Hammer of Orlon (5e Equipment)
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Weapon (Warhammer), Artifact (attunement) This weapon has a +3 to attack and damage rolls. The weapon deals 2d8 bludgeoning damage on a hit. Also, if the target is size Large or smaller, they must succeed on a Strength saving throw equal to 8 + (half the damage taken) or be knocked prone, Large creatures have advantage on this save. In order to be attuned to the Hammer of Orlon, you must be the most worthy individual in Runeterra (5e Campaign Setting). While attuned to the hammer, you can take the following actions. Steadfast Presence. You can use your action to prevent all creatures within 30 feet of you from taking the Dash action until the start of their next turn and they take 2d6 radiant damage. You can use this feature once and regain the ability to do so when you roll initiative. Heroic Charge. You can use your action to walk up to 30 feet. You may walk through enemies' spaces so long as they are the same size as you or smaller. All enemies whose spaces you enter take 3d8 + 3 bludgeoning damage and are stunned until the start of their next turn. You can use this feature once and regain the ability to do so when you roll initiative. Keeper's Verdict. You can use your action to spin the hammer above your head, shoving enemies adjacent to you back by 5 feet and dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage to them. The turn after doing so, you select a 30 by 30 feet area on the ground from 10 to 50 feet away from you to toss your hammer into the earth in front of you and a massive, dealing 5d10 bludgeoning damage to all enemies within that selected area. Creatures within that area are launched 60 feet away from you, landing stunned. You can use this feature once and regain the ability to do so at dawn. HistoryThe Hammer of Orlon was originally owned by a Demacian general known as Orlon, hence, the hammer's name. Upon his deathbed, he gave the magnificent weapon to Poppy, a yordle friend of his, to find and give the weapon to the most worthy wielder. She has been travelling Runeterra since, giving the weapon to great valiant warriors and knights to see them torn apart by foes, leaving her to finish said foe and continue on her quest. Although, the thought that she is the true wielder of the hammer hasn't quite crossed her mind yet... |