Holy Weapon User (5e Class)

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Holy Weapon User


Creating a Holy Weapon User

Quick Build

Class Features

As a Holy Weapon User you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Holy Weapon User level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Holy Weapon User level after 1st


Armor: All armor and shields
Weapons: All weapons
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from: Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, and Religion.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Holy Weapon
  • (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
  • Leather armor and one set of artisan’s tools

Table: The Holy Weapon User

FeaturesHoly Weapon Damage
1st+2Holy Weapon, Shield Nature, Spellcasting1d4
2nd+2Value Increment, Fighting Style1d4
3rd+2Specialization, Holy Weapon Form1d4
4th+2Ability Score Improvement1d4
5th+3Body Experience, Natural Ability1d4
8th+3Ability Score Improvement1d6
12th+4Ability Score Improvement1d8
16th+5Ability Score Improvement2d4
19th+6Ability Score Improvement2d4

Holy Weapon

When you gain the Holy Weapon feature at the 1st level, you can't use another weapons and shields. If your holy weapon is a shield, you can't use weapons. In combat, your holy weapon have the same traits of the weapon of choice. If you throw or drop your weapon it returns immediately return to your hand after. Your holy weapon can't be destroyed and you cannot be disarmed by any means. The damage of the weapon increases as you gain level in this class, as indicated by the Holy Weapon Damage column on the Holy Weapon User table.

You can chose one of the following forms for your holy weapon:

  • A shield.
  • A martial ranged weapon(bows and crossbows): If it is a ranged weapon,the damage die will increase in two sizes.For example, a d4 becomes a d8, and a d6 becomes a d10. If you use a ranged holy weapon, you can create a infinite amount of nonmagical ammunition. You can draw one piece of ammunition on your turn without requiring an object interaction.
  • A martial melee weapon (spears,swords and maces): If it is a melee weapon, the damage die will increase in one size. For example, a d4 becomes a d6, and a d6 becomes a d8.


Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your holy weapon user spells, since the power of your magic relies on your intellect. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Holy Weapon User spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

If you have any another type of Spellcasting Ability you can choose to transform any spell gained in this class to your another class.

Spellcasting Focus

You need to use you Holy Weapon as a focus to cast the spells.

Shield Nature

Starting at 1st level, you choose the nature of your weapon that decides the primal aspects of your holy weapon. Your subclass choice grants you features at 1st level and again at levels 2nd, 6th, 10th, 15th, and 18th.

Value Increment

At 2nd level, you can absorb creatures or items in order to increment your power. You have 15 points when you gain this feature, and you can accumulate a total of 100 points. To gain points, you need to absorb the entire body of a creature or 10 items of the same type to gain 1 point. The GM can determine what needs to be absorbed in order to gain a point, to fit to the campaign.

Depending of the type of value increment, you will gain some benefit when you reach a certain amount of points. The benefits are cumulative and permanent.

Type\Amount 10 40 60 80 100
Aberration Dark vision(+30 fts) You can Breathe air and water. Dark vision(+30 fts) Dark vision(+30 fts) You can detect any creature with more than 3 of intelligence in a 30 fts radios.
Beast You gain +10 fts of movement. You gain +2 in perception checks and passive perception. You gain +10 fts of movement. You gain +10 fts of movement. You gain +4 in perception checks and passive perception.
Celestial Now you can speak and write Celestial. You gain +1 lifepoints per level. You gain +1 lifepoints per level. You have advantage on checks against magic. You gain resistance to radiant damage.
Fiends You gain resistance to fire damage. You gain climb speed equal 30fts. You gain +1 fire damage on every attack. You gain +2 fire damage on every attack. Increases AC by your charisma modifier.
Elemental You gain resistance to cold damage. You gain resistance to shock damage. You gain resistance to thunder damage. You gain resistance to fire damage. You gain resistance to poison damage.
Fey You gain +1 to charisma save check. You gain +1 to charisma save check. You gain +1 to charisma save check. You gain +1 to charisma save check. You gain +2 to charisma save check.
Undead You gain +1 AC Dark vision(+30 fts) You can not be banished. You can move through objects, if you spot inside one you will receive 1d10 damage. You gain resistance to necrotic damage.
Herbs You gain proficiency in medicine, if you already have it you double it. You know from sight what every plant do. You gain proficiency in Alchemist Supplies. You double the proficiency in Alchemist Supplies. You are immune to poison damage and can't be poisoned.
Metal/Gems/Jewelry You gain +2 AC and +2 damage in every attack. You can transform your holy weapon in a Blacksmith tool or a pickaxe. You gain proficiency in Masonry tools, Jeweler's tools and Blacksmith tools. You double the proficiency in Masonry tools, Jeweler's tools and Blacksmith tools. You know from sight what every metal , stone or gems is.
Knowledge(Items with important history write within, rare books, not magical scrolls etc) You gain proficiency in Arcana, if you already have it you double it. You learn 10 cantrips of any class, if you do not have ability to cast cantrips, now you have. You learn 6 spell of level 1 of any class, if you do not have ability to cast level 1 spell, now you can use one of them per long rest. You learn 5 spell of level 2 of any class, if you do not have ability to cast level 2 spell, now you can use one of them per long rest. You learn 4 spell of level 3 of any class, if you do not have ability to cast level 3 spell, now you can use one of them per long rest.
Dragons You gain +1 AC. You gain advantage on saving checks. You gain advantage on charisma based checks. You gain advantage on Attacks. You cast a breath, it has a 15 fts of range in cone, it deals 2d12 of poison, necrotic, fire, cold, thunder(of your choice). You can only use this ability once per long rest.
Weapon You gain +2 damage in every attack and damage roll. You gain +2 damage in every attack and damage roll. You gain +2 damage in every attack and damage roll. You gain +2 damage in every attack and damage roll. You gain +4 damage in every attack and damage roll.
Arcane(Simple enchanted items, magical scrolls etc) You gain proficiency in Arcane, if you already have it you double it. You +2 on the spell save DC and spell attack bonus. You +2 on the spell save DC and spell attack bonus. You +2 on the spell save DC and spell attack bonus. You +2 on the spell save DC and spell attack bonus.
Crafts You can transform your holy weapon in any of the needed tool(Artisan tools and Thief tools). You gain proficiency in every Artisan tools and Thief tools, if you already have it you double it. You double the proficiency in every Artisan tools and Thief tools. You now need just 1/10 of the efforts and materials to create/refine/improve/enchant a item. Your Holy Weapon can be combined with any artifacts to gain its abilities and curse.
Armor You gain +1 AC. You gain +1 AC. You gain +1 AC. You gain +1 AC. You are immune to physical damage.

Fighting Style

At 2nd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options.

  • Defense. While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
  • Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with that weapon.
  • Great Weapon Fighting. When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.
  • Protection. When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.
  • Two-Weapon Fighting. When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
  • Shield. When you are wielding a shield, you gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. If you were to be hit by an attack you may use your reaction to gain a bonus to your AC equal to your half proficiency bonus, rounded up, until the end of your next turn.
  • Brawler. If you take the Attack action on your turn to make one or more melee weapon attacks—excluding unarmed strikes—but hit with none of them, you can use your bonus action to make an unarmed strike.
  • Brutal Strike. Whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can attempt to drive the target back. If the target is Medium or smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw. The DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. On a failed save, the target is pushed 5 feet away from you. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.
  • Gathering Steps. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, the weapon you are wielding is considered to have the reach property, if it does not have it already.
  • Power Attack. When you make a melee attack, before you make the attack roll, you can choose not to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you add your proficiency bonus to the attack's damage. You cannot do this if you are using the finesse property of the weapon.
  • Versatile Weapon Master. When wielding a versatile weapon in one hand you get a +1 bonus to your damage rolls. When wielding a versatile weapon in two hands, you gain +1 bonus to your attack and damage rolls.
  • Archery. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons..
  • Close Quarters Shooter. You are trained in making ranged attacks at close quarters.When making a ranged attack while you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature, you do not have disadvantage on the attack roll.Your ranged attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover against targets within 30 feet of you. Finally, you have a +1 bonus to attack rolls on ranged attacks.
  • Musketeer(Prerequisite: the campaign should allow firearms). YWhen you engage a two-weapon fighting with a firearm and a melee weapon, if you make both attacks on the same target, you have advantage on the attack roll you make with the second attack.
  • Riot Control(Prerequisite: the campaign should allow firearms). When you are wielding a pistol on one hand and a shield on another hand, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC and attack rolls.
  • Tactical Stance(Prerequisite: the campaign should allow firearms). While you are wielding a firearm and no melee weapon, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC and damage rolls.


At 3rd level, depending on the holy weapon you have chosen, you will gain different benefit. The benefit gained increases at levels 10th and 18th. The level requirements of this ability count on its maximum level .

  • Shield: Your hit point maximum increases in 5 points, and you add +1 bonus to your AC.
  • Martial Ranged Weapon: You score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20 on the d20. You gain a bonus of +2 on your attack and damage rolls with the holy weapon.
  • Martial Melee Weapon: When you take the attack action, you can perform one additional attack with the melee weapon. You gain a bonus of +1 your attack and damage rolls with the holy weapon.

Holy Weapon Form

At 3rd level, when you reach 30 points at a type of point you gain a new form for you weapon, it will grant you generic abilitys and passives when your holy weapon acquire this form, but you can transform you weapon in the type of the value which grant you abilitys while you you transformation is active, this abilitys depend of the type of your holy weapon.You can transform your holy weapon with a free action.

Type Passive Generic Ability Shield Ability Close-Range Weapon Ability Ranged Weapon Ability
Aberration When a creature is grappled by you, you can as a bonus action generate tentacles that leave your weapon, you can attack using them, they deal twice your Holy Weapon Dice in bludgeoning damage when attacking, it has 10 fts of range. You can use your action to make tentacles get out of the ground around you in a radios of 15 fts, they are 2 fts tall, every hostile creature that enters the area will or start your turn inside the area will receive your holy weapon dice in bludgeoning damage. You can use your reaction to gain Extra Lifepoints equal to your Holy Weapon Dice when you receive a attack. Your weapon become like a tentacle and it gain 10 fts of range when attacking, the weight stays the same. When you use your action to attack you can attack twice.
Beast Your body adapts to the environment, you dont gain exhaustion when at a harsh environment. As an action, you can detect nearby beasts, aberrations, dragons or fiends within 60 feet of you. You are resistant to fire and radiant damage. You have advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of you and the ally isn't incapacitated. Your base jump distance is 15 feet.
Celestial You gain proficiency in Religion, if you already have it you double it. You gain add your Wisdom Modifier to your life points for each level you have. You gain immunity to necrotic and radiant damage. Your weapon now deals +2 radiant damage. Your weapon now deals a extra 1d8 of radiant damage.
Fiends You gain proficiency in either the Deception and Persuasion skill, if you already have it you double it. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest. When you receive fire damage you is not damage, instead you gain the same amount of damage as extra lifepoints. Your weapon now deals +2 fire damage. Your weapon now deals a extra 1d8 of fire damage.
Elemental You gain advantage in every Constitution Roll. Your weapon now deals a extra 1d4 of fire,cold and shock damage. You can now use Summon Elemental once per long rest. You can make every place in a 10 fts radios a difficult terrain. You can make your ranged attacks do turn corners like it was flying.
Fey You gain advantage at charisma save check. You gain cant not be charmed or controlled. You can add half your charisma modifiers to your AC. You have the ability to cast Charm Person one per short or long rest. You cannot be put to sleep by magical means.
Undead You do not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep. You have advantage at death saving trolls. You are immune to necrotic damage. Your weapon now deals +2 necrotic damage. Your weapon now deals a extra 1d8 of necrotic damage.
Herbs Every heal that affects you heal the twice ammount. You can use your action to touch and heal a ally by 1d4. You can use your action to heal every ally in 5 fts radios by you Holy Weapon Damage. Every time you hit a attack you get healed by 1 hitpoint. Every time you crit a attack you get healed by 1d10 hitpoint.
Metal You can use your action to absorve 10 ingots of the same metal to your holy weapon gain its traits, this ability stacks. You can use your action to create a wall of metal, it has 60 fts of length and 60 of height, it last 1 minute. You gain +2 AC. You gain advantage at every attack. You gain advantage at every attack.
Knowledge Every time you cant spell roll 1d100 if it gets 90 or higher you do not use the magical slot. Every time you see a spell that you did not own you can make a arcane test to try to learn, the DC is 20 + Spell level, if you succed these spells are considered Holy Weapon spells. When you drop to 0 of live you recover every magical slot. When you hit a target you can cast freely a spell, it cant be higher than 1th level. When you crit a attack you can cast freely a spell, it cant be higher than 5th level and if possible it will be considered a 5th level spell.
Dragons You can gain or dismiss freely wings that give you flying speed equals to your normal movement. You can choose to convert your spell damage type to match any Draconic Ancestry. Dragons have disadvantage when attacking against you. You deal a extra 2d6 extra damage against dragons. If you crit a dragon you double the damage caused.
Weapon You gain +2 damage in every attack and damage roll. You can cast the cantrip Repair freely. You gain +3 AC, but you cant attack. You gain advantage on attacks. You gain advantage on attacks.
Arcane You +2 on the spell save DC and spell attack bonus. You have advantage on magical attacks. You have advantage against magic. You can attack once with you Holy Weapon when casting a magic. You can attack once with you Holy Weapon when casting a magic.
Crafts You gain a magical item(Your GM choose). You can be attuned with any amount of items. --- --- ---
Armor You gain +2 AC. --- --- -- ---

Body Experience

At 5th level,you gain extra bonus depending of your type of holy weapon.

  • Shield:You gain +4 in Constitution save and you gain proficiency in Constitution Save
  • Martial Ranged Weapon:You gain +4 in Dexterity save and you gain proficiency in Dexterity Save
  • Martial Close-Range Weapon:You gain +4 in Strength save and you gain proficiency in Strength Save

Natural Ability

At 5th level,you gain a ability depending of your type of holy weapon. Also you attacks are now magical with the purpose of ignoring resistances and immunity.

  • Shield:Any attacks made against your allies when they are 5 feet from you are done with disadvantage.
  • Martial Ranged Weapon:You can use your action to make a attack against any number of creatures within 10 feet of a point you can see within your weapon's range. You make a separate attack roll for each target, but you do not add you proficiency to the attacks.
  • Martial Close-Range Weapon:When you deal damage to a creature of Large size or smaller, you can also push that creature 10 feet away from you.

Mental Experience

At 6nd level,you gain extra bonus depending of your type of holy weapon.

  • Shield:You gain +4 Wisdom
  • Martial Ranged Weapon:You gain +2 Wisdom and +2 Intelligence
  • Martial Close-Range Weapon:You gain +4 Intelligence

Weapon Bless

At 7nd level,you gain a ability depending of your type of holy weapon.

  • Shield:You and every ally in a 30 fts radios will gain +2 AC.
  • Martial Ranged Weapon:You can move the double if you had killed someone this turn.
  • Martial Close-Range Weapon:You gain another action when you kill someone.

At 8nd level,

Flash Step Strike

At 9nd level,when you take the Dash action, you may make a single attack if you stop within reach of an enemy creature. And you can make an opportunity attack against hostile creatures that move into your reach.From 13th level onwards, when you dash and make an attack you deal an additional 2d6 .

At 10nd level,

Deadly Wounds

At 11nd level,whenever you hit a creature with your holy weapon, the creature receives a wound point to a maximum of 5. These wounds deal damage equal to their charge at the start of your targets turn. The wounds are gone and the charges are reset if your target didn’t receive a succesful hit from you at the start of his third turn since he took the last hit from you.

At 12nd level,

At 13nd level,

At 14nd level,

At 15nd level,

At 15nd level,

Fiendish Endurance

Starting at 16rd level, when you are reduced to 0 Hit Points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a short rest.

At 17nd level,

At 18nd level,


At 19nd level, at the start of each of your turns in combat, you regain hit points equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 hit point). You don't gain this benefit if you have 0 hit points or if you have more than half of your hit points left.

At 20nd level,

Twins Weapons

At 1nd level,you are reward with two holy weapon, choose another holy weapon it will have different Value Increment and Holy Weapon Forms, the Value Increment wont stack but the every passive and ability of the Holy Weapon will stack. They can be used together and when you attack with one you can freely attack with the another, but only if they can be hold together, if you have extra attack it will work on both.

Developing Together

At 2nd level,now every time you gain a bonus or ability based on your weapon now you can get a extra one of your choose.You also get a extra Fighting Style

Holy Twins

At 6nd level,now the Value Increment is shared.

At 10nd level,

At 15nd level,

At 18nd level,


Now you can learn every level, 2 spell and 1 cantrip from any class, you always have it prepared but the spells can never be changed. Your spell slot table follows the wizard table.

Learning Spells

You can ask anyone to teach you a spells or cantrip that they know, it will require one long rest to cantrips, to spells it will need a number of long rest equals to the level of spell and twenty times the level of the spell in gold. This cost will be need to both you and your teacher, since you both need to buy ingredients to cast the spells.

Magical Combat Style

At 1nd level,Choose one of the styles, and now your weapon is considered magical with the purpose to ignore resistances and immunity.

Intelligence Style:Add your Intelligence Modifier on every, cantrip dc , cantrip attack bonus, attack and damage roll of your Holy Weapon, increase your Spell Attack Bonus and the damage dealt by your spells by the same value.

Wisdom Style:Add your Wisdom Modifier on every , cantrip dc , cantrip attack bonus, attack and damage roll of your Holy Weapon, and increase your Spell Save DC by the same amount.

Charismatic Style: Add your Charisma Modifier on every , cantrip dc , cantrip attack bonus, attack and damage roll of your Holy Weapon, and increase your AC by the same amount when using light armor or half when using medium armor.

Rune Weapon

At 2nd level,choose 2 runes for your weapon, now every 2 levels you can choose to apply one rune to your weapon and if you want change one of then to another one.The level requirements on this subclass count all your levels

Elemental Rune: Choose 1 elemental damage type (Acid, Fire, Cold, Thunder, Radiant, Necrotic, Lightning, Psychic or Poison). Attacks made with a weapon with this rune deal an additional 1d6 damage of the element chosen. At 18th level, the damage increases to 1d8.

Rune of Deftness: Your weapon gain finess. At 18th level your gain additional damage equal to your Constitution Modifier.

Rune of Heft: Your weapon gains the Heavy Property and must be wielded in two hands (versatile weapons only). At 18th level when you take damage from a creature that is within 5 feet of you. you can force a creature you hit with a melee attack to make a Strength Saving throw vs the attack roll or be disarmed of one item it is holding (your choice). The creature gets advantage on the save if the object is being held with both hands.

Rune of Speed: When you take the Attack action, you can make an additional attack as a bonus action. (Pre: 5th Level). At 18th level you gain the Fighter's Action Surge ability while holding your bound weapon.

Rune of Returning: Your Weapon gains the thrown property (20/60). When the weapon is thrown, it returns to your hand once the attack is resolved. At 18th level the range increases to (40/ 120)

Rune of Transformation: Choose one weapon. As a bonus action you may transform your bound weapon into the chosen weapon.You can take this rune how many times you want.

Rune of Siphoning: Each time you reduce a creature to zero hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your total level. (Pre: 6th level)

Rune of Understanding: You can read all Languages.

Rune of Mastery: You gain proficency in 3 skills of your choice and Expertise in 2 skills which you are already proficent with.

Rune of Recovery: As a Bonus Action on your turn you can regain Hit Points equal to 2d10 + Your total Level, you must finish a short rest before the magic in the Rune replenishes itself and allows you to use the ability again.

Rune of Celerity: Your Walking Speed increases by 10 feet. You can choose to inscribe this rune twice.

Rune of Sight: You can see normally in mundane and magical darkness up to 60 feet.

Rune of Deception: As an action you may alter your appearance to match any humanoid of your size that you have seen before. If you die, you revert to your natrual appearance. In addition, you gain Expertise in the Deception skill and can take the Dash, or Disengage Actions as a Bonus Action. (Pre: 6th Level)

Rune of Telepathy: You can communicate Telepathically with any Intelligent creature you can see within 30ft of you. You need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language. (Pre: 6th Level)

Rune of the Shadow: You can turn invisible anytime you are in an area of dim light or darkness. In addition, you can cast silence once per short rest (Pre: 6th Level)

Rune of the Warrior: For every level you gain after inscribing this Rune on yourself, you use a d10 for your Hit Die instead of a d8, In addition, you learn 1 fighting style available to the Fighter (Pre: 6th level).

Rune of the Fish: You gain a Swim Speed of 30 feet and can breath underwater. (Pre: 6th Level).

Rune of Shielding: You gain a +2 to Armor Class.

Rune of Strength: Your unarmed strike damage is increased by one die (d6 to d8...etc). You can inscibe this rune twice.

Rune of the Angel: You gain a fly speed of 30ft. and can cast the zone of truth spell once per short rest (Pre: 6th Level).

Rune of the Sage: You can cast the Identify and Detect Magic spells at will. (Pre: 8th Level).

Rune of Wild Magic You learn 2 cantrips and 3 spells from any class Spell list and gain 1 spell slot to cast these spells that replenishses after a short rest. You can inscribe this rune on yourself twice. The slot level is equal to your proficency bonus - 1. You can change the spells known as you gain levels.

Rune of the Golem: You are resistant to bludeoning, slashing, and piercing damage. (Pre: 8th Level)

Rune of Expulsion: You infuse this rune with your own lifeforce. As an action. you can force each creature within 15 feet of you must succeed on a Constituion saving throw or suffer 16d10 force damage and be pushed outside the 15 foot radius, sucess suffer only half damage and no pushback. Doing this forces you to take 1 level of exhuastion. You cannot do this again until you take a long rest. DC= 8+ CON Mod + Prof. Mod. (Pre: 17th Level)

Rune of the Arcanist: Choose one level 2 or lower spell from any class list. (Pre: 15th Level).

Rune of Metamagic: Choose one metamagic every spell on that you cast using this weapon now have it, if it need to choose a amount of sorcery points to cast it you treats as if you have 2 points avaible.

Rune of the Runemaster: You can cast the Time Stop spell once per long rest; however, doing so forces you to suffer 1 level of exhausiton as the rune draws necessary power from your life force. (Pre: 17th Level).

Rune of the Untouched: This rune enhances your reflexes, opportunity attacks have disadvantage to hit you. In addition, you may take the Dodge Action as a Bonus Action.

At 6nd level,

At 10nd level,

At 15nd level,

At 18nd level,

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gollark: Somehow.
gollark: For all the UK's flaws we *are* a leading centre of scientific research!
gollark: It was, but the experimental tectonic geolasers fixed this.
gollark: You can change reality to some extent. I am "changing reality" when I do anything ever.
gollark: Wrong.
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