Chaotic Rocket (5e Spell)

A missile trailing a ribbon of multicolored light is lobbed from the caster, producing random sounds (a whistle, ducks quacking, a long burp, etc) as it streaks for its target. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 damage of a random type (see table below). If the target is concentrating on a spell or spell-like effect, they must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell DC to continue casting/concentrating.

Chaotic Rocket
Evocation cantrip
Casting time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V,S
Duration: Instantaneous

The projectile then hops. Make another ranged spell attack against a creature within 30 feet of the target. This attack originates from the original target, and the new target is chosen randomly from among all creatures in range including yourself. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 damage of a random type.

Damage Type
d10Damage Type

This spell's projectile makes one additional hop and increased damage when you reach 5th level; two hops (2d6) at 11th level and three hops (3d6) at 17th level.

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