Chrysanthemaster (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Good heavens, we must ensure death does not disturb the Royal Court.
—Malia Applewhite, elven Chrysanthemaster

Chrysanthemasters are chosen from among the high class and pedigreed elves who join the Church of Modroben. They serve the Church through attending to the needs of royals, merchant elites and others who demand strict formality and adherence to the rules of etiquette. To remind their well-heeled fellows of the base nature of death, Chrysanthemasters have a special affinity for rats.

Becoming a Chrysanthemaster

Chrysanthemasters are typically drawn from the high class elves in the Church regardless of their specific Claine class, but the Godclaine (clerics) are the most well-represented. Charisma is their most important Ability Score.

Entry Requirements
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Base Attack Bonus: +7.
Skills: Knowledge (Necrology) 11.
Feats: Weapon Focus (Sickle).
Patron: Modroben.
Special: Must bring your own special sickle (see Sicklecleave below)
Table: The Chrysanthemaster

Hit Die: d4

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spellcasting
1st+1+2+0+2 Class Spells, Court Skills, Crown-Slayer, Maintain Decorum, Rat Clan +1 of existing Godclaine spellcasting or first level as a Cleric
2nd+2+3+0+3 Griefsense, Nose of the Buzzard +1 of existing Godclaine spellcasting
3rd+3+3+1+3 Protect Marker, Rat Form, Tongues +1 of existing Godclaine spellcasting
4th+4+4+1+4 Lay on Hands +1 of existing Godclaine spellcasting
5th+5+4+1+4 Advanced Protect Marker +1 of existing Godclaine spellcasting
6th+6+5+2+5 +1 of existing Godclaine spellcasting
7th+7+5+2+5 Celestial Rat 1 +1 of existing Godclaine spellcasting
8th+8+6+2+6 +1 of existing Godclaine spellcasting
9th+9+6+3+6 Celestial Rat 2 +1 of existing Godclaine spellcasting
10th+10+7+3+7 Rat Swarm +1 of existing Godclaine spellcasting

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level)
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Knowledge (necrology) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis). Spellcraft (Wis).

Class Features

Like all members of the Church of Modroben, Chrysanthemasters are expected to be neutral in most affairs (excepting only the defense of death, time and fate). Their class features should not be used except in the manner of church business and in direct self-defense. It is very rare for Chrysanthemaster powers to be used against anyone other than undead creatures or necromancers. All of the following are class features of the Chrysanthemaster:

Spellcasting: At each level, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.

Spells: To cast a particular spell, you must have a Charisma score of at least 10 + the spell's level. Your bonus spells are based on your Charisma. Saves to avoid the effects of your spells have a DC of 10 + the spell's level + your Cha bonus (if any).

It is often difficult for Chrysanthemasters to remain neutral in the cutthroat world of court politics. In order to prevent unwise entanglements, Chrysanthemasters are forbidden from (though not incapable of) casting Know Murder or Know Murderer.

Class Spells: At first level, Chrysanthemasters can cast Ease Grief, Enable Funerary Rites and Create Marker at will.

Court Skills: Chrysanthemasters can add their Chrysanthemaster level as a class bonus to Diplomacy, Bluff, Sense Motive and Gather Information checks.

Crown-Slayer: Chrysanthemasters are intended to be neutral practitioners of the art of soulcleaving, and like all Soulclaine, are expected to be left alone to act unperturbed by anyone, including kings and their like. If any king (or equivalent) that a Chrysanthemaster serves betrays the Church and the Chrysanthemaster must defend it, he may add his Character Level (not Class Level) to all hit and damage rolls directed at the king or his champion or representative. This bonus does not apply to anyone in the king's guard or army, merely the king himself or his intended surrogate.

Maintain Decorum: Chrysanthemsaters receive a +1 per level bonus to any Will saves in order to maintain decorum, such as due to the effects of psychism (the mental illness that affects all Claine) or any other effect that would cause the Chrysanthemaster to break the rules of etiquette in any environment.

Rat Clan: Chrysanthemasters gain one rat companion per level. They are intelligent for their kind and can be trained to do tricks, but are not useful in combat. At first lvel, Chrysanthemasters can speak with any rat.

Tongue of the Vulture: Chrysanthemasters can cast Tongues one time per day per level.

Nose of the Buzzard: At second level, Chrysanthemasters can cast Nose of the Buzzard one time per day and also gains a bonus spell effect from it, the ability to detect any non-magical poison (in a non-sealed container or on food) within 100'.

Griefsense: At second level, Chrysanthemasters gain automatic griefsense, which allows them to know, by touch alone, every individual's history with death-related grief - every time that individual has grieved the death of a living thing, why he grieved and for how long and in what way, and how that living thing both died and was cleaved (if it was).

Protect Marker: At third level, Chrysanthemasters can cast Protect Marker three times per day.

Rat Form: At third level, Chrysanthemasters can turn into a normal rat for one hour per day per Chrysanthemaster level. They can also speak telepathically with their own Rat Clan.

Lay on Hands: At fourth level, Chrysanthemasters can heal by touch, up to their (Godclaine/Chrysanthemaster level+Wisdom modifier) times 2 hit points per day.

Advanced Protect Marker: At fifth level, Chrysanthemasters can cast Advanced Potect Marker one time per day.

Celestial Rat: At seventh level, Chrysanthemasters can shapechange into a Celestial Rat for ten rounds once per week.

At ninth level, Chrysanthemasters can shapechange into a Celestial Rat for one hour per day.

Rat Swarm: At tenth level, Chrysanthemasters can spend three rounds preparing and then summon every rat in a given kingdom (or equivalent) to fight for the Church. This applies only to normal rats but it gives them an AC of 20, 25 hit points and a +5 magical bonus to hit and damage, also making them Impact Cleave attacks.


Playing a Chrysanthemaster




Chrysanthemasters in the World

NPC Reactions:

Chrysanthemaster Lore

Characters with ranks in can research to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.


Chrysanthemasters in the Game


Sample Encounter:

EL whatever:

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gollark: I mean, it's not too bad if your *cable* wears out, but it *is* if the device's does.
gollark: (somehow I wrote microUSB there, oops)
gollark: I'm comparing it to USB-A for point 4.
gollark: <@!111608748027445248> - Too many different things over identical looking physical connectors: a "USB-C" port might support power-delivery *input*, power-delivery *output*, Thunderbolt, two different incompatible kinds of video output, and various speeds from USB 2.0 to USB 3.2 Gen2x2 (whyyy).- The ports on devices can end up wearing out problematically, though I don't know if this is better or worse than on competitors like Lightning or µUSB.- A lot of peripherals still don't support it, though this is hardly *its* fault.- I think the smaller connector means you can't put as much weight on it safely, for bigger USB stick-y devices, though I am not sure about this.
gollark: Eh. Sort of. It has its own problems.
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