Eximus (3.5e Template)


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Creating an Eximus Creature

“Eximus” is an inherited template that can be added to any aberration, animal, elemental, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, outsider, or giant (here after referred to as the base creature). It has all the base creature’s characteristics except as noted here.

Among the population of every kind of creature there are some specimens that are just slightly better than its fellows. Unlike the paragons of a creature’s type, the eximus creature is not the best of its kind, it is just better than most of its kind. 3e Summary::Eximus creatures are commonly a random improvement in the creature, but they are just as common as the result of a breeding program to make a better warrior or creature. The changes might seam minor to some, but to others they are what the world can become.

Speed: The base creature's speed increases by 10 ft. on all movement types.

Special Attacks: An eximus creature’s special attacks, if any, all gain a +3 insight bonus, if applicable. For instance, an eximus creature might have a special attack that allows it to put its enemies to sleep if they fail a Will saving throw (DC 15); applying the bonus increases the DC to 18. Likewise, it might have a special ability that allows it to rend; in this case, the +3 insight bonus could be applied as a +3 bonus on damage. The +3 insight bonus may only be applied to a given special ability once.

One example of a special attack to which the +3 insight bonus would not apply is the dream haunting ability of the night hag (see the Monster Manual).

Special Qualities: An eximus creature retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains one or more bonus supernatural abilities from the list below. The creature gains one ability; and gains another for every 5 Hit Dice it has. The creature can gain more abilities if it gains more Hit Dice.

  • Acid Resistance: The creature gains acid resistance equal to 3 plus its Hit Dice. This resistance increases as the creature gains Hit Dice (maximum acid resistance 20).
  • Cold Resistance: The creature gains cold resistance equal to 3 plus its Hit Dice. This resistance increases as the creature gains Hit Dice (maximum cold resistance 20).
  • Electricity Resistance: The creature gains electricity resistance equal to 3 plus its Hit Dice. This resistance increases as the creature gains Hit Dice (maximum electricity resistance 20).
  • Fast healing: The creature gains fast healing 3.
  • Damage reduction: The creature gains damage reduction equal to 3/- plus 1/- per each Hit Die(maximum damage reduction 20/-)
  • Fire Resistance: The creature gains fire resistance equal to 3 plus its Hit Dice. This resistance increases as the creature gains Hit Dice (maximum fire resistance 20).
  • Sonic Resistance: The creature gains sonic resistance equal to 1 plus its Hit Dice. This resistance increases as the creature gains Hit Dice (maximum sonic resistance 20).
  • Spell resistance equals the eximus creature’s HD +11. If the creature already possesses spell resistance, use whichever is higher.

Abilities: +2 to 3 abilities (Players Choice)

Feats: An Eximus creature gains the Improved Natural Attack feat for each of the creatures natural weapons, the Improved Initiative feat, and the eximus creature also gain the Toughness feat as bonus feats.

Climate/Terrain: Same as base creature.

Organization: Same as base creature.

Challenge Rating: Up to 6 HD, as base creature +1; 7 HD to 15 HD, as base creature +2; 16+ HD, as base creature +3.

Treasure: Standard for a creature of the adjusted CR.

Alignment: Same as base creature.

Advancement: Same as base creature.

Level Adjustment: +2

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gollark: XOR eax,eax
gollark: .
gollark: It's not that hard to lose everything surely
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