History of Vaerya (Vaerya Supplement)

This is a global account of major events throughout Vaerya, as shown by historical documents, archeological discoveries, and records kept for posterity. For more local history, check the specific region you're interested in. From the dawn of creation to the current day, these are the Ages of Vaerya. Much information is missing, and some is purely speculation on the part of scholars, but if ever there was a definitive account, this would be it. Enjoy.

The Time of Creation

Before Time was Measured

NOTE: for a full and complete account of the creation of Vaerya, see The Bible of Seven.

This account is an excerpt from the Book of Illunian: Chapter 1, Verse 12-13

These were the first hours of the world, when Illunian and his brothers and sisters created the earth. Milyena forged the planet, and Yaviandawe brought into being the Tree of Life, which gave birth to the first living things on Vaerya. Plants grew for the first time, and many wondrous things came into being. The Seven came down to this planet, and they called it Vaerya, the First Creation. On this world, the first intelligent beings were created by Illunian, and they were called Valkyrie, the first intelligent lifeforms of Vaerya. These people served the Varyans in person when they lived on the surface, in the holy city of Tanatha Kurenathas. This great city was formed out of a mountain, cut into proper shape by Indariel to house the seven Varyans, as well as the growing population of Valkyrie. Illunian wanted the other Vaeryans to experience the life of beings, watch them grow and learn and innovate. He made them beautiful and strong, hardy and intelligent. They lived forever, so long as they were not struck down by accident or violence. The Valkyrie had a great respect for nature, as it was the only living thing on the planet longer than them, and they took pains to learn of it, and took joy in it's existence. In those days there was no sun, and it was dark. The Valkyrie were granted the ability to give off a faint light that extended from themselves in a fifteen foot radius. They were each islands in a great wilderness of darkness, and had no fear of the dark for truly there was no evil to fear. In their great city Tanatha, the light given off by all the Valkyrie caused it to shine as brightly as a flame in a dark room to it's people. This was an age of discovery, in which many great things were made and found by the Vaeryans and the Valkyrie.

In these early years, the Valkyrie were young and wild. They were as children perpetually, for there was no danger in the world, and no pain or suffering to cause maturation. They were a free and happy people, content to serve the Vaeryans and worship them as their creators. They lived as a communal society, working together without strife or disagreement, for the most part. They worked in partnerships, pairs assigned to tasks together for day to day activities. One pair in particular, named Kaiten and Luatha would play a major role in the way the future of pain and sorrow would unfold. The day history turned, this pair was out in the wilderness away from the city gathering materials for certain rituals that the Valkyrie performed in honor of the Vaeryans. It is unknown whether what happened was a fluke, a tragic turn of chance, or if some malign influence turned events towards the worst, but the result was horrific. Kaiten took Luatha's hand to steady her as she reached out over a chasm to gather a rare plant. It was a token gesture of respect and politeness, for Luatha was in no real danger, as all Valkyrie possess the innate ability to levitate should they need to. Just as Luatha reached the plant, a Driftspike struck. Always unpredictable, this particular Driftspike appears to have had two effects; first, it teleported Kaiten to Oblivion the Gateworld, and second, it deprived both Valkyrie of all their divine powers. Luatha fell, and Kaiten's support disappeared as she grasped for it. At the bottom of the chasm, a crystal formation of spikes killed her instantly. Seconds later, Kaiten was teleported back to Vaerya, and awkwardly tumbled into the chasm, landing right next to Luatha's mangled corpse. Bleeding lightly from minor wounds, Kaiten was stricken with grief, horror, and confusion. His few seconds in Oblivion twisted his mind, and he forgot all about the peace and tranquility of his former life. All he knew now was pain, fear, grief, and hopelessness. As he lay there, the blood seeping from both of them mixed, and coated the crystal formation, finally pooling at the bottom of the chasm. What happened exactly in the next minutes or hours is unknown, but when other Valkyrie arrived on the scene, Luatha's body was torn to shreds, and symbols were carved into the crystals and filled with mixed blood. A dark taint filled the chamber, and Kaiten was no where to be found. The Vaeryans sealed the cavern, but knew that this wasn't over. Kaiten had discovered a new source of power; Blood Magic.

This account is an excerpt from the Book of Illewe; Chapter 2, Verses 56-58,100

Ganteka was by far the mightiest of the Vaeryans, but here is an account of his one defeat. Ganteka and Indariel had a competition to see who could throw a stone further. They had many competitions such as this, for Ganteka was fiercely competitive, and though Indariel loved him, she couldn't help but tease him for it. Ganteka was to throw first, so he picked up a stone and got ready to throw. Indariel mocked the size of the stone, saying that Ganteka was afraid of being beaten. In response, Ganteka drew forth from deep within the earth a huge mass of stone, and hurled it into the sky. The rock was so massive that it stuck there, and became the moon. Indariel laughed at him, and easily threw a small stone over it to win the bet. Ganteka's rage at being outsmarted did not last long, but was fearful, and gave rise to the first storm ever in Vaerya. He was known ever after as the Storm King. The cavern left beneath the surface from where the moon was drawn forth was called Deydranok, and proves even today to be one of the most impossible strongholds to breach.

Ardian was young then, and sought the heart of Yaviandawe. Deep in thought one day, he imagined a sound more beautiful than any other, but it was too short. It was too... incomplete. And so he made the sound twice. But it repeated in vain, reduced in beauty for having followed itself, so he changed it. By the end, he had created music; an outlet of pure passion and feeling. He then composed a song for Yaviandawe, rumored to be the most beautiful song ever played on the world. Yaviandawe's heart melted, and she almost went to him when she heard it, but she saw him standing there, in his boots, squarely planted on a rare flower and realized that it could never work. They were too different. He held in him no respect for nature, only for loftier goals. Nature was wild, unfair, unjust. Ardian would never be happy with her. And so she turned away. Ardian understood, but will always be pained by his love's rejection. Till the end of time, music can be heard in the sea, and in nature, by those who listen, though they know not that it is the echo of Ardian's Song.

Milyena loved to watch the Valkyrie at work and play, though they did not know her well. She saw the life, the spirit in the eyes of the Valkyrie, and strove to make something that captured it forever, something that twinkled in the light. When she came out of her home after many hours of experimenting with her power, she bore with her 13 precious stones of varying color including emerald, ruby, sapphire, amethyst, topaz, and myriad others. Yaviandawe liked these stones so much that she took them and scattered their like all over the realm, that they may be found by those who search for them. The original thirteen stones were kept in Tanatha Kurenethas, for though there were now many like them all over Vaerya, these were by far superior in cut, brightness, and size than any other.

One of the greatest accomplishments of the Vaeryans was the creation of the sun. As it was finished, the Vaeryans held it in their hands and marveled at the heat and light that was given off, but the Valkyrie shied away or were burned. Illunian thought long about this, for what worth is art to those who cannot look upon it? And as he was musing, he looked up into the sky and laughed at the stone that Ganteka had lodged there, and told him his idea. Ganteka smiled and hefted the sun in his hand, for the Varyans are not harmed by heat or fire, and he cast it up into the sky, and the first day began. The sun lit up the sky as it had never been before, and the world was light and warm. At first the elves were afraid, having never seen the horizon or the vastness of the sky, but they quickly realized that there was a huge world that they had only just begun to experience. Their yearning for knowledge and exploration sparked what would eventually become the rise of the empire of the Valkyrie.

The War of the Fallen

These entries are excerpts from an historical document believed to be a sort of record or journal of a Valkyrie. It has been translated from High Valyrian by the monks of the Valley of the Vaeryans in Valyria, and is one of the only written records from the time before Man.

The Thirteenth Day of the Seventh Month of the Four Hundred Twenty Fifth Year (after the rise of the sun)

Today, We returned to Tanatha Kurenethas at the behest of the Sky Lord. We have never been commanded thus, but this day is unlike any We have ever seen. The sky is black tinged and fades to gray on the horizon, but the sun is red and casts an unhealthy pallor on Us as We prepare for (A Ritual of Worship). Something terrible has happened, and the Valkyrie are afraid. Our Lords have convened a (counsel) but have taken no action. We do not understand. Our (energy/collective) is (withdrawn/subdued) and we wait patiently for answers. Some of Us fear We have transgressed in some way against our creators, as (unthinkable) such a thing would be. For now We wait, and We will see.

The Eighteenth Day of the Seventh Month of the Four Hundred Twenty Fifth Year (after the rise of the sun)

Kaiten, son of our Lords is missing. We have been commanded to stay within the walls of Tanatha Kurenethas while the holy Vaeryans search for him. We do not understand why he would leave Us, but Illewe, who has stayed behind with Us assures Us that all will be revealed in time. We trust in Her judgment, but wonder why she weeps at night. Some say She knows all things, and sees what will happen to Us, or what might. We trust in Their wisdom. The sky has blackened further, and the sun sheds little light. For now We wait, and We will see.

The Thirtieth Day of the Seventh Month of the Four Hundred Twenty Fifth Year (after the rise of the sun)

Kaiten has renounced his parentage and now attempts to force the power of the Drift into himself, and declare himself lord of Vaerya. We do not know why he would do something so... contrary to our nature, so... evil. I shudder to contemplate the implications behind such an accusation, but it would appear that Kaiten has been corrupted somehow. He is no longer one of Us, and is no longer of the Vaeryans. Beyond that I cannot say. For now We wait, and We will see.

The Twenty First Day of the Eighth Month of the Four Hundred Twenty Fifth Year (after the rise of the sun)

The Vaeryans have ridden to war. Kaiten has succeeded at commanding the power of the Drift, and now plans to destroy our Lords and take command of the world by force. My brethren Valkyrie have taken shelter deep in the bowels of Tanatha Kurenethas, as rain that burns falls from the black sky, and the very ground trembles with what must be a titanic struggle between powers to vast for Us to contemplate. Illewe has remained to oversee the protection of Us and Our city, and resides in the (high tower/citadel). I and a few other Valkyrie have volunteered to act as defenders of Our race, guarding the (entryway/hidden passage) down to the (stronghold). It is a lonely burden to be cut off from Us, but it is a necessary sacrifice, though unfamiliar to Us. Illewe commands that We maintain constant vigilance, and alert her to anything strange. For now, We wait, and We will see.

Age of the Valkyrie

Detailed records were kept by the Valkyrie during this era, and even though time and war have ravaged their once spectacular libraries, scholars have managed to piece together a fairly complete history of the time. This account will be an abbreviated version, the sort of knowledge a novice scholar of history aught to know.

The Age of the Valkyrie began when the Gods left Vaerya, to reside in their planar kingdoms. The planet was theirs now, and with their divine gifts and immortality, the possibilities were endless. In the beginning of the age, little care was taken in how magic was applied, and many horrible creatures and artifacts were created unintentionally that are still around to this day. On the whole, the Valkyrie strove to create a seamless blend of art and utility. Even the most mundane tools were crafted with such care as to last for centuries, and were so elegant in design one could hardly believe them to be used as actual tools.

The first major event during the Age was the accidental formation of the Avatars of Creation, gods of the elements and chaos. The Valkyrie's powers were unchecked even then, and consciousness was granted to the four elements; Water, Fire, Wind, and Earth. These four elements drew upon the powers of the natural world around them, and quickly surpassed the Valkyrie in power. The four raged across all of Vaerya, clashing and destroying anything in it's path, leaving a swath of random creations in their wake. Soon after their creation, they would become divine entities, and the source of druidic, fey, and eldritch power. The Valkyrie banded together and created the elemental planes, to which these four chaotic powers were banished, though their mark would forever lay on Vaerya. An unforeseen consequence of this action was the creation of a void, an imbalance in power favoring chaos. This void was instantly filled with four new deities, foreign in form and design to anything seen before on Vaerya. It is suspected that these beings of law were drawn through the Drift in order to compensate for the imbalance of the planescape. These gods were lords of Form, Balance, Perception, and Time. Together they formed what is simply referred to as The Order.

<--Creation of the races of man here-->

After that near disaster, some sort of great counsel of the Valkyrie was gathered, and the laws of magic defined for generations to come. To this day, archmages across all of Vaerya seek to unlock and understand the entirety of these laws, and use them in their quests for power. A few things were determined for certain by modern scholars, including the first three rules of magic; 1. Form, Balance, and Timing are the keys to commanding the drift, and mastery of these will enable a wizard to bend arcane power to his will. 2. Fire, Water, Earth and Air generate the energy within the drift that becomes arcane power. 3. A wizard uses his body as a conduit for arcane power to enter the material realm through the drift. This counsel of the Valkyrie is a matter of much debate among the arcane practitioners, but it is generally accepted as the beginning of the Art of Magicka.

The Dragon Wars

Hundreds of thousands of miles from Vaerya, in the depths of uncharted space circling the same star, is Kalgor, the dragon planet. Ruled by five tyrannical alien gods, the dragons of Kalgor reveled in battle. The mightiest of sorcerers in the service of the dragon gods began to detect the manipulations of the Drift, that clued them in to the existence of a second planet of their sun. Quickly combining their power to create a massive portal, the dragon armies marched on Vaerya in what would become known as one of the greatest wars ever fought. The dragon gods were obscenely powerful, and their minions seemed to have no end to their numbers. Enormous battalions of dragons, wyverns, kobolds, and draconians flooded into Vaerya through the portal, and the Valkyrie had no choice but to rise to the challenge and battle with the dragons. Riding griffons and wielding lances imbued with holy power, the Valkyrie and their mortal creations clashed in a titantic conflict that would ebb and flow for decades.

The Vaeryan Seven grew more and more appalled at the cost of war with the dragons. In a great council meeting, the Vaeryan Seven decided that they would choose a champion among the mortal races, and imbue him with their holy power. This chosen mortal would temporarily become more powerful than any valkyrie, and would turn the war in their favor. The mortal elf Solanthos was chosen. Trained in secret places far from the war, Solanthos grew into a paladin of incredible power. Supported by his best friend and ally, the aged wizard Corellion, and riding atop his celestial gryphon steed, Solanthos joined the battle. He won victory after victory, scattering the armies of the dragons to the four winds time after time. He penetrated deep into the territory of the dragon gods themselves, and slew four of the five mighty beasts. The final dragon god, the great white Karkofeldian delivered a fatal blow to Solanthos before escaping back through the portal to Kalgor. With the war won and the forces of good victorious, the gods of Vaerya all together conjured a great barrier that prevents any extradimensional travel to or from Kalgor, and then sealed the portal. Trapped and alone, Karkofeldian plots his revenge.

Solanthos' mighty sacrifice was never forgotten, and even to this day there are orders of knights in his honor, who strive to live up to the ideals that Solanthos stood for, and hunt evil dragons and their minions to the ends of all Vaerya.

The Rise of Man

The rise of man came about solely through the sacrifice of Solanthos the Dragon Knight. The valkyrie, who until now had ruled over Vaerya were severely weakened in number, and Vaerya was no longer a pure and holy haven, after the corruption wrought by the dragon gods. The Valkyrie that remained decided that as a reward for Solanthos' heroic sacrifice, they would ascend to the holy plane of Celestia and leave Vaerya to the mortal races to rule over. This marks the beginning of the Rise of Man, and is the last recorded event of the valkyrie on the surface of Vaerya.

The Age of Enlightenment

An age like no other, in which great kings were born, and the people flourished. The mighty city of Fel'Numidan was erected over the location of the dragon portal, and for a thousand years the people lived in relative peace and prosperity. In this age, technology and magic advanced far beyond what we are capable of in modern times. Most of this knowledge is now lost, and only fragments remain.

The Demongate Wars

Excerpts from the journal of Aurum Larethodos, general of the elven forces of Khalendia. The Demongates had begun to open, spewing forth twisted and evil humanoids now known as orcs, goblinoids, and giants, led by powerful demons. It is believed that these first creatures were twisted forms of the four blessed races.

The King is dead. We have heard from all over, from the humans and the elves as well, that their leaders are slain. From what we understand, portals to a dark and twisted place sprang up in our greatest cities, and out poured evil and corrupted creatures we have never seen before. Few nobles survived the purge. I was lucky enough to be out on patrol. This is a chaotic time for our people. I swear that I will find whoever is responsible. A crime of this magnitude cannot go unpunished.

We retook the city today. After putting up a token defense, most of the larger evil creatures disappeared back into their portals, and our mages closed them. We were tempted to pursue, but with no knowledge of the twisted plane they come from, it could have been a slaughter. Better to simply defend what is ours.

Ever since the first damn portal opened, we've had nothing but rain. Usually I love rain, but in an army camp it's just miserable. Today we made good progress towards the Fist, and our scouts caught sight of what we believe is the demon's general. A fearsome red pit fiend, he wields a black sword that sucks the light and made our scouts feel sick just by looking at it. If he defends this portal, we may have trouble closing it quickly.

The battle was brutal, but in the end we prevailed. Our forces, combined with a dwarven company from the south cut through the goblins and orcs, and this portal is no more. This marks the fifth portal we've closed so far. I fear if we do not determine a way to stop the portals from opening, we will be fighting this war for centuries.

It's too easy. The portals open near our armies, as if they want to engage us, yet their most powerful demons flee through the portal rather than stand and fight. Each portal opens closer and closer to the Fist. That must be the key. It just doesn't make sense yet. Illewe, light our path.

Tonight was a surprise attack. The portal opened just a few hundred feet from the command tent, and instantly our men were fighting for their lives. I saw their general with my own eyes, and nearly reached him before he flew back through the portal. I do not relish the thought of facing him in combat, but somehow he must be defeated if this is ever going to end.

Today our men reached the Fist. We've entrenched ourselves in a highly defensible position, and now it's a waiting game for the next portal. I had hoped for answers once we reached the Fist, but things are as murky as ever. At least the rain has stopped... for now.

A massive army has come through the newest portal. I do not know if we can beat it. I've sent for reinforcements, but there are not many to be had. This war has taxed our people tremendously, and I fear the men I have with me are all there are of the blessed races to be had. A combined force of elves, dwarves, men, and the gnomen war chanters. We will prevail, The Seven willing, I know it. I only fear for the cost. This army has ogres, enormous brutes. I once saw one lift a horse in the air, and snap it's spine in half. If they attack us here though, I know we will put up a good fight.

Today may mark the end of me, and all my people. A second army has arrived through another portal, within the fist itself. Surrounded, and hopelessly outmatched, we cannot attack. Our position is defensible, but we have few supplies, and our lines have been cut. It is not like the demons to siege, but if they do we will starve in a week. I fear we have lost this battle, we have lost this war, we have lost our world. The Seven help us.

Our scouts have been watching the armies closely. It appears that there is no love lost between them. A few skirmishes have broken out, and are quickly settled by the generals. Maybe I am grasping at straws, but I think I see potential. For now we will wait, and we will see.

Oh glorious day! Our people are saved! I didn't think the plan would work, but at the time we had no other choice. When the gnomen war chanter Gorsian approached me with his plan, I almost laughed at him but it worked, gloriously! He and his people snuck down and covered themselves in illusions. They then joined either side of the camping armies and began to incite unrest between them. I do not know the details, as few of them survived the battle, but after escalating skirmishes, the armies attacked each other! By the time their general knew what was happening, it was too late to stop it. Both armies abandoned their portals and joined the battle, and our scouts closed them while the battle raged. When we attacked, they realized that their portals were gone, and they could not escape. Their numbers depleted, they fled into the mountains. Their general was slain by Aurelius Gandothan, but he succumbed to his wounds. May he rest in peace knowing that he, along with all of us, have saved our people.

Tonight the sword their general wielded was brought to me. I am looking at it now, and it radiates evil like a fire does heat. It's surface is glossy black, and I can see myself in the blade. I can almost imagine that it's calling to me. Saying my name. I feel... strong. It would make a fine trophy. It should be mine, I know it. I led the army that led to it's capture. I am a great general after all, savior of our people. Why shouldn't I keep it? In fact, I will keep it! NO one will take it from me, it's MINE!

General Larethodos disappeared soon after receiving the sword, and was never seen again.

The Age of Heroes

One hundred years after the Demongate Wars, large parties of orcs, goblins, trolls, and giants still lived deep in the wilderness. They gather in bands and raid villages, or murder travelers. A dangerous world has been born, where outside of the major cities, safety is not guaranteed. Dragonkin also still walk the surface after the Dragon Wars, and are even more dangerous. Now is the time for heroes, adventurers blessed by the gods to go forth, and root out evil where it hides, and spread the light of goodness to all the corners of Vaerya. It will be a long battle, but by The Seven, we will prevail!

It was during this age that the great dragon god Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon was freed from his imprisonment by a party of intrepid adventurers. In exchange for his freedom, Bahamut granted to Vaerya the metallic dragons, who are now raised to protect the cities of Vaerya from evil. Each major city has it's own metallic dragon, sworn to defend the city with it's life.

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