Icer Rifle (5e Equipment)

Icer Rifle

Martial Ranged Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Icer RifleRare3d8 cold3 lb.Ammunition (Range 120/360), Reload (40 shots), Two-Handed, Special

This rifle fires a bolt of stabilized cryonic energy, freezing what it hits solid in a fraction of a second. If the cold damage of an icer reduces a target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but frozen solid (considered petrified) for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points. However, instead of receiving resistance to bludgeoning and fire damage while frozen solid, the target has vulnerability to those damage types. Icers are favored by slavers and law enforcement for their non-lethally incapacitating abilities - it's super easy to bring an escaped slave or prisoner back alive if they're frozen solid and unable to fight back.

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