that behaves like the spell Enhance Ability, the effect chosen upon creation. The effect lasts for 1 hour, but multiple people can benefit from this inscription. If someone under the effect of this inscription is hit with another one, the previous inscription’s effect ends early.

Resistance Inscription

Prerequisites: 9th level Aid only

You have learned to alter a person’s blood flow so that injuries are not as fatal as they would be. You can spend a Salaam's Projectile and choose one type of damage to grant resistance to that damage type to whoever is hit for 1 minute. If someone under this effect is hit with another resistance inscription, the new one overrides the previous one’s effect.

Regenerative Potion

Prerequisite: 7th level Aid only

You have found a way to greater the power of your aid inscriptions. Your inscriptions now heal additional hit points equal to your intelligence modifier (minimum 1).

Salaam's Control

As a bonus action you may launch a projectile from a weapon that does not have the heavy or two-handed property. And the only projectile that can be shot is from the control inscription category in Salaam's Discoveries. Any explosive damage done with projectiles from this feature the targets in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw equal to 8 + intelligence modifier + proficiency bonus

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Salaam's Radiance

Through your research of the great arcane you discovered how you could better augment some of your aid inscriptions. As a main action you choose an area within 60 feet and cause it to erupt in sparkle of lights causing these effects in that area: heals allies in a 10 foot radius for 2d4 + int modifier hit points, and doubles all healing they receive for 3 rounds. Any enemies hit cannot be healed for that duration and are damaged for 1d4 + int modifier This can used 3 times per long rest

Salaam's Protection

When you reach 9th level you may spend a bonus action to grant a friendly creature of your choice resistance to all damage and advantage on all saving throws for rounds equal to your intelligence modifier. This can be used 1 times per long rest. This increases to 2 times per long rest at 17th level

Alchemic Master

At level 20, you have achieved the peak of your intellectual studies, and have perfected all forms of alchemy and inscriptions. The die value of all your inscriptions increase by 1 step ( 1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8). In addition, the total cost of your inscriptions and discoveries is decreased by 1 (minimum 1).


A guardian is one who uses his alchemical and arcane gifts for good, helping all who are injured or sick. Guardians are always looked upon as valuable assets. Most guardians are good, outstanding member of society, but some tend towards more underground syndicates as private aids to malicious groups.

Aid Focus

At level 2, a Guardian's Aid Inscriptions use d6's instead of d4s for healing.

Healthy mind and body

At level 2, your practices lead your body to perfect health. You gain advantage on all saving throws to resist diseases and you gain 1 additional hit point per level. At level 10, you are immune to all diseases, and gain 2 additional hit points per level instead of 1. You do not gain these additional hit points for the first 10 levels, you also gain proficiency in wisdom saving throws.

Guardian Inscriptions

A guardian gains the following discoveries at certain levels. Some of these are only available to the guardian, while others are available to other Imhotep's at higher levels.

Regenerative Inscription

At level 6, you have discovered a way to make your typical healing ingredients last longer. Instead applying only one aid inscription on a projectile you can apply two to make a Regenerative inscription. When a friendly creature is hit with a regenerative inscription they heal for 1d4 every round. This healing increases the same way your Salaam's Projectile increase. This healing last for a number of rounds equal to the guardians intelligence modifier (minimum 1). If someone under this effect is hit by another regenerative inscription, the duration resets.

Guardian's Glove

At level 6, the protector creates an apparatus that only he knows how to use that allows him to inscribe a special aid inscription on the palm. Using this glove the guardian can apply any aid inscription he's created as a bonus action on his turn.

Anesthetic Inscription

You have found substances that allow one to ignore pain for a short while. At level 10 you can use a concoction to create a anesthetic inscription, which grants temporary hit points equal to the guardians intelligence modifier*5, as long as the target has these temporary hit points they gain resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute, and can stabilize dying creatures. If another anesthetic inscription is used on the same target within that minute they gain additional hit point but become incapacitated. If used again they become unconscious. After the minute is over the target gains a level of exhaustion for each anesthetic inscription used which go away at the rate of 1 hour per exhaustion. This counts as 2 inscriptions on a projectile. This can only effect friendly creatures.

Potion of Enchantment

You have found that some of your aid inscriptions actually increase some people's capabilities. This discovery acts as the discovery listed above, except the guardian receives it at level 10.

Mutagenic projectile

You have discovered a way to increase the physical and mental abilities of the body. At level 14, you can spend 4 Salaam's Projectiles to create a mutagenic projectile. Choose one ability score, which then increases by 2 for a number of rounds equal to your intelligence modifier. If someone under the effect of a mutagenic projectile tries to use a second one, the previous one's effect end. At level 18, you can instead use 8 Salaam's Projectiles to make a mutagenic projectile which increases the ability score by 4 that lasts for 1 hour.

Projectile of life

You have discovered the ultimate in aid inscriptions, combining the greatest healing ingredients available at level 18 you an use 10 Salaam's Projectiles to create a projectile of life, which acts as the spell revivify but instead of 1 minute you have 1 hour, only after the initial resurrection you heal the target an amount equal to your levels in Imohtep*5. You cannot use a inscription of life unless the body is present. if you use it on a body whose soul is lost, the soul may return to the body at any point, but it is not forced back into it. The guardian may only create one projectile of life per long rest.


A controller is often considered a enforces, but in reality they are simply able to maximize their inscriptions to locking down and controlling areas. Controllers are the most diverse Imhotep's, sometimes serving in armies, controlling riots and outbreaks, or serving as guides for expeditions, keeping dangers away.

Control Focus

At level 2, a Controller's inscriptions use d6's instead of d4's for Salaam's Control only.

Controlled Inscriptions

At level 2 a controller learned to write their inscriptions so they wouldn't affect themselves or allies. (Damage, Crowd Control, ect...)

Controller Discoveries

A controller gains the following discoveries at certain levels. Some of these are only available to the controller, while other are available to other Imhoptep's at higher levels.

Fragmentation Inscription

You gain the discovery listed above, except the controller receives it at level 2.

Napalm Inscription

You have discovered a fiery inscription that ignites upon impact. At level 6, you can use 2 additional Salaam's Projectiles to create a lingering fire in a 30 foot blast radius of your projectile. If an enemy ends its turn in the fire, the fire deals an additional fire damage. This fire lasts an amount of rounds equal to your intelligence modifier (minimum 1). If you have the elemental inscription discovery and use it, the damage increases to 1d6 and can be fire, ice or lightning damage. If you have the elemental perfection discovery, this damage increases to 3d6 damage.

Blast Addition

You have discovered a volatile inscription that can be added on top of any control inscriptions with no cost making your inscriptions all the more deadly. At level 10 you add your intelligence modifier to all damage your Salaam's control projectiles do, and enemies in the center of any explosion from it have disadvantage on the dexterity saving throw to avoid damage

Dispelling Projectile

You have learned how to make a projectile that affects all magic in an area. At level 14, you can spend 2 Salaam's Projectiles to create a projectile which negates all magical effects in a30 foot radius if the caster level of the one who casts the spell was of a lower or equal level of the controller. At level 18, 2 additional Salaam's projectiles can be used to cause the magic to instead backfire and explode within the area, causing an additional 1d6 of magic damage per level of the spell.

Ultimate Control

You have discovered a way to quickly infuse the arcane powers into Salaam's controls projectiles, at level 18 you no longer need to inscribe on projectiles that are exclusively for Salaam's Control. You decide what effect they are upon firing.


A protector has found it is easier and better to better protect their team by dealing with the situation at hand over healing their allies in a fight. Typically being in a sniper position or on the frontlines of a fight.

Harm Focus

At level 2, a protector's poisons uses d6's instead of d4's for damage

Poison Immunity

At level 2, a poisoner has advantage on all saving throws that involve poison, and they have resistance to poison damage from any source. At level 10 they gain immunity to all poisons and poison damage.

Harm Discoveries

A protector gains the following discoveries at certain levels. Some of these are only available to the protector, while others are available to other Imhotep's at higher levels.

Deadly Inscription

None are as precise with harming others than a protector themselves. This discovery acts as the discovery listed above, except the protector receives it at level 2.

Protector's Glove

At level 6, the protector creates an apparatus that only he knows how to use that allows him to inscribe a special harm inscription on the palm. Using this glove the protector can apply any harm inscription he's created as a bonus action on his turn.

Paralytic projectile

The protector discovers a powerful paralytic agent. At level 10, he can use 2 Salaam's projectiles to create a projectile that numbs a person's body. This projectile does no damage, but if the enemy fails the harm saving throw, they lose feeling their legs or arms, protector's choice upon creation. If a person's arms are paralyzed, they receive disadvantage on all attack rolls and strength checks, and if they are wielding a shield they lose that shields bonus to AC. If a person's legs are paralyzed their speed is halved, they receive disadvantage on all dexterity checks, and all attack against them have advantage. this projectile lasts for a number of rounds equal to the protector's intelligence modifier (minmum 1). If this projectile is used again on the same target, it overrides the previous effect.

Crippling Projectile

The protector discovers an inscription that debilitates the nerves. At level 14, a protector can use 4 additional Salaam's Projectiles to create a crippling projectile. When this projectile is created the protector chooses one ability score. when a target fails the save, in addition to taking damage their ability score is reduced by 1d6 for one hour. Crippling projectiles of the same ability score do not stack, but they can override previous ones if it's higher than the last. Different crippling projectiles can be used against the same target. At level 18, 5 additional concoctions can be used to make the ability score penalty permanent. It can only be restored by the protector who made the poison, a doctor of equal level, a greater restoration spell or a wish spell. This penalty is removed upon death.

Projectile of Death

The protector discovers the most lethal inscription known in the world. At level 18, once per day at the cost of 10 Salaam's projectiles, a protector can create a Projectile of Death. This projectile can only be applied to one piece of ammunition. The inscription on the projectile fades within 1 minute of being applied to a projectile. Any creature hit by the poison must make 2 saves, one wisdom and one constitution. If they make both saves there is no effect. If they fail the constitution save, their body is weakened severely and they are paralyzed for 1 hour. If they fail the wisdom save, their mind is destroyed and they are stunned for 1 hour. If they fail both their saves, their body stops functioning and they immediately die. The poisoner can only make 1 projectile of death per long rest. This projectile cannot be combined via Volatile Concoction.

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gollark: Which "capitalism" is a very rough shorthand for.
gollark: ... I'm not saying "full anarchocapitalism, no government", I said "somewhat government-regulated free markets".
gollark: Anarchocapitalism is definitely interesting, but it seems kind of problematic.
gollark: I'm more minarchist.
gollark: Uber's not actually *profitable*, though.
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