Gunslinger, 4th Variant (5e Class)
Gunslinger, 4th Variant
A human soldier peeks his head over the dug in trench. The goblin war machine runs rampant through the battlefield. Behind him, a fellow soldier tells everyone to hit the deck. Seconds later: a hail of cannon fire, and the metal beast is no more.
An elf patiently waits, seated in the trees, her rifle propped between the break in a branch. It had been nearly seven days, but the dwarves were moving their forces over the border surely. An outrider approaches and with a slow inhale and gentle pull of the trigger, the dwarf had no time to see it coming, falling from his steed, dead. The shot echoes into the forests and plains.
Note from the author: "This is a complete overhaul of the usual Gunslinger class designed to be more focused around single shot weapons --and pepperboxes-- more reasonable for a medieval fantasy setting. This class is not a reskin of the other Gunslinger classes and does not have Grit points. Instead of a wild west feel, this class "shoots" for more of a military feel, but some class features allow for a rootin' tootin' gunslinging cowboy if you flavor it well enough."
Creating a Gunslinger
How did your character come across firearms? Are they a new experimental technology? Were you drafted into the armed forces and told to pick up a rifle? Are these weapons commonplace in your world? If your character wasn't in the army, how'd they come across firearms? Looting a battlefield? Bought in an auction house dirt cheap? Discuss with your DM how your character came into possession of their trademark.
- Quick Build
You can make a Gunslinger quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Wisdom. Second, choose the Soldier background.
Class Features
As a Gunslinger, 4th Variant you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Gunslinger, 4th Variant level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Gunslinger, 4th Variant level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light armor, Medium armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, Firearms, Hand Crossbows, Heavy Crossbows, Pikes, and Scimitars
Tools: Tinker's Tools
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Medicine, Perception, Stealth, and Survival.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) scimitar or (b) any simple weapon or (c) a plug bayonet (see Firearm Equipment)
- (a) leather armor or (b) chain shirt
- (a) dungeoneer's pack or (b) explorer's pack
- a standard quality firearm of your choice (listed below) and 20 bullets
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4 x 10 in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features |
1st | +2 | Gunslinger Archetype, Gunsmith |
2nd | +2 | Gunslinger Archetype Feature |
3rd | +2 | Gun Care |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement, Press On |
5th | +3 | Adept Reload, Hawk Eye |
6th | +3 | Gunslinger Archetype Feature |
7th | +3 | Evasion |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement, Gunslinger Archetype Feature |
9th | +4 | Covering Fire, Hold This Ground |
10th | +4 | Gun Care Improvement |
11th | +4 | Adept Reload Improvement, Extra Attack |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement |
13th | +5 | Grazing Shot |
14th | +5 | Minie Ball |
15th | +5 | Hawk Eye Improvement, Withstand |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement |
17th | +6 | Gunslinger Archetype Feature |
18th | +6 | Grazing Shot Improvement |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement |
20th | +6 | Master Marksman |
- Carbine
- A rifle that has had it's barrel cut down. Although the carbine is lighter than a standard rifle, it typically can't shoot as far as the standard. Many cavalry favor this weapon as it's easier to aim on horseback than a normal rifle.
500gp, 7lb., 2d6 piercing, Ammunition, Booming, Misfire (2), Range (100/480), Reload (1), Two-Handed
- Derringer
- A pocket pistol, the derringer fits in the palm of one's hand. Given it's small nature, the effective range of such a weapon is highly limited, but it is very easy to smuggle them into places one shouldn't have them, making them ideal for assassins and bandits.
150gp, 1lb., 1d8 piercing, Ammunition, Booming, Light, Misfire (2), Point-Blank, Range (10/15), Reload (1), Undersized
- Pepperbox
- A pistol with several -possibly rotating- barrels. A pepperbox can fire several shots before it can be reloaded, but most of them were prone to chain firing and jams.
700gp, 4lb., 2d4 piercing, Ammunition, Booming, Misfire (3), Range (40/80), Reload (4)
- Pistol
- The standard single-handed firearm of officers, duelists, and wealthy civilians.
300gp, 2lb., 2d4 piercing, Ammunition, Booming, Light, Misfire (2), Range (40/80), Reload (1)
- Rifle
- The standard hunter or soldier weapon. A rifle is effectively a long cannon held against the shoulder and is usually about a foot longer than the carbine. The rifle's range usually exceeds all other firearms.
600gp, 10lb., 2d8 piercing, Ammunition, Booming, Heavy, Misfire (2), Range (150/600), Reload (1) Two-Handed
Booming- This weapon can be clearly heard out to a range of one mile in open conditions or out to a range of 300 feet in an enclosed space such as a building. All firearms possess the booming property.
Master Quality Firearms- You can spend an additional 300gp when crafting a firearm to increase its reliability. By doing so, its misfire score is reduced by 1 (to a minimum score of 1).
Misfire- A creature critically fails on the number indicated in the parentheses of this property. Any critical failure causes the gun to misfire. A creature can expend its action to clean the misfire. If another misfire occurs before the first is dealt with, the firearm becomes nonfunctional and must be mended out of combat at a quarter of the cost of the firearm. A creature who uses a firearm without being proficient increase the weapon’s misfire score by 1.
Point-Blank- You don’t have disadvantage on attack rolls within 5 feet of you.
Reload- A weapon with the reload property can fire a number of shots indicated in the parentheses before a creature must use its action to load the weapon again. At least two hands are required to reload a firearm.
Undersized- You have advantage on Dexterity(Sleight of Hand) checks made to conceal this weapon on your person.
At 1st level, you can create firearms, attachments, and bullets for all types of firearms. You are not limited by the normal 5gp per day rule for crafting firearms and bullets.
- Crafting Firearms
- You can craft a firearm or firearm attachment (located under Firearm Equipment) for a cost in raw materials equal to half the price of the firearm or attachment. Crafting a firearm in this way takes 1 day of work for every 100 gp of the firearm’s total price.
- Crafting Ammunition
- You can craft basic bullets (located under Firearm Equipment) for a cost in raw materials equal to 25% of the price. Crafting ammunition is done in an environment where working metal is possible.
You can craft firearms, attachments, and bullets with Tinker's Tools.
Gunslinger Archetype
At 1st level, you choose a Gunslinger archetype. This archetype may represent an office you held in your military days or simply might be chosen around the weapon you wield. Choose between Combat Medic, Dragoon, Field Commander, Gunmaker, Pistolier, Rifleman, Scout, Siege Engineer, and Spellslinger detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 1st level and again at 2nd, 6th, 8th, and 17th levels.
Gun Care
At 3rd level, reduce the misfire score of all firearms you wield by 1. This reduction increases to 2 (down to a minimum score of 1) at 10th level.
Ability Score Increase
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Press On
Beginning at 4th level, your movement speed increases by 10 feet Additionally, you and up to 10 friendly creatures of your choice can travel together at a forced march for two additional hours each day without adverse effects.
Hawk Eye
Beginning at 5th level, you now score critical hits with a firearm on a roll of 19-20. Upon reaching 15th level, this range increases to 18-20.
Adept Reload
At 5th level, you can reload all firearms as a bonus action. At 11th level, you can reload all firearms without expending an action or bonus action.
At 7th level, when you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Hold This Ground
Beginning at 9th level, you and any friendly creatures you choose within 10 feet of you have advantage on saving throws against being frightened while you are conscious. Additionally, you can deal an extra 1d8 damage to creatures below their hit point maximum once per turn.
Covering Fire
Starting at 9th level, whenever you make a firearm attack roll against a hostile creature, a friendly creature within 30 feet of you can expend their reaction to move up to half their movement speed whether you hit or not.
Extra attack
At 11th level, you can Attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on Your Turn.
Grazing Shot
Starting at 13th level, if you miss a target with a firearm but don’t misfire, you can roll another attack roll, subject to the same advantages or disadvantages as the one you just made. If this attack would hit, your missed shot grazes the target instead, dealing piercing damage equal to half your Dexterity modifier (minimum of 1). At 18th level, this feature applies your full Dexterity modifier.
Minie Ball
Upon reaching 14th level, all firearms deal damage equal to once dice step higher within their first range increment (d6’s becomes d8’s, d8’s becomes d10’s, and so on).
Beginning at 15th level, if you would be knocked unconscious as a result of falling to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can choose to withstand. You still must make death saving throws, and you suffer the normal effects of taking damage while at 0 hit points, but you remain conscious. You cannot move more than half your movement speed on your turn, and you can only expend bonus actions on each of your turns until you fail three death saving throws or stabilize. Upon being stabilized you can choose to come back at 1 hit point on your turn (no action required).
Master Marksman
Upon reaching 20th level, when you hit a creature or object with a firearm attack, you receive a bonus to damage rolls equal to half your Gunslinger level. You may deal this damage once per turn.
Combat Medic
Your specialty isn't being good with a rifle but patching people up who've been shot by them. You carry a bag of medical supplies which would benefit even a mildly competent person, but in your hands, they're the tools of a miracle worker.
- Bonus Proficiencies
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with the Medicine skill. If you already possess this skill, you instead gain expertise in this skill.
- Medic Training
Beginning at 1st level, you learn the Spare the Dying cantrip. Additionally, you can heal a creature for 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier a number of times equal to half your Gunslinger level (minimum of 1) until you complete a long rest. This healing increases by 1d8 at 6th, 8th, and 17th levels.
- Staunch Physician
Starting at 2nd level, when you use your Medic Training feature, you can heal the creature for the full amount in addition to adding your proficiency bonus as well. You must complete a long rest before you can use this feature again.
- Examination
Utilizing your keen skills of observing patients, you’ve learned to translate that to other settings. At 6th level, you can replace any Wisdom(Perception) or Intelligence(Investigation) checks that rely on sight with a Wisdom(Medicine) check.
- Morale Boost
Knowing there's always someone there to patch them up, your brother's in arms are filled with determination. Beginning at 8th level, at the beginning of each of your turns, all creatures of your choice within 5 feet of you below half their hit point maximum but not at 0 hit points receive temporary hit points equal to half your Gunslinger level at the start of your turn as long as you remain conscious. These temporary hit points in conjunction with the creature’s actual hit points cannot exceed a total of half the creature’s hit point maximum. At 20th level, the range of this feature increases to 15 feet
- Emergency Surgery
Beginning at 17th level, as an action, you can revive a creature that has been dead no longer than one minute. The creature cannot have died of old age. When you do so, the creature returns to life with half their hit points and two levels of exhaustion. You must complete a long rest before you can use this feature again. Additionally, you can reattach any lost limbs to a creature other than yourself over the course of one minute. The limb remains nonfunctional until the creature completes a short or long rest.
Highly mobile on horseback and good with a gun as well, dragoons ride into battle on a mount but normally dismount and fight on foot. Dragoon tactics usually include riding around the flank of the enemy with their excellent mobility and split their opponent's numbers and attention. Many dragoons are trained in mounted swordplay as well and excel at taking out infantry though they can also be used to scout ahead of a regiment.
- Bonus Proficiencies
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with the Animal Handling skill and Land Vehicles.
- Dragoon Training
Beginning at 1st level, you double your proficiency bonus when using Animal Handling checks to guide or calm your mount. Additionally, you may mount or dismount a creature using only 5 feet of your movement speed.
- Steady Rider
Starting at 2nd level, you have advantage on saves and checks made to stay seated on your mount, and you can add a bonus to all Dexterity checks and saves made to land safely should you fall equal to your Wisdom modifier.
- We Ride
Starting at 6th level, while travelling on a mount, you and up to 10 additional mounted creatures can travel long distances at twice the pace you normally could. Additionally, creatures have disadvantage on opportunity attacks made to hit you or your mount while you are riding it.
- Cavalry Charge
At 8th level, attacks made with one-handed melee weapons while on a mount against large or smaller unmounted creatures deal damage equal to one dice step higher (d6 becomes d8, d8 becomes d10, and so on). Pikes, along with carbines and rifles with bayonets no longer have the two-handed property when used to make melee attacks while mounted, and you gain proficiency with lances.
- Loyal Steed
At 17th level, your mount is immune to exhaustion and never tires when travelling long distances. Additionally, your mount is immune to the frightened condition and gains a number of hit points equal to your Gunslinger level. This applies to any creature you have ridden for at least 1 hour.
Field Commander
You lead your troops to victory. A tactician and motivator, you keep your team morale high and keep the battlefield running in your favor. It's a field commander's job to keep his soldiers in line and develop a plan for success. They can be the pivotal piece in a skirmish if they're competent enough.
- Bonus Proficiencies
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with either the Intimidation or Persuasion skill. If you already possess one of these skills, you instead gain expertise in said skill.
- Field Commander Training
Beginning at 1st level, when a friendly creature that can hear and understand you within 30 feet of you makes an attack, you may expend your reaction to grant them a bonus on their attack roll equal to your Charisma modifier. You can use this ability before or after the attack roll is made, but before any of the effects of the attack are applied. You may use this ability twice before you must complete a short or long rest. You gain an additional use of this feature when you reach 10th and 16th levels.
- Commanding Superiority
Starting at 2nd level, you gain a set of abilities that are fueled by special dice called superiority dice. You have four superiority dice, which are d8’s. A superiority die is expended when you use it. You regain all of your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest. You gain another superiority die at 8th level and one more at 17th level. You can expend superiority dice to gain a number of different benefits:
When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend one superiority die to add it to the attack roll. You can use this ability before or after making the attack roll, but before any of the effects of the attack are applied.
Whenever you make a Wisdom(Perception) or Wisdom(Survival) check, you can roll a superiority die and add the number rolled to the total. You can use this feature after seeing the total but before learning if you succeeded or failed.
When you use your Field Commander Training feature, you can expend a superiority die to grant the affected creature a bonus on damage rolls equal to the die expended if they hit. You must use this feature before you know whether the creature hits or not.
When you make a Charisma ability check, you can roll a superiority die and add the number rolled to the total. You can use this feature after seeing the total but before learning if you succeeded or failed.
You may expend a superiority die to gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the number rolled + your Gunslinger level.
- Commanding Resolve
Beginning at 6th level, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and frightened. At 9th level, you become immune to both of these conditions and all creatures within 10 feet of you gain advanatge on saving throws against being charmed while you are conscious.
- Improved Superiority
When you reach 8th level, your superiority dice become d10’s and upon reaching 17th level, your superiority dice become d12’s.
- Commanding Influence
At 17th level, on your turn, you can expend your bonus action, granting another creature within 30 feet of you an additional bonus action on their turn. Additionally, your Field Commander Training now applies a bonus equal to half your Gunslinger level.
Rather than firing guns, your expertise comes with making them. You're a brilliant mind full of ideas and innovations that come with the new technology at your fingertips.
- Gunsmith's Trade
Beginning at 1st level, you can make Master Quality firearms by spending an additional 150gp instead of an additional 300gp. Additionally, when crafting firearms and attachments, you make progress in 150gp increments per day.
- Safety
At 1st level, as a bonus action, you can set or remove the safety on a firearm you’ve made. By doing so, creatures are unable to fire your firearm unless you teach them how to remove the safety or they succeed on an Intelligence check equal to 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Ergonomic Grip
At 2nd level, you cannot be disarmed of your firearms while you wield them. Additionally, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with firearms.
- Blunderbuss
Starting at 6th level, you are capable of making pellet ammunition (located under Firearm Equipment) for carbines, pistols, and rifles following the Gunslinger rules for crafting ammunition.
- Improved Attachments
Beginning at 8th level, attachments you make have become better than the standard. This applies to all attachments you've made prior to this level:
- Bipod- Carbines and rifles can attach bayonets as well as a bipod to their carbines and rifles.
- Extractor- You can apply extractors you create to all firearms.
- Gas Disperser- Gas dispersers you make no longer impose a penalty on firearm range.
- Scope- Objects and creatures viewed through scopes you create are seen at twice their size. Additionally, firearms gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with an attached scope.
- Experimental Firearm
At 17th level, you devise a schematic for a highly experimental yet potentially powerful firearm. This experimental firearm cannot be of Master Quality until you reach 20th level, but it does benefit from your Gun Care feature. You can craft this firearm as you would any other firearm; if it is akin to a firearm you currently possess, you can modify the one in your possession for one quarter the cost of the experimental firearm. Any creature not proficient with this kind of firearm increases its misfire score by 2. If a firearm possesses special ammunition, you can craft this ammunition (located under Firearm Equipment) using your Gunsmith feature. These weapons are unaffected by your Minie Ball feature. A firearm can use normal ammunition or special ammunition associated with it. Choose one experimental firearm from this list:
- Carbine, Cut-Down: This lightweight carbine has had its stock and barrel cut down a fair bit, allowing it to be wielded in one hand. Given it’s lighter weight and smaller frame, it’s likely more prone to cracks and breaking. A mechanism has been added which allows the quick chambering of rounds.
625gp, 5lb., 2d6 piercing, Ammunition, Booming, Misfire (3), Range (130/500), Reload (5)
- Derringer, Hairpin: This derringer can fire under the slightest bit of pressure.
200gp, 1lb., 1d10 piercing, Ammunition, Booming, Misfire (3), Light, Point-Blank, Range (15/20), Reload (1), Undersized
Hairpin Trigger: Your first attack with this weapon on your turn doesn’t expend your action.
- Pepperbox, Repeating: This pepperbox has a repeating hammer as the barrels cycle. This allows for rapid firing. The small parts needed don’t always work as well as intended however.
975gp, 4lb., 2d4 piercing, Ammunition, Booming, Misfire (4), Range (50/90), Reload (5)
Wind Up: As a bonus action, you can spin the barrels of this firearm which spin until the end of your turn or until you attack. Using your action to attack causes all barrels to fire in a short burst. You can make as many attack rolls as you have rounds in the firearm. When you make these attacks, your firearm’s misfire score increases by 1.
- Pistol, Manstopper: This pistol is much bulkier and longer than the standard pistol, allowing it to fire larger rounds of ammunition.
375gp, 3lb., 2d8 piercing, Ammunition, Booming, Misfire (3), Range (70/100), Reload (1)
- Rifle, Auroch: Made for hunting large beasts, this firearm carries enough firepower to fell them; and as such, it is prone to cracks and breaks.
750gp, 12lb., 3d10 piercing, Ammunition, Booming, Heavy, Misfire (4), Range (250/800), Reload (1) Two-Handed
Ammunition: Armor Piercing Rounds
Experts with a pistol or two, these gun users might include a vast array of duelists and soldiers alike. Lightly equipped with a pepperbox or strapped with seven guns on a belt, one thing's for sure, these marksman carry a lot of firepower in a small package. A pistol is an excellent self defense weapon and even some small firearms like derringers can be hidden in a coat pocket.
- Fast Hands
At 1st level, you can both stow or draw a one-handed firearm and stow or draw another weapon or interact with another item as a single object interaction.
- Pistolier Training
Beginning at 1st level, you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls with all one-handed firearms.
- Iron Arm
Starting at 2nd level, you are capable of engaging in two-weapon fighting while wielding a one-handed firearm and another light melee weapon or two one-handed firearms in each hand (though you still need a free hand to reload them).
- Staggering Shot
Staring at 6th level, when a creature makes an attack roll against you, you can expend your reaction to fire a shot with a loaded firearm at them. On a hit, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier. On a failed save, the creature forfeits their attack and their action is wasted. You must complete a short or long rest before you can use this feature again.
- Adept Pistolier
At 8th level, you are capable of reloading two one-handed firearms at a time without requiring a free hand. Additionally, once per turn when you score a critical hit against a creature with a one-handed firearm, you apply twice your Dexterity modifier to the damage roll. (This feature does not apply to critical hits attained through the Hipfire feature.)
- Brace of Pistols
At 17th level, whenever you take the attack action while wielding two one-handed firearms or a pepperbox, you can fire two shots at a time using separate attack rolls for each. This applies to your Hipfire feature as well.
Crack shots with a rifle, these marksmen carry a lot of firepower shoved down a long, metal tube. Rifleman typically make up the bulk of an army of gunners, and the ones who live become very accurate with their shots. Many bushwhackers, skirmishers, and infantrymen would fall under this category. With the power of range combined with their skill, these experts are a force to be reckoned with.
- Aim High
You no longer receive disadvantage when shooting rifles and carbines out to their maximum ranges.
- Rifleman Training
Beginning at 1st level, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with rifles and carbines.
- Pick Off
Starting at 2nd level, you deal an additional 1d8 damage to creatures with their maximum number of hit points.
- Precision
Starting at 6th level, whenever you roll for damage against a target with a carbine or rifle within its first range increment, you deal an additional 1d4 damage. This damage increases by 1d4 at 8th, 12th, and 16th level.
- Trained Vision
At 8th level, you can see clearly in lightly obscured areas. Additionally, heavily obscured areas are only considered lightly obscured to you and you can see clearly out to a range of one mile in clear visibility.
- Eagle Eye
At 17th level, attacks made with rifles and carbines made within their first range increment score critical hits on a roll of 17-20.
Scouts excel at infiltrating enemy lines and tracking enemy troops. A scout may be a woodsman and master hunter called to arms or a soldier with a particular set of skills that allow them to slip by their opponents, unseen. Usually favoring guerrilla tactics, the scout is a skirmisher who runs and guns before diving back to the safety of the forest, but they can hold their own in a firefight as well.
- Bonus Proficiencies
You gain proficiency with either the Stealth or Survival skill. If you already have proficiency in the skill you chose, you instead apply twice your proficiency bonus to checks made with said skill.
- Woodsman
Beginning at 1st level, you are unaffected by nonmagical difficult terrain and difficult terrain cannot slow your group’s travel pace when traveling for at least one hour. Additionally, you gain a climb speed equal to your walk speed.
- Bushwhacker
At 2nd level, you can take the dash or hide action as a bonus action on your turn. Additionally, when you hit a creature with a firearm attack, your movement speed increases by 10 feet until the end of your turn.
- Field Craft
Beginning at 6th level, you can apply your Wisdom modifier to Dexterity(Stealth) checks you make to hide in a natural environment or half your Wisdom modifier in any other environment.
- Adept Tracker
At 8th level, while tracking a group of creatures, you can learn up to two things about them in addition to their exact number, size, and how long ago they passed through the area. Choose from the following:
- Their means of travel, if any.
- Their travel pace.
- Whether or not any members are wearing medium armor and how many.
- Whether or not any members are wearing heavy armor and how many.
- Whether or not they are making Dexterity(Stealth) checks. (You only know they are attempting to move stealthily, not where they are hidden or how well.)
Additionally, if you are traveling alone or with another creature with this feature, you can move stealthily at a normal pace.
- Firefight Survivalist
At 17th level, when you are targeted by a ranged attack, you can expend your reaction to move 10 feet behind the nearest area of cover. You gain the effects of the cover for the initiating attack. Additionally, when you take the hide action on your turn, you are considered lightly obscured to all creatures more than 15 feet away from you until the start of your next turn. You are automatically detected if any effect or action causes you to no longer be hidden. If you are still hidden on your next turn, you can continue to remain motionless and gain this benefit until you are detected.
Siege Engineer
Breaking things is what they do, and they do it well. A siege engineer is right at home with large ballistae, catapults, and cannons. Unfortunately, carrying any siege engine would be a lot more trouble than it would be worth, so a more scaled-back hand cannon should be sufficient enough to get the job done most of the time. A siege engineer always looks for the chance to break out the heavy artillery whenever possible.
- Bonus Proficiencies
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with heavy armor and siege weapons. Additionally, you can apply your proficiency bonus when using a portable ram as an improvised weapon.
- Powder Monkey
Beginning at 1st level, you gain resistance to fire damage.
- Demolition Crew
Starting at 2nd level, firearm attacks you make against objects and structures deal double damage and you no longer receive disadvantage for firing siege engines out to their maximum range increment.
- Hand Cannon
Starting at 6th level, you are capable of making incendiary bullets (see Firearm Equipment) for your firearm following the Gunslinger rules for crafting ammunition. At higher levels, when you fire these incendiary rounds the additional fire damage increases: 1d8 at 10th level, 1d12 at 16th level, and 2d10 at 20th level.
- Mortar Fire
At 8th level, when you hit a large or smaller creature with a shot from your firearm, you can choose to push them in a straight line 10 feet away from you. If the creature was the target of an incendiary round, they are also knocked prone and must make a Dexterity saving throw equal to 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus or take additional fire damage equal to your Dexterity modifier at the start of each of their turns for one minute, ending this effect early on a successful save.
- Expert Artilleryman
At 17th level, any attack against a structure or object made with a firearm deals triple damage, and any attack against a structure or object made with a siege engine is immediately a critical hit. Additionally, all creatures within 5 feet of the target of your incendiary round take fire damage equal to your Dexterity modifier.
With the intelligence of a mage and the skills of a soldier, the Spellslinger is a force to be reckoned with. Utilizing the realm of the arcane in conjunction with powerful ordinance makes these shootists wily and dangerous.
Spellslinger Level | Cantrips | Spells Known | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th |
1st | 2 | 2 | 2 | - | - | - |
3rd | 2 | 3 | 2 | - | - | - |
4th | 2 | 4 | 3 | - | - | - |
7th | 2 | 5 | 4 | 2 | - | - |
8th | 2 | 6 | 4 | 2 | - | - |
10th | 3 | 7 | 4 | 3 | - | - |
11th | 3 | 8 | 4 | 3 | - | - |
13th | 3 | 9 | 4 | 3 | 2 | - |
14th | 3 | 10 | 4 | 3 | 2 | - |
16th | 3 | 11 | 4 | 3 | 3 | - |
19th | 3 | 12 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
20th | 3 | 13 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
- Improvise, Adapt, Overcome
At 1st level, you may use firearms as an arcane focus for your Spellslinger spells. You also gain proficiency in the Arcana skill. If you already possess this skill, you instead gain expertise in it.
- Spellcasting
At 1st level, you start with 2 cantrips from the wizard spell list. At level 10 you gain a 3rd cantrip known.
Spell Slots The Spellslinger Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your wizard spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
Spells Known You know two 1st level wizard spells of your choice, one must come from the divination or evocation spell schools. The other spell can be from any Wizard school of magic.
The Spells Known column of the Spellslinger Spellcasting table shows when you learn more wizard spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be a divination or evocation spell of your choice, and must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can come from any school of magic.
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the wizard spells you know with another spell of your choice from the wizard spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots, and it must be a divination or evocation spell, unless you're replacing the spell you gained at 1st, 8th, 14th, or 20th level.
Spellcasting Ability Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your wizard spells. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability.
Spell save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier
Spell attack mod = proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier
- Explosive Recovery
At 2nd level, when you slay a hostile creature with a firearm, you can regain a spell slot of 3rd level or lower. You must complete a long rest before you can use this feature again.
- Intercepting Shot
Beginning at 6th level, whenever you or a creature within the first range increment of your firearm is struck by a ranged attack, you can expend your reaction to deflect the projectile with another. When you do so, you expend one shot from your firearm, and the damage of the targeted projectile is reduced by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Gunslinger level. If you reduce the damage to 0, both projectiles are destroyed and you don’t lose your reaction this round. Successfully reducing a second projectile during the same round expends your reaction regardless of whether the damage was negated or not.
- Arcane Rounds
Starting at 8th level, attacks with firearms are considered magic for overcoming resistances and immunities. Additionally, you can expend a spell slot of 1st level or higher to enhance a chambered bullet. If the bullet hits, it deals an additional 2d8 damage of a type you choose: Acid, Cold, Fire, Force, or Lightning.
- Eldritch Focus
At 17th level, on your turn, when you hit with a firearm attack, you can choose to deal a critical hit regardless of the actual roll. You may expend a spell slot of 1st level or higher to apply your Arcane Round feature to this shot after hitting the target as well when using this feature. You must complete a long rest before you can use this feature again.
Firearm Equipment
- Bayonet, Plug
- A bayonet can be attached to a carbine or rifle or used on its own as a dagger. While attached to a carbine or rifle, the weapon cannot fire.
2gp, 1lb., 1d4 piercing, Attachment(1d8), Finesse, Light
- Bayonet, Socket
- An improvement on the plug bayonet, you can fire your weapon while this bayonet is attached or use it on its own as a dagger.
10gp, 1lb., 1d4 piercing, Attachment(1d8), Finesse, Light
- Bayonet, Sword
- A particularly long socket bayonet that can also be used on its own as a shortsword. Carbines attached with this weapon gain the Heavy property. Rifles attached with this weapon gain the Reach property.
15gp, 2lb., 1d6 piercing, Attachment(1d10), Finesse, Light
- Bipod, Attachment
- Carbines and rifles attached with a bipod cannot attach bayonets. Additionally, rifles and carbines with a bipod can be fired from a prone or seated position without disadvantage as long as the firearm is rested on a solid, horizontal surface.
50gp, 1lb.
- Bullets (20)
- Standard firearm ammunition. This may be as simple as an oil soaked paper cartridge with a lead ball or as refined as a copper coated lead pellet encased in a metal cartridge.
20gp, 1lb.
- Bullets, Armor Piercing (20)
- Upon missing with an armor piercing round, you can roll a damage die to decrease the target’s AC by the amount rolled (to a minimum of 10 + their Dexterity modifier if it would apply to their current armor) if they are wearing medium or heavy armor. If this would turn your miss into a hit, you deal 2d10 damage rather than 3d10. You can only load armor piercing rounds into an Auroch Rifle. (See: Gunmaker)
100gp, 3lb.
- Bullets, Incendiary (20)
- When firing these rounds, the target takes an additional 1d6 fire damage.
60gp, 2lb.
- Bullets, Pellet (20)
- When making an attack with pellet rounds, you can affect two creatures at the same time as long as they are within 5 feet of each other. Use the same attack roll for both creatures. Pellet rounds typically don’t fire as far and take a range penalty to both range increments dictated by the firearm: Carbines 60ft., Pistols 20ft., Rifles 90ft.
40gp, 2lb.
- Engraving
- Gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever.
- Extractor, Attachment
- You can remove misfires from a one-handed firearm with an extractor attached to it as a bonus action. An extractor can be attached to a one-handed firearm over the course of 10 minutes using a set of Tinker's Tools.
150gp, --
- Gas Disperser, Attachment
- You can attach a gas disperser to a firearm as an action. Firearms with a gas disperser no longer have the booming property. Both range increments of a firearm are halved when a gas disperser is attached. Carbines and rifles cannot attach bayonets when a gas disperser is attached.
100gp, 1lb.
- Scope, Attachment
- While looking through the scope, attack rolls made past the firearm’s first range increment are made without disadvantage. A scope can be attached or detached from a firearm over the course of 1 minute using a set of Tinker's Tools.
200gp, 1lb.
Equipment Properties
Attachment- All bayonets possess the attachment property and can be attached to a carbine or rifle as a bonus action. Bayonets attached to a carbine or rifle lose their Finesse and Light properties and deal damage equal to the damage in the parentheses. Weapon attacks made with plug and socket bayonets are treated as a spear for purposes of weapon proficiency. Weapon attacks made with an attached sword bayonet are treated as a pike for purposes of weapon proficiency.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Gunslinger class, you must meet these prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Wisdom 13
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Gunslinger class, you gain the following proficiencies: Firearms, Tinker Tools
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