Aura Guardian (5e Class)

Aura Guardian


Clad in chain mail, with a battleaxe at the ready, a human rushes towards his allies to aid in the defense. His mere presence bolsters the allies' defense as he raises his battleaxe and let out a great war cry. No wraiths nor ghouls can bring a glimpse of fear into their heart, for he is a beacon of courage, a paragon of great war.

Nothing much is known of the entities often called as the aura guardians, but they tend to stand out simply by existing. This is closely related to the source of their power: their own souls, representing their deepest thoughts, channel their innate mystic energy to perform wonders. The power from their soul is too much for an individual to bear, and as a result, it radiates from their origin and form an intagible yet powerful aura, affecting every living souls (and dead souls) within it.

Creating an Aura Guardian

Quick Build

You can make an aura guardian quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Strength or Wisdom your highest ablility score, depending on whether you want to focus on close combat or on the spellcasting from your aspects. Your next-highest ability score should be Constitution. Second, choose the soldier background.

Class Features

As a Aura Guardian you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Aura Guardian level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Aura Guardian level after 1st


Armor: Light, Medium armors and shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, greataxes, greatswords, mauls, pikes, warhammers
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from the following: Athletics, History, Insight, Persuasion, Perception, and Religion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a greataxe, (b) a pike, or (c) a simple weapon
  • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
  • A leather armor and two handaxes

Table: The Aura Guardian

FeaturesAspects KnownResolve PointsAura Bonus
1st+2Aspects, Aura Guardian Stance2
2nd+2Aspect Resolves22
3rd+2Aspect Aura23+1
4th+2Ability Score Improvement24+1
6th+3Aura Guardian Stance feature36+1
8th+3Ability Score Improvement38+2
10th+4Aura Guardian Stance feature 410+2
11th+4Extended Aura (20 ft.) 411+3
12th+4Ability Score Improvement412+3
14th+5Aura Guardian Stance feature 514+3
16th+5Ability Score Improvement516+4
18th+6Extended Aura (30 ft.) 618+4
19th+6Ability Score Improvement619+5
20th+6Guardian's Determination620+5


As an aura guardian, you can channel some aspects of your soul to harness mystical energy within yourself. Aspects are categorized by your emotions and your thoughts on concrete or abstract concepts.

At 1st level, you know two aspects of your choice. You learn additional aspects at higher levels, as shown in the Aspects Known column of the Aura Guardian table.

Additionally, whenver you gain a level in this class, you can replace one aspect of the aspects you know with another aspect of your choice.

Aspect Focus

In order to utilize your mystical power, you must focus on one of your aspects to draw ongoing benefits from it. As a bonus action, you can choose one of your aspects and gain its Aspect Focus bonus, which is detailed in that aspect's descriptions. You can use your bonus action to choose another aspect focus bonus to focus on, or dismiss your focus on your aspect without expending an action.

Focusing on an aspect requires your concentration, as if concentrating on a spell. (See "Concentration" on System Refrence Document for more details.) If you lose concentration, your focus on an aspect ends, and you lose all benefits from it.

Aura Guardian Stance

Starting at 1st level, the aura guardian choose a path to follow based on a chose stance. Choose one of the following stance: Steadfast Stance or Versatile Stance, both detailed at the end of the class description.

Your choice grants you features at 1st level, and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level.

Aspect Resolves

Starting at 2nd level, your control over your mystic power becomes more complex, enabling you to manifest a range of various supernatural power with your inner fire. Your control over your mystic power is represented by a number of resolve points. Your aura guardian level determines the number of points you have, as shown in the Resolve Points column of the Aura Guardian table.

You can spend your resolve points to fuel various aspect features. Each aspects describes effects you can create with it by spending a certain number of resolve points. You regain all spent resolve points when you finish a long rest.

Some of your aspect features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature's effect. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Aspect save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Casting Aspect Spells

Some aspect features allow you to cast spells. To cast one of these spells, you use its casting time and other rules, but you do not need to provide material components for it.

If the spell requires saving throws to the target, you use your aspect save DC as your spell save DC. If the spell has a duration, the spell ends immediately when you lose focus on your aspect.

Aspect Aura

Starting at 3rd level, your inner mystic power creates an aura emanating from you, affecting other creatures surrounding you. While you are focused on your aspects, you emanate an aura in a 10-foot-radius. The effects of this aura depend on the aspect you are currently focused on, as detailed in that aspect's descriptions. Auras and spells are similar in effect and share the same mechanics. Manifesting an aspect aura requires your concentration and is bonus action. After manifesting the aura, you can turn off the aura by easing your soul on your turn no action required. The mental concentration used to manifest these auras is demanding to the point where the one manifesting it cannot cast a concentration spell.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extended Aura

Starting at 11th level, the range of your aura increases to 20 feet. When you reach 18th level, the range of your aura increases to 30 feet.

Guardian's Determination

Starting at 20th level, your devotion and determination as an aura guardian gives you an unlimited resolves. Whenever you finish a short rest, you regain 4 resolve points.

Steadfast Stance

The aura guardians' steadfast stance represents their role as the defender, an indomitable bulwark that guard their allies and stand up to any threats they face. As the name implies, the stance is rarely broken, just like the aura guardian's will to protect those in needs.

Bonus Proficiency

Starting from 1st level, you gain proficiency in heavy armor.

Stance of Bulwark

Also starting from 1st level, you learn how some actions in a combat make the difference between life and death. When you or a friendly creature 5 feet away from you takes damage from an attack, you can use your reaction to either halve that damage, or take that damage yourself instead of the target creature.

Extra Attack

Starting from 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Stalwart Guardian

Starting from 10th level, your willpower is too strong to be overpowered. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain your focus on an aspect.

Empowered Aspects

Starting from 14th level, you and all friendly creatures within your aura have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical source. Also, the area within your aura is a difficult terrain for your enemies.

Versatile Stance

The aura guardians' versatile stance is a variant implication of the power of aura, originating from the fact that one harness power through their own souls and thoughts. Through immense trainings and self-control, the aura guardian awakens a resolve of power that further enables their possibilities that can be utilized to serve their roles.

Bonus Aspects

Starting from 1st level, you can manifest your aspects originating from more abstract concepts. The following aspects are added for your aspect list: Air, Earth, Fire, Storm, Water.

Stance of Arcane Guardian

Also starting from 1st level, you learn two cantrips from the following list: friends, light, mending, message, mage hand, minor illusion, spare the dying, and prestidigitation. You can cast these cantrips while you are focused on any of your aspects.

Aspect Bending

Starting from 6th level, you can assume more direct and subtle controls over your mystic power channelled by your aspects. You learn two Metamagic options from the list available to the sorcerer class. You can use these Metamagic options to the spells you cast using your aspect features, and you spend your resolve points instead of sorcery point to fuel your Metamagic.

Aspect Veteran

Starting from 10th level, you have better control over your mystic energy channelled through your aspects, performing wonders with less efforts. Whenever you cast a spell using your aspect features, you can reduce the resolve point cost by 1. You cannot reduce the resolve point cost below 2 with this feature.

Aspect Mastery

Starting from 14th level, you have full control over one of the aspects of your soul molded by a particular concepts and thoughts. Choose one of the aspects you know. You can use the Aspect Feature options from the chosen aspect when you are focused on other aspects. If you do so, the resolve point cost for that option is increased by 1.


Exclusive to Versatile Stance.

  • Aspect Focus: Breeze Step. While focused on this aspect, moving through difficult terrain, both nonmagical and magical, costs you no extra movement, and you ignore any obstacles and spells that affects you when stepped on, including ball bearings, caltrops, and grease spell.
  • Aspect Aura: Trade Wind Stride. Your moving speed is increased by 5 feet plus 5 feet per your aura bonus. When a friendly creature starts its turn within your aura, the creature's moving speed is also increased by the same amount, until the end of the turn.
  • Aspect Feature: Adroit Step. You can spend 3 resolve points to take either Dash or Disengage action as a bonus action.
  • Aspect Feature: Ride the Updraft. You can spend 2 resolve points to cast jump.
  • Aspect Feature: Warding Gale. As a bonus action, you can spend 5 resolve points to replace your Aspect Aura feature with the following: When you or any friendly creature within your aura makes a Dexterity saving throw that allows it to take only half damage, the creature gains a bonus to the saving throw equal to your aura bonus, and takes no damage on a successful save.
This effect lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose focus on this aspect or revert your Aspect Aura feature as a bonus action.


  • Aspect Focus: Protector's Courage. While focused on this aspect, you cannot be frightened.
  • Aspect Aura: Valorous Presence. Whenever any friendly creatures within your aura must make a saving throw against being frightened, the creature gains a bonus to the saving throw equal to your aura bonus.
  • Aspect Feature: Force of Gallantry. You can spend 5 resolve points to cast haste. The spell cast this way does not require concentration, and lasts for 1 minute or until you lose focus on this aspect.
  • Aspect Feature: Raw Nerve. As a bonus action, you can spend 3 resolve points to gain a bonus to saving throws against being paralyzed or stunned equal to your aura bonus. This feature lasts for 1 minute or until you lose focus on this aspect.
  • Aspect Feature: Surge of Bravery. You can spend 2 resolve points to cast heroism. The spell cast this way does not require concentration, and lasts for 1 minute or until you lose focus on this aspect.


  • Aspect Focus: Deathly Body. While focused on this aspect, you have resistance to necrotic damage, and you can see normally in nonmagical darkness to a distance of 30 feet.
  • Aspect Aura: Dying Lights. In the area of your aura, bright light from nonmagical sources is reduced to dim light, and dim light from nonmagical sources is reduced to darkness. Additionally, when a hostile creature starts its turn within your aura, it must make on a Charisma saving throw. The save DC for this saving throw is increased by your aura bonus. On a failed save, the creature is blinded until the start of its next turn. Constructs and undeads automatically succeed on this saving throw.
  • Aspect Feature: Painful Grip. You can spend 2 resolve points to cast inflict wounds, as a 1st-level spell.
  • Aspect Feature: The Dead Will Rise. You can spend 5 resolve points to cast animate dead, as a 3rd-level spell.
  • Aspect Feature: Death's Kiss. As a bonus action, you can spend 5 resolve points to replace your Aspect Aura feature with the following: When a hostile creature other than construct or undead start its turn within your aura when it has no more than half of its hit point maximum, it takes necrotic damage equal to your aura bonus.
This effect lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose focus on this aspect or revert your Aspect Aura feature as a bonus action.


Exclusive to Versatile Stance.

  • Aspect Focus: Hard as a Rock. While focused on this aspect, you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from all nonmagical source, but your speed decreases by 10 feet.
  • Aspect Aura: Stubborn as the Mountains. When you or any friendly creatures within your aura make a saving throw against being knocked prone, shoved, or grappled, the creature gains bonus to the saving throw equal to your aura bonus.
  • Aspect Feature: Shifting Earths. As a bonus action, you can spend 5 resolve points to replace your Aspect Aura feature with the following: When a hostile creature enters your aura for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Strength saving throw. The save DC for the saving throw is increased by your aura bonus. On a failed save, the creature's speed drops to 0 until the start of its next turn.
This effect lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose focus on this aspect or revert your Aspect Aura feature as a bonus action.
  • Aspect Feature: One with the Rock. You can spend 5 resolve points to cast meld into stone.
  • Aspect Feature: Tremors with Magnitude. As a bonus action, you can spend 2 resolve points to cause 1 creature within 10 feet of you to make a Strength saving throw. The creature must be on solid ground, cannot be flying and cannot be swimming. On a failed save, the target creature is knocked prone.


  • Aspect Focus: Menacing Presence. While focused on this aspect, you gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
  • Aspect Aura: Jaws of Defeat. Whenever any hostile creature within your aura is hit by a melee attack, the creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. The save DC for this saving throw is increased by your aura bonus. On a failed save, the creature immediately falls prone. Creatures that are immune to being frightened automatically succeed on the save.
  • Aspect Feature: Crippling Fear You can spend 3 resolve points to target one hostile creature within your aura. Target creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or becomes frightened of you. While the creature is frightened by this feature, choose an ability score. The save DC for all saving throws the creature makes with the chosen ability is increased by your aura bonus. This feature lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose focus on this aspect.
  • Aspect Feature: Grasp of Despair. You can spend 3 resolve points to cast blindness/deafness.
  • Aspect Feature: Withered Resolve. As a bonus action, you can spend 5 resolve points to replace your Aspect Aura feature with the following: Whenever any hostile creatures within your aura makes a saving throw, the save DC for the saving throw is increased by your aura bonus.
This effect lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose focus on this aspect or revert your Aspect Aura feature as a bonus action.


Exclusive to Versatile Stance.

  • Aspect Focus: Forged by Fire. While focused on this aspect, you gain resistance to fire damage.
  • Aspect Aura: Searing Impact. Whenever you or any friendly creatures within your aura hit target creature with a weapon attack or cantrip that require attack rolls, the target take additional fire damage equal to your aura bonus. Additionally, you and all friendly creatures within your aura do not suffer the effects of extreme heat.
  • Aspect Feature: Embrace of the Blaze. You can spend 5 resolve points to give resistance to fire damage to all friendly creatures within your aura. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until you lose focus on this aspect.
  • Aspect Feature: Raging Blaze. You can spend 5 resolve points to cast fireball, as a 3rd-level spell.
  • Aspect Feature: Spontaneous Combustion. As a bonus action, you can spend 2 resolve points to ignite one flammable object within your aura that is not being worn or carried.


  • Aspect Focus: Duplicitous. While focused on this aspect, you have proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion skills.
  • Aspect Aura: Silver Tongued. You and friendly creatures within your aura add your aura bonus to Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Persuasion) skill checks. Additionally, magic such as the zone of truth spell cannot determine if you or friendly creatures within your aura are lying.
  • Aspect Feature: Influence. You can spend 3 resolve points to cast suggestion, as a 2nd-level spell.
  • Aspect Feature: False Contract. You can spend 2 resolve points to cast illusory script.
  • Aspect Feature: Mind Games. As a bonus action, you can spend 5 resolve points to replace your Aspect Aura feature with the following: When a creature enters the area within your aura, you can impose them to make a Wisdom saving throw. The save DC for the saving throw is increased by your aura bonus. On a failed save, the creature becomes charmed to you for 1 minute or until it moves out of your aura. While the creature is charmed this way, it has disadvantage on all skill checks.
This effect lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose focus on this aspect or revert your Aspect Aura feature as a bonus action.


  • Aspect Focus: Aspiring Beacon. While focused on this aspect, you gain proficiency in the Medicine skill, and when you use a healer's kit to stabilize a dying creature, that creature also gains 1 hit point.
  • Aspect Aura: Embodiment of Hope. Whenever you or any friendly creatures within your aura restores hit points from a spell, the creature regains additional hit points equal to your aura bonus.
  • Aspect Feature: Inner Fire. You can spend 3 resolve points to give one creature other than you within your aura temporary hit points equal to 1d8 plus your aura bonus. The temporary hit points last for 10 minutes, or until you lose focus on this aspect.
  • Aspect Feature: Ray of Hope. You can spend 5 resolve points to cast daylight.
  • Aspect Feature: Soul of Purity. As a bonus action, you can spend 5 resolve points to replace your Aspect Aura feature with the following: Whenever any friendly creatures within your aura make a death saving throw, they gain a bonus to the saving throw equal to your aura bonus.
This effect lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose focus on this aspect or revert your Aspect Aura feature as a bonus action.


  • Aspect Focus: Awakened Mind. While focused on this aspect, you gain proficiency with one skill of your choice. Each time you focus on this aspect, you can choose a different skill.
  • Aspect Aura: Augumented Expertise. When you or any friendly creatures within your aura makes an ability check using a skill proficiency, the creature gains a bonus to the check equal to your aura bonus.
  • Aspect Feature: Collective Expertise. As a bonus action, you can spend 5 resolve points to replace your Aspect Aura feature with the following: You and all friendly creatures within your aura gain proficiency with any skill that at least one of the friendly creatures in the aura has proficiency with.
This effect lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose focus on this aspect or revert your Aspect Aura feature as a bonus action.
  • Aspect Feature: Bibliophilia's Delight. You can spend 2 resolve points to cast comprehend languages.
  • Aspect Feature: Omniglot. You can spend 5 resolve points to cast tongues.


  • Aspect Focus: Guardian's Stance. While focused on this aspect, you gain +1 bonus to AC as long as you are wearing armor.
  • Aspect Aura: Protective Presence. When you or a friendly creature within your aura are hit by an attack, the creature can use its reaction to gain bonus to AC equal to your aura bonus against that attack.
  • Aspect Feature: Personal Haven. You can spend 2 resolve points to cast sanctuary.
  • Aspect Feature: Spell Shield. You can spend 5 resolve points to cast counterspell. as a 3rd-level spell.
  • Aspect Feature: Warding Protection. As a bonus action, you can spend 5 resolve points to replace your Aspect Aura feature with the following: You and friendly creatures in your aura are under the effect of the following spells: protection from evil and good and protection from poison.
This effect lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose focus on this aspect or revert your Aspect Aura feature as a bonus action.


Exclusive to Versatile Stance.

  • Aspect Focus: Stormborne. Each time you focus on this aspect, choose on of the following damage type: lightning or thunder. While focused on this aspect, you gain resistance to the chosen damage type.
  • Aspect Aura: Vengeful Storm. When you or any friendly creature takes damage from a melee attack, the attacker must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the attacker takes damage equal to 1d8 plus your aura bonus. The damage type is equal to the damage type you chose when you focus on this aspect.
  • Aspect Feature: Embrace of the Storm. You can spend 5 resolve points to give resistance to all friendly creatures within your aura. The damage type of resistance is equal to the damage type you chose when you focus on this aspect. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until you lose focus on this aspect.
  • Aspect Feature: Roaring Thunder. You can spend 2 resolve points to cast thunderwave, as a 1st-level spell.
  • Aspect Feature: Wrath of the Storm. You can spend 5 resolve points to cast lightning bolt, as a 3rd-level spell.


  • Aspect Focus: Paragon of Bodily Virtues. While focused on this aspect, you gain proficiency in Athletics skill. If you already have proficiency in Athletics skill, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses Athletics skill.
  • Aspect Aura: Resolute Strength. When you or any friendly creatures within your aura make a Strength saving throw, the creature gains a bonus to the saving throw equal to your aura bonus.
  • Aspect Feature: And It Shall Be Opened to You You can spend 3 resolve points to cast knock.
  • Aspect Feature: Bigger Is Better. You can spend 3 resolve points to cast enlarge/reduce on yourself. You can only enlarge with this spell. The spell cast this way does not require concentration, and lasts for 1 minute or until you lose focus on this aspect.
  • Aspect Feature: Supernatural Strength. As a bonus action, you can spend 5 resolve points to replace your Aspect Aura feature with the following: When you or any friendly creatures within your aura make a Strength check, the creature gains a bonus to the check equal to your aura bonus.
This effect lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose focus on this aspect or revert your Aspect Aura feature as a bonus action.


  • Aspect Focus: Charlatan's Disillusion. While focused on this aspect, you cannot be charmed.
  • Aspect Aura: Countercharm. Whenever any friendly creatures within your aura must make a saving throw against being charmed, the creature gains a bonus to the saving throw equal to your aura bonus.
  • Aspect Feature: Appetite for Deception. You can spend 2 resolve points to cast disguise self.
  • Aspect Feature: Illusory Defense. You can spend 3 resolve points to cast mirror image.
  • Aspect Feature: Mesmerizing Presence. As a bonus action, you can spend 5 resolve points to replace your Aspect Aura feature with the following: When a hostile creature enters your aura for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Wisdom saving throw. The save DC for the saving throw is increased by your aura bonus. On a failed save, the creature is incapaciatated and has a speed of 0 for 1 minute, until it is moved out of the aura, or until you lose focus on this aspect. Creatures immune to the charmed condition are immune to this feature.
This effect lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose focus on this aspect or revert your Aspect Aura feature as a bonus action.


  • Aspect Focus: Semper Vigilans. While focused on this aspect, you have advantage on the Wisdom (Perception) check.
  • Aspect Aura: Night Patrol. You and all creatures within your aura gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet if they do not have it already.
  • Aspect Feature: Wild Agent. You can spend 3 resolve points to cast beast sense.
  • Aspect Feature: Sentinel's Strike. When you hit a make an opportunity attack, you can spend 3 resolve points to gain a bonus to the attack roll equal to your aura bonus. On a hit, you add your aura bonus to the damage roll, and the target's speed is reduced to 0.
  • Aspect Feature: Ready to Roll. As a bonus action, you can spend 5 resolve points to replace your Aspect Aura feature with the following: You an all friendly creatures within your aura gain a bonus equal to your aura bonus to initiative rolls.
This effect lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose focus on this aspect or revert your Aspect Aura feature as a bonus action.


  • Aspect Focus: Thirst for Battle. While focused on this aspect, you can use your bonus action to make one melee weapon attack on your turn.
  • Aspect Aura: Controlled Rage. When you or any friendly creatures within your aura makes a melee weapon attack using Strength, the creature gains a bonus to the damage roll equal to your aura bonus.
  • Aspect Feature: Controlled Frenzy. On your turn, when you make a melee weapon attack using Strength, you can spend 2 resolve points to gain advantage on that attack roll. If you use this feature, all attack rolls against you have advantage until your next turn.
  • Aspect Feature: Powerful Blows. On your turn, when you make a melee weapon attack using Strength, you can spend 3 resolve points to reroll the damage dice. You can choose either result.
  • Aspect Feature: War Cry. As a bonus action, you can spend 5 resolve points to replace your Aspect Aura feature with the following: When you or any friendly creatures within your aura makes a melee attack, the creature gains a bonus to the attack roll equal to your aura bonus.
This effect lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose focus on this aspect or revert your Aspect Aura feature as a bonus action.


Exclusive to Versatile Stance.

  • Aspect Focus: Oceanborne. While focused on this aspect, you gain resistance to cold damage.
  • Aspect Aura: Deep Sea Adjustment. Whenever you start your turn, or a friendly creature starts its turn within your aura, the creature gains swimming speed equal to 5 feet plus 5 feet per your aura bonus, until the end of its turn. Additionally, you and all friendly creatures within your aura can breathe underwater and do not suffer the effects of extreme cold.
  • Aspect Feature: Walking Fountain. You can spend 2 resolve points to cast create or destroy water, as a 1st-level spell. You can only create water with this spell.
  • Aspect Feature: Embrace of the Tide. You can spend 5 resolve points to give resistance to cold damage to all friendly creatures within your aura. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until you lose focus on this aspect.
  • Aspect Feature: Frozen Blast. You can spend 3 resolve points to cast chromatic orb as a 2nd-level spell. You can only cause cold damage with this spell.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the aura guardian class, you must meet these prerequisites: Strength 13, Wisdom 13.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the aura guradian class, you gain the following proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Light Armor.

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gollark: Is not an organism, except by very stretched definitions which admit stars and such.
gollark: Troubling.
gollark: To be fair to the UK, we *do* have the whole "much more contagious variant" thing going on.
gollark: Yes, this would also work.
gollark: You could do *internet* radio.
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