Half Wolf (3.5e Race)

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Half Wolf

When a human breeds with a werewolf, there is a 50% chance the child will be human, a 45% chance it will be a werewolf, and a 5% chance it will be a half wolf. Half wolves posses traits of humans and wolves, and are subsequently quite rare, especially in cities. However, sometimes, a slum or ghetto can be a more than suitable hunting ground for the half wolves, seeing as they can suppress their bestial instincts better than pureblood werewolves, but city HalfWolves are generally evil, as they are forced to survive off of beggars and whores, if they survive at all. They are by no means mindless savages, as they can co-exist with the other races, but they are prone to feral aggression, if they, or their 'pack' is threatened.


Half Wolves posses a subconscious desire to seek out a pack. The occurrence of half wolves is rare, and most will never acquire a true 'pack' of their own, as they belong to neither man, as they are partially animal, or werewolf, as half wolves do not posses the ability to shapeshift. Generally, the closest a half wolf will ever get to the elusive 'pack' they yearn for is their adventuring party, who they will stick with at all times. Naturally, sometimes mistakenly, they expect the same loyalty in return.

Physical Description

Half wolves are usually of medium build, looking quite similar to humans except for the fact that they have more hair on their bodies, ie hair covering their hands, feet and arms. They also have padded feet and hands like an animal. They have heterochromia (eyes of differing colors) they tend to posses powerful claws, sharper hearing, a better sense of smell and a furry tail usually between 2 and 3 feet. Their mainly carnivorous diet has caused them to posses sharp, canine teeth, ideal for tearing meat. They tend to be more licentious, stronger, and more muscular than humans, due to their lifestyle of hunting and eating humanoids or animals.


They are too sparse for any one race to form a strong opinion about them, but forest dwelling elves seem to hate them.


A Half wolf's alignment relies heavily on the alignment of its pack (party). For example, a chaotic evil half wolf will find kinship in an evil party, while a chaotic good half wolf will travel with a good party. Most half wolves are chaotic/neutral, as their nature inclines them towards doing anything to survive. This nature will not force a blatantly good half wolf to eat a baby, but it will cause it to steal or do other minor evil acts.


They will gladly dwell where their pack does, but forests and plains are their ideal.


Half wolves who are desperately seeking a place to belong may become religious, sometimes it works, and gives them the 'pack' they strive for.


Since half wolves are a purely human occurrence, they speak common, but can 'converse' with wolves and dogs, to an extent.


Most keep the names they are given by their parents.

Racial Traits

  • +2 STR +2 CON -2 CHA -2 INT : Because of their animalistic heritage they are much stronger then a regular human however, though they have great common sense they act on impulse and find little use in book learning.
  • Humanoid (wolfkin): Their viciously pointed teeth, wicked claws, furry tail and wolf-like eyes betray their true nature.
  • Size: Medium: Half wolves gain no penalties or bonuses due to size
  • Half wolf base land speed is 40 feet
  • Half Wolf Traits:Because of their wolven attributes,they gain a +4 bonus to Search,Spot and Listen checks & also gain these skills with any class. However, they receive a -7 penalty to Diplomacy and Disguise checks with humans and strangely elves. They have natural weapons; claws and bite. [Claws do 1d4, Bite does 1d6]
  • Low Light Vision
  • Half Wolf Feats: Scent and Endurance
  • Automatic Languages Common. Bonus Languages Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic).
  • Favored Class: Ranger and Fighter. When deciding if this race takes an experience point penalty neither fighter nor ranger counts.
  • Wolf Empathy (Ex): Communicate with wolves and dogs, and +2 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against wolves and dogs.
  • Lvl Adjustment: +0

Vital Statistics

Table: Half Wolf Random Starting Ages
16 years+1d8+1d12+2d8
Table: Half Wolf Aging Effects
Middle Age1Old2Venerable3Maximum Age
35 years55 years80 years+50 years
  1. At middle age, +1 to Str, Dex, -1and Con; +1 to Int, -1Wis, and +1Cha.
  2. At old age, 2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, 2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Half Wolf Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male5,11' ft"+1d12 ft200 lb.× (1 1/2) lb.
Female5,4' feet"+1d10130 lb.× (1) lb.

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gollark: I'll think about this.
gollark: I explained this. Centre-justification trivially follows from the fact that the left and right must obviously now both agree on generic good.
gollark: If I were to be TRULY politics, it would probably be best to just vaguely connect these things to whatever modern right- and left-wing politics associate with good things and connect lol no generics with bad things.
gollark: And yet I SOMEWHAT COULD™ using a wikipedia article?
gollark: In C#.
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