Gunslinger, 5th Variant (5e Class)


A lone man scouts his target while making himself unseen with camouflage and distance, ready to take a well place shot to end the target’s life.

Charging towards danger, a dwarf aims his trusty shotgun and blasts his foes with a heaping amount of lead, ready to destroy anyone who is unlucky to be in front of it.

An elven vixen, boasts of her superior skills while she guns down the enemy, moving through and around her enemies with her two pistols.

If there is one thing in common that these three people have, they are Gunslingers. These lot have come to acquire and master the art of firearms, an invention way ahead of its time. Through fire and steel, these men and women would earn their fame and fortune through the barrel of a loaded gun.

Creating a Gunslinger

How did your character come across firearms? Are they a new experimental technology? Were you the one who’ll come to introduce them to the world? If you weren’t the one who invented them, how did you acquire them? Did you acquire them from a local gunsmith? Did you steal or loot them from somebody else? Are these weapons commonplace in your world? Ask your DM how your character has come to hold their trademark weapon.

Quick Build

You can make a Gunslinger quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by your chosen Grit Attribute (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma). Lastly, pick a background option that would suit the character, whether it be Inventor, Soldier, etc…

Class Features

As a Gunslinger you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Gunslinger level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Gunslinger level after 1st


Armor: Light Armor and Medium Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Crossbows, and Firearms
Tools: Tinker’s tools
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Intelligence
Skills: Choose three from the following: Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Investigation, Intimidation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Rifle and Pistol with 30 Ammo or (b) Double Barrel Shotgun and Pistol with 30 Ammo or (c) two Pistols with 30 Ammo
  • (a) Leather Armor or (b) Scale Mail
  • Dagger
  • Tinker's Tools and Explorer's Pack
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4 x 10 gp in funds.

Table: The Gunslinger

1st+2Firearm Expertise, Gunsmith, Upgrades I
2nd+2Grit, Deeds
3rd+2Gunslinger Archetype I
4th+2Ability Score Improvement
5th+3Extra Attack I, Rapid Reload, Upgrades II
6th+3Gunslinger Archetype Feature II
7th+3Improved Grit I
8th+3Ability Score Improvement, Deadeye
9th+4Gunslinger Archetype Feature III
10th+4Quick Movement, Upgrades III
11th+4Extra Attack II
12th+4Ability Score Improvement
13th+5Cheat Death
14th+5Upgrades IV
15th+5Deadeye II , Improved Grit II
16th+5Ability Score Improvement
17th+6Gunslinger Archetype Feature IV
18th+6Upgrades V
19th+6Ability Score Improvement
20th+6Death’s Shot

Firearm Expertise

Starting at Level 1, you gain a +2 bonus to Attack and Damage rolls you make with Firearms.


Starting at Level 1, you can craft bullets and mix gunpowder for all types of Firearms. Besides bullets and gunpowder you can repair minor damage or gun misfires. You can use your tinker's tools to craft ammunition at half the cost, repair damaged Firearms, or even draft and create new ones (DM’s discretion). You can encounter the list and rules for Firearms at the end of this article.


Starting at Level 1, you can now craft upgrades to further improved the lethality of your firearms. At Level 1 you will have access to Tier I Upgrades. You'll gain more access as you level up to Levels 5, 10, 14, and 18. You can use your Tinker's tools to craft these upgrades. You can check out the rules of Upgrading Firearms near the end of the article.


Starting at Level 2, you have come to develop a mental toughness well known amongst Gunslingers, allowing you to perform the Deeds that they are known for. Choose one of the three Grit Attributes (Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma) and the Modifier is equal to the number of Grit Points you can have (minimum of +1).

Gunslingers can regain Grit Points in the following ways:
• Completing a short or long rest: Upon completion or a short or long rest, the Gunslinger regains all spent Grit points.
• Critical Hit with a Firearm: Each time the Gunslinger scores a Critical Hit with a Firearm attack, they regain 1 Grit point.
• Killing Blow with a Firearm: When the Gunslinger reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with a Firearm attack, they regain 1 Grit point.


Gained at the 2nd Level, Gunslingers use Grit points to perform Deeds. Some deeds are instant bonuses or attacks, while others are bonuses that can last for a period of time. Some deeds last as long as the Gunslinger has 1 Grit Point.

Quick Draw
You can spend 1 Grit point to get a +5 to initiative roll and take your turn as normal if you were surprised.
Mark Target
You spend 1 Grit Point and as a bonus action, mark a creature that you can see. You have advantage on all attack rolls against that creature. This lasts for 1 minute or until the creature has 0 hit points, when the creature reaches 0 hit points you may use your bonus action on your next turn to move the mark to another creature until 1 minute is up.
Gunslinger’s Dodge
The Gunslinger gains an uncanny knack for avoiding danger. When an attack is made against the Gunslinger, they can spend 1 Grit Point and their reaction to gain a +2 to AC against the attack.
You can spend a Grit point to target a specific location when you make a ranged attack against an enemy. If the attack misses, the Grit point is still lost. If the Gunslinger has multiple attacks for their Attack action, they can make multiple Targeted shots for 1 Grit Point each.
  1. Head – Subtract 5 from Attack Roll, On a hit, the target takes normal damage and an additional +10 Damage. If you have the Sharpshooter feat, you may instead spend a Grit Point to deal an additional +15 Damage on your Sharpshooter Damage rolls.
  2. Torso – On a hit, the target takes normal damage and is pushed back 10 ft.
  3. Arms – On a hit, the target takes normal damage and the foe drops 1 item of the Gunslinger’s choice.
  4. Legs – On a hit, the target takes normal damage, and must make a Constitution Saving Throw. (DC = 3 + Damage Dealt) or is knocked prone.
  5. Wings – On a hit, the target takes normal damage, and must make a Constitution Saving Throw. (DC = 3 + Damage dealt) or plummet 20 ft.

Utility Shot
If the gunslinger has at least 1 Grit point, he can perform one of the following utility shots. Each utility shot can be applied to any single attack with a firearm, but the gunslinger must declare the utility shot he is using before firing the shot.
  1. Blast Lock: The gunslinger makes an attack roll against a lock within range. A lock's AC is decided by the DM. You deal double damage when you hit the lock with a firearm shot.
  2. Shoot Unattended Object: The gunslinger makes an attack roll against a Tiny or smaller unattended object within the first range increment of her firearm. The AC of the object is determined by the DM.
   As a recommendation, a Tiny unattended object has an AC of 5, a Diminutive unattended object has an AC of 7, and a Fine unattended object has an AC of 11.
Rapid Fire
Once on your turn, you can spend 1 Grit Point to fire an extra shot from your firearm as a free action.
Lighting Reload
On your turn, you can spend 1 Grit Point to reload your firearms or clear a misfire as a free action.
Double Time
On your turn, you can spend 1 Grit point to make a Dash as a free action.

Gunslinger Archetype

Starting at 3rd Level, your character can now pick a specialization or role for the weapon that he/she will be now and forever known for. The roles that can be picked are: Sniper, Shock Troop, and Duelist. Your choice grant features at the 3rd level, and again at 6th, 9th, and 17th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th Level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Starting at 5th Level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three at 11th level in this class.

Rapid Reload

Starting at 5th Level, the Gunslinger can now reload their firearms with only a bonus action.

Improved Grit

At the 7th Level, your number of Grit points is now equal to twice the Modifier of your Grit Attribute. At the 15th level, your number of Grit points is now equal to thrice the Modifier of your Grit Attribute.


Beginning at 8th Level, you now score critical hits with a firearm on a roll of 19-20. Upon reaching 15th level, this range increases to 18-20.

Quick Movement

Once you reach 10th Level, your base walking speed increases by 10 feet, and you may take the Dash action as a bonus action.

Cheat Death

At the 13th Level, whenever the Gunslinger is reduced to 0 hit points or lower, the Gunslinger can immediately spend all remaining Grit points to instead be reduced to 1 hit point. This cannot be used if your hit points were 1 before you took the damage.

Death's Shot

At the 20th level, when the Gunslinger scores a critical hit against a creature with less than 100 HP, you can spend 1 grit point to deal normal damage, and the target must succeed at a Constitution saving throw (DC 5 + damage dealt). On a failed saving throw, the target dies. This is a death attack. Performing this deed does not allow the gunslinger to regain grit from confirming a critical hit or making a killing blow.

Gunslinger Archetypes

As the firearm is a relatively new invention, there hasn’t been enough time for the practice of firearms to be codified in tradition. But as more men and women take up arms using these weapons, distinct styles and specialties are being formed, foreshadowing the roles that they’ll take up in the future.


Patient and unseen, Snipers make their mark on the battlefield by taking out their targets from afar, their presence never felt by the enemy until they see their comrades dead and the crack of the shot being heard a moment after.

Guerilla Tactics

Starting at Level 3, you can now Hide as a bonus action on your turn. You also gain proficiency in one of the following skills: Stealth, Nature, or Survival.

Death’s Mark

Starting at Level 3, the Gunslinger’s Mark Target turns into Death’s Mark, dealing an additional damage die of 1D8 when hitting the target. The Gunslinger may also spend one Grit point to deal maximum damage against the marked target. The mark still lasts at 1 minute.

Crack Shot

Starting at Level 6, attacking at long range with a ranged weapon doesn’t impose disadvantage, while attacking enemies within sight, but outside of range are at a disadvantage. The effects of half and three-fourths cover are also negated. If you have the Sharpshooter feat, the range of your firearms are now increased by 100ft.


Starting at Level 9, when using the Targeting feature, attacks on the Head can be made without spending a Grit point.

Legendary Aim

Starting at Level 17, rolling a 16-20 would automatically score a critical hit.

Shock Troop

Charging into the battlefield like a madman, Shock Troops make their mark by charging their foes head on and killing them outright whether it be through lead or the butt of their gun, carving out a path of carnage through blood and steel.

Close Quarter Tactics

Starting at Level 3, the Gunslinger’s AC increases by +1 while wearing armor. Attacking enemies within 5 feet doesn’t impose disadvantage on attack rolls made with ranged weapons.

Priority Target

Starting at Level 3, the Gunslinger’s Mark Target turns into Priority Target, allowing any ally within the vicinity to take advantage of Mark Target, giving them advantage on all attack rolls against the marked target. The mark still lasts at 1 minute.

Tough and Reliable

Starting at Level 6, the Gunslinger can now use their firearms as a melee weapon and would have proficiency in doing so. One-Handed Firearms deal 1D4 Bludgeoning Damage, while Two-Handed Firearms deal 1D8 Bludgeoning or 1D8 Piercing if you mount your Two-Handed firearm with a Bayonet. In addition, the DC Save for Targeting the Legs or Wings is now (DC = 5 + Damage dealt).

Break and Shatter

Starting at Level 9, when using the Targeting feature and the enemy is within 5 ft, attacks on the Leg can instead cripple the target and knock it prone instantly, unable to stand up for two turns. If the attack is a critical, the attack destroys the Leg entirely, rendering the target prone and being unable to stand up without help.

Shock and Awe

Starting at Level 17, When combat starts, as long as you aren't surprised, you can draw a firearm, use your movement, and take an Attack action before anyone else even has a chance to roll initiative. No creature can take reactions in response to this special action. Once you have taken this action, every remaining creature, including yourself, rolls initiative and proceeds normally.


Dancing around the battlefield with a firearm in each hand, Duelists make their mark by flanking around the enemy and dealing damage before running back, repeating the cycle again and again until their foes lay dead around them.

Hit and Run Tactics

Starting at Level 3, the player can now dual wield firearms effectively, allowing him to add his ability modifier to the damage of his off-hand firearm and is now able to reload both his firearms simultaneously without the need of a free hand. He also gets an additional +10 movement speed. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting Style, you may now add +1 to your Attack rolls while wielding a firearm in each hand.

Eye on Target

Starting at Level 3, the Gunslinger’s Mark Target now turns into Eye on Target. A creature marked by you has disadvantage on any attack roll that doesn't target you. The player may also use their reaction to shoot the target without any attack modifiers, but may still add their damage modifiers. The mark still lasts at 1 minute.

Flank and Maneuver

Starting at Level 6, when attacking an enemy not trained/focused at him/her or has an ally within 5ft of it, the Gunslinger’s attacks on them are given +1 to Attack and Damage rolls when doing so. The Gunslinger can also take the Disengage action as a bonus action.


Starting at Level 9, the Gunslinger can now taunt a nearby enemy within a 60 ft area to focus their attentions on him/her instead. They must make a Charisma Saving throw (DC 12 + Charisma Modifier). If it’s a success, the taunt would be ignored. If it’s a fail, the enemy would be forced to try and attack the Gunslinger at a Disadvantage.


Starting at Level 17, the Gunslinger can now either Dash and Disengage once on their turn, requiring no action.

Firearms Properties


A gun can only hold a few bullets before needing to reload. To reload a gun it takes one action to do this, but can be bypassed with certain abilities (i.e. Lightning Reload for a Grit Point or Rapid Reload for a Bonus action).


On a roll of a natural 2 or 3 the gun misfires making the gun useless until it cleared. It takes an action to clear it out. On a natural 1 the gun breaks and needs time, money, and effort to fix.

Clearing a Firearm

When a misfire happens, it takes one action to clear the gun and one action to get it back into battle ready.

Fixing a Firearm

When a natural 1 is rolled the gun breaks beyond what the gunfighter can fix on the battlefield. How much time and money needed to fix it is up to the DM.

Upgrading a Firearm

For Upgrading Firearms, all Firearms have their own specific Types, of which some Upgrades can only be applied to certain Types. Also, only one Upgrade can be used for each Category.



Cost: 185 gp
Damage: 1d8 Piercing
Weight: 4 lb.
Properties: Ammunition, Light
Range: 40/120
Reload Capacity: 6
Hand: One Hand
Type: Pistol


Cost: 250 gp
Damage: 2d6 Piercing
Weight: 9 lb
Properties: Ammunition
Range: 150/600
Reload Capacity: 2
Hand: Two Handed
Type: Rifle

Double Barrel Shotgun

Cost: 250 gp
Damage: 3d4 Piercing
Weight: 9 lb.
Properties: Ammunition
Range: 30/100
Reload Capacity: 2
Hand: Two Handed
Type: Shotgun


Cost: 200 gp
Damage: 1d6 Piercing
Weight: 4 lb.
Properties: Ammunition, Light, Special
Range: 20/60
Reload Capacity: 4
Hand: One Hand
Type: Pistol
Special: You have advantage on any checks to hide it in your person.


Cost: 250 gp
Damage: 2d10 Piercing
Weight: 8 lb
Properties: Ammunition
Range: 100/400
Reload Capacity: 1
Hand: Two Handed
Type: Rifle

Bolt-Action Rifle

Cost: 600 gp
Damage: 2d6 Piercing
Weight: 11 lb
Properties: Ammunition
Range: 200/800
Reload Capacity: 5
Hand: Two Handed
Type: Rifle

Semi-Automatic Rifle

Cost: 1650 gp
Damage: 2d6 Piercing
Weight: 13 lb
Properties: Ammunition, Special
Range: 200/800
Reload Capacity: 8
Hand: Two Handed
Type: Rifle
Special: Thanks to it's gas operated system, you can make a single attack as a bonus action.

Sawn-off Double Barrel Shotgun

Cost: 200 gp
Damage: 4d4 Piercing
Weight: 6 lb
Properties: Ammunition, Light
Range: 5/10
Reload Capacity: 2
Hand: One Hand
Type: Shotgun

Pump-Action Shotgun

Cost: 1650 gp
Damage: 3d4 Piercing
Weight: 12 lb.
Properties: Ammunition, Special
Range: 30/100
Reload Capacity: 6
Hand: Two Handed
Type: Shotgun
Special: As an action, you can empty out your entire magazine to shoot multiple times. Each shot after the first takes a -2 to hit due to inaccuracies (i.e. 0 -> -2 -> -4 -> -6 -> -8 -> ...etc).


Cost: 2GP per 20 Rounds.


Tier 1 Upgrades - Level 1

Safety System

Effect: Reduces Misfire rolls by -1.
Cost: 50GP
Category: Safety

Improved Capacity I

Effect: Increases Reload Capacity by 1.
Cost: 150GP
Category: Magazine

Sights I

Effect: Adds a +1 to Attack rolls.
Cost: 150GP
Category: Sights

Hardened Receiver I

Effect: Adds a +1 to Damage rolls.
Cost: 150GP
Category: Receiver

Long Barrel

Effect: Increases Range by +50ft.
Cost: 100GP
Category: Barrel
Requirement: Rifle

Snub Barrel

Effect: -2 to Attack rolls, but +2 to Damage rolls.
Cost: 75GP
Category: Barrel
Requirement: Pistol


Effect: Increases Range by +10ft.
Cost: 75GP
Category: Barrel
Requirement: Shotgun

Tier 2 Upgrades - Level 5

Improved Capacity II

Effect: Increases Reload Capacity by +2.
Cost: 400GP
Category: Magazine

Sights II

Effect: Adds a +2 to Attack rolls.
Cost: 400GP
Category: Sights

Hardened Receiver II

Effect: Adds a +2 to Damage rolls.
Cost: 400GP
Category: Receiver

Heavy Load

Effect: -1 to Attack rolls, but +1 to Damage rolls.
Cost: 150GP
Category: Ammo


Effect: Piercing damage in Melee attacks using Firearms.
Cost: 100GP
Category: Stock
Requirement: Two-Handed

Marksman Stock

Effect: Increases Attack and Damage rolls by +1.
Cost: 600GP
Category: Stock
Requirement: Rifle or Shotgun

Overhauled Internals

Effect: +2 to Attack rolls and -1 to Misfires.
Cost: 600GP
Category: Receiver
Requirement: Pistol

8 Gauge Pellets

Effect: +2 to Damage Rolls.
Cost: 550GP
Category: Ammo
Requirement: Shotgun

Magnum Rounds

Effect: Adds an additional 1d6 to Damage rolls.
Cost: 600GP
Category: Ammo
Requirement: Pistol or Rifle

Tier 3 Upgrades - Level 10

Smokeless Powder

Effect: +2 to Damage rolls and -1 to Misfires.
Cost: 900GP
Category: Ammo

Tactical Stock

Effect: Increases Attack and Damage rolls by +2.
Cost: 750GP
Category: Stock
Requirement: Rifle or Shotgun

Lucky Handles

Effect: Critical hits at 18-20.
Cost: 750GP
Category: Stock
Requirement: Pistol

Modified Hammer

Effect: Special.
Cost: 750GP
Category: Receiver
Requirement: Pistol
Special: Modifications to the hammer of the pistol now allows the user to 'fan' the pistol to fire multiple shots in one swift move. For an action, you can empty out your entire Magazine to shoot multiple times. Each shot after the first takes a -2 to hit due to inaccuracies (i.e. 0 -> -2 -> -4 -> -6 -> -8 ->...etc).

Dragon's Breath Rounds

Effect: +3 to Damage Rolls. Damage is now Fire damage.
Cost: 600GP
Category: Ammo
Requirement: Shotgun

Tier 4 Upgrades - Level 14

Improved Capacity III

Effect: Increases Reload Capacity by +3.
Cost: 600GP
Category: Magazine

Sights III

Effect: Adds a +3 to Attack rolls.
Cost: 600GP
Category: Sights

Hardened Receiver III

Effect: Adds a +3 to Damage rolls.
Cost: 600GP
Category: Receiver

Advanced Dragon's Breath Rounds

Effect: +5 to Damage Rolls. Damage is now Fire damage.
Cost: 9000GP
Category: Ammo
Requirement: Shotgun

Advanced Magnum Rounds

Effect: Adds an additional 2d6 to Damage rolls.
Cost: 9000GP
Category: Ammo
Requirement: Pistol or Rifle

Tier 5 Upgrades - Level 18

Supreme Capacity

Effect: Increases Reload Capacity by +5.
Cost: 1000GP
Category: Magazine

Supreme Sights

Effect: Adds a +5 to Attack rolls.
Cost: 1000GP
Category: Sights

Supreme Receiver

Effect: Adds a +5 to Damage rolls.
Cost: 1000GP
Category: Receiver


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Gunfighter class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Dex. 13 Int.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Gunfighter class, you gain the following proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Crossbows, and Firearms.

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gollark: It's not as if you can somehow make a program use stuff from another thing without changing the program.
gollark: Down with file extensions!
gollark: Ah, luamin. I have an API for that which potatOS usees.
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