Esper, Variant (5e Class)

Esper, Variant

An elven woman stopped in her tracks, glancing over at the group of bandits surrounding her. Letting out a soft sigh, she extended her arms, watching as numerous rocks levitated into the air, crashing into the bandits’ chests at high speeds. As they fell like dolls, the woman put her hood back on and resumed her walk.

Out of breath and wounded, a young human man closed his eyes to concentrate, gathering his focus. When he opened them, a massive surge of energy swirled around him as he began to levitate into the air, which was cackling with pure power. Letting out a cry, he released a massive wave of energy, pushing away the enemies that were previously in front of him.

As the assassin was about to stab his target, an elderly gnome, in the back, a dense barrier made of pure energy formed around the target’s body, nullifying the attack. Taken by panic, the assassin had nowhere to run as he was held in place by an unknown power, completely unable to move. The last thing he remembered was the old gnome’s punch to his stomach, which bore way more power than a simple fist.

Masters of the Mind

An esper is someone who has been born with powerful psionic abilities or have received them from an external source, such as an unknown, higher being or through experiments.

The most common ability an esper shows is telekinesis, the power to move objects and even other people with the power of their minds alone. They also develop a barrier using their psychic powers, coating their bodies with a protective layer of pure mental energy. However, most of them are able to develop their powers in their own ways, creating a vast amount of different kinds of espers.

Even though their powers come from the espers ‘willing’ them into existence, the use of psionic abilities requires a keen mind and the ability to properly analyze the environment. It isn’t like simply creating an effect using their internal psychic energy, it is about changing the world around them by manipulating reality. As such, espers need to learn the rules of the world such as physics in order to operate efficiently.

Creating an Esper

When creating an esper, think about your abilities’ origin. Were you born with the ability to move things with your mind or were you experimented on by some crazy researcher? And how exactly did your powers manifest? Do you simply possess high amounts of raw power or are you able to shape your psionic energy into creating weapons or magic? espers are extremely varied in nature but they all possess one thing in common: a highly calculating mind.

Quick Build

You can make an esper quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity or Constitution. Second, choose the Sage background. Third, choose a dagger, a sling and an explorer's pack.

Class Features

As a Esper you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per Esper level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Esper level after 1st


Armor: None
Weapons: Daggers, Clubs, Darts, Slings
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation and Perception.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A simple weapon of choice or (b) a light crossbow and 20 bolts
  • (a) 5 darts or (b) a sling
  • (a) An Explorer's Pack or (b) a Dungeoneering Pack
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4 x 10 gp in funds.

Table: The Esper

FeaturesTelekinesis Damage DieBarrier StrengthPowers Known
1st+2Telekinesis, Psychic Barrier1d45-
2nd+2Psionic Powers1d4102
3rd+2Esper Specialization1d4152
4th+2Ability Score Improvement1d4202
5th+3Improved Telekinesis, Telekinetic Grapple1d6253
6th+3Reactive Defense1d6303
7th+3Telekinetic Flight1d6354
8th+3Ability Score Improvement1d6404
9th+4Brain Processing, Improved Telekinesis1d6455
10th+4Esper Specialization Feature1d6505
11th+4Absolute Focus1d8555
12th+4Ability Score Improvement1d8606
13th+5Esper Specialization Feature, Improved Telekinesis1d8656
15th+5Telekinetic Detection1d8757
16th+5Ability Score Improvement1d8807
17th+6Esper Specialization Feature, Improved Telekinesis1d10857
18th+6Brain Processing Improvement1d10908
19th+6Ability Score Improvement1d10958
20th+6Esper Specialization Feature1d101008


Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to control the world around you with a simple thought, on a limited scale. At a range of 40ft, you can lift any Small object that’s not affixed to the ground into the air as an action. Using an action that can be part of the one made to lift them, you can then move the objects 20ft in any direction and 10ft if you use a bonus action. You must maintain concentration and the object must stay within your range if you leave it in the air at the end of your turn or it will fall to the ground. The number of objects you can lift is equal to half your esper level (rounded down) and the carrying capacity in lbs of your telekinesis is equal to your esper level x twice your Intelligence modifier (for example, a 3rd level esper with a 16 in Intelligence could lift for up to 18 lbs in objects, meaning they could lift a single 18 lbs object, two 9 lbs objects, etc…).

As an attack, you can strike your foes with a single object as part of the same action used to make it move. Note that an attack cannot be made when you use your bonus action to move objects.

  • The attack modifier for this is your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.
  • On a hit, the damage is 1d4 + your Intelligence modifier.
  • The damage die increases at certain levels, as shown in the esper’s table.
  • The damage type depends on the object used, at the GM’s discretion.
  • Upon repeated impacts, objects may also break, also at the GM's discretion. Depending on the object's size and its composition, it could become two objects of smaller size upon breaking or it could be rendered useless.
  • While considered a ranged attack, attack rolls using Telekinesis do not suffer disadvantage to hit a prone creature.
  • If magic items are used to attack using this feature, only static bonuses such as +1, +2 or +3 enchantments on weapons get applied. Any additional effects do not work unless the esper attacks using the weapon with their own hands (for example, a Flame Tongue weapon does not deal bonus fire damage if used as a projectile).
  • Instead of attacking, you may also put your telekinesis to creative uses such as pressing multiple objects together to create a larger object (for example, pressing many crossbow bolts together to create a ball of bolts would create a single Small object) or making a physical barrier using objects to provide cover. The GM has the final word whether or not an idea might work.

Starting at 5th level, you can now lift Medium objects at a range of 50ft. Your telekinesis speed is also heightened (15ft when using your bonus action and 30ft when using your action).

  • You can now attack twice with your telekinesis, either the same target or a different one, as long as they are in range.

Beginning at 9th level, you can now lift Large objects at a range of 60ft. Your telekinesis speed is also heightened (20ft when using your bonus action and 40ft when using your action).

  • Your attacks now count as magical for the sake of bypassing damage reduction.
  • Your maximum carrying capacity via telekinesis is now equal to twice your esper level x twice your Intelligence modifier.

Starting at 13th level, you can now lift Huge objects at a range of 70ft. Your telekinesis speed is also heightened (25ft when using your bonus action and 50ft when using your action).

  • You can now attack three times with your telekinesis, either all on the same target or different ones, as long as they are in range.

Beginning at 17th level, you can now lift Gargantuan objects at a range of 80ft. Your telekinesis speed is also heightened (30ft when using your bonus action and 60ft when using your action).

  • Your maximum carrying capacity via telekinesis is now equal to three times your esper level x twice your Intelligence modifier.

Psychic Barrier

Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to raise a dense, yet thin barrier of psychic energy around you, shielding your body from attacks.

  • You gain a number of special temporary hit points equal to five times your esper level, protecting you from incoming damaging effects. They stack with other sources of temporary hit points.
  • The barrier protects you from all damage types except psychic damage, which bypass the barrier. When this barrier is up, you are resistant to poison damage and your hit points maximum cannot be reduced except from self-induced ways or if the effect doesn't come from a direct attack.
  • As long as you have at least one point in your barrier, these temporary hit points automatically restore themselves each round at a rate equal to your proficiency bonus minus 1.
  • When they reach 0, however, the barrier is broken and doesn’t regenerate until you finish a short or a long rest, which it then returns to 1 point.

Psionic Powers

Starting at 2nd level, your practice with your psychic abilities have led you to develop and learn unique techniques of your own. You can choose two options from the list of Psionic Powers, which are detailed at the end of the class’ description. When you gain certain esper levels, you gain additional powers of your choice, as shown in the Powers Known column of the esper table.

Esper Specialization

At 3rd level, you choose an Esper Specialization. Choose between the Manipulator, Mystic Psion, Psychic Warrior, Psionic Guardian, Telepath, Kineticist or Telekinetic Combattant, all of which are detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 10th, 13th, 17th and 20th level.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.

Telekinetic Grapple

Beginning at 5th level, your telekinesis grows strong enough to be able to handle moving targets. As part of your Attack action, instead of using a thrown object, you may attempt to grab a creature in your telekinesis range.

  • The target must roll a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus. The saving throw can be repeated at the end of the target’s turns in case of an initial failure.
  • The target gets a +4 bonus on this saving throw for each size category it has that is larger than the esper’s.
  • The grappled creature can then be moved like any other object. However, when moving a creature using your action, the distance is halved (for example, a 5th level esper can only move a grappled creature 15ft instead of 30ft).
  • A grappled creature can be used as a projectile. If moved as an action, a grappled creature making contact with an object (or the ground) takes damage equal to your telekinesis damage. If a thrown creature makes contact with another creature, they both take half your telekinesis damage.
  • As an alternative, you can use an action to force a number of grappled targets of your choice to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the afflicted targets are prone as you force their bodies into the ground with your telekinesis. This only works if it would be possible for you to move the targets to the ground (at 5th level, the targets would need to be under 15ft in the air, under 20ft in the air at 9th level and so on).
  • Should you lift a creature high in the air and drop them, the falling creature takes damage equal to your telekinesis damage instead of falling damage. The creature also automatically breaks free of your grasp should they leave your range at any point.
  • In link with the amount of objects you can lift with your telekinesis, a Medium creature counts as two objects, a Large Creature counts as four objects, a Huge creature counts as eight objects and a Gargantuan creature counts as sixteen objects.

    Reactive Defense

    With enough reaction time, your powers are quick enough to activate in order to save you from incoming projectiles. Starting at 6th level, you can use your reaction when you are hit with a ranged weapon to catch any missile with your telekinesis, stopping it in its movement. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier + your esper level. The object is then able to be controlled on your turn as per the other objects in your telekinetic grasp.

    Telekinetic Flight

    Beginning at 7th level, you learned to lift yourself in the air with your telekinesis, giving you the ability to hover up to 5ft above the ground, potentially allowing you to ignore the effects of difficult terrain, at the GM's discretion. Furthermore, you can spend a charge of this ability to give yourself a flying speed equal to your walking speed for 1 minute. You have a number of charges equal to half your level (rounded down), which you regain at the end of a long rest.

    Brain Processing

    Using psychic powers constantly trains your brain to work faster and more efficiently.

    • When you reach 9th level, your Intelligence increases by 2. Your maximum for this score is now 22.
    • At 18th level, your Intelligence increases by another 2 and the maximum is now 24.

    Absolute Focus

    Starting at 11th level, you learn how to ignore the noise of battle and completely focus on your psychic abilities, unleashing the entirety of your current potential. As a bonus action, you can enter the Absolute Focus state, which lasts for 1 minute, until you choose to end the state as a bonus action or fall unconscious. When Absolute Focus is active, your hair moves slightly, as if a gentle breeze was swirling around you and your eyes glow from your power.
  • Forcefully awakening your mind in this manner is very stressful to your brain and body. When you activate Absolute Focus, you gain two levels of exhaustion.
  • After Absolute Focus ends, you receive a number of d6’s equal to half your level (rounded up) in psychic damage. If your hit points were to become 0, you automatically stabilize.
  • While in this state, you gain the following:
    • You ignore any concentration requirement or limits.
    • The number of objects you can have in your telekinetic grip is doubled.
    • You are immune to the Frightened and Charmed conditions.
    • You may do an additional attack as a bonus action.
    • The restoration of your barrier is increased by 1 per turn.
    • You ignore any effects of exhaustion but if you were to gain 6 levels of exhaustion while in Absolute Focus, you fall unconscious at 1 hit point instead of dying. However, all of your class features are disabled for the next 2d4 days as focusing on your psychic powers brings back the pain and stress you experienced.
    • You cannot use this feature again until you complete a long rest.


    Having a clear mind is something very important for a powerful esper. Taking the time to properly heal your psyche can be more beneficial than taking care of physical wounds. Beginning at 14th level, during a short rest, you may choose to spend 4 hit dice to lose a level of exhaustion. If you do so, you may not regain any hit points during that short rest by spending hit dice.

    Telekinetic Detection

    Starting at 15th level, you have trained your telekinesis so much that you’re able to ‘feel’ your surroundings by sending waves of telekinetic power. You gain blindsight for up to 10ft around you.

    List of Psionic Powers

    Barrier Conversion

    Prerequisite: 12th level

    • You gained knowledge of a rare technique that allows you to sacrifice your barrier's strength in order to heal your wounds. As a bonus action, you can reduce a number of your barrier's hit points and gain back hit points equal to that number. However, your barrier's maximum hit points are reduced in accordance to the amount healed. Your barrier returns to normal at the end of a long rest and you cannot reduce your barrier's hit points below 1 using this feature.
    Complex Countermeasure

    Prerequisite: 5th level

    • By taking a moment to think and focus, you can briefly heighten the power of your psionic abilities. Using a bonus action, you can raise the DC of your next spell or feature that targets an enemy by 2. You can use this power a number of times per long rest equal to half your Intelligence modifier (rounded down).
    • With your unique psionic powers, you are able to concentrate to sense magical and other unusual auras. By dispensing a use of this power, you are able to cast either Detect Magic or Detect Evil and Good without any component, chosen when the power is used. You have a number of uses equal to your Intelligence modifier, which all come back after finishing a long rest.
    Energy Resistance

    Prerequisite: 5th level

    • Over time, your barrier has developed better defenses against particular types of damage. Choose one between fire, lightning and cold. You now have resistance to the chosen damage type as long as your barrier is active. You may choose this Psionic Power more than once, though you must choose a different damage type each time.
    Enhanced Regeneration

    Prerequisite: 9th level

    • With enough focus, your barrier's regenerative capabilities are stronger than other espers. Your barrier regains 1 additional hit point per round.
    Esper's Intelligence

    Prerequisite: 5th level

    • As you learn how to properly use your powers, you began to delve into a specific field in order to heighten your brain's power. Choose two skills between Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature and Religion. You gain proficiency in those skills. If you already have proficiency in the chosen skill, double your proficiency bonus on this skill.
    Far Vision

    Prerequisite: 9th level

    • Your ability to manipulate objects at long range got much better with practice. The range of your Telekinesis feature is now 30ft longer.
    Focused Precision
    • By briefly enhancing your focus and power, you are able to hit your opponents with more precision and put more force behind your attack to penetrate even the toughest of armors. You can use this power as part of an attack to gain advantage on a single attack roll. You can use this power a number of times equal to half your Intelligence modifier (rounded down) per long rest.
    Magic Deflection

    Prerequisite: 5th level

    • While difficult, you learned to use your telekinesis to briefly manipulate magical attacks headed towards you. When subjected to a Dexterity saving throw in order to take half damage from a spell, you may choose to give yourself the effects of the Evasion class feature from the Rogue or Monk classes. You may use this power a number of times per long rest equal to half your Intelligence modifier (rounded down).
    Mimic Metamagic

    Prerequisite: 12th level

    • After studying the way sorcerers can freely manipulate magic, you tried to do the same with your psychic powers. Choose two metamagic options from the Sorcerer class. Once per short or long rest, you may choose to apply the effects of one of those metamagic options to any of your features.
    Mind Over Body
    • Instead of using your physical capabilities to avoid harmful effects, you can use your telekinesis on your own body instead. When making Strength or Dexterity saving throws, you may use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifiers.
    Mind Shield

    Prerequisite: 5th level

    • Your psychic barrier has more reserves than other espers, allowing you to give yourself more protection in dire situations. When you get hit by an attack, you may use your reaction to increase your AC by 5 until the start of your next turn, potentially causing the attack to miss. You can use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to half your Intelligence modifier (rounded down). You can use this feature even if your barrier is broken as you flare up what little is left of it.
    Mind's Eye
    • You can briefly heighten your mental powers, allowing you to quickly analyze your surroundings and react accordingly. Once per short rest, you may use this power whenever you make a Dexterity check or saving throw to give yourself advantage on the roll.
    Psionic Bolt
    • You can concentrate your psychic energy and fire it forth as a bolt from your hand. This attack works like a cantrip with a range of 120ft and deals 2d4 + Intelligence modifier force damage. It only has a somatic component.
    • This attack also ignores half cover and three-quarters cover. Psionic Bolt's damage increases by 2d4 when you reach 5th level (4d4), 11th level (6d4), and 17th level (8d4).
    Psionic Defense
    • Subconsciously using your telekinesis on yourself allows you to evade or resist attacks more easily than using your natural agility. While you are not wearing any armor, your armor class equals 10 + your Intelligence modifier.
    Psionic Enhancement
    • You are able to use your psychic powers on yourself to heighten your strength and agility. When using Athletics or Acrobatics, you may instead use your Intelligence modifier. You also gain proficiency in these skills.
    Psychic Radar

    Prerequisite: 15th level

    • Your Telekinetic Detection ability is a little more potent than other espers'. The range of your blindsight increases to 15ft and you automatically succeed at any check required to locate a creature within that range, even if they used a mundane or magical effect to hide themselves.

    Prerequisite: 7th level

    • Instead of grabbing a creature's entire body with your telekinesis, you learned to be precise enough to target only certain parts such as the legs or arms. As an action, you may target an enemy inside your telekinesis range and force them to either move up to their movement speed or drop an item if they fail a Constitution saving throw. You may use this power a number of times per long rest equal to half your Intelligence modifier (rounded down).
    Superior Hold

    Prerequisite: 15th level

    • Training in telekinetically lifting squirming targets taught you how to keep them from moving when under your hold. When you successfully grab a creature using your telekinesis, they are now restrained instead of grappled.
    Telekinetic Crush

    Prerequisite: 9th level

    • As your action, if you have creatures or objects in your telekinetic hold, you can psychically crush them and force them to make a Strength saving throw, taking magical bludgeoning damage equal to a number of d8’s equal to your Intelligence modifier on a failed save and half as much on a success. Succeeding on the save does not make the creature break free of the grasp. This power deals double damage if used on non-living objects. For example, an esper with an 18 in Intelligence would deal 4d8 magical bludgeoning damage.
    Telekinetic Wave

    Prerequisite: 7th level

    • As an action, you can send a wave of psychic energy in a 25ft cone in front of you. All creatures in this cone must succeed a Strength saving throw or be pushed back 15ft. At 12th level, this power now deals 3d6 force damage and the range and push distance increases to 30ft.
    • Creatures that hit walls take 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 10ft that passed. You may use this power a number of times per long rest equal to your Intelligence modifier.

    Prerequisite: 7th level

    • Delving into the secrets of psionic abilities gave you access to a unique power. Using a bonus action, you can teleport yourself from your location to any other spot within 15ft that you can see. If you were in a spot already occupied by an object or creature, you take 1d6 psychic damage and the power fails to teleport you.


    Manipulators are espers who chose to focus on the raw strength of their psychic powers. A well-trained Manipulator could rip and lift entire houses into the air and fight giant beasts by throwing equally large boulders at them.

    Increased Power

    When you choose this Specialization at 3rd level, the amount of weight you can lift with your Telekinesis feature is double its base amount and you can lift an additional number of objects equal to your proficiency bonus. Furthermore, once per turn, you can gain a bonus to damage on one of your attacks based on the object’s size.

    • Small objects deal 1d4 bonus damage, Medium objects deal 2d4 bonus damage, Large objects deal 3d4 bonus damage, Huge objects deal 4d4 bonus damage and Gargantuan objects deal 5d4 bonus damage.
    • In addition, when dealing bonus damage via this feature, you may choose to put more power in your attack at the cost of suffering minor mental damage. As a bonus action on your turn, you can 'overload' your psychic powers' output and double the bonus damage dice (it becomes a free action if you are in Absolute Focus). However, you take half the damage inflicted by the bonus dice in psychic damage (for example, if you were to overload a Large object, you’d deal 6d4 bonus damage instead of 3d4. You’d then take half the damage the 6d4 inflicted in psychic damage). The esper doesn’t receive additional damage from the bonus dice from critical hits or similar effects.
    Death Grip

    Starting at 10th level, you now have a much easier time in maintaining your enemies. The weight you can lift is triple its base value. Creatures one size larger than you do not have any bonus on the saving throw and creatures two sizes larger than you get a +4 bonus on their saving throws, the bonus being cumulative for each size category larger than your own.

    Focused Destruction

    Beginning at 13th level, when you enter your Absolute Focus state, the ground around you starts vibrating and cracking from your sheer power. The area 15ft around you becomes difficult terrain and creatures starting their turn in this area must succeed a Strength saving throw or fall prone from the pressure your body is emitting. Fragile objects are also immediately destroyed when you enter Absolute Focus.

    Earth Rip

    Starting at 17th level, the weight which you can lift with your telekinesis is equal to four times the original value. Furthermore, you have so much raw power that you can rip parts of the ground to be used as projectiles for your attacks. These can be any size you choose, providing there is enough material for you to lift. The locations where you took parts of the ground becomes difficult terrain.

    Absolute Destruction

    At 20th level, you unlock your true destructive potential. When you enter Absolute Focus, you can choose to emit powerful winds resulting from your sheer psychic power as a reaction when a creature approaches within 30ft of you. That creature must then succeed a Strength saving throw or be unable to move towards you until your next turn. Any creature in the range of this feature must also succeed a Strength saving throw or get pushed 5 feet. You also have resistance to any ranged attack as the wind lessens their momentum. Furthermore, any of your attacks and features deal 2 bonus damage and the range of your Focused Destruction also doubles.

    Mystic Psion

    Mystic Psions are a case of curious espers who experimented with their powers to see if they could replicate magic. With enough diligence, a Mystic Psion can transform their psychic energy into arcane magic, replicating spells.


    Your unique way of practicing your psychic powers gave you access to spells. See Chapter 10 of the Player's Handbook for the general rules of spellcasting.

    Spell Slots per Spell Level
    -Cantrips KnownSpells Known1st2nd3rd4th
    3rd 332---
    4th 343---
    5th 343---
    6th 353---
    7th 3542--
    8th 3642--
    9th 3642--
    10th 4743--
    11th 4743--
    12th 4843--
    13th 48432-
    14th 49432-
    15th 49432-
    16th 410433-
    17th 410433-
    18th 411433-
    19th 4114331
    20th 4124331
    Psychic Spells

    Starting at 3rd level, you learn to transmute your psionic energy into magic, allowing you to cast spells.

    • You learn three cantrips from the wizard’s spell list. You can learn another one at 10th level.
    • The Mystic Psion Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. For example, if you know the 1st-level spell Charm Person and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast Charm Person using either slot.
    • You know three 1st-level wizard spells of your choice. The Spells Known column of the Mystic Psion Spellcasting table shows when you learn more wizard spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the wizard spells you know with another spell of your choice from the wizard spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
    • Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your wizard spells. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a wizard spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
    • Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
    • Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
    Elemental Infusion

    Also starting at 3rd level, you are able to infuse magical energy into the psychic power surrounding the objects you are lifting. At the beginning of your turn, you can change the damage type of all objects held by your telekinesis into your choice of fire, cold or lightning.

    • At 13th level, you can change the damage type to force.
    Dangerous Manipulation

    Starting at 10th level, manipulating both magic and psionics becomes second nature to you. If you hit an enemy with a damaging spell, your next attack using your telekinesis can be made with advantage.

    Focused Magic

    Beginning at 13th level, when you enter Absolute Focus, you are able to use your substantial power boost to emulate your dispensed magical energy. You may cast spells even if you don’t have the spell slot needed to use it. However, using this gives you an additional point of exhaustion when leaving Absolute Focus.

    Supernatural Negation

    When you reach 17th level, you are able to put a psychic lock onto someone’s mind when you hit them with a spell you cast. The target must make a Wisdom save or lose the ability to use supernatural features such as spells, effects given from dispensing ki points or anything similar. The saving throw can be repeated at the end of the target’s turn. This lasts for one minute or until the target succeeds the saving throw.

    Absolute Magic

    Starting at 20th, you’ve attained the peak of your control over arcane energies. You can now use your bonus action to cast a spell.

    Psychic Warrior

    A Psychic Warrior is someone who creates their own weapons and armors using their psychic powers and delves into the art of battle. A Psychic Warrior stays in the front line, using their unique psychic equipment to defeat their foes.

    Martial Training

    Starting at 3rd level, you trained yourself in battling at melee range. You gain proficiency in light armor, medium armor, shields and simple weapons.

    Psychic Weapon

    Also starting at 3rd level, you learn to focus your psychic power, condense it and shape it into a melee weapon of your choosing. You are proficient with your psychic weapon. Creating a weapon takes an action and dissipating it takes a bonus action. This weapon deals damage based on your telekinesis damage and disappears when it leaves your hand.

    • You can also choose the damage type based on the appearance of your weapon. Your attack bonus when using your psychic weapon is equal to your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus.
    • However, practicing martial combat means you have less time to practice on your telekinesis. The number of objects you can lift and the weight you can support are both divided by two. Instead of gaining extra attacks with your telekinesis at 5th and 13th levels, you gain the Extra Attack feature at those levels instead.
    Fighting Style

    Practice with your psychic weapon made you very comfortable and efficient on the front lines of battle. When you reach 10th level, you may choose one fighting style as per the Fighter’s class feature of the same name.

    Focused Weapon

    Starting at 13th level, when in your Absolute Focus state, the power contained in your psychic weapon is heightened. Your melee attacks now critically strike at a range of 18-20 and deal bonus damage based on your proficiency bonus.

    Malleable Energy

    Beginning at 17th level, you are now able to control the nature of your psychic weapon when in the middle of combat. The reach of your weapon extends by 5ft and you may use your reaction to make an attack of opportunity when an opponent enters your reach. Furthermore, you are able to change your weapon’s appearance and damage type at will, without requiring any action.

    Absolute Weapon

    Starting at 20th level, your psychic weapon becomes the absolute tool of destruction. You can add +3 to both attack and damage rolls.

    Psionic Guardian

    While many espers focus on harmful effects with their powers, a Psionic Guardian puts all their time and energy into refining their barrier, eventually becoming a nigh unstoppable tank that rushes through their foes to help allies in need.

    Strengthened Barrier

    Starting at 3rd level, your barrier becomes a lot more efficient than other espers. You can add twice your esper level to your barrier’s hit points in addition of its original value.

    Shield Transfer

    Also beginning at 3rd level, you can give your allies a part of your psychic power, protecting them from damage. As a bonus action, you can reduce your barrier’s hit points and give a chosen creature within 15ft of you temporary hit points equal to the hit points you deduced from your barrier. This number must be equal or less than twice your level. These temporary hit points last until they reach 0 or you complete a short or long rest. The temporary hit points given to others do not restore themselves.

    • You can use this feature a number of times per short rest equal to your Intelligence modifier.
    Sacrificial Protection

    Starting at 10th level, your will to protect your allies allow you to quickly rush to their aid. As a reaction to an ally getting attacked within 30ft of you, you can move in an space adjacent to your ally or between them and the attack to take the damage and additional effects in their place. Furthermore, you can take the dash action as a bonus action if you move towards an ally.

    Focused Protection

    Beginning at 13th level, when in your Absolute Focus state, the temporary hit points given to your allies by your Shield Transfer feature restore themselves at the same rate as yours. The range in which you can give temporary hit points is also doubled while in Absolute Focus.

    Psionic Cage

    Starting at 17th level, you learn to surround your enemies with parts of your barrier. As an action, you can use the Forcecage spell without requiring any material components.

    • You can use this feature a number of times equal to half your Intelligence modifier (rounded down) per long rest.
    Absolute Protection

    When you reach 20th level, your barrier has become the ultimate defensive tool. You can add four times your esper level to your barrier’s hit points in addition of its original value and it now restores 7 points each round.


    Telepaths are special in the sense that most of their abilities work on the mind instead of manipulating the world around them. These espers can read and speak through minds as well as send powerful mental blasts to unsuspecting targets.

    Telepathic Link

    Beginning at 3rd level, you learn to link your brainwaves with someone else’s using psychic powers. As an action, you can link your mind up to a number of people equal to your Intelligence modifier. You may then communicate instantly with those people and they can communicate to each other as well. The range of this ability is equal to your telekinesis range.

    Mental Blast

    Also starting at 3rd level, you can forcefully send your mental energy directly into someone else’s mind. You can target someone inside your telekinesis range as an action and force them to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the target is dealt a number of d6's equal to half your esper level (rounded down) in psychic damage as their mind gets invaded by sudden pain and takes half damage on a successful save. You can use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your Intelligence modifier.

    Fake Senses

    When you reach 10th level, you are able to implant false images, sounds and even odors in your opponent’s mind. You can force a target to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you have complete control over what the target can see, hear, feel and even smell for 1 minute. The target can spend an action to do the saving throw once more.

    • A few example of usage of this ability would be to make the target see only darkness, blinding them, or making them feel nauseated, giving them the poisoned condition.

    You can use this ability a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus.

    Focused Telepathy

    Beginning at 13th level, when you are in your Absolute Focus state, the range of your Telepathic Link, Mental Blast and Fake Senses features triple. Furthermore, your experience in directly controlling brain waves gives you resistance to psychic damage.

    Mind Control

    Starting at 17th level, you can now use your telepathic powers to directly control the minds of others. You may now cast Dominate Monster as an 8th level spell a number of times per long rest equal to half your proficiency bonus.

    Absolute Telepathy

    When you reach 20th level, your amount of skill with manipulating the mind is surpassed by none. When in Absolute Focus, the reach of your Telepathic Link, Mental Blast and Fake Senses feature is now unlimited, though you must still be able to see your target to initiate these abilities. However, you don’t need to see your target once the effects have applied. These effects do not subside after leaving Absolute Focus.


    Kineticists choose to forgo the raw power given to them by instead manipulating the finer parts of the world. While requiring immense concentration, a powerful Kineticist can manipulate their surroundings on a subatomic level.


    Starting at 3rd level, you become much more precise when using your telekinesis. You can choose one tool proficiency of your choice as well as gain proficiency in either Sleight of Hand or Medicine. Rolls made using those two skills always use your Intelligence modifier as you manipulate them using your psychic powers.

    Atomic Surgery

    At 3rd level, your telekinesis starts being so precise that you can slice through matter with it. On your turn, you can use an action to deal damage to grappled opponents equal to your telekinesis damage as you cut through their bodies. Furthermore, you can slice through stone or even steel, allowing you to create paths through those materials. You cannot cut through more than 6 inches using this feature.

    Molecular Dismantling

    Starting at 10th level, you can, as an action, touch an object or a creature and start telekinetically removing the links between all its atoms, slowly disintegrating it. Make a melee attack roll using your telekinesis attack bonus. On a hit, the target must then succeed a Constitution saving throw or be dealt 10d6+40 force damage. The damage die are not doubled on a natural 20. If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, it is disintegrated. A creature succeeding in the saving throw is dealt half damage and isn’t disintegrated, even if its hit points reach 0. A disintegrated creature and everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic items, are reduced to a pile of dust. The creature can be restored to life only by means of a true resurrection or a wish spell. This feature disintegrates a Large or smaller nonmagical object or a creation of magical force on the course of 1d4 rounds. If the target is a Huge or larger object or creation of force, this feature disintegrates a 10-foot-cube portion of it. A magic item is unaffected by Molecular Dismantling. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier per long rest.

    Focused Control

    When you obtain this feature at 13th level, the damage you take when leaving Absolute Focus is reduced to 4d6 psychic damage.

    • In addition to this, your control over your telekinesis has become so subtle and precise that you can seal wounds and repair organic tissues. As an action, you can either stabilize a dying creature or heal an ally for a number of d8s equal to your Intelligence modifier. The range of this feature is equal to your telekinesis range. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
    Chemistry Mastery

    At 17th level, you gain the ability to transmute matter on an atomic scale. By changing the molecular structure of an object in your telekinesis’ range, you can transform it into any other object of similar size without limit. This does not allows for the creation of magic items, though magic items themselves can be transmuted, keeping their magic in the process. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier per long rest.

    Absolute Control

    When you reach 20th level, your control over your psychic powers has reached its peak. You no longer receive damage nor a level of exhaustion when you exit Absolute Focus. You do, however, gain exhaustion level if you use features that require short or long rests before being able to be used again.

    • Furthermore, your Molecular Dismantling can be used at a range equal to your telekinesis range and doesn’t need an attack roll anymore.

    Telekinetic Combattant

    Telekinetic Combattants fight in a unique way; by imbuing their fists and feet with psychic powers, they are able to amp their natural capabilities and achieve physical feats unattainable by other espers.

    Psionic Enhancement

    Starting at 3rd level, you learn to concentrate your psychic energy into your fists. You gain proficiency in unarmed attacks and may use those instead of regular telekinesis attacks. Furthermore, you may use your bonus action in order to make an additional attack.

    • However, practicing martial combat means you have less time to practice on your telekinesis. The number of objects you can lift and the weight you can support are both divided by two. Instead of gaining extra attacks with your telekinesis at 5th and 13th levels, you gain the Extra Attack feature at those levels instead.
    • By mixing your psionic abilities with your own natural speed, you are also able to move much faster than normal. You gain a +10 to your base movement speed. This bonus increases to +15 at 6th level, +20 at 10th level, +25 at 14th level and +30 at 18th level.
    • Finally, you may do the Dash or Disengage actions as a bonus action.
    Martial Fighter

    When you reach 10th level, your natural capabilities as a melee fighter are unnaturally high for an esper. You have advantage on initiative rolls. Furthermore, when you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

    Focused Movement

    Starting at 13th level, the amount of power you can put in your movements gets matched by none. When in Absolute Focus, your movement speed is doubled and you can make an additional attack when doing the Attack action.


    Beginning at 17th level, your strikes now create powerful psychic shockwaves from the sheer amount of power and speed you display. When you hit an enemy with a melee attack, you can create a powerful wave of energy. If you do so, all creatures in a 15 foot cone behind the target (including the target itself) take force damage equal to half the damage done in the initial attack. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier per short rest.

    Absolute Movement

    When you reach 20th level, your physical power gets abnormally strong because of your psychic powers imbuing your body. When in Absolute Focus, you can Dash as a free action and your attacks always apply your Shockwaves feature, which does not count against the number of uses you have left.


    Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Esper class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Intelligence

    Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Esper class, you gain the following proficiencies: None

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