Beast Master (5e Class)

Beast Master

An elfish man garbed in a red cloak runs from the horde of gnoll bandits hot on his trail. The gnolls believe that they have found an easy mark of a helpless noble. But, it is the gnolls who will soon find themselves helpless. Bursting through the brush the gnolls find themselves in a clearing, facing the elfish man and a pack of snarling dire wolves. The elfish man has one of his hands on the pack leader's head, and with his other hand he points to the gnolls. The monstrous wolves rush forth, devouring the gnolls.

One by one, the members of a hobgoblin encampment are pulled underground, never to return. At first, it is beneath notice. But, as time goes on, panic starts to take its hold on the hobs. The leader takes it upon himself to run away, as the last of his comrades is swallowed up by the earth. Before the first step is taken, he too is yanked beneath the ground, with only his one hand clutching his golden staff appearing. A dwarven man appears from his hiding spot nearby, and collects the golden staff. His bulette companion scuffles to the surface, and is praised for its diligent work.

None dare to approach the dragonborn woman, who casually walks the streets of a city pressed under the thumb of its resident duke. The city guard, normally wary of all outsiders, only watches in terror as the dragonborn saunters onward. She reaches the gates of the duke's mansion, and simply and softly requests entry. The guards do little more than tremble in terror, before ushering the dragonborn and her pet tyrannosaurus past the gate.

Beast Masters are individuals who specializes in friendships and partnerships with beasts and other monsters, even more so than druids and rangers. They are able to bond and command them to their whims with ease.

Monstrous Friends

Beast Masters typically start their career inadvertently with their love for animals, such as dogs and cats or even wolves and lions in the wilderness. They can form close friendships with beasts closer than anyone else can, and they can persuade beasts to help them on their adventures. With patience, time, and skill, a beast master could potentially raise an army of monsters that can strike fear in the hearts of even the most terrifying dragons. But such beast masters are rare, and often legendary.

While people can understand the fact that beast masters become friends with beasts such as monkeys, wolves, and even ants, many are terrified by the idea that beast masters also train with bears, elephants, and even prehistoric beasts like mammoths and saurians. This ability allows beast masters to be a force to reckon with.

Constant Danger

While beast masters are able to gain trust from terrifying monsters, it is still a massive danger to be in the company of such creatures, for they often can tick off and kill a beast master in a single whack. Because of this, beast masters have to be cautious every time they spend time with such creatures, but despite all the precautions a beast master may make to safeguard themselves, on average, more than a third of beast masters dealing with monsters fail to make it through the ordeal.

So why do they risk it? Because it can be extremely rewarding to gain such a powerful ally, and some also do it for the thrill of the danger and/or the challenge. Beast masters often have the most injurious lives, more than half of the veterans missing at least a couple appendages, if not limbs.

Creating a Beast Master

How did your character become so in tune with their beast companion? Did they find it and nurse it back to health? Were they a professional handler or trainer of beasts for a circus? Were they simply living alone with only the company of their beast companion in the wilderness? Were they lost in the wilderness as a child, and found a new family with a pack of wolves? Whatever the case, they must have a strong connection to beasts.

Why did they choose to start adventuring? Are they searching for a rare species to preserve? Or are they trying to rehabilitate and reintroduce their beast companion to the wild?

Quick Build

You can make a Beast Master quickly by following these suggestions. First, Wisdom should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity and Strength. Second, choose the Outlander background.

Class Features

As a Beast Master you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Beast Master level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Beast Master level after 1st


Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Martial weapons, simple weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Charisma, Wisdom
Skills: Choose 3 from Athletics, Acrobatics, Intimidation, Persuasion, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Stealth, or Survival.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • A whip
  • (a) A longbow with a quiver and 20 arrows or (b) a hand crossbow with a quiver and 20 bolts or (c) Two Martial Weapons
  • (a) A dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
  • A net
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4 x 10 in funds.

Table: The Beast Master

FeaturesBeast Taming CR
1st+2Beast Expert, Beast Taming, Beast Companionship1/8
2nd+2Call of the Wild1/4
3rd+2Beast Master Training1/2
4th+2Ability Score Improvement, Companion sense1
5th+3Tools of the Trade1
6th+3Ambush Attack2
7th+3Beast Master Training Feature3
8th+3Ability Score Improvement4
9th+4Strong Arm4
10th+4Wild Shout5
11th+4Beast Master Training Feature6
12th+4Ability Score Improvement7
13th+5Master's Tools7
14th+5Growing Herd8
15th+5Beast Master Training Feature9
16th+5Ability Score Improvement10
17th+6Calming Presence10
18th+6Be the Beast11
19th+6Ability Score Improvement, Beast Master Training Feature12
20th+6Master's Bond13

Beast Expert

Beginning at 1st level, you are already adept in handling beasts. You gain proficiency in the skill, Animal Handling, and you double your proficiency bonus for all checks made with this skill.

Beast Taming

Beginning at 1st level, you can expertly tame fierce beasts. As an action, you may attempt to tame a beast with any Challenge rate, as described below. The max CR of beasts you are able to tame increases as you level up, as indicated by the Beast CR column on the Beast Master feature chart. You may not tame any beast with an evil alignment.

When you attempt to tame a beast, make a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check against a DC equal to 10 + the creatures CR rating (Minimum plus 1). On a success, you are able to spend 1 hour of work (counts as downtime) to fully tame the beast to be your new animal companion. At the end of 2 hours, the animal companion is tamed and obeys your commands to the best of its ability. Any action you command your creature to do during combat is used as a bonus action.

You are able to tame as many creatures as your Wisdom Modifier.

Beast Companionship

Beginning at the 1st level, your animal companion is greatly affected by the bond you share. It rolls for initiative, like any other creature, but you determine its actions, decisions, etc. If you are incapacitated or absent, your companion acts on its own.

Your animal companion has abilities and game statistics determined in part by your level. Make the following changes to your animal companion's statistics.

  • Your companion uses your proficiency bonus, rather than its own
  • In addition to the areas where it normally uses its proficiency bonus, an animal companion also adds its proficiency bonus to its AC and to its damage rolls
  • It gains proficiency in any two skills of your choice
  • It gains proficiency in Strength and Dexterity saving throws

For every level you gain after attaining an animal companion, your animal companion gains an additional hit die and increases its HP accordingly. Whenever you gain the Ability Score Improvement class feature, your companion's abilities also improve. Your companion can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or it can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, your companion can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature, unless its description specifies otherwise.

Call of the Wild

Beginning at the 2nd level, you are already in tune with the natural world by opening your senses. As an action, you are able to sense the presence of any creature you can tame within 30 feet of yourself.

Beast Master Training

Beginning at the 3rd level, you start to expand your repertoire of beastly expertise. You may choose to train to be a Monster Hunter or a Wild Walker. When you make your choice, you gain features at the 3rd level, and again at the 7th, 11th and 15th levels.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Companion sense

At 4th level, you can now as an action close your eyes and as long as you are concentrating can see from the eyes of your companions. At 8th level in addition to sight you can now hear. At 12th level in addition to sight and hearing you can now smell. At 16th level in addition to sight, smell, and hearing you can now taste.

Tools of the Trade

Beginning at the 5th level, you learn to make better use of the tools for taming beasts. When you use the attack action, and have a whip equipped, you are able to deal damage equal to the weapon's natural attack damage + your strength modifier + dexterity modifier.

When using a net, any net you throw now must be dealt 10 slashing damage (AC 10) to free a creature trapped within and destroy the net. Additionally, you may now throw a net for a range of 15/25.

Your Whip now deals 1d6 instead of 1d4. This increases again at levels 9,13, and 17.

Ambush Attack

Beginning at the 6th level, you start to emulate the mannerisms of a beast. When you and your beast companion are not noticed by other creatures, you have advantage on initiative during a surprise attack.

Additionally, you may command your companion to execute a stealth attack. The damage of this stealth attack is equal to the beast's natural damage + your beast master level.

Strong Arm

Beginning at the 9th level, you learn how to handle even the unruliest creatures. You now have advantage on all grappling checks.

Your whip now deals 1d8 instead of 1d6 for damage rolls

Wild Sense

Beginning at the 10th level, you learn to better tune yourself to the world around you. As an action, you are able to open your awareness to the presence of beasts, as well as any hostile creatures within 30 feet of yourself that are not concealed by magic. If there is a hostile creature within range of this feature, it must make a stealth saving throw of DC8 + Wisdom + Proficiency. On a failed save, it is noticed by you. You only know the type of the creature that is detected by this feature, but not their specific identity.

Master's Tools

Beginning at the 13th level, you have mastered the use of your beast taming tools. When you use the attack action and have a whip equipped, you may choose to increase the reach of your attack by 5 additional feet. The whip now deals 1d12 damage instead of its 1d8.

The AC for any net you use is now 15, and it must be dealt 15 slashing damage to free a creature trapped inside of it. You net can now be thrown at a distance of 30/50

Growing Herd

Beginning at the 14th level, your skills at taming beasts grow even greater. You may now have more beasts equal to your proficiency bonus to the number of companions you may have at one time. Each must be of a CR compatible with your level, as indicated by the Beast Master feature chart.

Calming Presence

Beginning at the 17th level, despite the wild nature of your specialty, you are able to placate almost all others. Any creature you are able to tame will no longer attack you, unless provoked. Your whip now deals 1d12 + Dex + Str + Proficiency bonus for damage rolls.

Be the Beast

Beginning at the 18th level, you take on more characteristics of the beasts you tame:

  • You are now able to climb with a speed of 40 feet, and are not slowed down by climbing during combat.
  • You are able to use an action to deal a bite attack, which deals 6d4 piercing damage. Additionally, you are able to use an action to perform a claw attack, which deals 4d8 slashing damage.
  • You gain a swim speed of 40 feet, and do not have to come up for air.

Master's Bond

Beginning at the 20th level, you and your beast companions work, play, act and think as one. When you have spent 8 hours taming a companion, a drastic change occurs in them. Your companion's ability scores now equal your own, except for their intelligence.

Additionally, you and your companion are now able to understand one another, as if you are speaking the same language.

Beast Master Training

Beast Masters usually will find a higher calling to a certain area in their career, and they will train not only their wild companions but themselves extensively to become the best in a that area of beast mastering.

Monster Hunter

Sometimes, beasts are not enough of a challenge to handle. A Monster Hunter expands their understanding of other wild creatures. All the better to tame the wilderness.

Monster Mash

Beginning at the 3rd level, your aptitude for taming expands greatly. You are now able to use your Beast Taming feature on monstrosities with a CR appropriate to your current level, as indicated by the Beast Master feature chart. When attempting to tame a monstrosity, it must have an Intelligence score of 9 or lower in order for your Beast Taming feature to work on it at all. If the monstrosity has an Intelligence score of 10 or higher, then your attempt to tame it must require a critical success.

Magical Hunter

Beginning at the 7th level, you infuse your weapons to better tame the wilds. Your attacks now count as magical for the sake of overcoming resistances.

Stare Down Evil

Beginning at the 11th level, you are able to get to the heart of a creature you are trying to tame. You are now able to tame creatures whose alignment is evil. Upon successfully taming an evil creature, its alignment changes to neutral.

Giant Wrangler

Beginning at the 15th level, you learn how to better handle creatures larger than yourself. You have advantage on attacks and skill checks against any creature up to 2 sizes larger than yourself.

Additionally, you are able to use your net to entrap and restrain creatures that are sized huge or smaller.

Ultimate tamer

At 19th level, You are able to use your net to entrap and restrain creatures that are sized gargantuan or smaller.

Additionally, double the number of companions as long as they are all monstrosities.

Wild Walker

Wild Walkers are more in tune with the natural world than almost any other sapient creature. Their bonds with the animals is truly profound, and grants them an awareness few others have.

Pride of Lions

Beginning at the 3rd level, you are at your best when nearest your beast companion. Whenever you are within 10 feet of your beast companion, if you are caught in a surprise attack, you may use your reaction to make a Wisdom saving throw of DC 8 + wisdom modifier. On a successful save, your beast companion will intercept and counter the attack.


Beginning at the 7th level, you have trained your beast to steal what you cannot acquire. You can command your beast companion to sneak up on other and steal an item. When your companion successfully completes a stealth check, they are able to perform a sleight of hand check. When rolling for sleight of hand, your companion adds your dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus to the roll. The item that they steal must be light enough for them to reasonably carry.

Feral Senses

Beginning at the 11th level, your bond with beasts makes their senses rub off onto you, making your sense of sight, hearing and smell increase exponentially. You gain the following attributes from this feature:

  • You gain the darkvision trait. If you are playing as a creature who already has the darkvision trait, upgrade it to superior darkvision.
  • You gain advantage on perception skill checks related to hearing and listening.
  • You are able to spend 1 minute to discern the scent of a creature or object. When you identify the scent, you are able to track its source from up to 1 mile away.
Protective Bond

Beginning at the 15th level, your bond with your beast companions reaches its deepest level. When your beast companions is attacked with any action that may kill it, you may use your reaction to alert your beast companions to take the dodge action. On a successful dodge, your beast companions will counter attack if the creature that attacked them is within range.

Charm protection

At 19th level, your bond with your beast companions are great that it protects you and your beast companions from being charmed. You and your beast companions are now immune to the charm condition.

Additional, triple the number of companions you may have.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Beast Master class, you must meet these prerequisites: Wisdom 14, Strength 12

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Beast Master class, you gain the following proficiencies: Light armor, Martial weapons

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