Battle Wizard Powers (4e Power List)

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Fireball Battle Wizard 4e Power Type::Attack 1
The wizard conjures a flaming missile fromhis hand and hurls it towards the enemy where it explodes and showers the foe with magical flames.
4e Power Usage::At-Will  Arcane
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 20
Target: One enemy
Attack: Intelligence Vs. AC, Casting Value: 5+; 10+; 15+.
Hit: 1D6 + Intelligence modifier Fire damage
Special: If this power is cast with 10+: Increase the damage to 1D10. If this power is cast with 15+: Increase the damage to 2D6.

Searing Doom Battle Wizard 4e Power Type::Attack 1
A scintillating spray of sizzling silver slivers skips from the Wizard's outstretched fingers.
4e Power Usage::At-Will  Arcane
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 15
Target: One enemy
Attack: Intelligence Vs. Reflex, Casting Value: 10+; 20+.
Hit: 1D8 + Intelligence Modifier fire damage
Effect: The target becomes poisoned (save ends).
Special: If you cast this power on a 20+ you deal twice the damage.

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Melkoth's Mystifying Miasma Battle Wizard 4e Power Type::Utility 1
The Wizard creates a numbing fog that causes his foolish foe to stitlessly stagger and stumble.
4e Power Usage::Encounter
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 20
Target: One enemy
Effect: Choose one of the following: The target gains a -2 penalty on attack rolls.

The target gains a -2 penalty on damage rolls. The target gains a -2 penalty on their movement. The target gains a -2 penalty to their initiative track until the end of the next round.

Casting Value: 5+; 10+; 15+
Special: If you cast this power on 10+ you can choose two effects. On 15+ you can choose three effects.

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Iceshard Blizzard Battle Wizard 4e Power Type::Attack 1
Razor-sharp shards of ice hurl from the chill skies to blind and dishearten the foe.
4e Power Usage::At-Will  Arcane
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One Enemy
Attack: Intelligence Vs. Reflex, Casting Value: 10+; 24+.
Hit: 1[W] + Intelligence Modifier cold damage
Effect: Until the end of the Encounter The Target gets a -1 penalty on all attack rolls. This power doesn't work on creatures with the Cold keyword.
Special: If you cast this power on 24+ then the power is an Area Burst 1.

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Burning Gaze Battle Wizard 4e Power Type::Attack 1
The pure white light of the sun streams from the wizard's eyes in an indadescent beams that burn and slay anything that comes under his forbidding gaze.
4e Power Usage::At-Will  Arcane
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 15
Target: One enemy
Attack: Intelligence Vs. Will, Casting Value: 5+; 15+.
Hit: 1D6 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage.
Special: If you cast this spell on a 15+ this attack deals 1D8 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage.

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Earth blood Battle Wizard 4e Power Type::Utility 1
Tapping into the Winds of Magic, the Wizard creates a charm of rebirth that bestows great ressilience upon himself and its companions.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Arcane
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One Ally
Effect: Until the end of the Encounter the target gains Regeneration 5.
Casting Value: 7+

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Wyssan's Wildform Battle Wizard 4e Power Type::Utility 1
The Wizard unleashes the beast within, shaping its fury to transform his allies into ravaging beasts!
4e Power Usage::Daily
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 6
Target: One Ally
Effect: The Target gets a +5 modifier on every check that is contributed by Strength and Constitution until the end of the Encounter.

(Skill Checks, Strength Checks, Constitution Checks, etc.)

Casting Value: 10+; 13+
Special: If you cast this power on 13+ you can choose two targets for this power.

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Firestorm Battle Wizard 4e Power Type::Utility 2
The great winds of Hysh rip through the skies with their scorching claws dragging down any whom dare escape your wrath.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Arcane
4e Power Action Type::Minor Action Ranged 40
Target: One flying enemy
Effect: The target is knocked prone.
Casting Value: 6+; 18+
Special: If you cast this power on 18+ the target may not use a Move Action during their next turn.

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Windshield Battle Wizard 4e Power Type::Utility 2
The Winds of Magic are under your control as you bend their will towards a single area using their collective strength as a blockade.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Arcane
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Close burst 5
Target: You or an ally
Effect: You or an ally gain +10 to all of your defenses until the end of your next turn.
Casting Value: 8+; 19+; 30+
Special: If you cast this power on 19+ choose an extra target. If you cast this power on a 30+ target all allies (including yourself) in the burst.

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Psychic Shaper Battle Wizard 4e Power Type::Utility 2
Use your teachings at the Imperial College of Magic and delve into the mystical energy of the celestial elements to catch a glimpse of the future.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Arcane
4e Power Action Type::Minor Action Ranged 5
Target: One enemy
Effect: Choose one of the targets attacks. The target is forced to use that attack during their next turn.
Casting Value: 4+; 16+
Special: If you cast this power on 16+ the target cannot attack you during their next turn.

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Gale of Transmutation Battle Wizard 4e Power Type::Utility 2
Gather together the Winds of Magic to forge an enchantment upon your alchemical abilities.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Arcane
4e Power Action Type::Minor Action '
Effect: Choose an Alchemical Item you can produce. It automatically appears in your personal inventory (ignore the creation time).
Casting Value: 10+; 20+
Special: If you cast this power on 20+ until the end of the encounter, when you implement an Alchemical Item, gain an enhancement bonus equal to your Intelligence Modifier to your Skill Checks.

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