Circle of Spiders (5e Subclass)

Circle of Spiders

Druid Subclass

"Drow Cleric" by iara-art
  • Note: Arthropods are essentially any exoskeletal Bug-Like Entity, this includes Spiders, Crabs, Centipedes, Butterflies, and much more. (Arachnids are specifically Spiders)

Dark Hunters and Masters of Poison these Druids seek to master all traits of Spider Kind, not just for their poisons but also for their potent traps and strategies.

Enter the Web

At Level 2 members of this Circle enter a dream state whereupon they cross into the Web of Dreams and are chosen by either the Chaos Goddess Lolth or the Order Goddess Shalmao as a Member of the Circle of Spiders, though knowledge of their innate benefactor may be unknown to the Circle Member until a later time, depending on the dream. Either way, the druid learns the spell speak with animals, which is always prepared and doesn't count againt the number of prepared spells you know, Web Walker, and either Husking Flesh or The Newborns Swarm as detailed below.

Web Walker

You gain the ability to ignore movement restrictions caused by webbing.

The Newborns Swarm

You gain the ability to morph into multiple spiders and other arthropods. When Wild Shaping you can morph into a swarm, which can consist of a number of spiders and arthropods equal to your druid level times 2 . The arthropods within the swarm cannot spread out more than 5 feet.

Husking Flesh

When Wild Shaping back from an arthropod form you leave behind a husk of what you once were, and choose what direction you exit the newly formed husk. This husk can be used in all manner of non-combat ways, or even be used as a simple obstacle in an opponent's way during combat. If such an object is Tiny, it cannot serve as a true obstacle but may still find use as a ward. For example, leaving a tarantula's husk in a doorway could be done so that if someone steps on it (and thus passing through the doorway), it will make a notable crunch.

Way of the Arachnid

Beginning at 3rd level, you can choose one of the following skills; stealth, deception, or perception. They also recieve the following spells, which are always prepared and don't count against the number of prepared spells you have; spider climb, and web You also experience your first time in the Dream Web (as explained in The Dream Web Section of this Subclass), and you gain access to two of the following options that you can choose;

Spirit Guide

You gain a spider as your companion, and you can use it as your druidic focus for your spells.

Spider Silk

One per day, you can spend one minute collecting one quarter pound of spider silk. You can only do this if you are in a forest or similar place where spiders can be found. Spider silk is very strong, you can talk with your DM on using your spider silk to make various items, such as clothes or nets or the like. One square inch of spider silk can hold at least 100 pounds. Spider silk could also be used a material components, and, if used wisely, could potentially choke humanoid victims.

Focal Tattoo

Your druidic focus either connects to your Body as a Tattoo or pulls forth from being a tattoo into a physical object. This is a 1-minute ritual. (The Focus works as normal in either form)

Focused Weaponry

Your Druidic Focus can become a webbed-together chitinous Weapon of any manner you wish that you are proficient with. (This is typically a Quarter Staff, Sling with three chitinous chunks, a Bolas, or a Net. The Focus works as a Focus in either form.)

Predatory Bond

Level 4: Spiders, Giant Spiders and other Arachnids will not attack you unless you strike first.

Venom's Passing

You learn the Spell Protection From Poison and can cast it when Wild Shaped into the form of an Arthropod.

Eater of Dreams

At Level 6 a Member of this Circle may perform a feat of Dream-Eating, based upon their benefactor, upon the Sleeping as detailed below, however can only perform this action up to three times per night. (If Shalmao was your benefactor receive the Devourer of Nightmares, if Lolth was your benefactor receive the Devourer of Hopes.)

Devourer of Nightmares

Over the course of 3 Hours, you consume the Horrors of the Night in a single target, revitalizing yourself as if having truly slept, and remove any negative mental effects from your target. As part of this action you can tell if the Sleeper is cursed, though do not learn any specifics about the curse/s upon them.

Devourer of Hopes

Over the course of 3 Hours, you consume the Wonders of the Night in a single target, revitalizing yourself as if having truly slept, and remove any positive mental effects from your target. As part of this action you can tell if the Sleeper is blessed, though do not learn any specifics about the bless/ings upon them.

Bond of the Arachnid

Level 10. If Shalmao was your Benefactor you receive Hidden Predators, if Lolth was your benefactor you receive the Predator Within

Hidden Predators

Predators often hide just out of sight. You can summon giant spiders equal to half your level rounded down to assist you. These spiders last until the druid wished otherwise or until they are slain. May only be performed once per long rest.

The Predator Within

You grow 4 extra clawed limbs out your back with twice your normal reach and gain multiattack with your new arms, allowing you to strike out with all of the arms ontop of your normal attack once per turn. Your new limbs count as a finesse weapon that you are proficient in, and deal 1d6 slashing damage and enemies must pass a D.C. 13 con save or be affected by the bleeding condition. They last until the druid wished otherwise or until chopped off. May only be performed once per long rest. While you have the legs, you may move as if you were under the effect of the Spider Climb spell.

Venomous Aura

Venomous Aura

Level 14 (passive): All arthropod creatures whilst in line of sight of you gain advantage on all of their roles (this includes things such as spider like humanoids).

The Spider's Chosen

At Level 16 a Member of this Circle is given the choice between eventually becoming an Archdruid at Level 20 or Learning the Monstrous Shaping Ability Now as detailed Below, and has become a Champion of their Benefactor.

Monstrous Shaping

A Member of the Circle of Spiders may choose to Wild-Shape into a Centaur-esque fusion of themselves and the Beast they transform into if it is of medium size or larger. This Centaur-esque form retains the maw and facial features of its bestial form where the upper body of the Druid connects with the bestial form below, usually at the base of the beast's neck and the druid's waist. They retain all the abilities of the Wild Shape Form as well as having access to all the upper body worn items and abilities of their normal form, including speech and spellcasting abilities. (While in this form the Druid counts as a Monstrosity for any benefits or negatives that may incur)

Champion of Shalmao

Whenever you Wild Shape you may choose to produce an Aura of Calm for up to 1 minute in a similar vein as the Calm Emotions Spell. As well you learn the Guiding Bolt, and Prayer of Healing Spells.

Champion of Lolth

Whenever you Wild Shape you may Choose to produce an Aura of Confusion up to 1 minute in a similar vein as the Confusion Spell. As well you learn the Hellish Rebuke, and Chaos Orb Spells.

The Dream Web

Every third level (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, etc...) that a Member of this Circle Advances in this Class they enter the Dream Web and learn under a Spider Spirit of their chosen Benefactor therein. They may learn under a single Spirit up to three times, advancing the abilities taught therein as listed below, or take on the lessons of a different Spirit, whichever they choose.

The Dreams are as follows.

Dream Web of Venom

Having been chosen by a Venomous Spider the Circle Member awakens with the knowledge of Poison craft and do an additional 1 poison damage with any poison-based attack or on any poison-based attack bonus.

Upon their second Lesson the Circle Member has become resistant to poison damage and successful attacks with piercing/slashing weapons made by them deal an additional 1d4 poison damage. (Due to their previous training this becomes 1d4+1 poison damage)

Upon their third Lesson the Circle Member learns a special version of the cantrip Poison Spray as a Spell-Like Ability that doesn't take up a Spell-Slot unless the Druid specifically wants to put it in a Spell-Slot. (useful if using as a Higher Level Spell) They may cast this Spell not just out of their hand, but also out of their mouth, allowing for them to utilize poisoned kisses or bites should the situation call for it.

Dream Web of Spitting

Having been chosen by a Spitting Spider the Circle Member awakens with a +1 to Hit bonus with ranged attacks (including ranged Spell Attacks) and an affinity for accurate spitting, a +5 on natural spitting checks. (Useful for making tavern bets, all sorts of tom-foolery, or delivering a key to someone while bound)

Upon their second lesson the Circle member learns the cantrip: Venomous Spit as a Spell-Like Ability that doesn't take up a Spell-Slot unless the Druid specifically wants to put it in a Spell-Slot. (useful if using as a level 1 or Higher Spell)

Upon their third lesson the Circle Member gains the Splashing Spit Spell but can augment it with an additional 1d4 elemental damage of their choosing.

Dream Web of Wraps

Having been chosen by a Webbing Spider the Circle Member awakens with a +1 in athletics and proficiency in the use of a net.

Upon their second lesson the Circle Member gains the Web Spell but can also setup the Web to be purposefully loosely placed so that it will fall from above upon any running too fast or making too much noise beneath the Web.

Upon their third lesson the Circle Member learns the Slow Spell but can substitute the required molasses for a banded snail's shell.

Dream Web of Hives

Having been chosen by a Spider Queen the Circle Member awakens with the ability to command spiders with less health then the Circle Member, they follow loyally unless controlled magically by a enemy or already have a commanding entity, loyal spiders also have +2 AC while under your command.

Upon there second lesson the Circle Member becomes a living hive, if the Circle Member doesn't move on there turn they spawn spider swarms in all adjacent empty spaces, these spider swarms have 1 health, have a movement speed of 30, a AC of 10 unmodified and deal 1 poison or piercing damage (of your choice), after death roll a 1d6, on a 6 the swarm reforms as if untouched, allies can move through or stand on swarms unabated but enemies that move into a swarm cant move further or leave the swarm this turn,

Upon there third lesson the Circle Member begins to visually resemble a hybrid of a hive and there original race (mainly in the form of small holes along the neck and limbs containing spiders), also gaining the bite attack with a damage of 1d4 piercing damage and 1d4 poison damage, they also continue to spawn spiders if reduced to 0 Health until they are dead, they also ceases to age.

Dream Web of Bolas

Having been chosen by a Bolas Spider the Circle Member awakens with a +1 bonus in disguise as well as proficiency in the use of a Bolas.

Dream Web of Tracking

Having been chosen by a Hunter Spider the Circle member awakens with proficiency on Wisdom (Survival) checks related to tracking.

Dream Web of Teamwork

Having been chosen by a Funnel-Web Spider the Circle Member awakens with advantage on flanking attacks.

Dream Web of Trapping

Having been chosen by a Trap-Door Spider the Circle Member awakens with knowledge of trap-making and proficiency on Hide checks.

Dream Web of Dancing

Having been chosen by a Dancing Spider the Circle Member awakens with proficiency on Performance checks.

Dream Web of Leaping

Having been chosen by a Leaping Spider the Circle Member awakens with advantage on any jump or leap-based check.

Dream Web of the Gardener

Having been chosen by a Gardener Spider the Circle Member awakens with knowledge of Herbalism.

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gollark: Like those conspiracy theory things? Interesting.
gollark: Well, not zzcxz's specifically, but I think I know what it uses.
gollark: This *is* on the intended features list.
gollark: Mostly.
gollark: The obvious solution is to run two emacs instances and forward commands to both.
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