Dark Knight, Variant (5e Class)

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Dark Knight

Dark knights are not evil they are set on a special way or duti that they want to fulfill and follow but to fulfill this they use dark magic to overcome obstacles.

The Darkness

The Darkness is a force that can be harnessed by a select few.

  • You lost your taste food and drinks just taste the same for you
  • You are not that facet by any form of natural hesarts
  • You are always suroundet by a slight dark mist.
  • Sometimes when you breathe heavily you exhale dark cold mist.
  • Every now and again you shift into the shadow realm - it looks like you blur for an instant in time (does not have any real affect)

Creating a Dark Knight

Think of why your Character if using the power why he took the powers of darkness that could consume him someday most times a Dark Knight gets his powers of ritual that is made with other Dark knights because there is a secret ring of Dark Knights that is thair to keep balance in the world or whatever the DM wants to use them fore.

Quick Build

You can make a Black Knight quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by and Strength.

Class Features

As a Dark Knight you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d12 per Dark Knight level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per Dark Knight level after 1st


Armor: light, medium, heavy and shields
Weapons: simple and martial
Tools: one of your choic
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Deception. Pick three from Intimidation, History, Insight, Persuasion Athletics, Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) martial weapon & Shield or (b) Two Martial Weapons
  • (a) 5 javelins or (b) Any simple melee weapon
  • (a) priest's pack or (b) explorer's pack
  • (a) cloak and hood (optional color) or (b) noble clothes
  • halfplait and an symbol
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 6d4 gp times 10 in funds.

Table: The Dark Knight

FeaturesSword Points—Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st+2Weapon training,Combos,Vitaliti Drain3
2nd+2Dark Winds,Unmend,Master of Souls32
3rd+2Flood of Darkness, Living Dead,Soaked in Blood33
4th+2Ability Score Improvement, Spikes of Hate, Salted Earth,Ability Score Increase[43
5th+3Extra Attack,Improved Combos442
6th+3Masterful Resistance,Dark one's Luck442
7th+3Stalwart Soul543
8th+3Ability Score Improvement, Shorten the Combo543
9th+4The Blackest Night5432
10th+4Aura of Dark6432
11th+4Dark Blessing,Combi Improvement6433
12th+4Ability Score Improvement, Army of Shades6433
13th+5Combined Strength74331
14th+5Pain Absorption74331
16th+5Ability Score Improvement84332
18th+6Never ending Rampage943331
19th+6Ability Score Improvement943332
20th+6Unknown to Death1043332

Spells of Darcnes

Spells of Darkness you can cast spells but you only know spells and abilities you stoul you don't gain spells you need to learn them from another spellcaster and ore can meditate for 1 hours after you kill a creature to consume its souls memories you gain a basic knowledge of what the creatures weaknesses are then you gain one of the abilities or spell the creature has known the list down below shows what level spells the abilities of a creature are and important is the challenge rating .

Spell LevelPoint Cost

Weapon training

At 1st level a dark Knight learns to be especially proficient when he fights with a sword you gain a bonus of +2 to hit with any sword also you can make a attack with any sword as a bonus action allows you gain a number of sword points that you can use to get advantage on your attacks if you take the attack action you can spent 1 sword point to gain advantage on the attack you regain al expandet uses after a long rest. Unmend


at 1st level every time your attack you can link all attacks together and make combos of some kind but some of the combos can only be used as a specific action if you use any of your combo actions you gain no strength bonus to damage rolls.The save DC for this feature is 8+your constitution modifier and proficiency

1 Attack you have the following options for the first attack
  • Slash:on your first attack you slash your enemy and deal a bonus 1d4 damage the enemy needs to make a constitution save the DC is 8+your provicianci and constitution modifier if the creature fails it takes 1d6 bleed damage.
  • Pommel Strike:you can strike with your pommel and deal a bonus 1d4 damage and the creature it needs to make a constitution save the DC is 8+your provicianci and constitution modifier if the creature fails it is stunned till your next round
2 Attack you have the following options for the first attack
  • Synthon Strike: your second attack deals no extra damage but you get the dodge action from it for this turn.
  • Plunge: your second attack deals no bonus damage but you can shof the creature 10 feet in any direction

Vitaliti Drain

at 1st level you can activate the vitality draining powers that you have as a Dark Knight this feature lasts for 1 minute after inflicting damage to an enemy you can regain hit points equal to your constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus you can use this feature a time equal to your constitution modifier and regain all expandet uses after a short or long rest.

Master of Souls

At 2nd Level you gain the ability to bind the souls of dead creatures to you can make a 10 minute ritual to bind any soul of all dead creatures in a 60 feet radius to you for each creature you bound you can gain 1 temp hit point theas hit points stack with all your features. At 4th level you gain 15 temporary hit points after every long rest at 6th level you can summon one shade as an action the shades they have the same appearance and stats as the shades that are summoned by your Saltet Earth feature but they stay till theay are reduced to 0 hit points and don't disappear after time only if the summoner wants to let them disappear they disappear you can use this feature ones per long rest . at 8th level you can summon 2 at 12th level you can summon 3 at 16th level you can summon 4 and at 20th level you can summon 5

Dark Winds

At 2nd level you can heal yourself for a number of d6 you don't need to spent all of them the number of d6 can stack equal to your constitution modifier + proficiency bonus but to use this feature you first a creature needs to die in a 30 feet radius you gain 1d6 for your dark wind healing for this feature also you gain immunity to necrotic damage and if you take necrotic damage you gain hit points equal to your constitution modifier.


at 2nd level you can when you get attacked reduce the damage by 1d10+your constitution modifier after you did so you gain half the damage you got from the attack as temporary hit points you can use this feature equal to your constitution+your proficiency bonus at 5th level you can reduce the damage by a d12 and gain temp hit points equal to the full damage you took.

Living Dead

At 3rd level you can resist death your will to fight is so strong that if you would be reduced to 0 hit points you can choose to drop to 1 hit point instead and your next attacks for the round deal 1d6 bonus force damage you can use this feature equal to your constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus you regain all expandet uses of this feature after a long rest at 6th level you can instantly after you use this feature take a turn at 9th level you regain all expendet uses after a short rest.

Flood of Darkness

At 3rd level you can imbue your weapon with dark magic you can then as an action make a ranged attack the range for this attack is 30 feet it is a 15 feet high or wide blade that deals 1d8+your constitution modifier as force damage for each 5 feet the creature gets hit by the blayd if you hit a creature with this attack your attacks for the next round deal a bonus 1d4 force damage you can use this feature equal to your constitution modifier and need to spend a long or short rest to regain all expander uses. at 5th level you can use this as any combo attack.

Soaked in Blood

At 3rd level your dark magic uses the vitaliti and blood of slain enemies as protection for you, you gain a bonus of 1AC after you kill a creature you also gain 5+ your constitution modifier as temp hit points this feature stacks up to 3 times and lasts for 1 hour also as long as you have a AC bonus from this feature you can't drop to 0 hit points you instead lose 1 bonus Ac from this feature and just drop to 1 hit point instead also if a friendly creatures in a 15 feet radius gets hit and takes damage you can choose to take the damage.At 9th level you can stack this feature up to 4 times at 16th level you can stack this feature up to 5 times

Salted Earth

At 4th level you can summon a field of hurling dark energy that doesn't hurt you but other creatures you summon a 15 feet cube of dark energy the enemies that are in the area of effect take 2d10 force damage and need to make a constitution save the DCis 15 if the fail they are blinded for the next turne you can use this feature equal to half your constitution modifier at8th level you can use it equal to your constitution modifier.

Spikes of Hate

At 4th level you can as an action summon spikes out of the ground that pirc the enemy the you can choose a number of enemies equal to your constitution modifier in a 60 feet radius the enemies take 2d8 force damage and are markt for a number of turns equal to 1d6 a market creature has disadvantage one one saving throw of your choice and needs to make a wisdom saving throw the DC for it is equal to 8+your constitution modifier and proficiency if the creature fails i is frightent for the next d4 turns you can use this feature again after a long or short rest.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class and to four when you reach 20th level in this class.

Improved Combos

At 5th level the damage for your combo attack dices is increased by one dice also you can choose to get advantage on all attack rolls against one creature you choose you can use this feature equal to your constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.The save DC for this feature is now 10+your constitution modifier and proficiency

1 Attack you have the following options for the first attack
  • Sword Plunge:your first attack can now be a jump attack you can make a 15 feet jump attack that deals 1d6 bonus damage
  • Dancing Blade:your first attack deals a bonus 1d4 bonus damage and can move to another field that is next to the creature you attack but not occupied this doesn't trigger opportunity attacks.
2 Attack you have the following options for the first attack
  • Edge of Darkness:your attack strikes so fast that it is barely visible you gain a bonus of +2 to hit and 1d4 bonus damage
  • Blade of Pain:this attack deals a bonus 1d4 damage but if you attack the creature from behind ore its flanks it takes a bonus 1d8 damage.
  • Trick Attack: your second attack deals no bonus damage but the creature it needs to make a dexterity save or be knocked prone disarmed or blindet.
3 Attack you have the following options for the first attack
  • Souleater:your attack seems to drain the power of your enemy you gain a bonus +1 to hit and regain 5 + your dark knight level hit points if this attack kills a creature you regain one of your uses of expanded dark knight features.
  • Blood Spiller:you deal massive damage with your last attack your last attack deals 2d8 bonus damage if this attack kills a creature you regain one of your uses of expanded dark knight features.
  • Carve and Spit:your attack with emens precision a creature hit by this attack needs to make a dc 15 constitution save or lose one limbe if this attack kills a creature you regain one of your uses of expanded dark knight features

Masterful Resistance

At 6th level you gain resistance to tow types of damage every time you take a long rest you can change the type of resistance also you can now increase your constitution to a maximum of 30 even with your ability score improvement . at 10th level you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage

Dark one's Luck

At 6th level you can as a reaction roll a d6 if you get attacked and if you roll 4 or higher the attack misses you can use this feature once per turn.

Stalwart Soul

At 7th level you can bolster your hit points as a bonus action you can gain temp hit points equal to your level + your constitution they stack with all your other features you also gain hit points if you kill a creature if you have temp hit points at the moment the hit points you gain is equal to your constitution Modifier.

Shorten the Combo

At 8th level you can shorten your combos after long training if you take the attack action you can choose to take a combo action that is either laybelt 1,2,3 attack and it also counts as that number of combo for further combo making you can use this feature a number of times equal to 3+your constitution modifier you regain all expandet uses after you finish a long rest you regain also one use if you kill a creature with one of your combo features.

The Blackest Night

At 9th level you can realise the dark magic in you as a bonus action you can enter this form the form lasts for 1 hour and you add 5 minutes to it for each creature you kill while you in this form also you can reroll a failed attack role every turn and get a bonus to hit of +2 and also a Ac bonus of +2 if you make a 3 point combo while you are in this form you get another attack as a bonus.

Aura of Dark

At 10th level you gain the ability to make a aura of darkness erupt from your body any creature that is in a 10 feet radius of you takes 2d8 force damage and need to make a DC15 wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1d4 turns also creatures have disadvantage on the first attack against you for the duration this feature the aura lasts for 2d4 turns you can use this feature again after a long rest.

Dark Blessing

At 11th level you are blest with more power of your dark magic you now can use features of this section but every feature costs 1 point of Blood Gouge you have a number of Blood Gouge points equal to your proficiency bonus + constitution modifier you regain one point of Blood Gouge if you kill a creatur you regain all expended uses after a long rest. Spear of Darkness as an action, the user gains the ability to shoot a beam of pure energy 60ft, dealing 2d8 force damage.

Blade of Reaping

The user has learned to channel his will into his weapon for a short period of time. With a bonus action, the next 1d6 weapon attack causes an extra 1d8 of force damage.

Mantel of Darkness

as an reaction the user gains the ability to surround himself in darkness you gain a +1 to ac and reduce the damage of incoming attacks by a number equal to your constitution modifier

Shade Jump

you gain the ability to teleport to a place within 30 ft of eyesight that is an open square as a bonus action or reaction.

Dark Binding

as an actin shadows consume a creature that you can see in a 60 feet radius the creature takes 3d6 force damage and needs to make a DC 15 strength saving throw or be grappled.

Shift of odds

if you fail a saving throw you can use this feature to re role the role.

Escape into Darkness

if you take damage you can reduce it to 0 and enter shadow dimension in it you can move around after one turn you reaper in a 30 feet radius of your original position.

Combi Improvement

At 11th level your combos get stronger you gain the following features alsow each attack after your first one gets a +1 to hit up to a total of +5 to hit

4 Attack you have the following options for the first attack

Blade of Pain when you use tis combo feature you can deal 1d10 additional damang and also the cratur suffers another dice damage equal to its hit dice.

  • Executioners Blade:your attack deals a bonus 1d10 damage and if it kills a creature you can immediately after you killed it use another action for free like one of your Dark Knight features.
  • Swift Strike:you get a bonus 1d6 damage to your attack and if you hit the creature you can instantly make another attack against it.
5 Attack you have the following options for the first attack
  • Ending Strike:you get a bonus 1d12 to your damage also if you don't kill a creature with this attack it needs to make a constitution save DC 10+ your proficiency and constitution modifier or get its current hit points halft if this attack kills a creature you regain hit points equal to the damage this attack dealt.
  • True Strike:you gain a bonus of 2d6 to your attacks damage and you need to make a strength save DC 13 if you succeed your attack counts as a critical hit.

Army of Shades

At 12th level your summoned shades get strong they now have a bonus of 10 hit points and cane use all actions that they could use in a Battle also you now can summon up to 5 Shades that have the stats of a creature when you have collected the soul frome they can also use any special ability the have had as living creature.

Combined Strength

At 13th level you can now add your strength bonus to your combo damage roles and all dice that are below a d8 are upt one dice sice.If you would use a combo feature you can choose to make it a 5 Attack combo feature you can use this one's per long rest.

Pain Absorption

At 14th level you can as a reaction enter a defensive stance in this stanc you reduce damage by 50% and stack half of the damage you take as hate points as long as you are in this stanc you can only attack once but take every other normal actin bonus action or reaction when you end this stanc you can choose to deal the accumulated amount of hate points to an enemy in 30 feet range you can use this feature again after a short rest.


At 17th level you can choose to summon a cube around a creature as a action the cube is depending on the creature an appropriate size after the cube has trapt the reatur it takes 5d10 force damage each turn and the damage increases by 1d10 every turn the creature can make a wisdom save to escape the DC is 10+your constitution modifier and proficiency after tow turns after using this feature and the creature is still not feed of the effect it will be reduced to 0 hit points you need to finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.

Never ending Rampage

At 18 level your soul is soul is without rest when you take damage reduce the damage to 0 and if you do so you gain temp hit points equal to your level they stack with all your other features also for the next 1d6 turns you can not be killed ore drop to 0 hit points you can use this feature again after a long rest.

Unknown to Death

At 20th level if you would die of an attack or any other means you can spring back to live and regain all your hit points alsow you now cant die of old age desies and poison if you do so you can use this feature again after a long rest.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Bone Breaker class, you must meet these prerequisites: Str 15

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gollark: Can I probably at least get a low-time hatchling for my useless golden wyvern?EDIT: never mind
gollark: I mean, strictly speaking, you can use any, except people seem to be a bit fixed in their lineage design.
gollark: After a few, though, it probably drops right down again as people try to obtain more CB ones instead of making crazy 20G lineages.
gollark: Ah, yes, right. Supply grows exponentially per generation.
gollark: I would imagine it would be more of a quality vs quantity thing.
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