Demiglaive (5e Class)
A lone human stands against a horde of enemies. He smiles as an array of ethereal, crystal like, weapons appear around them. Flying with his array of weapons at his disposal, the man brings all the weapons to bear on those that surround them, cutting through his enemies like they were nothing. But after a few minutes the man landed and the array of weapons vanished, save but one which he grabbed, solidifying it from its ethereal form. He vanished, suddenly appearing at his next foe with the blade sunk into its their chest. He continued appearing and disappearing from foe to foe with his enemies only getting the casual swipe at him as he would be standing in one spot and then just off from where he had been thought to be.
As the battle wore on, his eyes started to glow faintly, the gods had seen his dilemma and were willing to assist him. He welcomed the help, and in that moment a massive hand descended out of nowhere, scooping him up. The gods had sent their agent, who lifted the man out of harms way. With another gesture the being called down lightning, cascading across the entirety of the battle field. In a similar manner, the being put the man back on the ground. His enemies were decimated, though several still remained standing in the face of the onslaught. The damage, however, was massive as fires and scorched earth covered the area.
Summoning his blade once more, the man advanced as he was ready to finish his work. Such was the task for those chosen by the gods to be Demiglaives.
The Chosen One
Chosen at birth for greatness by the gods, this is a phrase many would wish to be bestowed. Some bestow this phrase upon themselves, others may do so by using magic to pear into the future to look upon the deeds that a child may accomplish. For a Demiglaive, however, the phrase is very much true. A Demiglaive is one who was chosen by the gods to perform great deeds, whether heroic or otherwise. Upon coming of age, the chosen one is able to displace themselves and items.
The Demiglaive is a champion of the gods, and is one of the few beings who is ever being watched by them. The gods will allow the Demiglaive to live their life to a degree, but a life extraordinary will always be their calling and they may one day be called upon by the gods to quest for them. The speed of the Demiglaive is greater than that of most beings, and an ability to teleport or displace themselves is how the Demiglaive moves about and survives their encounters.
Anointed By The Gods
While there are some beings who are also chosen by the gods, and have their eyes upon them, an exceptionally fewer number of such beings are ever chosen to be Demiglaives. A Demiglaive never really appears out of place in a crowd. Their weaponry is never carried out in the open, and this allows them to easily pass through checkpoints, or even not alert magic users who may have certain spells up that they have weapons. The weight of the responsibility that they bear, is one that does not escape the Demiglaive as they know that at anytime the gods may come calling for them to take up their cause.
Creating a Demiglaive
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When creating a Demiglaive character, you need to think about why the gods chose you to be their champion. Is there some great threat looming in the horizon, or are you simply the next in a long bloodline of those who have been favored by the gods? Are you an ordinary person, thrust into a larger and more dangerous world, or are you a member of some royal line who all have been Demiglaives in the past? You will need to speak with your DM about what is appropriate for your character.
- Quick Build
You can make a Demiglaive quickly by following these suggestions. First, put your highest ability score into DEX, and follow this up with CHA. Second choose the Folk Hero background.
Class Features
As a Demiglaive you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Demiglaive level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Demiglaive level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light Armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple weapons & martial weapons
Tools: 1 set of your choice
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Arcana, History, Nature, Perception, Persuasion, Stealth, and Survival.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- any martial weapon of your choice
- (a) two short swords or or (b) any simple weapon of your choice
- Explorer's Pack
Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features | Magic Points (MP) |
1st | +2 | Crystorium Arsenal, Crystorium Storage, Glaive Armor | 6 |
2nd | +2 | Warp, Warp Strike, Basic Elemancy | 12 |
3rd | +2 | Path Of The Chosen 1 | 18 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 24 |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack, Crystorium Empowerment | 30 |
6th | +3 | Path Of The Chosen 2, Protective Elemancy | 36 |
7th | +3 | Weight Of Destiny | 42 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement, Improved Elemancy | 48 |
9th | +4 | Warp Assault Moment Of Respite | 54 |
10th | +4 | Path Of The Chosen 3 | 60 |
11th | +4 | Crystorium Brotherhood | 66 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement, Improved Warp Strike | 72 |
13th | +5 | Improved Protective Elemancy, Shifting Defense | 78 |
14th | +5 | Path Of The Chosen 4 | 84 |
15th | +5 | Crystorium Blitzkrieg | 90 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement, Ultimate Elemancy | 96 |
17th | +6 | Arminger | 102 |
18th | +6 | Chosen Of The Gods | 108 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 114 |
20th | +6 | Shatter the Darkness/Light | 120 |
Crystorium Arsenal
At 1st level, you have access to the crystorium. This is magical means of storing weapons and other equipment which can be called on when needed. You start with the ability to bond 1 weapon + your CHA modifier. The bonding process simply requires you to use an action to put it into your crystorium. Once there, you can summon the weapon or put it away as an incidental action, and you can swap between weapons for each attack you can make. You also can throw or drop the weapon and it will vanish back to the crystorium or reappear in your hand if you still need to use it. Shields also apply to this method of storage. You can only summon forth 2 items at a time however, one for each hand.
At 3rd level, and each additional 3 levels, you can add 1 more weapon to your crystorium arsenal. This can include magical weapons, though if a weapon requires bonding then this process is different and does not interfere with the crystorium. Objects can also be removed from the crystorium if desired in the same manner in which they were be added. Weapons stored have no weight until they are summoned & wielded.
With ranged weapon, the ammo does not count as a weapon slot, but is part of one weapon. As such, you can essentially hold a typical allotment of ammo for the weapon as part of its crystorium storage (this is often just 20 shots). Ammo is also recovered by the crystorium so it only ever makes sense to have just a few bolts/arrows/bullets on hand. The exception to this is ammo (or an item) that is destroyed when it is used. In this case the crystorium does not recover the item.
Crystorium Storage
At 1st level you have the ability to use your crystorium to store a limited number of items that aren’t weapons. This essentially acts like a pouch or backpack for this purpose and it takes only a move action to bring out a crystorium stored item and use it. At 1st level you can store up to 20lbs of items. At level 3, and every 3rd level there after you can increase this storage by 10lbs. Items stored do not have an actual weight that is applied to the PC until they bring the item out.
Glaive Armor
At 1st level, Every new Glaive is given a set of sleek, dark purple/blue armor meant for flexibility and defense. While wearing this armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your DEX modifier + your CHA modifier. You can use a shield and still gain the benefits of this.
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At 2nd level you gain the ability to warp. As an action, you can throw your weapon in any direction up to 20ft and teleport to it. If your weapon has the Thrown property, you may throw it up to its long range capped at 60ft. If there is anything in the path of your weapon, you may not go passed that object, but you can throw over half-cover. If you are engaged with an enemy and warp, you still take an attack of opportunity like standard movement. This does not work for weapons with the heavy attribute or ranged weapons like bows and crossbows. The max range increases by 10ft at levels 5, 8, 12, and 16. At 16th level you gain mastery over warping and do not consume MP when using this feature. You may use this once if you don't have enough MP at the cost of 1 level of exhaustion. Cost: 2MP.
Warp Strike
At 2nd level, in addition to warping to your weapons, you may attack with a warp. You may target any creature within your weapon throw range. Your attack roll has disadvantage if thrown out of your weapons normal range. On hit, teleport to the target and add your proficiency to your damage roll. On miss, you may expend a reaction to bring your weapon back to your hand or warp to your weapon. If you warp to your weapon, you may only warp to an unoccupied space in the same path as your target. You may use this once if you don't have enough MP at the cost of 1 level of exhaustion. Cost: 2MP
Basic Elemancy
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to channel the Crystal's power into magical abilities. Basic Elemancy allows you to cast Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, and Cure. The description of these are at the end of the class.
Path Of The Chosen
At 3rd level, you choose a path that guides how your Demiglaive powers will evolve. Choose one of the paths detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th levels.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the attack action on your turn.
Crystorium Empowerment
At 5th level, any normal – unenchanted – weapon you possess is considered a magic weapon for the purposes of overcoming resistances.
Protective Elemancy
Being a Kingsglaive is not just about defeating your king's enemies, but also to defend him and his people. at 6th level, gain the spells Protect and Shell. They are described below.
Weight Of Destiny
At 7th level, the weight of your destiny can be brought to bear against those you face. When making a diplomacy, or intimidation skill roll, you roll with advantage.
Improved Elemancy
Over time you've learned to control the Crystal's magic and improve your skill in it. At 8th level, gain Fira, Blizzara, Thundara, and Cura.
Warp Assault
At 9th level you possess the ability to warp rapidly, allowing you to strike at multiple opponents, or even just one opponent multiple times. Within your normal warp range of movement, you may make 1 attack against each enemy there in, up to a number of attacks equal to your CHA modifier + 1. Against a single target you can make the same number of attacks as well. This action cannot be used again until a short rest is taken. Cost: 20 MP.
Moment Of Respite
At 9th level, as an action you may choose to spend an action to focus and recover MP. Restore MP equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Crystorium Brotherhood
At 10th level, your crystorium storage expands to those who ally with you. You can designate a number of individuals, up to your CHA modifier +1, who can store up to 2 weapons of their choice into their own crystorium storage. The weapons are treated as if having no weight until they are held, the use is the same as Crystorium Arsenal.
Improved Warp Strike
At 12th level, whenever you warpstrike you now deal an extra 2d8 force damage to the target.
Improved Protective Elemancy
At 13th level, your ability to protect others and yourself with protective magic improves. Gain Protega and Shellga. They are described below.
Shifting Defense
At 13th level, when using the dodge action, you can instead choose to apply your warping abilities to your defense instead. Against attacks you can take the dodge action to, you are treated as if you have resistance to the attack, should it still hit. If you have to make a DEX saving throw against a spell to take half damage, you take no damage instead if you succeed.
Crystorium Blitzkrieg
At 15th level, your crystorium arsenal can be used at an elevated level for a short time. You can manifest your arsenal into a floating array of weapons circling around you. On your turn you can strike an opponent with your full arsenal in melee, or at a range.
· Melee Strike: Damage is based upon the weapon with the highest die, but you cannot add your STR or DEX mod to the damage you deal. Each weapon that you currently have in your arsenal adds 1 additional die of damage. If shields are present, one shield gives its normal benefits. If a second shield is present, then it imposes a disadvantage to the opponents attack rolls.
· Ranged Strike: Range is 20/60 and figured like that for the melee strike. However, shields add to the damage you deal, and aren’t reserved for defense.
The crystorium blitzkrieg remains in use for 1 round, per +1 modifier you have from your CHA score. After its used you must take a long rest before you can use it again. And if you make multiple attacks on your round then you can choose freely between melee or ranged attacks. Extra damage from Divine Weight adds to the damage here, but you do not gain extra dice for each weapon, just extra dice in general for the attack. Thus, if you are rolling 5 dice for weapons, you could add 1 additional die, (or two), for Divine Weight. Cost: 40 MP.
Ultimate Elemancy
At 16th level, you've developed mastery over glaive magic and can unleash spells at their highest power potential. Gain Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, and Curaga. They are described below.
At 17th level, your crystorium arsenal can be used at an elevated level for a short time. As a bonus action you can manifest your arsenal into a floating array of weapons circling around you, granting you the following benefits:
Your AC is raised by 2 Your critical range for your attacks is 19-20. Your movement speed is doubled, and your movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks. When you hit with a weapon attack using a weapon in your Crystorium, you deal maximum damage with the weapon's damage die instead of rolling. You can use your Warp Strike without expending a use. The Arminger remains in use for 1 minute, you must take a long rest before you can use it again. Cost: 60MP.
Chosen Of The Gods
At 18th level you can occasionally call upon the unequaled might of the Gods to help you. Which god that comes to help you is beyond your control, as well as what they do to assist you. You can call on the Gods to intervene on your behalf as an action. Describe the assistance you seek, and roll percentile dice. If you roll a number equal to or lower than your demiglaive level, the Gods intervene. The DM chooses the nature of the intervention.
If the Gods intervene, you can't use this feature again for 7 days. Otherwise, you can use it again after you finish a long rest.
Shatter the Darkness/Light
At level 20 you possess the power to defy evil (or good) beyond all others. Choose whether this will apply to evil or good alignments. When fighting opponents of the chosen alignment type, you have +2 AC against them, your critical threat range for your attacks against these opponents is 19-20. Once per day you can deal +1d8 per +1 modifier you have in your CHA score. This extra damage is of a type that the target is weak against if they have a weakness to a type of damage.
Path of The Wise
There are some Demiglaives who choose to focus their strengths on their ability to interact wish others and wield their magic with greater power.
At 3th level, choose two of your skill proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies.
At 6th level you can create 2 additional elemancy flasks. Every 3 levels there after you gain 1 additional flask that you can create. Also up to 3 of these flasks can be enhanced by spending double the time to make them. An enhanced flask deals an extra 2 dice of damage. Additionally, the time it takes to create a flask is reduced by half once you reach level 12.
At 10th level you are more perceptive than others. When you stand watch, or examine an area, or study something you have advantage on applicable skill rolls to detect things. This helps you to find hidden passages, detect lies, perceive illusions and similar things. You also cannot be surprised while you are conscious.
At 14th level your ability to wield your elemancy is far more potent. The damage of your elemancy spells is increased by 1 additional die, and saving throw DC’s are increased by 2.
Path of The Champion
Those that choose the path of the champion are individuals who are willing to take the lead, to be an example, and to be a symbol for others.
At 3rd level you are the herald of the gods, their chosen champion. Those that have faith in the gods you serve, are easier to influence than others. You gain advantage on skill rolls made when interacting with these people. On the other hand, against those whom oppose the gods you serve you have advantage on intimidation skill rolls made against them. You are also a messenger for the gods, and if they have a message they want conveyed it is your duty to do so.
At 6th level you can begin to collect special weapons known as the Champion’s Arms. These are weapons wielded by previous Demiglaives, and are made of crystal. The difference between normal weapons, enchanted weapons, and champion arms is that champion arms take up no space in the crystorium arsenal. Each weapon is treated like a cantrip spell. You can only have 1 of any type of weapon, like one sword, one axe, one spear, one lance. You can start with one weapon – your chosen champion arm, but you must find any others that there may be.
· Damage: Upon getting this the damage is 2 dice for the weapon . This increases by 1 of the die type at levels 11 and 17. You can add your level as a Demiglaive to damage rolls made with these weapons as well.
· Magic: The weapons are always treated as being magical, and damage is Radiant or Necrotic damage, (your choice). The damage from your level, however, must be different and can be chosen from any of the other damage types.
· Sapping Vitality: The use of champions arms is not something to take lightly. Each attack you land saps 1d4 HP from you, though a short rest will restore this.
At 10th level you can target one foe to visit your wrath upon. You designate one opponent that this applies to (or one of the gods you serve can also do this for you). All attacks made against the designated target are at advantage. This effect is retained until either the opponent is slain, or 1 minute has passed. The effect cannot be transferred to another target. After a short rest the effect can be used again.
At 14th level you gain the ability to vanquish a foe with one hit. When you attack an enemy with one of your champion arms, they must make a CON save vs. a difficulty of 8 + your CHA modifier + your proficiency bonus. If they fail the save, the target is treated as if they had taken a critical hit, and your roll damage as such. If the attack reduces the targets HP by half or more, they must make another CON save at disadvantage. If they fail this save they die. If the target succeeds in their first save, then damage is dealt normally and the vanquish ability is expended. If they succeed in their second save, then they remain alive. Vanquish can only be used once per day and is recovered after a long rest is taken.
Basic Elemancy
- Fire
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60ft
Duration: Instant
Cost: 4MP
Cast a ball of flame at a target dealing 2d8 fire damage on a failed dex and half damage on a successful save.
- Blizzard
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5ft radius, self centered
Duration: Instant
Cost: 4MP
Send a blast of frost and ice in a 10ft radius centered around you. On a failed dex save targets take 2d6 cold damage and have speed reduced by 10ft. This effect lasts till the end affected creature’s next turn. Successful saves take half damage and suffer no speed reduction.
- Thunder
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10ft cone, self centered
Duration: Instant
Cost: 4MP
Send lightning arcing in a 10ft cone in front of you. On a failed dex save targets take 2d6 lightning damage. Successful saves take half damage.
- Cure
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft
Duration: Instant
Cost: 4MP
Heal the target creature for 1d8 + spell attack modifier.
Protective Elemancy
- Protect
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft
Duration: 1 minute, concentration
Cost: 6MP
Envelop the target creature in a protective shield increasing AC by 2 for the duration.
- Shell
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft
Duration: 1 minute, concentration
Cost: 6MP
Envelop the target creature in a spell protective shield. The target has advantage on the next spell save they make. This effect ends early when the affected creature makes a spell save.
Improved Elemancy
- Fira
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60ft
Duration: Instant
Cost: 10MP
Cast a roaring ball of flame at a target within 60ft. On a failed dex save, target takes 4d8 fire damage and takes an additional 1d8 fire damage at the end of their turn. Successful saves take half damage and aren't burned. Creatures within 10ft of the target must pass a dex save or take half of the target's damage. Burned creatures must pass a dex save at the start of their turn to end the effect.
- Blizzara
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10ft radius, self centered
Duration: Instant
Cost: 10MP
Send a blast of frost and ice in a 15 ft. radius centered around you. On a failed dex save, targets take 4d6 cold damage and have speed reduced by 15ft as well as having their AC reduced by 1. Successful saves take half damage and suffer no speed or AC reduction. The stat reduction lasts until the end of the affected creature's next turn.
- Thundara
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 15ft cone, self centered
Duration: Instant
Cost: 10MP
Send lightning arcing in a 15ft cone in front of you. On a failed dex save targets take 5d6 lightning damage and are shocked. While shocked, the affected creature cannot make a reaction. This lasts till the end of the creature's next turn. Successful saves take half damage and don’t suffer shock.
- Cura
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft, 10ft radius
Duration: Instant
Cost: 10MP
Heal the target creature for 2d8 + spell attack modifier. Creatures of your choice within 10ft of the target are healed by half the amount the target was healed.
Improved Protective Elemancy
- Protega
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft, 10ft radius
Duration: 1 minute, concentration
Cost: 15MP
Envelop the target and surrounding creatures of your choice with a protective shield increasing AC by 2 for the duration.
- Shellga
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft, 10ft radius
Duration: 1 minute, concentration
Cost: 15MP
Envelop the target and surrounding creatures of your choice with a spell protecting shield. Affected creatures gain advantage on spell saves and gain resistance to spell damage.
Ultimate Elemancy
- Firaga
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60ft
Duration: Instant
Cost: 20MP
Cast an eruption of flame at a target within 60ft. On a failed dex save, the target creature takes 8d8 fire damage and takes an additional 2d8 fire damage at the end of their turn. Successful saves take half damage and aren't burned. Creatures within 20ft of the target must pass a dex save or take half of the target's damage. Burned creatures must pass a dex save at the start of their turn to end the effect.
- Blizzaga
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 15ft radius, self centered
Duration: Instant
Cost: 20MP
Unleash a blast of frost and ice in a 20ft radius centered around you. On a failed dex save creatures in the radius take 8d6 cold damage and have speed reduced by 20ft as well as having their AC reduced by 2. Successful saves take half damage and suffer no speed or AC reduction. The stat reduction lasts until the end of the affected creature's next turn.
- Thundaga
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 25ft cone, self centered
Duration: Instant
Cost: 20MP
Send lightning arcing in a 25ft cone in front of you. On a failed dex save targets take 10d6 lightning damage and are shocked. While shocked, the affected creature cannot make a reaction. This lasts till the end of the creature's next turn. Successful saves take half damage and don’t suffer shock.
- Curaga
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft, 15ft
Duration: Instant
Cost: 20MP
Heal the target creature for 4d8 + spell attack modifier. Creatures of your choice within 15ft of the target are healed by half the amount the target was healed.
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