Chivalrous Weapon (5e Equipment)

Weapon(sword or lance), legendary (requires attunement)

A legendary sword or lance that rewards the wielder's chivalry. Wielding this weapon grants you +2 to attack and +1 to damage rolls.

Chivalry Points. While wielding this weapon, you can gain chivalry points, up to half your character level + your Charisma modifier. You gain chivalry points by performing noble, selfless actions, such as saving an innocent's life. Whether an action counts as chivalrous is up to your DM. When you receive this weapon, you have 1 chivalry point.

Some actions will always yield chivalry points:

  • Landing the killing blow on an evil being yields 1 chivalry point
  • Keeping watch during a long rest yields 1 chivalry point
  • Making a heroic sacrifice gives you chivalry points up to half your maximum number

Certain cowardly or cruel actions may cause you to lose chivalry points:

  • Attacking a helpless or fleeing target
  • Allying with an evil deity

Whether an action warrants you losing chivalry points is up to your DM.

Chivalry points may be used to perform certain actions, as listed in the chivalrous actions table. Unless otherwise stated, you cannot use more than one action during your turn.

Chivalrous Actions
Chivalrous ActionCostActionEffect
Chosen Knight3 chivalry pointsBonus actionIf this weapon is knocked away or otherwise out of your grip, you may use a bonus action to call it back to your hand. The weapon travels in a straight line back to you, up to 30 ft. If someone is between the weapon and your hand, they must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, or take 1d8 piercing damage. If the weapon hits someone, it falls to the ground at the individual's feet. If someone is holding this weapon when you use this action, they must make a Strength saving throw, DC equal to 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus, or it is pulled from their grip. You must touch the weapon before you can use this action again.
Dashing Charm1 chivalry pointActionMake an attack. All individuals within a 15 ft. radius who can see you must make a Charisma saving throw, DC equal to 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, the targets have disadvantage on their next saving throw or -1 AC to the next attack against them. Enemies who failed the save may be impressed by you. Allies and neutral parties may see you as attractive or heroic.
Defence of the Valorous1+ chivalry pointsReactionChoose this action immediately before an attack is made against you. You may add the number of chivalry points you spend to your AC for that attack.
Defensive Switcheroo1 chivalry pointReactionImmediately before an attack is made against an ally, where either the attacker or the ally is adjacent to you, you may attempt to switch places with whichever is adjacent to you. If the individual you attempt to switch places with is unwilling to move, make a Strength check, contested by their Strength. If you succeed, the attack is made against you instead, with advantage.
Drive Back1 chivalry pointActionChoose this action while attempting to shove a target, before the DM reveals whether you succeeded. You have advantage on your Strength check, and you may shove the target an additional 5 ft.
Efficient Jab2 chivalry pointsActionYou may attack two targets within a 5 ft. line with one attack, attacking the further target through the closer one. Make an attack using this weapon. If it hits the closer target, the further one has +5 AC for this attack. If this attack misses the closer target, the further target -1 AC for this attack. The Chivalrous Weapon must be a lance for this attack. If the targets are between you and a wall, you may spend 3 chivalry point to use the Pinned action on both of them.
Fortune of the Valorous1+ chivalry pointsN/AChoose this action immediately before or after making an attack roll. You may add the number of chivalry points you spend to that attack roll.
Pinned2 chivalry pointsActionMake an attack using this weapon. If the target is between you and a solid surface (such as a wall), and the attack hits, you may make a DC 15 Strength check to pin the target to the surface. If you choose to pin the target by their clothing, they take no damage from the attack, but you have advantage on the Strength check. While pinned, the target cannot move, has -2 AC, and has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws. The target may escape being pinned if they succeed a DC 20 Strength check, or a DC 15 Strength check if they are pinned by their clothing. You cannot use this weapon while it's in the wall, except to use the Chosen Knight chivalrous action, which costs 1 additional chivalry point.
Rousing Charge1 chivalry pointAction, movementIf nobody has landed an attack yet during an encounter, you may use this action. Move at least 10 ft. and make a melée attack. If the attack hits, all of your allies gain advantage on their next attack.
Second Wind3 chivalry pointsBonus actionYou may use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your Charisma bonus. You may only use this once per encounter. If you already have a Second Wind feature, this does not count as a use of it.
Skyward Thrust1 chivalry pointBonus actiondex)) modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, the targets have disadvantage on their next attack roll or saving throw. On a success, the target shields their eyes in time and are unaffected. Beings with the Sunlight Sensitivity feature are blinded until the end of their next turn. You can only use this action in bright light, such as in direct sunlight, and the Chivalrous Weapon must be a sword.
Strength of the Valorous1+ chivalry pointsN/AChoose this action immediately before or after making a damage roll. You may add the number of chivalry points you spend to that damage roll.
Strike the Earth1+ chivalry pointsActionYou drive your sword into the ground, causing a small earthquake. Everyone on or under the ground within a 10 ft. radius must make a Strength saving throw, DC equal to 8 + Charisma modifier + proficiency bonus, or be knocked prone. You may add 5 ft. to the radius for every additional chivalry point you spend.
Solidity of the Valorous1+ chivalry pointsReactionChoose this action immediately before you roll a Strength saving throw to avoid being shoved or knocked prone. You may add the number of chivalry points you spend to your Strength check.
Valiant Quickstep1 chivalry pointMovement, actionImmediately after you reduce a target to 0 hit points, you may move up to 5 ft. (if you can still move) and make a melée attack against another target with this weapon. If you reduce your new target to 0 hit points, you may use this action again. You may use this action up to 5 times in one turn.
Valiant SmiteMaximum number of chivalry pointsAction, bonus actionImmediately before an attack, choose this action. If the attack is a critical hit, and the target fails a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your Charisma modifier + double your proficiency bonus), then the target is instantly killed. If it succeeds the saving throw, it has advantage on attacks against you, and you have disadvantage on attacks against it for 1 round.

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