Gods (Vaerya Supplement)

The four major pantheons are aligned with the four sides of the alignment table; Good, Evil, Chaos, and Law. Though there are various other gods in and around the realms, those detailed here hold the most sway over Vaerya, and are the most powerful.

The Vaeryan Seven

These benevolent beings are credited with the creation of the planet Vaerya. They are defenders of good, and strive to protect the innocent and righteous, regardless of race or religion. They do not draw power from the number of people who worship them, and have watched Vaerya vigilantly throughout the ages. They directly oppose the actions and agenda of The Fallen, and work tirelessly to protect the world from their malign influence.


Known as the All-Father, The Creator, The Sky King, Lord of Vaerya, Illunian is the oldest of the Vaeryans, and is often represented as their father. Illunian wishes only for peace, a world where compassion and love are valued higher than power or money. His counsel is not given lightly, but while he often leaves the ruling of Vaerya to the younger Vaeryans, his word is law. He is depicted as an older man, powerfully built with a commanding presence. His eyes hold the suffering of the world in them, and he lends his power to those who would make Vaerya a better place. He is usually clothed in simple robes, and wears a long white beard down to his sternum.

  • Divine Rank: 20
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Domains: Good, Protection, Healing, Glory
  • Portfolio: Creation, Wisdom, Family, Peace, Forgiveness
  • Symbol: Two hands surrounding three spheres. Often depicted on a medallion.


nown as the Hand of Judgment, Ardian the Implacable, and the Holy Fire of Vaerya, Ardian is the patron saint of clerics and paladins who wish to battle evil. He is the second eldest of the Vaeryans, and he takes his role very seriously. He values conviction and honor, and exalts those who fight only to defend others. He is the final judge of a man's worth upon death, measuring the deeds and actions without bias, without discrimination, and without mercy. His judgment is swift and terrible, but fair. Only the unwise make an enemy of Ardian, for he is a powerful warrior, and a leader among men. He is most commonly depicted as a younger man with jet black hair, and a clean shaven face, and is usually wearing heavy armor.

  • Divine Rank: 18
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Domains: Good, Law, Sun, Destruction, Retribution
  • Portfolio: Retribution, Honor, Chivalry, Justice, Dedication
  • Symbols: A balance Scale within an eye, or crossed swords over a sun


Known also as the Storm King, the Iron Brawler, and Ganteka the Mighty, Ganteka is the mightiest warrior ever seen. He has never been defeated in combat, even against the mighty dragon gods. The only thing more powerful than his combat prowess is his anger, for when he enters a rage, nothing can stand in his way. He is temperamental, and difficult to predict, prone to sudden outbursts. Ganteka is closely linked to lightning, and mortals assume that the weather is a reflection of his mood. He is depicted as an enormously muscled bald man who is clean shaven, and is known to wear any armor and wield any weapon.

  • Divine Rank: 18
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Domains: Chaos, Good, Strength, War, Competition
  • Portfolio: Combat, Competition, Storms, Humor, Revelry, Emotion
  • Symbols: A closed fist over crossed axes


Known also as the Mother of Vaerya, Heart of the World, Queen of Life, and Lady of the Forest. Yaviandawe reveres everything that grows. She is a nurturer and healer, and loves most seeing beautiful creations bloom. She is fiercely defensive when it comes to her forests, and often if humans kill too many trees in one place, the forest will defend itself. this is a manifestation of her will. She is the patron saint of mothers, healers, and druids. She is often represented as a wise woman, with graying brown hair and clothes that are reminiscent of bark. Her green eyes are full of life, and those who would seek to destroy will feel her wrath.

  • Divine Rank: 19
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Domains: Good, Healing, Plant, Animal
  • Portfolio: Growth, Life, Nature, Birth, Renewal
  • Symbols: A great oak tree within a circle of vines


Known also as the Golden General, the Holy Warrior, the Queen of the Valkyrie, and the Tactician. She is the general of the armies of good, and the first defense against the hordes of the Abyss. She venerates those who dedicate their lives to pursuing perfection, whether it be war, architecture, combat, or even thievery (though they must be punished for their crimes, their skill is admirable). Of all the Vaeryans, Indariel is most beloved by the Elves, as she was queen of their ancestors, the Valkyrie. She is a skilled warrior, but her skills are best utilized for planning and leading than actually fighting. Skill and dedication are her most venerated attributes.

  • Divine Rank: 18
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Domains: Law, Good, Knowledge, Protection, Truth
  • Portfolio: Discipline, Skill, Devotion, Resourcefulness, Tactics
  • Symbols: A helm over a shield, with crossed spears


Known also as the Sorceress Queen, the Lover, Holder of the Covenant. Milyena governs two aspects; magic, and love. She appears most often as a woman of spectacular beauty, with dark flowing hair wrapping lightly around her pale skin. While she often acts like a young, petulant woman, she is actually very wise, knowledgeable in the way the world works. her mastery of magic attests to that. She holds in highest esteem those who follow their passion, honor their marriages, and aspire to the highest forms of the art magicka. She is also the holder of the Covenant, and it is she who couples make their vows to if they honor the Seven.

  • Divine Rank: 16
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Domains: Chaos, Good, Magic, Trickery, Celerity
  • Portfolio: Love, Passion, Magic, Marriage, Devotion, Beauty
  • Symbols: A chain loop twisted into a figure eight under a single rose


Also known as the Crone, the Lady Time, and the Keeper of Secrets, Illewe is the least understood of the Vaeryans. She was once young, and free, but she looked forward in time, and was sucked into the pain and suffering of all that would ever come to the good people that would live in Vaerya. Now she is a shriveled crone, seemingly unfit for leading the forces of good. Her power is not to be discounted though, for all her appearance. She knows all that has happened, and almost everything that will ever come to pass. this foreknowledge makes her a tremendously powerful being.

  • Divine Rank: 20
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Domains: Law, Chaos, Knowledge, Travel, Fate
  • Portfolio: Sorrow, Pain, Foresight, Empathy
  • Symbols: A golden hourglass

The Avatars of Creation

Chaotic beings of pure elemental force, these dieties are not to be trifled with. At the very least, they hold the mortal races in contempt, more likely, they are not aware of their existence. The Avatars are credited with placing the energy necessary to create the four divinely gifted races; humans, elves, dwarves, and gnomen, before they were sealed each into their own alternate plane of existence. Though they no longer walk the surface of Vaerya, their realms are close, and their influence is strong.


Incineratus, god of fire, is Diametrically opposed to (Form) of the Order. Chaotic and uncaring, he will happily consume any living thing in his path. Rife with swirling energy, many clerics of Incineratus vow to bring destruction on a large scale to the world, often through dark rituals that release Incineratus' power. It is said that humans hold a portion of Incineratus' power within their souls, and so are passionate, but quick to anger.

  • Divine Rank: 16
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Domains: Evil, Chaos, Fire, Magic
  • Portfolio: Light, Darkness, Heat, Magic, Destruction
  • Symbols: Black flame on a red background


Aborius, god of water, is diametrically opposed to (Balance) of the Order. Patron saint of sailors and fisherman, many a prayer has been said to Aborius during sea storms. Clerics of Aborius call themselves worshipers of the drowning god, and regularly bathe themselves in seawater to purify themselves. One who survives a shipwreck is said to be blessed by Aborius. It is said that elves hold a portion of Aborius' power within their souls, and so are humble, but often fickle and temperamental.

  • Divine Rank: 16
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Domains: Chaos, Cold, Water
  • Portfolio: Oceans, Fishing, Sailors, Storms
  • Symbols: A rolling wave


Kalandrios, god of air, is diametrically opposed to (Time) of the Order. Clerics of Kalandrios are often hired onto ships to call down favorable winds and to protect the sailors from Aborius' wrath. All flying creatures are said to be creatures of Kalandrios in some small part. It is said that gnomen hold a portion of Kalandrios' power within their souls, and so are optimistic, yet sometimes cowardly.

  • Divine Rank: 16
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Domains: Chaos, Good, Air, Lightning
  • Portfolio: Weather, Life, Creation
  • Symbols: A multicolored cloud


Gordawga, god of earth, is diametrically opposed to (Life and Death) of the Order. Rarely do clerics choose to worship Gordawga, but druids can often be found in his service. Protectors of nature and opponents of civilization, Gordawga's acolytes fight to preserve the chaos of nature, and keep it unbound by mortal influence. It is said that dwarves hold a portion of Gordawga's power within their souls, and so are loyal, but often greedy.

  • Divine Rank: 16
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Domains: Chaos, Earth, Plant
  • Portfolio: Growth, Wildlife, Earthquakes
  • Symbols: A leaf pendant

The Order

These mysterious gods appeared soon after the creation of the Avatars, drawn through the drift to fill the balance of power in the cosmos. They are credited with the formation of the gifted races out of the raw elements left behind the Avatar's swath of destruction. Diametrically opposed to the elemental titans, the Order works tirelessly to keep Vaerya running smoothly. The Avatar's influence is barely kept in check through the efforts of The Order. Many arcane magic users honor the Order as the fundamental basic laws of creating and channeling arcane magic.


Gazo, god of form, is diametrically opposed to Incendius, the avatar of fire. Many artists and craftsman pay homage to Gazo, and great works of art are often dedicated to him. He is in charge of the laws of physics in the material realm.

  • Divine Rank: 16
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Domains: Good, Law, Protection, Creation
  • Portfolio: Stability, Defense, Honor, Craftsmanship
  • Symbol: Hammer and Protractor


Gaku, god of balance, is diametrically opposed to Aborius, avatar of water. Many courthouses house a statue of Gaku over or near the entryway, as she is the patron saint of the laws of man. Great leaders look to clerics of Gaku to help write laws for the people and to rule the land with fairness. Gaku is particularly opposed to undead, as they cause the balance of life to shift towards death.

  • Divine Rank: 16
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Domains: Law, Glory, Good, Evil
  • Portfolio: Fairness, Chance, Honesty
  • Symbol: A blindfolded woman holding out her hands


Jikan, god of time, is diametrically opposed to Kalandrios, avatar of air. Scientists and inventors ask Jikan for inspiration as they work to improve mankind's understanding of the world around them. Jikan is in charge of the relentless march of time.

  • Divine Rank: 16
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil
  • Domains: Law, Evil, Time, Knowledge
  • Portfolio: Erosion, Technology, Science, Intelligence
  • Symbol: An Hourglass within a Snake eating it's own tail

Shi(Life and Death)

Shi, god of life and death, is diametrically opposed to Gordawga, avatar of earth. Clerics of Shi generally choose to worship either life or death exclusively, and often preside over births or funerals to bring Shi's blessing to others. Evil clerics of Shi are often necromancers, dabbling in the darker arts of unholy magic while good clerics are community elders and guide their people through their lifetime.

  • Divine Rank: 16
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Domains: Law, Death, Healing, Sun
  • Portfolio: Growth, Decay, Graveyards, Undertakers
  • Symbol: A skull with a flower growing out of one of the eyes

The Fallen

These dark entities are named for their descent into darkness from the ancient society of the Valkyrie. Each is beyond redemption, and want only to see others suffer and fall into darkness. The Fallen strive constantly to upset the rule of the Vaeryan Seven, scheming and conniving in the shadows for various nefarious endeavors. From the Planes of the Damned they work their terrible plans, and their influence seeps into Vaerya any way it can.


Kaiten is the only son of the Vaeryans. He is also known as the Lord of Destruction, Blight of the living, and by his disciples, the Great Shadow, and Prince of Vaerya. He draws the majority of his power from the Drift, a mystical invisible entity surrounding the world of Vaerya, and he uses it liberally in his quest to conquer Vaerya. When he spliced himself into the Drift, he became three separate divine entities bound to one will; the body, the sword, and the shadow. Each entity is capable of acting entirely on it's own, and is powerful in it's own right.

The Body
Kaiten's body is the bastion of power. It resides in the deepest, darkest corner of the Drift as high ruler of the forces of darkness. This is the general of Kaiten's armies, who recruits weak-minded mortals, and defends the power of the Drift from the Vaeryans. His distinctive white skin is covered by intricate black tatoos, and he cloaks himself in impenetrable armor covered in spikes. His hair is stark white, and his eyes glow a luminous green. This body is what cultists of the material plane worship, and draw divine power from.
  • Divine Rank: 20
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Domains: Evil, Destruction, Magic
  • Portfolio: Pestilence, Harm, Deceit, Pain, Betrayal
  • Symbols: A shadowy form on an enormous throne

The Sword
Kaiten's sword is the secret to his defense against the Vaeryans. Forged by the Vaeryans themselves, it has the power to destroy even the most powerful divine entity. The sword can be wielded by anyone, but the wielder is permanently absorbed into the sword when it is released. While holding the sword, the wielder gains extreme strength, and resistance to all but the most powerful spells, and perhaps most terrifying, the ability to kill gods. The sword is not content to stay with one wielder for long though, and once it is picked up, the wielder is doomed. The sword always leads the way in the battles with the celestial armies, and is usually the last to retreat back through the drift. The most common wielders are Pit Fiends, but often it will choose good mortals, to corrupt them and eventually absorb their souls.
  • Divine Rank: 18
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil
  • Domains: Law, Evil, War, Strength
  • Portfolio: Combat, Cruelty, Hate, Fury
  • Symbols: Represented by an image of the sword itself, a secret symbol known only to His disciples

The Shadow
Kaiten's Shadow is just that; literally his shadow. It comes and goes as it wills, and is the primary concern for ordinary mortals, as it loves most to walk the surface of Vaerya, causing harm and unhappiness wherever it can. Many old wives tales tell of the shadow, and many of the stories are true. This powerful entity never confronts anyone openly, or even takes command of forces, but rather influences one of weak mind to wreak havoc and destruction wherever possible. If one were to actually see the shadow, it would appear as nothing more than a semi-translucent humanoid, fleeing your vision as quickly as possible. Rumors say that Kaiten's shadow is the key to his destruction, but no one knows exactly how that is supposed to work.
  • Divine Rank: 19
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Domains: Chaos, Evil, Trickery, Knowledge
  • Portfolio: Perversion, Suffering, Blackmail
  • Symbols: An open hand with an eye embedded in the palm


Once the Valkyrie lover of Kaiten in the days before the War of the Fallen, Luatha is now a bastion of twisted dark power. Known as the Banshee Queen by her faithful, Luatha's unearthly beauty is rivaled by none. It is said that to look upon her face is to surrender your soul completely into her eternal service. She is the first undead, brought back by Kaiten with dark blood magic to bring unholy evil unto the world. All undead serve her will absolutely and without reservation. She is accompanied at all times by a harem of vampires, and wears a white dress with a golden crown. Any living thing in her presence rots away as though time had leaped forward, and becomes one more of her legion of undead soldiers against the forces of good.

  • Divine Rank: 17
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Domains: Evil, Madness, Darkness, Death
  • Portfolio: Undeath, Malevolence, Decay, Despair
  • Symbols: A skeletal hand wielding crossed scythes

Honorable Mention

The Dragon Gods

Bahamut is the Platinum dragon, lord of all good dragons. Defeated by Tiamat in the time before Vaerya on the dragon planet, Bahamut was sealed into a platinum egg, and hidden away from the realms. During the Rise of Man after the Dragon Wars, the egg was recovered by Solanthos, the knight who defeated Tiamat. Bahamut was released and populated this new world with the metallic dragons, forever restoring the balance between good and evil dragons.
  • Divine Rank: 19
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Domains: Law, Good, Protection, Scales
  • Portfolio: Dragonkind
  • Symbols: A platinum dragon
Tiamat is the god of all evil dragons. Her body is trapped on the dragon planet, unable to cross over to Vaerya where she would unleash her wrath against the gods of good. Few cultists worship Tiamat, exalting dragons to the highest position and worthy of ruling over mankind. Tiamat was defeated by the holy knight Solanthos at the end of the Dragon Wars and driven back to her home planet, where she plots her vengeance eternally.
  • Divine Rank: 19
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Domains: Evil, Chaos, War, Scales
  • Portfolio: Dragonkind
  • Symbols: A five headed dragon

The Eldritch Circle

The Eldritch Circle is a counsel of many hundreds of separate gods and goddesses. Of fey origin, each god holds one concept or idea as holy, such as the hearth, clouds, bears, or love. Clerics who choose to worship the Eldritch Circle can choose any existing domain from the list, but only gain access to one, rather than two as is usual. Capricious and vain, the Eldritch gods often appear to mortals to make deals and advance their own agenda. Mortals are wary of allying with an Eldritch god, because what one god wants, often another will oppose.

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