Guardian of The Forest (5e Creature)
Guardian of The Forest
Medium fey, chaotic neutral Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Saving Throws Intelligence (+18), Wisdom (+19) Guardian of The Forest. As the guardian of the forest, the following abilities are granted as long as long as the guardian remains within their forest (all bonuses are already incorporated to the creature’s stats).
Tireless Soul. The guardian cannot gain levels of exhaustion. Spellcasting. The guardian is a level 30 spellcaster with a spell save DC of 32 and +24 to hit with spells. The guardian knows every spell within the cleric, druid, and sorcerer spell list, including cantrips. The guardian can use his action to cast any of these spells. 1st level - unlimited 2nd level - unlimited 3rd level - unlimited 4th level - unlimited 5th level - 6 slots 6th level - 6 slots 7th level - 5 slots 8th level - 4 slots 9th level - 4 slots ACTIONSFist. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d4 + 6) bludgeoning damage. Staff. Ranged Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 60 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d4 + 6) bludgeoning damage. REACTIONSWhenever the guardian takes damage from an attack that targets one, they can use their reaction to attack the creature with any spell that targets only one creature and has a casting time of one action or bonus action. |
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