Extended Wizard Levels (5e Class)

Extended Wizard Levels

These are additional levels for the Wizard class. See Level 40 Expansion (5e Variant Rule) for more info.

Class Features

As a Wizard you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per Wizard level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Wizard level after 1st


Armor: None
Weapons: None
Tools: None
Saving Throws: None
Skills: None


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) None or (b) {{{item1b}}}

Table: The Wizard

2nd+2Arcane Tradition feature
3rd+2Improved Ability Score Improvement
4th+2Ability Score Improvement, Magical Secrets
6th+3Arcane Tradition feature
8th+3Ability Score Improvement, Improved Ability Score Improvement
10th+4Arcane Tradition feature
11th+4Magical Secrets (4)
12th+4Ability Score Improvement, Multicast
14th+5Improved Ability Score Improvement
15th+5Arxane Tradition feature
16th+5Ability Score Improvement
17th+6Mystic Power
18th+6Magical Secrets feature
19th+6Ability Score Improvement
20th+6Arcanist of the Gods


At 21st level, you begin to surpass the capabilities of regular mortals as you slowly become godlike, emulating the things that make you a wizard and transforming you into a minor deity in your own right. You’re creature type changes from humanoid to celestial, but you keep your subtype (i.e human or dragonborn). In addition, features and effects that normally can’t increase your ability scores above 20 can now increase your ability scores to a maximum of 24 instead.

From this point on, your physical features slowly change as you gain levels in this class. For example, your eyes might glow blue whenever you cast a spell, your skin might change colors at will, or your hair might do eccentric things. These changes are slow, but by the time you have reached 40th level, you should exemplify several different physical manifestations of your power. Work with your DM to determine what these are and when they start showing up. Finally, you cannot gain levels in any other class.

Additionally, as you gain levels and overcome great challenges, the DM will grant you other features and traits at their discretion in relation to your celestialness, particularly one or more epic boons. Your AC also increases by 1.

Improved Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 23rd level, and again at 28th and 34th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 3, or you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2 and another ability score of your choice by 1, or you can increase three ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 24 with this feature.

Magical Secrets

By 24th level, you have researched the intricacies of magic from every school, and have now ventured into other types of spellcasting. The spells you add to your spellbook at this level, and at 31st and 38th level, can be from any class spell list, and they are wizard spells for you. In addition, you can replace any one spell in your spellbook with a different spell from any class’s spell list at these levels.


Starting at 27th level, your celestial blood allows your body to absorb some of the power of spells that affect you. Whenever a spell of 2nd level or higher hits you or causes you to make a saving throw, you can use your reaction to either halve the damage you take from the spell or to gain advantage on the first saving throw you make against the spell. You also regain an expended spell slot of a level equal to half the level of spell that affected you or lower, rounded down. E.g. if a 6th-level spell caused you to make a saving throw, you could use your reaction to gain advantage on the save and to regain a spell slot of 3rd level or lower. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1). You regain all uses when you finish a short or long rest


When you reach 32nd level, you gain the ability to simultaneously cast two spells at once. Provided that both your hands are free, you may make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check when you cast any spell of 1st level or higher, with a DC of 10 + twice the spell’s level. If you succeed on the check, you can cast a cantrip as a part of the Cast a Spell action. Both spells must have a casting time of 1 Action, and they both must not require concentration. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1), and regain all expended uses when you complete a short or long rest.

Mystic Power

At 37th level, your connection to the base forces of the arcane strengthens, granting you knowledge no other creature possesses. Your Dexterity, Constitution, and Intelligence scores each increase by 2, to a maximum of 26; each spell you cast causes you to increase your current number of temporary hit points by the spell’s level; and you can use your action on your turn to either increase the level of an unexpended spell slot by 1, or to regain a 1st-level spell slot. You cannot use this feature to increase the level of an unexpended spell slot to 4th level or higher.

Arcanist of the Gods

At 40th level, your transformation from mortal to god is complete. Your DM will grant you one boon from the list of Epic Boons in the Dungeon Master’s Guide after taking suggestions from you. In addition, choose one 4th-level wizard spell and one 5th-level wizard spell from your spellbook to add to your list of signature spells, and your Spell Mastery feature includes two more 1st-level spells, one more 2nd-level wizard spell, and one 3rd-level wizard spell that are in your spellbook that you can cast without expending a spell slot. You may cast your signature spells at 5th level instead of 3rd level, and the spells from your Spell Mastery feature can each be cast at 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level without expending a spell slot. You also gain sufficient power to grant arcane or divine powers (your choice) to one creature, beginning your ascent to true godhood.


Enchanted Barrier

Starting at 22nd level, the strand of magic that creates your Arcane Ward strengthens and not only becomes capable of absorbing energy from all types of magic but also becomes more effective at absorbing its main source of power. Whenever you cast any spell, your Arcane Ward gains hit points equal to the spell’s level. This is in addition to the hit points regained whenever you cast an abjuration spell.

Abjuration Field

At 26th level, your Arcane Ward infuses the area around you, constantly protecting both yourself and your allies. You no longer have to see a creature or use your reaction to use your Projected Ward feature, but you can still choose whether or not you want your ward to absorb the damage. Additionally, whenever a creature that isn’t hostile to you casts a spell inside the range of you Projected Ward, your Arcane Ward regains hit points equal to half that spell’s level, rounding up.

Mastered Abjuration

Beginning at 30th level, you have advantage on ability checks you make as part of the effects of a spell you cast. Additionally, any spell you cast that modifies your armor class, hit points, or temporary hit points has its effects increased by half, rounding down (as in mage armor increasing your base AC to 14 instead of 13, or false life granting more temporary hit points).

Spell Immunity

Starting at 35th level, you add your proficiency bonus to saving throws you make against spells and other magical effects, or double your proficiency bonus if you’re already proficient.

Furthermore, you take half damage from spells and other magical effects.


Average Conjuration

Starting at 22nd level, you can use your Minor Conjuration feature to create an object with twice the dimensions from twice as far away, it can take the appearance of magical objects (but doesn’t have any of their properties), and you can choose whether it glows or not. It can also last for up to 1 day and can take damage an additional time before disappearing.

Malignant Teleportation

At 26th level, you can use your Benign Transposition feature to swap places with unwilling creatures as well. When you do so, you emit a large knocking blast from your new position out to a radius of 15 feet, forcing each creature of your choice within that area to make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet away from you. The creature you swapped places with must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the start of its next turn.

Pinpoint Summoning

Beginning at 30th level, the ranges for all your conjuration spells are doubled. In addition, if you would be subjugated to any teleportation effect, you: can see in a 30 foot radius around the location you are being teleported to immediately before you teleport; can choose a spot within 30 feet of that location to teleport to instead; and as a reaction prevent yourself from teleporting at all. Additionally, whenever you teleport, any creatures you have summoned teleport along with you at no additional cost.

Aggressive Conjuration

Starting at 35th level, you choose the place in initiative of any creatures you create or summon with a conjuration spell. Additionally, those creatures deal twice as much damage as they normally would and can take an additional action during their turns.


Masterful Divination

Starting at 22nd level, your ability to maximize the usefulness of your seeing powers increases, allowing you to more easily scry on other beings. Creatures of a level or challenge rating lower than your wizard level can’t resist your efforts to cast divination spells on them, nor can they see or sense any sensors created by your divination spells (such as creatures with Truesight).

Greatest Portent

Beginning at 26th level, your visions become terrifyingly accurate of future events. You roll four d20s for your Portent feature, rather than three, and you can reroll one of them when you do so.

The Fourth Eye

At 30th level, whenever you use your Third Eye feature, you gain all four benefits at once.

The One True Prediction

Starting at 35th level, you can change the result of one of your portent dice when you use it by 10 in either direction. Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.


Enchanting Visage

Starting at 22nd level, your Hypnotic Gaze feature can be used on creatures up to 15 feet away, and the effect lasts for 1 minute after the most recent time the creature saw or heard you. You can only use that feature on one creature at a time.

Automatic Enthrallment

Beginning at 26th level, your Instinctive Charm feature no longer requires your reaction to use, and can be used on each creature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).

Multi Charm

At 30th level, whenever you cast an enchantment spell that targets one or more creatures, you may choose an additional number of creatures to target with that spell equal to half the spell’s base level, rounded up.

Alter Memories Improvement

Starting at 35th level, your Alter Memories feature can be used on each creature affected by your enchantment spells instead of just one.


Molded Evocation

Starting at 22nd level, your evocation spells are no longer restricted by terrain and barriers. Any evocation spell you cast that affects creatures in an area ignores cover, provided that any part of the effect of the spell is capable of spreading around an edge or corner.

Deadly Spells

Beginning 26th level, even creatures that would normally be unharmed by your spells suffer. If a creature succeeds on its saving throw against one of your evocation spells to take no damage, it instead takes half damage. Additionally, if a creature were to succeed on its saving throw against one of your evocation spells to take half damage, it instead takes three-quarters damage.

Expert Evocation

At 30th level, casting evocation spells takes only a fraction of your spellcasting efforts. When you cast an evocation spell of 3rd level or higher using a spell slot, you regain one expended spell slot. The slot you regain must be of a level at least two levels lower than the spell you cast and can’t be higher than 7th level.

Backlash Resistance

Starting at 35th level, anytime you would lose hit points or take damage from a source that you control, you lose half as many hit points or take half as much damage instead.


Gruesome Reap

Starting at 22nd level, your damaging necromancy spells absorb your opponent’s life force with every blow. Whenever you deal necrotic damage to a creature that isn’t an undead or a construct, you gain temporary hit points equal to one third the damage dealt, rounded down, and the creature’s maximum hit points are reduced by the same amount.

Undead Monsters

Beginning at 26th level, each time you cast animate dead, you may instead target the corpses or bone piles of larger creatures. For every five humanoids you could normally reanimate using the spell you can instead reanimate one Large or smaller creature, and for every twelve a Huge or smaller creature. You must cast the spell twice to reanimate or maintain control of a Huge creature.

Immune to the Afterlife

At 30th level, you have become so inured to the effects of the undead that they have little effect on you. You take half damage from undead creatures, and you automatically succeed on saving throws against them. Additionally, if you would die for any reason or if you were to become petrified, you can absorb the dark energies animating your undead and regain hit points up to a maximum of one quarter your maximum hit points instead, as well as curing yourself of all conditions. This instantly kills twenty zombies or skeletons worth of undead under your control, with Large undead worth six and Huge undead worth fifteen. Undead killed in this way are reduced to ashes. You cannot use this feature if you do not have at least 20 zombies or skeletons worth of undead under your control.

Lord of the Reanimated

Starting at 35th level, you gain the ability to command entire armies of undead. You can use your Control Undead feature on any number of undead within 30 feet of a point in range.


Major Alchemy

Starting at 22th level, you can use your abilities on a wider array of materials. The list expands to include wool, cotton, silk, leather, flesh, hair and nails, dried clay, chitin, and gold. You cannot transmute a part of a living creature.

Transmuter's Stone Improvement

Beginning at 26th level, the power you can store inside your Transmuter’s Stone increases greatly, granting much more powerful boons to its holder. The stone can have up to three effects at once, choosing each one no more than twice. Choosing to have proficiency in Constitution saving throws twice doubles your proficiency bonus with them. Casting a transmutation spell while the stone is on your person allows you to change a number of its effects equal to one third of the level of spell slot expended, rounded down (minimum 1).


At 30th level, you have learned how to effectively transmute one living being into another. There is no limit to the number of times you can use your Shapechanger feature on yourself, and you may use it on other creatures once per creature, regaining the ability to do so again when you complete a long rest. Unwilling creatures are still allowed to make a Wisdom saving throw to resist the effect.

Celestial Transmuter

Starting at 35th level, whenever you consume your Transmuter’s stone with your Master Transmuter feature, the: Major Transformation option has its dimensions doubled; Panacea option affects you as well; Restore Life option casts true resurrection instead; and the Restore Youth option can extend the creature’s lifespan by half the reduction to the creature’s apparent age, but can only be used to extend each creature’s lifespan once every 10 years and you can’t cause this effect again until 5 years have passed.

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gollark: Of course you need another server. You always need another server.
gollark: z̵̿ͯȧ̈̓l̦̔͑g̫̜̑ŏ̙͑ ̟̅͆t̹̻҉̴̪̉e̷ͦ̑x̏͛͒҉҉͕̜t̥̹̏
gollark: I just have a cheap budgety one running Android, myself.
gollark: I do admit that Apple's got good integration, but really don't like the lack of customizability and stupidly high prices.
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