Cataclysm (5e Spell)

You summon a small amount of pure destruction into your hand. A small amount of black energy coats the underside of your hand that stays until you discharge the spell. As part of the action used to cast this spell or at another time while the charge is active in your hand, you can discharge the spell in one of the following ways:

  • You disintegrate a nonmagical item you are holding in your hand.
  • You make a melee spell attack against a creature, dealing 1d10 necrotic damage on a hit. You have advantage on the attack roll if the target is not wearing any armor. If the damage dealt lowers the creature to their negative hit point maximum, it and everything it is carrying is disintegrated.
  • You cause a nonmagical object no larger than 1 foot in any dimension to rust, peel, snap, break, or otherwise
1st-level Evocation
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous

This spell's damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10).

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