Claine (3.5e Class)

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The Church of Modroben is universal in the world of Theonosis, and the Church's basic priests, known as Soulclaine, are ubiquitous. Soulclaine go up in level without talent, special abilities, spells or powers, beyond the act of soulcleaving. Promising Soulclaine (i.e. those with appropriate Ability Scores) are encouraged to join one of the more advanced orders.

All members of the Church of Modroben are Soulclaine for their first three levels. In that time, they are assigned to one or more small wards, where they cleave the dead of the local populace. For their fourth level (or any level after that), Soulclaine may take levels in other Claine classes. There are Claine Prestige Classes as well, which typically require at least level 7.

Making a Claine

As all Claine began as ordinary Soulclaine, they always begin play with the following traits:

Soulcleaving: At first level, all Soulclaine cleave their first soul and gain the Soulcleaving feat. This also entitles them to the title Mortiss.

Social Role and Immunity: At first level, all Soulclaine gain the Social Role entitled to their kind. They are provided with a basic living by ordinary people and are effectively immune to most forms of banditry, thievery, punishment and extortion.

Psychism: As they cleave more and more people, Soulclaine gain in negative emotions, which they must deal with through coping techniques. Inevitably, their mental health suffers, leading to often disabling effects called Psychism.

Tithing: Claine are not allowed to seek gold or riches. At least 90% of their wealth, should they acquire any, must be given to the Church. They are expected to survive off the charitable givings of others, and through subsistence-level farming and hunting.

After three levels as Soulclaine, those who qualify may join one of the other Claine classes.

Abilities: Claine must have at least a 15 in their two important ability scores(for exp: songclaine class the player needs at least a 15 in Cha and Dex).

XP points: The XP point that player needed to advance in these classes increase in 25%.

Alignment: Like the regular base classes but in addition the character must be non-evil. Most the Claines are True Neutral or Neutral Good

Class Features

Each of the Claine Classes corresponds to a Base Character Class, with which they share all powers, modifiers and abilities, with the exception of those outlined in these sections, which are extra undead-targeting powers. The Claine Classes each have bonus abilities and powers that apply to cleaving and undead-slaying.

Cloudclaine (Air elementrician)

Cloudclaine may advance in the Air Rellgah Tradition of elementrics. At higher levels, Rellgah-practictitioners can cleave scores of undead through elementrics. They also receive a +1 magical bonus against undead every other level.

Dustclaine (Earth elementrician)

Dustclaine may advance in the Earth Rellgah Tradition of elementrics. At higher levels, Rellgah-practictitioners can cleave scores of undead through elementrics. They also receive a +1 magical bonus against undead every other level.

Emberclaine (Fire elementrician)

Emberclaine may advance in the Fire Rellgah Tradition of elementrics. At higher levels, Rellgah-practictitioners can cleave scores of undead through elementrics. They also receive a +1 magical bonus against undead every other level.

Godclaine (Cleric/Cloistered Cleric)

Godclaine must take the Claine Domain at first level.

Lay on Hands (Su): Godclaine can lay on hands to cure a number of hit points equal to (Claine level+Wis modifier)x2 one time per day. They can use these healing points on themselves or others, and can divide it up amongst as many uses as necessary.

Reverse-Lay on Hands (Su): Godclaine can also reverse-lay on hands to affect both evil necromancers and undead, doing d6+Wis modifier in damage with a +1 to hit per level. This is a touch attack.

Hide From Undead (Sp): Godclaine can cast Hide From Undead one time per day per level.

Cleave (Sp): Starting at third level, Godclaine can cast Cleave Soul once per day per level.

Blast Cleave (Sp): Starting at fifth level, Godclaine can cast Blast Cleave once per day.

Greater Blast Cleave (Sp): Starting at ninth level, Godclaine can cast Greater Blast Cleave once per day.

Greenclaine (Druid)

Druidic Shapechange (Su): Can shapechange at third level, but only into the following species: vulture/buzzard/condor, maggot/fly, beetle, earthworm, lobster, crab, snail and loach. If the Greenclaine comes into contact with a species or community of a different species that is a scavenger and makes a successful Concentration Check (DC 16) and twelve hours studying them, he may thereafter shapechange into that species forever. It may be easy to find such animals for frequent scavengers like raccoons and lions, and may be necessary to find unusual or magical creatures in order to shapechange into horse, eagles and similar animals.

Scavenger-Sense (Sp): At seventh level, can cast either Nose of the Buzzard, Eyes of the Vulture or Ears of the Condor one time a day.

Scavenger-Sense (Sp): At twelfth level, can cast either Nose of the Buzzard, Eyes of the Vulture or Ears of the Condor three times a day.

Scavenger-Sense (Sp): At fifteenth level, can cast either Nose of the Buzzard, Eyes of the Vulture or Ears of the Condor five times a day.

Holyclaine (Paladin/Paladin of Freedom)

Paladin Mount (Su): Most typical mount: vulture/buzzard, giant beetle, lobster, crab, snail or loach

Cleave (Sp): At third level, the Holyclaine can cast Cleave three times a day, and then an additional one time per day per level after that.

Blast Cleave (Sp): At seventh level, the Holyclaine can cast Blast Cleave three times a day, and then an additional time once every other level after that.

Greater Blast Cleave (Sp): At eleventh level, the Holyclaine can cast Greater Blast Cleave three times a day, and then an additional time once every other level after that.

Mageclaine (Wizard)

Cleave Spell (Sp): Mageclaine can receive spells, which can be inscribed in one’s spellbook, when cleaving a spellcasting soul. The Mageclaine can choose whether to receive spells or knowledge.

Cleave (Sp): Mageclaine can cast Cleave Soul at will.

Necromancer Bonus (Su): Mageclaine can cast one extra necromancy spell per level per day. That spell is cast at a +4 anytime it is cast. They may not raise or control undead.

Undead Impact (Su): Mageclaine can reroll any 1 on a damage die for spells targeted at undead.

Protection From Necromancy (Su): Mageclaine receive a +1 per level bonus to saves against necromancy spells.

Spells: Mageclaine use Mageclaine/Spellclaine Spell List instead of Sor/Wiz Spell List (See Mageclaine Spell List)

Mindclaine (Psion/Wilder/Psychic Warrior/Soulknife)

Defensive Mind (Ps): Mindclaine are immune to the mind-altering effects, such as fear, of undead creatures.

Cleave (Ps): Mindclaine gain one free use of the Cleave Soul power once per day per level.

Greater Cleave (Ps): Mindclaine gain one free use of the Greater Cleave Soul power every third level (starting at level three).

Cleaving Sight (Ps): At ninth level, Mindclaine can activate Cleaving Sight once per day for three levels. He may extend it longer by paying the ordinary maintenance cost (15/round).

Northclaine (Monk)

Fist Cleave (Su): The bare hands of a Northclaine automatically cleave on kill.

Cleave Attack (Su): At third level, Northclaine bare hands are cleave attacks, meaning that they auto-kill any mindless undead and sentient creatures get a save.

Impact Cleave (Su): At seventh level, Northclaine skin is an impact cleave, so any creature that touches them is instantly cleaved.

Attack Bonus (Su): Northclaine gain a +1 magical bonus versus undead to their unarmed attacks every level.

Songclaine (Bard/Divine Bard)

Song Cleave (Su): Songclaine can cleave one creature per round through sound, such as by singing or playing an instrument. The deceased must be in a position to be able to hear if he were alive. This is a Cleave Attack with the Songclaine’s performance check substituting for an attack roll. Each level, the Songclaine can affect (ie. simultaneously attack) another undead within earshot. This power also works on non-undead corpses.

Tune Cleave (Su): Starting at third level, Song Cleaving attacks count as a +1 magical weapon against undead. This effect goes up by +1 every level.

Shadowclaine (Rogue)

Backstab Cleave (Su): At first level, all backstabs against people or undead Cleave on Kill.

Cleave Attack (Su): At third level, all backstabs are Cleave Attacks, meaning that mindless undead like zombies are automatically killed, while sentient creatures receive a save.

Impact Cleave (Su): At seventh level, all backstabs Cleave on Impact, meaning they ignore armor and will kill mindless undead even if the attack does not do any damage. Mindful undead still get a save, per ordinary soulcleaving rules.

Backstab Bonus (Su): Backstabs count as a +1 magical weapon per level against undead.

Spellclaine (Sorcerer/Battle Sorcerer)

Spellcleave (Su): At first level, all Spellclaine magic is a Cleave on Kill effect. At fifth level, they are Cleave Attacks, so zombies and other mindless undead are destroyed regardless of damage, and conscious undead must make a save every time.

Undead-Slaying Spells (Su): Spells cast by Spellclaine and targeting undead gain a +4 to any applicable DC checks.

Create Cleaving Weapon (Sp): Starting at third level and every three levels thereafter, Spellclaine can create a magical weapon that cleaves on impact with a bonus equal to the number of weapons thusly made, e.g +1 at 3rd level, +2 at 6th, +3 at 9th.

Spells: Spellclaine use Mageclaine/Spellclaine Spell List instead of Sor/Wiz Spell List (See Mageclaine Spell List)

Spiritclaine (Spirit Shaman)

Store Deathblow (Su): When Spiritclaine cleave a body or undead, he can store the killing blow (ie. the amount and type of damage from the blow that killed the undead he has cleaved). This requires a Concentration check (DC 20). The killing blow can be “banked” and dispensed with an attack roll, doing the damage and type of the original attack. This attack is ranged, even if the opponent is in melee range, and it appears as a phantom spirit attack. They can only store 3 attacks +1 per level. These attacks can always affect ghosts and other incorporeal undead.

Knowledge of the Dead (Su): Beginning at fifth level, shamans can cast Knowledge of the Dead once per day.

Know Murderer (Su): At seventh level, Spiritclaine can cast Know Murderer one time per month.

Impact Item (Su): At twelfth level, any item created using the Shaman's Bind Spirit power also gains Impact Cleave as a free bonus.

Undeath to Death (Su): At fifteenth level, Spiritclaine can cast Undeath to Death one time per day.

Sunclaine (Barbarian/Totem Barbarian/Druidic Avenger)

Cleave Sustenance (Su): Sunclaine can derive enough physical and mental sustenance to last one week from cleaving one person.

Avatar Attack (Su): At first level, must undertake a Spirit Quest devoted to their Avatar, gaining the ability to transform a body part as though soulcleaving but use it for combat. For example, a Sunclaine devoted to Vulturis can use his vulture head in combat. This counts as an Unarmed Attack, which can be specialized in, and which receives a magical +1 every level; it is a Cleave on Kill effect at first level.

Cleave Attack (Su): At third level, the Avatar attack is a Cleave Attack.

Cleaving Visage (Su): At ninth level, once per day the Sunclaine spend one hour covering himself with pigments and other decorations, resulting in a visage that is targeted at undead creatures. Any such creature that looks at the Sunclaine is affected as though by a Cleave Attack. This last one turn per level or until it rains or is otherwise washed off.

Swordclaine (Fighter/Street Fighter)
Note: Though most typically called "Swordclaine", those who specialize in other weapons sometimes use more appropriate terms, e.g. "Axeclaine" or "Bowclaine".

Weapon Specialization (Su): Gains the weapon specialization feat automatically in a weapon. Thereafter, the Swordclaine’s attacks with that weapon are Cleave Attacks.

Cleave on Impact (Su): At fifth level, the Swordclaine’s attacks with his chosen weapon Cleave on Impact, meaning that armor is ignored.

Undead-Slayer Weapon (Su): The Swordclaine gains a magical bonus +1 per level with his chosen specialized weapon against undead only.

Tideclaine (Water elementrician)

Tideclaine may advance in the Water Rellgah Tradition of elementrics. At higher levels, Rellgah-practictitioners can cleave scores of undead through elementrics. They also receive a +1 magical bonus against undead every other level.

Wildclaine (Ranger/Urban Ranger)

Undead Tattoo (Su): Once a Wildclaine kills 100 members of a particular species of undead, he gains a magical tattoo depicting such a creature, giving him a frightening mien. The tattoo gives him a +4 to that species of undead. He starts off at first level with such a tattoo already, against any undead species, which is his species enemy. He continues to gain a +1 magical bonus per level against his original species enemy.


Claine who simply leave the Church are accepted, though it is almost never done. Those who break their oaths and repent are usually allowed to resume their place in the Church after until he atones (see the atonement spell description) from Godclaine or Greenclaine only . Tampering with undead, however, is highly forbidden and can lead to exile, execution or other punishments.

Mageclaine/Spellclaine Spell List

Cantrips: Amanuensis, Arcane Mark, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Flare, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance, Virtue

1st level: Alarm, Cure Light Wounds, Endure Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Identify, Magic Weapon, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Remove Fear, Resurgence (SpC), Shield, Sleep

2nd level: Bear’s Endurance, Bull’s Strength, Blast of Force (SpC), Calm Emotions, Cat's Grace, Cure Moderate Wounds, Delay Poison, Eagle's Splendour, Fox’s Cunning, Hold Person, Levitate, Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, See Invisibility

3rd level: Arcane Sight, Chain Missile (SpC), Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Cure Serious Wounds, Daylight, Dispel Magic, Fly, Greater Mage Armor, Protection from Energy, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Tongues

4th level: Break Enchantment, Cure Critical Wounds, Death Ward, Dimensional Anchor, Dimension Door, Dismissal, Freedom of Movement, Forcewave (SpC), Orb of Force (SpC), Restoration (prune to 10) out: Scrying, Backlash (SpC), Discern Lies, Minor Creation, Arcane Eye, Detect Scrying, Locate Creature, Ray Deflection, Greater Resistance, Assay Spell Resistance, Greater Floating Disc, Thunderlance, Entangling Staff, Spell Enhancer, Force Missiles (SpC), Spell Immunity, Divination

5th level: Break Enchantment, Lucent Lance (SpC), Sending, Spell Resistance, Telekinesis, Teleport, True Seeing, Vulnerability (SpC), Wall of Force (prune to 9. Done) out: Mass Cure Light Wounds, Overland Flight, Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum, Greater Vigor, Blistering Radiance, Life’s Grace, Subvert Planar Essence, Zone of Respite, Zone of Revelation, Permanency, Greater Command,

6th level: Analyze Dweomer, Antimagic Field, Banishment, Bolt of Glory (SpC), Contingency, Greater Dispel Magic, Heal, Repulsion

7th level: Antimagic Ray, Energy Immunity, Forcecage, Greater Arcane Sight, Greater Teleport, Power Word, Blind, Spell Turning

8th level: Dimensional Lock, Mind Blank, Moment of Prescience, Protection from Spells, Power Word Stun, Temporal Stasis

9th level: Absorption (SpC), Freedom, Mordenkainen’s Disjunction, Power Word, Kill, Teleportation Circle

Playing a Claine

Church Role: The Claine are the upper echelons of the Church of Modroben, and are typically treated as dignitaries by ordinary Soulclaine. Unlike rank-and-file Soulclaine, they are not assigned to serve the cleaving needs of a locale. They are instead assigned to specific missions.

Other Classes: Claine are treated with respect and awe by most people, including other classes. They are not common, especially at higher levels, and they can be assumed to have risked their lives in multiple campaigns against undead monsters, so their respect is well-earned.

Combat: As their respective standard base class.

Advancement: Claine may take any other Claine Basic or Prestige Class they wish. Non-Claine Classes are also typically acceptable, provided they are congruous with the alignment and role of the Church of Modroben, and do not require that the Claine join any kind of an organization, league, club or guild.

Prestige Classes

See Church of Modroben Prestige Classes (Theonisis Setting)

Pages related to Modroben, a god of the Theonosis setting (external)
Priests first enter the church as Soulclaine for at least three levels. Aside from the ability to soulcleave, beginning Soulclaine do not receive any special abilities, skills or spells.
At 4th level, qualified Soulclaine may join one of the Claine Basic Classes, each of which is identical to a basic class except for a few extra bonus powers against undead.
Cloudclaine (Air elementrician), Dustclaine (Earth elementrician), Emberclaine (Fire elementrics), Godclaine (Cleric), Greenclaine (Druid), Holyclaine (Paladin), Mageclaine (Wizard), Mindclaine (Psion, Wilder, Psychic Warrior), Northclaine (Monk), Songclaine (Bard), Shadowclaine (Rogue), Spellclaine (Sorcerer), Spiritclaine (Shaman), Sunclaine (Barbarian), Swordclaine (Fighter), Tideclaine (Water elementrician), Wildclaine (Ranger)
How does soulcleaving work? - Soulclaine Spells - Mindclaine Powers - Soulcleaving Feats - Claine Domain
At 7th level, qualified Claine may join one of the Claine Prestige Classes

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