Guard (5e Class)

The streets are dirty,in the gutter lies crimelords and villians galore,it is up for someone to stand up,take action and clean up the world.Sometimes even paladins aren't enough.

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Creating a Guard

Why are you a cop? Why fight for justice? What morals do you wish to upkeep? Are you the "Good Cop" or the "Bad Cop?

Quick Build

You can make a Guard quickly by following these suggestions. First,constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Strength/Dexterity, Second, choose the "Towns Guard" background. Third, choose Adventurers pack,A crossbow or light weapon,a martial weapon and light armor

Class Features

As a Guard you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Guard level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Guard level after 1st


Armor: Light/Medium Armor/Shields
Weapons: Simple/Martial Weapons
Tools: Thieves tools
Saving Throws: Constitution,Dexterity
Skills: Insight,Investigation,Intimidation,Persuasion,Perception,Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Identification or (b) A Badge
  • (a) 20 Bolts or (b) 20 Arrows
  • (a) Longbow or (b) Crossbow
  • (a) A Martial Weapon and a shield or (b) 2 Martial Weapons
  • (a) Scale Mail and 20 bolts/Arrows(Choose 1) or (b) Chain Mail

Table: The Guard

FeaturesUnarmed Strike
1st+2Tough As Nails (1d4)1d4
3rd+2Cop/Guard Archetype,Trained Improvement1d4
4th+2Ability Score Improvement1d4
5th+3Extra Attack1d4
6th+3"I Only Fear Decaff"1d4
7th+3Stake Out Improvement1d4
8th+3Ability Score Improvement, Calm Under Pressure1d4
9th+4Cop/Guard Feature1d4
10th+4 "I Only Fear Decaf" Improvement1d6
11th+4Extra Attack1d6
12th+4Ability Score Improvement1d6
13th+5Cop/Guard Archetype Improvement1d6
14th+5Trained Improvement1d6
16th+5Ability Score Improvement, Stakeout Improvement1d6
17th+6Uncanny Focus1d8
19th+6Ability Score Improvement, Extra Attack,Cop/Guard Feature1d8
20th+6Calm Under Pressure Improvement1d10


Time on the streets has strengthened your resolve,At first level you gain the ability to take and give damage,


-You can roll a d4 in the place of your unarmed strike or "Cop Weapon".This die changes as you gain Cop/Guard Levels,as shown the the Unarmed Strike Column on the Cop/Guard Table

-You can use strength or dexterity for the attack and damage rolls for your Unarmed Strike and "Cop Weapon"


-When you are at 5 Hit Points or lower you gain the ability to use your following reactions to halve an attacks damage against you,when you are above 5 Hit Points the ability to use this ends.(In the case your Total Hit Points are at the or under the "Take Maximum" you would substitute half of your hit points as the "Take Maximum").

Also this ability can only be used against nonmagical bludgeoning,slashing,or piercing damage

-At level 5 your "Take Maximum" increases to 15

Also you now have the option to as a bonus action extend your "Take" till the start of your next turn,when you use "Take" in this way you would not have to use your reaction.However you would still would need to use your reaction to halve or take no damage on a Dexterity Saving Throw detailed at level 12

-At level 12 your "Take Maximum" increases to 35

Also When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Also this ability now extends to any form of nonmagical or magical damage

-At 20th level as a bonus action you can enter a unique focus and your "Take Maximum" increases to the total amount of your hit points,and this only ends when you are unconscious or you use your reaction to end it

Also once you enter this focus your Constitution and (Strength or Dexterity) increases by 4


At second level your training gives you a certain set of abilities,

-Choose 1 of your skill proficients,your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability checks you make that uses the chosen proficiency you also learn 1 extra language

-At 3rd Level You learn 1 Cop Fighting Style:

Ranged:+2 to Bow ranged attacks

Protection:As a reaction can cause disadvantage on melee attack roll against someone else within 5 feet

Two Weapon Fighting:Add Proficiency bonus to off hand

-At 14th Level you gain extra 2 languages and 2 extra Double Proficiency bonuses(May not be the ones chosen before).

Stake Out

At 2nd level you appreciate caffeine more,

-You gain advantage on perception checks

-At 7th level you need half the amount of sleep to count as a long rest (4 Hours)

Cop/Guard Archetype

At third level your prowess on the field gives you a certain definable expertise,

There are (5) archetypes to choose from:"Medic"/"Concrete"/"Investigator"/"Corrupt"/"Face".You gain abilities from this subclass at levels 3,9,13,19 and they are detailed at the end of the class.

Extra Attack

At 5th level you can attack twice instead of once whenever you take the attack action.

The number of attacks increases to 3 at level 11/and to 4 at level 19

"I Only Fear Decaf"

At 6th level danger is just the status quo for you,

you roll advantage on wisdom saves against being frightened

At 10th level this ability makes you immune to the condition "Fear"

Calm Under Pressure

At 8th level "Your Focus Determines Your Reality",

1/day you can give yourself advantage on 1 saving throw,This resets every long rest

At 20th level you may use this ability twice before needing to take a long rest

Uncanny Focus

At 17th level you know the ropes,

2/day you can add +10 to an attack roll,but the decision to use this ability must be before determining the number of the roll.This resets after a long rest

1/day you can nonmagically cast Haste as a Bonus Action without the Exhaustion and the duration lasts until the end of combat,this resets at a short or long rest.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature


Helping Hand

At 3rd level you gain proficiency in Medicine.(If already proficient then double) and proficiency with a Healing Kit (10 uses)(Pg 151 of PHB)

You also gain the "Healer Feat" Detailed on Pg 167 of the PHB

(Can stabilize up to 1 Hit point with a healing kit or Can restore 1d6 +4 hit points)

"Tough it out"

At 9th level you gain the ability to nonmagically cast "Cure Wounds" 3/day,this resets at a short or long rest.

Juggernaut of Healing

At level 13,2/day you can double the amount healed on 1 spell if the person is below half of their overall Hit Points.This resets at a long or short rest.

Master Medic

At 19th level you can add your proficiency bonus to all healing and can now cast "Lesser Restoration"/3 Long rest and "Cure Wounds" a total of 6/Long Rest



At 3rd level 1/day you can add 1d12 temporary hit points to your pool as a bonus action(Reminder that you cannot stack Temporary Hit Points)

Also you can carry double your current carrying capacity

Keep On Your Feet

at 9th level,1/day when damage reduces you to 0 Hit Points,you can instead drop to 1.

Your "Take Maximum" Increases to 25

Tougher than Your Average Cop

At level 13,You gain Advantage on Constitution Saves

You gain 2 more uses of "Durable" or you can add 1d12 temporary hit points to your pool 3/day.

Also your "Take Maximum" increases to 40

Bad Day Incarnate

At 19 level,your "Take Maximum" increases to 50

You can now also use your 3/d12 from "Durable" to heal yourself

If you start combat with no "Durable" (3/d12) you gain 1 use.


Seek and You Shall Find

At level 3,you now gain Proficiency (Or Double Proficiency if already Proficient) In the skills of Insight and Investigation

Also you can add half of your Intelligence Modifier(Rounded down)to your AC.

The Art of Deduction

At level 9,You can now nonmagically cast read thoughts 2/day to at which the save is (10+Int Modifier+Half of Proficiency Bonus)

Also when detecting if someone is lying or if are trying to decipher clues you can treat a 7 or lower as a 8.

Eistein's Cousin

At Level 13,you can now speak 3 more languages

3/day Can spend study a skill for a minute and Double proficiency in said skill for 10 minutes(Can not stack the double proficiency)

Master Detective

At Level 19,2/day Can now for 1 minute add +10 to any Insight or investigation check.

You can add your Intelligence Modifier to your initiative and you can substitute your intelligence modifier for any of your saving throws.


Got Dirt?

At level 3,you gain proficiency in(Or Double Proficient if already proficient) in Stealth,Deception

Henchmen:This could be a fellow cop you have information on or a low life criminal(Be Creative!) either way you have a total of 4 Henchmen Points Large=3 Medium=2 Small=1 You can not surpass Large or respectively Small.If the Ability score is not detailed it is 10(+0).

Stats: -LARGE:







Dexterity:15(+2)/Strength 15(+2)





Silver Tongue

At 9th Level,3/day You can now add your Charisma Bonus+Proficiency Bonus to the hit points(Either Healing them or giving them Temporary Hit Points) of your Henchmen.

3/day You can now nonmagically cast Suggestion,(With +5 or -5 depending on if you have incriminating information) the save for this would be (10+Charisma Modifier+Half of Proficiency Bonus)

You also now have 8 Henchmen Points

Head of The Snake

At 13th level,you now have 12 Henchmen Points

Can now use 6 Henchmen Points to call upon a Humanoid of CR Rating 10 or lower

Advantage on attack rolls when Henchmen are within 10 feet

Master Manipulator

At 19th Level,You now have a total of 18 Henchmen Points

Can Now call upon a humanoid of CR Rating of 15 or lower for 10 points

Can now nonmagically cast Dominate Person 1/day (This once again can be affected but on the scale of days as if you have information you could add +5 days to the control or if almost no information can half the original control time)


Charisma Extraordinaire

Starting at level 3,You gain Proficiency(Or Double Proficient if already proficient) in the skills persuasion and performance.

Can nonmagically Cast Disguise Self 1/day and Friends 2/day with the save being (10+Charisma+Half Proficiency)


At level 9,You Choose either Bolster or Hinder as an ability(Only One),Can be after roll but before the outcome is decided,

Bolster:1/day you can give advantage on a Attack Roll or Ability Check

Hinder:1/Day you can give disadvantage on a Attack Roll or Ability Check

Also you gain 3/day nonmagical casting of Charm Person

People Pleaser

At level 13,you can after a 10 minute performance or speech you can charm up to 3 people,These people will gain a d8 that they can use till the next long rest.2/day

Can cast Charm Person 5/day,Disguise Self 4/day,and Friends 3/day


At Level 19,You can now charm up to 5 people and give them 1d12+Charisma+Proficiency Bonus temporary hit points along with the d8 2/day

as a bonus action you can shine with charisma,if the attacker is within 5 feet and attacks you they must make a Wisdom Save of (10+Charisma+Half of Proficiency Bonus) if they fail they must move on to the closest enemy or lose the attack.This ability lasts for 3 hours and cannot be used again till a long rest.

Also you gain 1 more use of "Bolster"or "Hinder" depending on which one you chose before needing to take a long rest


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Cop/Guard class, you must meet these prerequisites:13 in Dexterity or Strength and a 13 in Intelligence

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gollark: Instead of, er, ~5 per keypress with ~30 on larger keyboards, although it's a bit lower since getting exactly the right button is hard.
gollark: Anyway, if you only have 9 buttons, that's slightly over 3 bits of information per keypress.
gollark: Possibly, although I don't think there are standardized autocomplete-keyboard/app interaction APIs around.
gollark: Well, you still need all the letters and symbols.
gollark: Autocorrect would likely still be bad at using actual existing functions and stuff rather than random English words.
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