Dark Hilt (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

Two Scimitars that each have half hilts, allowing them to be put in one sheath, one of the blades has dusk-like grey purple blade. The other has a marble white blade with golden lines running through it. They are held together by a chain, making it so they cannot be separated from each other for more then 3 feet. Breaking this chain causes both blades to lose all magical properties and revert to two non-magical weapons.

This wondrous item is two magical swords, however they are only seen as magical when they are active, when they are not they seem nonmagical to a commoners eye, however if identify or a similar effect is cast upon it counts as a magic item.

While grasping the hilt, you can use a bonus action to cause both of the blades to spring into existence, or make the blades disappear.

The Dark Blade Deals 2d6 Necrotic damage and has the finesse, light, and thrown properties (range 20/60). In addition, when you use that blade to attack a target that is in bright light, you make the attack roll with advantage.

The Light Blade Deals 2d6 Radiant damage and has the finesse, light, and thrown properties (range 20/60). In addition, when you use that blade to attack a target that is in dim light or darkness, you make the attack roll with advantage.

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