Hidden Blade (5e Equipment)

Hidden Blade

Simple Melee Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Hidden Blade100 gp1d4 Piercing1 lb.Hidden, Light, Finesse, Special.

A fine weapon made for Assassins to execute their operations of exclusion, this weapon is attached to the arm of the person which keeps it hidden from plain sight. This allows the weapon's user to have an advantage on any roll to keep it hidden. If you attack with this weapon while it is hidden you get an advantage on the attack roll. Once the weapon is revealed and enemies are aware of it, attempting to hide the weapon becomes difficult. If you attempt to hide the weapon after it's been revealed, the DC will be raised (or lowered) according. It requires an action to equip or remove. Among the things you can do with the help of a tinkerer is adding improvements and modifications to the weapon. However, some attachments require specific proficiencies to add onto the weapon, and some attachments will get in the way of others which prevents adding all of the attachments to one blade. Attachments that can be added to the Hidden Blade are as follows:

Arm Guard: The Hidden Blade will have an Arm Guard attached to the top part of your arm, allowing the character to block and deflect attacks easier using the Arm Guard. It gives you +1 AC to the character armor, placing a sturdy but still lightweight armor over the weapon. As it goes over the arm, it makes no interactions with the blade mechanism on the bottom of the arm and requires a bonus action to Don/Doff along with the hidden blade. However, with the Arm Guard attached, the weapon is subjected to the Partial Armor rule. It costs 100 gp to attach your weapon with this upgrade.
Arm Guard Abilitie:s +1 AC (Subject to Partial Armor Rule), Removes Tinker Tool need for Don/Doff.

Hidden Gun: The Hidden Blade will have a Gun attached to it allowing the character to shoot a target using a normal range attack with a Piercing damage of 1d8 and a range of (30/90), it is a one shot weapon that requires an action to reload it using normal ammunition, and you can use your proficiency bonus with Handguns to your attack roll. Keep in mind that shooting with this weapon will reveal you if you were hiding from the loud explosion-like sound it makes when fired. Due to the mechanism's size, this prevents other attachments like the Hook Blade, Pivot Knife, and Phantom Blade from being attached. If the Hidden Blade has the Poison Blade attachment, one can replace the standard ammunition with a Poison Dart, allowing administering poison from a range and keeping stealth if fired at the cost of you don't roll for damage, and if you attacked from stealth with a Poison Dart, the target has Disadvantage on the Poison's Saving Throw, if applicable. It requires proficiency with Handguns and costs 250 gp to attach your weapon with this upgrade.
Hidden Gun Stats: 1d8 Piercing, Range (30/90), Loading, [*Special: Silent Poison Darts (Requires Poison Blade)]

Hook Blade: The Hidden Blade will have a Hook attached to it and allowing the user to climb vertical walls with little to no footholds easier, effectively making your climbing speed equal to your movement speed, and have Advantage when climbing Difficult Terrain. Due to the nature of the hook, however, it gets in the way of attachments like the Phantom Blade, Poison Blade, Hidden Gun, and Pivot Knife, so having the Hook Blade prevents attaching those upgrades. It cost 100 gp to attach your weapon with this upgrade.
Hook Blade Abilities: Climb Speed = Movement Speed, Advantage when climbing Difficult Terrain.

Pivot Knife: The Hidden Blade's mechanics have been modified to a greater extent and adding a pivot to the blade end and allowing the user to hold the blade like a normal dagger. If you have the Dual Wielder and/or Two Weapon Fighting feature, the weapon can get the benefits of those features as normal. Due to the mechanisms necessary for the extension, there's little room left for the Hook Blade, Hidden Gun, Poison Blade, and Phantom Blade to be attached. It cost 100 gp to attach your weapon with this upgrade.
Pivot Knife Abilities: Allows bonuses with Two Weapon Fighting and/or Dual Wielding.

Phantom Blade: The Hidden Blade will have a small Crossbow attached to it allowing the character to shoot a normal range attack with a Piercing damage of 1d6 and a range of (30/120), it is a one shot weapon that requires an action to reload it using normal ammunition, and you can use your proficiency bonus with Hand Crossbow to your attack roll, shooting with this weapon will not reveal you if you were hiding. Because it's a silent and stealthy version of the Hidden Gun, attachments like the Pivot Knife, Hook Blade, and said Hidden Gun cannot be added if the Phantom Blade is attached. If the Poison Blade is attached to this weapon, it allows the user to coat the bolt with poison in the Poison Blade. It requires Proficiency with the Hand Crossbow (Martial Weapon Proficiency counts) and costs 250 gp to attach your weapon with this upgrade.
Phantom Blade Stats: 1d6 Piercing, Range (30/120), Loading [*Special: Poison Tipped Bolts (Requires Poison Blade attachment)

Poison Blade: The Hidden Blade will have a small needle-like blade attached next to the main blade. Instead of rolling damage for the main blade, one can administer any type of Poison directly by piercing their target directly with the needle and exposing them to the effects. If the Hidden Blade is hidden when the target is struck, the target has Disadvantage on the Poison's Saving Throw if applicable. After a Poison is used, however, a new dose must be loaded into the mechanism. It's small size and placement next to the Hidden Blade allows it to be attached with the Phantom Blade or Hidden Gun, but it CANNOT be attached if the blade has the Hook Blade or Pivot Knife upgrades. As a special bonus, if this attachment is on the Hidden Blade alongside either the Phantom Blade or Hidden Gun, it allows using alternate ammunition for those weapons. It requires proficiency with a Poisoner's Kit, and cost 150 gp to attach your weapon with this upgrade.
Poison Blade Abilities: Administers Poison as Injury, Loading, Disadvantage on Saving Throws when Hidden, Enables Special properties of Hidden Gun and Phantom Blade.

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Hidden Blade.
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