Flail of Madness (5e Equipment)
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Weapon (any flail), Very rare (+1), Legendary (+2) (requires attunement) The Flail of Madness, or Mad Flail, is a (+1) or (+2) magic flail that is so horrific, that one to be struck shall lose their sense of self. It has 15 charges, and gains 1d4+1 at dawn. If all charges are expended, roll a d20, on 1, the flail dissolves into fiery smoke, in the shape of a mad face plagued with laughter, before dispersing. Shock n’ Awe. Expends 1 charge, target creature must make a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw, on a failure, the target gains a form of short term madness determined by the DM. Expending more than one charge raises the DC by the extra amount of charges spent. (I.e, 5 charges for the DC to be 20) Madness Expends 5 charges, target creature must make a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw, on a failure, the target gains a form of long term madness determined by the DM. Expending more than one charge does not raise the DC, but every other additional charge adds one more long term madness effect, up to three effects maximum. Each has the same duration. Who am I? Expends all charges, and the (poor) target must make a DC 17 Intelligence saving throw or gain a form of indefinite madness and has complete amnesia and retains only his/her name. Only greater restoration can cure the amnesia, and requires a second casting to cure the madness. |
-I apologize for not having a image, as those who peer upon it for too long may, indeed, go mad- |