Devil Hunter (5e Class)

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Devil Hunter

Some do not speak, some cannot shut up. This group of strange warriors have been within our shadow for a long time, but I see no evil deeds from them. As I have seen it, they hunt everything otherworldly and fiendish. ~ Unknown

A weakened man walks through the crowded market, bumping into almost everyone, his eyes black as death and his steps silent. All of a sudden, this man turns into a fiend, screaming out its lungs, stunning everyone around. Guards attempt to take down the beast, but they are too weak to do so and are defeated in an one sided battle. As the battle calms down, another man slowly walks towards the fiend, not being phased by its power. The fiend rushes the man and within the second of guards being in shock of this man appearing out of nowhere and being attacked at the same time, the battle is over. A small silhouette of his hands moving through thin air seemed to obliterate the beast at the spot where it attacked. The man looked around; and seeing that no one is in danger, he moved on, not to be seen again.

Devil Hunters are people (any humanoid, really) who have been fiend scarred in a certain way that would define them. Either as a child(More common) or as an older individual. These "scars" appear differently for each person. Black marks on the body, deformed body part or anything in between. Usually with time, the scarred individual can use the fiend's power for themselves and their goals. Either to hunt down the same fiend or a more personal goal. Devil Hunters lose all sense of physical weaponry and armor because the power that they were given by the "scar" allows them to use one or two (Depending on the Hunter style) weapons that they will always use in battle.

It is said that the path of the Devil Hunter chooses its champions, but some say it is a simple curse, ready to take over the land. Regardless of that, the Devil Hunters have always kept to themselves, rushing into the light only if there would be an immediate danger of a fiend or a similar creature around.

Creating a Devil Hunter

Four styles of Devil Hunters. Ranger, Trickster, Swordmaster and Guardian. Each with their own way of fighting.

Quick Build

You can make a Devil Hunter quickly by following these suggestions. First, read through the styles of the Devil Hunters and choose one of the following: Swordmaster, Guardian, Ranger or Trickster. Second, Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Strength, Constitution, Wisdom or Charisma, depending on what style you choose on level 1. Third, choose the Haunted One background.

Class Features

As a Devil Hunter you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Devil Hunter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Devil Hunter level after 1st


Armor: None
Weapons: None
Tools: One type of a freely chosen tool.
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Strength/Constitution/Wisdom/Charisma (Swordmaster/Guardian/Ranger/Trickster respectively)
Skills: Choose 3 from: Athletics, Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Arcana, Invesitgation, Perception, Survival, Insight, Persuasion, Deception


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A set of smoke bombs. or (b) A minor health potion (1d4+1)
  • (a) A long leather coat dyed in a certain color (Player's choice) or (b) A set of hide clothes

Table: The Devil Hunter

FeaturesBound Weapon Die - SBound Weapon Die - GBound Weapon Die - RBound Weapon Die - T
1st+2Bound Weapon, Devil Hunter Style, Devil Hunter Style Feature, Devil Hunter Style Feature1d41d61d81d4
2nd+2Devil Hunter Style Feature1d41d61d81d4
3rd+2Devil Hunter Style Feature1d41d61d81d4
4th+2Ability Score Improvement1d41d61d81d4
6th+3Devil Hunter Style Feature1d61d61d82d4
7th+3Devil Hunter Style Feature1d61d61d82d4
8th+3Ability Score Improvement1d61d61d82d4
9th+4Devil Trigger1d81d61d82d4
10th+4Devil Hunter Style Feature1d81d61d82d4
12th+4Ability Score Improvement1d81d81d83d4
13th+5Devil Hunter Style Feature1d101d81d103d4
15th+5Devil Hunter Style Feature1d101d81d104d4
16th+5Ability Score Improvement1d101d81d104d4
17th+6Devil Hunter Style Feature1d121d81d104d4
19th+6Ability Score Improvement1d121d81d104d4
20th+6Devil Hunter Style Feature1d121d81d105d4

Bound Weapon

Your fiend scar, gives you new natural powers. One of these powers is to summon your bound weapon. This weapon is completely a part of you and wielding any other weapon seems unnatural. Bound weapons are summoned to attack and are dismissed immediately after the action has concluded. This allows the Devil Hunter to have their hands free for other actions if there are any available. All bound weapons are considered light and finesse. Each style has a bound weapon die they use. Each style has a bound weapon ruling that you must abide to:

Swordmaster: Swordmaster is allowed any melee weapon that is available in the known DnD universe and is only allowed one.

Guardian: Guardian is allowed to have a simple melee and a simple ranged weapon.

Ranger: Ranger is allowed a dagger and any ranged weapon.

Trickster: Trickster is only allowed to have a one or two daggers, depending on how the player wants to play them.

<!-Subclass Feature->

<!-At <!-insert level-> level, you chose a <!-insert name of subclass feature i.e. path, archetype, discipline, etc.->. Choose between <!-list the subclass options->, <!-all/both-> detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at <!-insert the level when subclass features begin-> and again at <!-list all the levels the class gains subclass features->.->

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

<!-Class Feature->

<!-Class feature game rule information->

<!-Class Option 1->

<!-For subclasses introduce this class option here->

<!-Class Feature->

<!-Class feature game rule information->

<!-Class Feature->

<!-Class feature game rule information->

<!-Class Feature->

<!-Class feature game rule information->

<!-Class Option 2->

<!-Introduce this subclass here->

<!-Class Feature->

<!-Class feature game rule information->

<!-Class Feature->

<!-Class feature game rule information->

<!-Class Feature->

<!-Class feature game rule information->

Spell List

You know all of the spells on the basic spell list and additional spells based on your subclass.

1st Level

<!-1st level spell list->

2nd Level

<!-2nd level spell list->

3rd Level

<!-3rd level spell list->

4th Level

<!-4th level spell list->

5th Level

<!-5th level spell list->


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:

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gollark: I did that after it came up with some error.
gollark: ```lua fix_node = function(instance) if not debuggetupvalue then return end local i = 1 while true do local n, v = debuggetupvalue(instance, i) if not n then break end if n == "isRunning" then debugsetupvalue(instance, i, false) end if n == "procs" then debug.setupvalue(instance, i, {}) end i = i + 1 end end```
gollark: <@!113673208296636420> ```lua if node then if potatOS.fix_node then potatOS.fix_node(node.init) end node.on("dummy", function() end) process.spawn(node.init, "node") end```
gollark: ||potaTodfpwm||
gollark: ||your parents were both gay||
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