Brimir's Bite (3.5e Spell)

With an inhuman roar, your face extends and expands, and your hands enlarge into clawed paws. Powerful muscle builds under your skin, and ou become part bear.

You gain a +16 enhancement bonus to Strength, a +8 enhancement bonus to Constitution, and a +7 enhancement bonus to natural armor. Your hands become claws, granting you two claw attacks, and your mouth becomes that of a bear, giving you a bite attack. You can attack with both claws at your full attack bonus, but your bit attack takes a -2 penalty (as if you had the Multiattack feat). Each claw deals 1d8 points of damage (1d6 if you are small) + your Str modifier, and your bit deals 2d8 points of damage (2d6 if you are small_ + 1/2 your Str modifier. You gain the benefits of the Blind-Fight and Power Attack feats, as well. If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you do not gain any additional attacks.
Brimir's Bite
Level: Druid 6, Sorcerer/wizard 7
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No

Material Component: A tuft of bear fur.

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