Horn Knife (5e Equipment)

Horn Knife

Simple Melee Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Horn Knife10 gp1d4 piercing2 lbs.Light, Finesse, Special.

A pair of crescent shapes made to create a place for the wielder's hand. The many protrusions create ample ways to parry incoming attacks.

Special: Entangle. While dual wielding, and if you have spent a Ki Point on Patient Defense this round, whenever an attack on you misses, you may choose to end the Dodge action early to tangle the enemy's weapon in your own. During this time, the attacker is considered grappled until they let go of their weapon, you let go of your weapon, you make a melee weapon attack, or the attacker succeeds on a Strength check (DC = 8 + your horn knife attack bonus).

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A set of twin horn knives.
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